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Who could Ike's wife be?

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You missed my point. The fact of the matter is that the characters can find weapons that reference other Fire Emblem games. The fact that they can means that it's also possible that Priam's Ragnell was found as well. Just because your characters don't find any other Ragnell swords doesn't mean that there aren't other Ragnell's based off of the story of the Radiant Warrior.

The fact the regalia weapons in Awakening all have limited durability points to them being imperfect copies of the real ones, so Priam could just be full of shit. His dialogue is NOT proof he's a descendant of Ike. All we have is his word (which is quite ambiguous), the Ragnell and the fact he's a great warrior with a penchant for leadership, which is too little evidence IMO.

That being said, integrating sparkles and Infinite Regalia into the lore is a big no-no for me. There's also the fact the regalia weapons are breakable just because it would be too gamebreaking to be able to randomly get a powerful AND unbreakable weapon early on, and also wouldn't justify Infinite Regalia existing.

Edited by Cerberus87
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If you are saying Infinite Regalia should be non-canon because it's illogical, Priam could be non-canon for a similar reason. I think Boron or somebody said the timing of his paralogue doesn't make sense?

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The fact the regalia weapons in Awakening all have limited durability points to them being imperfect copies of the real ones, so Priam could just be full of shit. His dialogue is NOT proof he's a descendant of Ike. All we have is his word (which is quite ambiguous), the Ragnell and the fact he's a great warrior with a penchant for leadership, which is too little evidence IMO.

That being said, integrating sparkles and Infinite Regalia into the lore is a big no-no for me. There's also the fact the regalia weapons are breakable just because it would be too gamebreaking to be able to randomly get a powerful AND unbreakable weapon early on, and also wouldn't justify Infinite Regalia existing.

Sure. I'm in the league that this dude is full of hot air.

Well I mean I don't see why it couldn't be part of the lore. Honestly, with that dimensional gate mumbo-jumbo, it's hard to say what's canon or not in Awakening.

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Not saying whether it applies to this scenario or not, but in many cases people who don't like one thing in fiction still have a problem with it in real life. And I think the problem with this is that many people cannot separate reality from fiction, or their stance towards fiction is their actual stance in real life - they just cover it up.

Generally, I see people who will hate and be intolerant towards characters or concepts to a toxic amount to actually feel that way in real life and that they'd display some hatred towards actual people who fall into the categories they don't like. For example, it is entirely possible for a fan who ships a certain pairing to end up "shipping" people IRL (like their friends) whom they think go well together and they become very hostile towards people who "interfere" with their IRL ships. Or they hate the idea of homosexuality but have a few gay/lesbian friends, and yet their tolerance ONLY extends to the people who matter to them and as a whole they still hate it. Again, I am not saying whether it applies in this scenario or not but as a general rule I feel this is the case which is why I have such a problem with things so often. Things are not limited to just fiction, never.

. . .actually, I have a problem with written romance in general. Throw in something besides "straight", and it reads downright awkward to me (and not the kind of awkward I like to see). It's not necessarily because romance is a bad genre, but it is extremely hard to express properly. Hell, my attempts at romance look really unrealistic to my eyes!


If the only "canon" legendary weapons are from the story, then wouldn't it point to Awakening being set in some futuristic Jugdral? I remember Balmung, Helswath, Gungnir, Valflame, and Yewfelle (though I honestly don't remember the name of the FE4 lance, but whatever, this is close enough). The fact that there's a Ragnell, even if it's a copy, suggests that someone/something with connections to Tellius found its way to Awakening's world.

(for all we know, Priam is descended from some random Tellius villager who got swept up; IIRC, Ragnell's first owner wasn't related to Ike by blood, indicating that the blade itself doesn't really care about such things)

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This doesn't make sense. Also, if Mia and Ike had both swords, why does Priam only have one? If anything, only Alondite would be passed down because it just belonged to the Black Knight while Ragnell was a national treasure.

Also why did you bring up Meg? She can also wield Alondite so by your logic she's just as likely as Mia to be Ike's wife.

I swear, do you people not read? Firstly, how many blades Priam has does not matter. He could have Alondite stuffed away in his back closet gathering cobwebs. What matters is HIS MOTHER having it (well, ancestor-mother). I want you to read that again then realize how stupid your comment is. Alondite will likely be returned to Sanaki as it is her ancestors blade. You can claim the same for Ragnell but that doesn't go anywhere beyond a small nudge towards Sanaki so we may as well assume Ike kept it (it's also not infeasible Sanaki let him keep it considering how important it is to him).

