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Least favourite Lord and why?


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Seriously Idk what's with the FE9 Ike hate.

Sure he cannot lead his army without Titania and Soren, but this makes him more credible. He trusts to them and this faith is based on reciprocity.

Still better than an one-man-show; a leader, who's the dictator of the group.

Ike couldn't hide his emotions and anger towards Sanaki, after she had "tested" the identity of Elincia. Of course he couldn't! Which person would accept, when an empress spotted a princess and a built confidence.

He's only an ordinary citizen, so (of course) he doesn't know the customs and traditions in the nobility. And Ike has learned about his "mistakes" when he became a lord.

Perhaps other people hold opinions that differ to your own? Food for thought! I don't see much wrong with Ike myself, but I'm certain there are valid reasons to dislike him.

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I have played every game except Gaiden and Awakening. For my least favourite Lord, I would have to say Eliwood. In all the FE games I have played, he is just the weakest one of all. I trained Roy like all the units on my team, and he turned out SO much better than Eliwood. He could go through the entire final chapters by himself. All of the lords in the other games rock though.

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yeah the only characters that got any real characterization in fe10 were micaiah, skrimir, and, like, pelleas. i guess sephiran/zelg too

the problem with giving ike a large role is that his character development is largely finished; no matter what you do, he's going to be a static character. that isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can get boring if you're stuck with him for a long time (see: all of part 3).

You forgot a couple people. Kurthnaga, Elincia, Sanaki, Almedha, Ranulf, and Naesala. These guys all say "Hey, hows it goin."

Ike had potential to grow further, actually, they just chose not to do it for...some reason. Ranulf should have actually been the Lord of Part 3 instead of Ike. Kinda bugs me that he wasnt. He got focus, but not the kind of spotlight Ike had. Ike could have grown as a character in the way that he would learn how to politics. Even after PoR, Ike still doesnt know how to politics. Its kinda embarrassing.

with ike's character arc, where would you go? i'm honestly having trouble thinking of anything that wouldn't seem super shoehorned in

Ike has no attention to detail. He never has, and its lazy writing to have him just throw it on other people's laps. If he had attention to such things, he would have figured out something really funky was going on when Daein got involved in the part 3 arc. The whole army questions why, but Ike isnt the one who asks it. In all honesty, Ike should have had Tibarn's role in that game, complete with the amount of time on screen. Our team should have been Skrimir, Ranulf, Mordecai, Lethe, Kyza, Lyre (with not ass stats lel), Janaff, Ulki, Reyson, etc. It would have made for a more solid story overall. But Ike did have room for more growth if one really wanted to make it happen.

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Sometimes I feel I'm the only person on Earth that doesn't hate a single character in the whole series.

I mean, there are certainly some characters I like less than others, as well as characters who have traits I don't like, and lots of characters I don't give a crap about (which arguably is worse than hating a character). But the hate some characters seem to get from certain people seems overblown.

Like, FE10 Ike is easily my least favorite Lord, but why should I hate him? He doesn't really do anything of note for me to hate him, he's just a bland dude who serves no purpose but to advance the plot.

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I don't hate any characters either. A few years ago I did, but, I don't know, age taught me that it's useless to invest energy into hating something.

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I'll have to give this one to Chrom, because he never really seems to learn from Emmeryn's mistakes, except sometimes when he does seem to have learned from Emmeryn's mistakes. He's remarkably static in his dynamism.

Honorable mention goes to Roy for being worse than the trashy majority of FE6's cast. The "cream of the crap", if you will. I like him as a character, though, so that saves him.

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hell, i Love pretty much every lord to an extent, but i can understand why people wouldn't.

granted i did post Chrom early on, but thats only because i "had" to chose one, and he gets abit of stigma from me cause awakening.

This is kinda how I'am about the lords of the games. Except I posted Micaiah because if I had to choose my least favorite it'd be her. I can't say there are any that I overtly hate though or have a thing against.

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You forgot a couple people. Kurthnaga, Elincia, Sanaki, Almedha, Ranulf, and Naesala. These guys all say "Hey, hows it goin."

Ike had potential to grow further, actually, they just chose not to do it for...some reason. Ranulf should have actually been the Lord of Part 3 instead of Ike. Kinda bugs me that he wasnt. He got focus, but not the kind of spotlight Ike had. Ike could have grown as a character in the way that he would learn how to politics. Even after PoR, Ike still doesnt know how to politics. Its kinda embarrassing.

Yeah pretty much. Ike became a powerful warrior in PoR, but he still lacked in almost every other area. I'm surprised people think there was no where to develop him.

Not to keen on Ranulf as Lord, because his gauge is frustrating as hell.

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The Ike is part 3 situation is weird, it would've worked if he were a viewpoint protagonist as opposed to an actual protagonist, but they made him the full on protagonist later on.

I think Ike's leadership capabilities were fine in FE9, though, and all that really matters is his ability to lead a squad and fight due to the occupation he chose.

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FE12 Marth is one of the most tragic falls in character writing I've ever seen in this series (FE10 Ena is another one of them). Take a likable hero who saved the world by the brim of his cape, and inspired a group of stragglers to fight under his cause almost single-handedly, then you completely remove his confidence and change his heroic look to that of an innocent, boyish one for marketing, and you get FE12 Marth.