Ike has three possible options. He takes it with him, he leaves it to his wife, or he donates it to Begnion. For the sake of argument let's say that this is a 33% chance for each.

Keep: 33%

Wife: 33%

Donate: 33%

Now, if the mother has shown herself to be competent with the blade and capable of taking care of it that middle chance grows.

Keep: 30%

Wife: 40%

Donate: 30%

If the wife can't take care of the blade or wield it at all that chance shrinks because its only value is as a memento.

Keep: 35%

Wife: 30%

Donate: 35%

Since Alondite is the sister-blade to Ragnell being able to wield it makes said girl lean towards option 2. HOWEVER! Ragnell isn't just 'a blade' but a Holy Relic. Yes, it does mean Meg is 'more likely' to be Ike's wife, but that's not likely at all (her ending states she had an ordinary family which kind of works against her being the mother as having the child of the Radiant Hero would most certainly NOT be ordinary). Of course I'm assuming equal chances for all three options and working from there, but even if you adjust the ratios the idea remains the same. Girls who can wield Alondite are more likely to have Ike leave them Ragnell than girls who cannot. Sanaki has the advantage of doubling-down on the 'Donate' option because the weapon would be legally hers. That doesn't make her his wife, just increases the odds one way.

It's also got Adept in there too. It attacks twice for one attack. So no, Priam does not know Aether. He knows what makes Aether, but he can't do it. He can't do true Aether. Besides, everyone knows that Priam doesn't know Aether because only females can learn Aether from parents. Now if Priam were a chick? She'd know Aether.

You know, making Priam not know Aether for anything but a gameplay perspective makes no sense if they're going to claim his descendent and give him the core components of Aether. It's one thing for the Great Knights to know Sol/Luna because Sully never claimed, nor was suggested in any manner, to be Ike's descendent. Priam is. It's infinitely more likely that Priam does know Aether but they decided to leave it lord-only than it does that he somehow is treated like Ike's heir, wields his weapon, is almost certainly at least his adopted child, somehow learned Sol and Luna on his own despite not likely knowing exactly how Aether would work, yet doesn't know his iconic skill. The leap in logic is just too great. Mia figuring it out? Fine. She's seen it a lot. Titania figuring it out? Fine. She's seen it a lot (might suck at it, but she might be able to at least figure it out). Vika having Ike's kid and having Ike teach him before he goes out? Fine. The kid learned it from Ike. Priam somehow figuring it out on his own despite no master and likely never seeing it in action? Bull****.

That assumes a lot don't you think? Mist makes a lot more sense to wield it from a story perspective. The blades are sibling blades, and one sibling wields one and the other... Wields the other one. Hell, the blade even gives +5 defense which makes Mist even more well rounded than she already was. You don't use it for the attack, you use it for the defense and the two range. Ike probably wouldn't leave the blade with anyone at all.

It assumes absolutely nothing beyond that Mia is being deployed and the player is not and idiot and gave her an SS weapon. Since there are only two she can wield, Alondite and the VK, it has to be one or the other. Mist wielding it gets us nowhere unless she's the mother as all it does is reset who wields it to 'We have no clue at all'.

Really? Because I'd say Aimee is the most likely one to do so. I can see Ike eventually breaking down and giving up. And Aimee is a merchant and she travels anyways, so she can travel and provide Ike with a job (her bodyguard), food, and potentially shelter. Aimee makes more sense than Mia.

Why the heck are you willing to accept Aimee, a merchant who Ike isn't even around all that often and can't fight, over Mia, who Ike would spend a lot of time around and would have actual reason to travel with? Why would Aimee head out into the unknown? She's a merchant, not an explorer. Why would Ike need a job when his whole point is to go exploring? Vika makes more sense since she can fly and the whole reason I keep bringing her up is because she's the most unrelated character to Ike possible (unless I'm forgetting someone) who isn't tossed out via marriage. Heck, by your own admission he'd need to 'break down and give up' for her to be the mother. Why is THIS more likely than Ike falling in love with a girl he spends a lot of time working together with? Especially when Mia's epilogue outright states that she went wandering as opposed to Aimee's 0 epilogue at all?

It doesn't even need to be the real Ragnell. Honestly Priam could just be some insane lunatic that believes in the legend far too much. I can believe a character is two ticks closer to crazy than Owain. With as bizarre as the cast is in Awakening, I can see that being more of the truth than anything else.

Yea; no. Not at all. It seems outright moronic that they would place Priam in the game, give him Ike's iconic weapon, make him look like Ike, have the components to Ike's iconic skill, then have him be a lunatic instead of a neat little easter-egg/fanservice. You may as well claim that Laguz are actually just normal humans who can only fight in their furry costumes as that's about on the same level of plausibility.

It doesn't need to actually be the same Ragnell. After all, in Awakening, we can find Roy's Blade despite the fact that Roy probably didn't leave an infinite amount of his blades around in another world. Or at least I'd hope not, he probably could have used those.

I somehow suspect that the weapon that can only be obtained via the person whom is likely Ike's descendent and not as a random lie-about that can somehow poof into an armory and not be noticed might be the real thing.

The Mia bias is strong with this one. Gameplay wise even Meg has the potential to wield the Alondite, along with literally everyone else who possesses an SS rank in swords. I'm not saying that it isn't possible for her to have wielded the Alondite, I'm saying that she is most certainly not the only or even most likely choice. Why the fuck would Ike care about properly caring for the sword. Literally every single member of the army knows how to take care of their weapons, it's impossible not to. And why is only the Alondite returned to Sanaki? They are sister swords, there is literally no reason to leave one and take the other.

Ike would care because it's his fathers weapon and it's unlikely he wants to give it to someone who could easily break it. Do you hand out precious family heirlooms on a whim to people who might not know how to care for them? Also, even if we were to assume both were returned, unless Sanaki is the ancestor, this does nothing but change the location of the blade and make it so the mother/child would have to ask her for the sword first. Otherwise no Ragnell and no Priam with Ragnell.


So the mother or child has to be a thief then? Unless you're advocating Heather as the mother, once again, this does jack. The parent/child would need to hire a thief or become one themselves to get the blade. Stealing it holds no more sway than Ike just giving it to the mother. You'd be infinitely better off thinking of some reason why someone else could be the parent than arguing why only Sanaki would have legal access to the blade.

Priam isn't even Ike's child to begin with, he's supposed to be a descendant/scion/whatever. And even that's up for debate, as there is no way to validate Priam's claim.

It's funny that, in a game where you have DLC that lets you fight five Anna's, the one thing you can't accept is that Priam might actually be Ike's descendent despite providing little, if any, lore conflicts.

You can't seem to grasp that Priam might be lying or mistaken, or a direct descendant of Mist.

I grasped it. It made no sense from any perspective except crazy. I tossed it aside.

If Priam is crazy he has no way to learn the key components of Aether on his own unless he's going Tharja on Chrom's ass to see it in action. If Priam is Mist's descendent the whole point of his appearance in the game is ruined. May as well have Ike just marrying a village girl at that point. So either IS is crazy for putting in someone claiming to be Ike's descendent and not being Ike's descendent, or IS is crazy for putting in Ike's descendent and not having him be Ike's descendent. It's almost like the idea is crazy.

It would be infinitely easier to just say Ike came over with the blade and had a kid than it would be to come up with some crazy reason why Priam would think he's Ike and somehow have so much related to him yet have 0 hints that he is crazy at all or try to reason out why Priam would be descended from Mist instead when we already have it said Ike wandered and was never seen again. From every perspective it doesn't make sense. Please stop bringing up the notion.

You can't seem to grasp that Priam might have obtained Ragnell some other way than it being passed down father to son, or it might not be the true Ragnell.

If it's not passed down it would have to be stolen. This does nothing in terms of figuring out who the mother is unless it's Sanaki who could legally proclaim it as her property. If it's not the real Ragnell than whoever is wielding it is crazy and the point of Priam being in the game is ruined. So it's either pointless or pointless. Pick your poison.

Also, seriously, STOP SUGGESTING THE DONATION! No matter how you stack it the simple fact is that the only person it benefits is Sanaki and that has near-Elincia problems if she's the mother! Otherwise it benefits none of the mothers/children because ALL of them would need to ask her for the blade!

You can't seem to grasp than Ike might not have married and the answer is nobody.