When I look at the battle animation, I can't even believe it's him fighting. This is isn't the Shadow Dragon Marth with a cause, this is a child being carried to victory by Chris and Jagen. He couldn't even stand up for himself in dialogue with his enemies; Chris and Jagen had to do that too. Yes, he's that weak. This is the same Marth who won Caeda's heart one game ago? Really?

The worst of it all is that this newer, weaker Marth never justifies his existence. Exactly how did his character change so suddenly and drastically from Shadow Dragon? When did he become so obsessed with saving everyone? Who knows. He's just there for shallow fans to eat him up.

Edited by Inference
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FE12 Marth is one of the most tragic falls in character writing I've ever seen in this series (FE10 Ena is another one of them). Take a likable hero who saved the world by the brim of his cape, and inspired a group of stragglers to fight under his cause almost single-handedly, then you completely remove his confidence and change his heroic look to that of an innocent, boyish one for marketing, and you get FE12 Marth.

When I look at the battle animation, I can't even believe it's him fighting, This is isn't the Shadow Dragon Marth with a cause, this is a child being carried to victory by Chris and Jagen. He couldn't even stand up for himself in dialogue with his enemies; Chris and Jagen had to do that too. Yes, he's that weak. This is the same Marth who won Caeda's heart one game ago? Really?

The worst of it all is that this newer, weaker Marth never justifies his existence. Exactly how did his character change so suddenly and drastically from Shadow Dragom? When did he become so obsessed with saving everyone? Who knows. He's just there for shallow fans to eat him up.

FE11 Marth was a retcon. He was acyually quite childish way back in the 90's.

FE12 just retconned the retcon.

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I prefer to interpret it as Marth thinking things over during the time between the two wars and deciding that the people who did die under his command did so because he didn't do enough for their survival. As in, he thinks that if he pushed himself even further than he did he could have prevented even more deaths and such, but that he didn't. That the effort he did put in wasn't good enough, that he could have, should have, done even better but that he didn't. Hence the shaken persona we see.

Plus, based on what he knows, the Archanean League has already saved the seven kingdoms from Dolhr. But now this peace is being disturbed again? A mere one/two years later? And by Archanea? By Hardin? I can see how that can be a hard pill to swallow given the sacrifices of the previous war and how Hardin was practically second in command of the League.

These two things are what keeps me sane when thinking about the shift from FE11 to FE12, anyway.

Edited by RedEyedDrake
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Ike could have grown as a character in the way that he would learn how to politics. Even after PoR, Ike still doesnt know how to politics. Its kinda embarrassing.

Ike is hardly interested in that stuff lol. He wouldn't care to learn it. But he DID have more room for growth, I agree. I personally write him to begin appreciating his fame and legacy a little more and be more tolerant of nobles (but still generally not like them).

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Because fanfics are so readable, right? Who knows, you might just be the next "50 Shades of Grey". Doesn't that excite you?

Am I saying personality or stats? Personality is Marth hands down. I was going to say Ike but I then remembered that Ike has a personality, albeit a boring one. Marth has none. There is not a single thing about Marth that makes me want to play FE11 or 12. None.

As for stats... either Roy or Eliwood. I mean, they're just both so crap. But Roy gets the SoS and Eliwood gets a horse so at least that's something.

If we were talking about favourite, I'd say Leaf.

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Erika not only was it pointless to pick her route cause she is leagues behind Ephraim but her growth rates are like a myrmidon but worse she has little to no attack it will take you thousands of tries to actually get her at least 14 attack. Erika's Route was horrible compared to Ephraim's Route her levels were horrid and chapter 14 forced you to throw strategy out the window completely to get the stupid character Rennac ugh.

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Because fanfics are so readable, right? Who knows, you might just be the next "50 Shades of Grey". Doesn't that excite you?

Am I saying personality or stats? Personality is Marth hands down. I was going to say Ike but I then remembered that Ike has a personality, albeit a boring one. Marth has none. There is not a single thing about Marth that makes me want to play FE11 or 12. None.

A lot of fanfics are bad, true, but there ARE some good ones out there, you know.

I love Ike's personality... A blunt dude with a reckless attitude and a love of meat/food to the point where he asks others about the food they eat? He's so entertaining! :P He gets sarcastic with Deghinsea in RD too. lol He also hates cleaning, haha. Too bad this part was only in Japanese RD. I saw some text awhile back that wasn't in the English game, from where Ike and his group return to their fort. Ike is like "it won't kill us if we don't clean." I feel ya there, Ike, I hate cleaning too!

I can see how others can find him kind of boring and bland though, some people just don't like bluntness and whatnot.

For stats, I never liked Eirika or Lyn. They are always too weak and fragile for me and get pretty much nothing but speed. They're both boring personality-wise too, and would be my least favorite lords if not for how much I despise Micaiah and Lucina (and Chrom to a lesser extent).

Edited by Anacybele
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Statwise, Lyn and Eirika are pretty underrated. Both have tons of Speed and Luck, which as far as GBA goes, we're talking upwards of 90 Avoid after Supports. Both are going to double practically anything, Lyn can one shot flyers post promo and Eirika gets a pony.

Their Str has problems, but it isn't anything an ER or a + Atk support can't fix. Lyn has the Mani Katti as well, which is basically a rapier effective steel sword that has 20 more crit and won't weigh her down. Both can wield Killing edges with little Atk Spd loss.

Really, FE11 Marth and Roy are the only lords I would consider truly bad statwise, both of which are due to issues promoting.

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