Then no Priam. No reason for IS to throw Priam in either.

You can't seem to grasp that Ragnell might have been taken through the portal by somebody who's not the father of Ike's children and a direct ancestor of Priam.

So you're more willing to believe that someone broke in to the temple to steal Ragnell before jumping through a warp-gate he didn't know existed to claim he's a hero that he has no way of knowing that the world he was traveling too knew existed to learn a skill he couldn't possibly know even the key components of and might not even know Ike had/knew how it worked, before passing it down along generations all of which lied to their kids yet somehow never got exposed, all to end up wielding a fake replica for a cameo/easter-egg that would be pointless unless Priam was the descendent than consider that Priam might be legit? Good logic there.

You missed my point. The fact of the matter is that the characters can find weapons that reference other Fire Emblem games. The fact that they can means that it's also possible that Priam's Ragnell was found as well. Just because your characters don't find any other Ragnell swords doesn't mean that there aren't other Ragnell's based off of the story of the Radiant Warrior.

Or it could be that Priam's Ragnell is the real one. After all, you don't find any copies, so maybe there is only one? Oh. Wait. That would mean he's likely legit. Sorry.

The fact that there's a Ragnell, even if it's a copy, suggests that someone/something with connections to Tellius found its way to Awakening's word.

(for all we know, Priam is descended from some random Tellius villager who got swept up; IIRC, Ragnell's first owner wasn't related to Ike by blood, indicating that the blade itself doesn't really care about such things)

I agree that Ragnell probably doesn't care one bit about blood. Or not to such a degree. The problem is getting it out of Begnion's vaults in the first place. Any scenario where it can happen makes it so that the thief may as well be his legit descendent. I don't see the point at all of introducing Priam then going 'nope! He's a fake!' Especially when we have those characters that let me fight alongside Nino and The Black Knight. If you're not going to have Priam be legit, why not just leave Ike at the Spotpass instead?

Edited by Snowy_One
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In my fanfiction, it's Zero Suit Samus (totally different from regular Samus, guys).

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I somehow suspect that the weapon that can only be obtained via the person whom is likely Ike's descendent


Ragnell can be obtained it Infinite Regalia, without ever seeing Priam.

Or it could be that Priam's Ragnell is the real one. After all, you don't find any copies

Infinite Regalia.


EDIT: Don't actually care about the other points.

Edited by Baldrick
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You are incredibly quick to call people idiots, you know.
The Ragnell and Alondite both belong to Begnion as holy relics originally belonging to Altina. There is no reason for the Ragnell to be taken and Alondite to be returned. Please, explain to me why Ragnell is exempt from being returned, since I honestly cannot see it. And if you're going to say "Because how else would it get to Priam" again I will slap you upside the head. There are far more ways for Priam to get a hold of the Ragnell that don't involve passing it down straight through Ike or his potential wife.
Why do you think Priam doesn't have Aether then? Because he never learned in the first place. It takes more than having both Luna and Sol to know Aether, unless you are seriously claiming that Flavia and Basilio are also Ike's descendants. This concept is not so difficult to grasp, is it?
Because not using Mia makes you an idiot? Mist is just as feasible an option to pass down the sword to any descendant, especially if Ike leaves the continent, since she is exceptionally skilled in the ways of the sword, just as her father and brother were.
Waaaah, you're not shipping Ike with Miaaaaaaaaaaaa
It's a game purely made for the sake of fanservice, so Priam being a shout out to Ike doesn't automatically make him his descendant, unless you're going to say the same of Owain, who is a shout out to Ike and all of the other Fire Emblem games/heroes.
Yes, because the first Apostles blade caught a sudden case of nepotism once Ike used it?
The Ragnell was not his father's sword, it was and always will be Altina's. Urvan is his father's axe, and Ike most likely kept it. Of course, that just raises the question of why Priam doesn't own the Urvan, since it really is a family heirloom?
Sanaki is the only one with legal rights/access to the blade, this isn't a hard thing to grab. And literally anyone could be the thief, it does not have to be the wife or child at all. It could have even been Priam himself who swiped the blade.
How about this for lore conflicts
>Ike is never seen in Tellius again
>By anyone
>The Ragnell is not his, and isn't even featured in the last image of the game. Instead, his Ettard is.
>Ike has no interest in women, let alone romance
>The Ragnell that Priam carries is far too deteriorated for a blade twice blessed by goddesses for me to even belive that it is the real deal, especially since every other weapon of it's calibur are in absolutely pristine condition. So much for that whole "taking care of Ragnell theory"
Why are those theories crazy? You ask us for proof, and yet provide none of your own. Why is that?
Mist knows Sol, and it's not impossible for another ancestor to know Luna and keep the two throughout the rest of the bloodline. And Priam certainly wouldn't be the first to lie about his own heiritage to inflate his own importance, especially in this series.
Please explain why exactly it does not make sense, and use genuine proof instead of constantly repeating yourself, m'kay?
The point of Priam was to be an onerly watered down Ike cameo to make some fans squee themselves. Priam himself is pointless really :>
Again, the possibility of Priam being full of shit makes far more since when you consider all the bullshit that has to occur to make all of this magically happen
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There's a lot of words on the subject, but ultimately one question matters.

If Priam is truly Ike's descendant, why does he lack Aether when Awakening!Ike has it?

If IS's intent was to make a Priam a canon descendant of Ike, that would make his claim incredibly rock-solid. But he doesn't. Why?

If it's so that only Chrom and his spawn have Aether, that means Ike is Chrom's descendant. So Ike cannot be a legend in Chrom's time, which means the whole point Chrom and Robin were looking for Priam is negated. So Priam would be not canon.

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. . .actually, I have a problem with written romance in general. Throw in something besides "straight", and it reads downright awkward to me (and not the kind of awkward I like to see). It's not necessarily because romance is a bad genre, but it is extremely hard to express properly. Hell, my attempts at romance look really unrealistic to my eyes!

I can see that, and I think having a problem with something because it's generally poorly written is a different issue entirely. And I can understand people who have a problem with yaoi because the writers cannot WRITE yaoi, much less straight romance, and it just comes off as being very unhealthy or unlikable. This is a thing I've seen all too much myself.

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Priam not being canon makes sense honestly, as his paralogue shows up at the same time as a bunch of dead people.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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A viewpoint you don't agree with is crazy? That sure makes sense.

No. Saying Lethe is the mother, while debatable, is not crazy. I don't believe in it, but it's at least a debate. Saying Laura is the mother is not crazy. While it's debatable and I don't believe in it, it's not crazy.

Saying that a series of circumstances that require more luck than getting a 777 three times in a row on different machines is crazy. At best the circumstances needed for Priam to be this similar to Ike yet not be related to Ike without any real clue otherwise are absurd.

Priam can't be fanservice, or a useful unit, unless he's Ike's direct descendant?

Yes. Otherwise it ruins the whole point of putting him in in the first place. It's like placing in a staff healer then having them confess that they never healed anyone, just kissed boo-boos.

A hypothetical; the significance of Ragnell is forgotten by Tellius. It's taken up by somebody who later leaves Tellius. The traveler meets Priam at some point, notices Priam is interested in the sword and gives it to him. Neither passed down nor stolen.

You could not grasp the existence of that hypothetical.

So you'd rather believe Ragnell got forgotten as a holy relic, got taken up by a random nobody who somehow recognized it as Ragnell despite it not being recognized as a holy relic, then took it to a world he almost certainly didn't know existed to proclaim it as a relic or important or w/e so copies could be made, than believe that Ike may have brought over the legit thing?

The circumstances to have Priam not be Ike's descendent are infinitely more unlikely than the 'village girl' scenario.

The Ragnell and Alondite both belong to Begnion as holy relics originally belonging to Altina. There is no reason for the Ragnell to be taken and Alondite to be returned. Please, explain to me why Ragnell is exempt from being returned, since I honestly cannot see it. And if you're going to say "Because how else would it get to Priam" again I will slap you upside the head. There are far more ways for Priam to get a hold of the Ragnell that don't involve passing it down straight through Ike or his potential wife.

*sigh* Why am I not surprised? You only care about promoting your little theory and can't be bothered to consider for one second something outside of it or why yours might be wrong while I'm stuck pointing out your hypothetical plotholes. There is a VERY valid reason for Ragnell to not be returned while Alondite would be. Ragnell was originally used by Ike's father, was passed down to his son (albet in a manner that probably wouldn't be recognized in a court of law), before being used by the Hero of Tellus, arguably the single most important person at the time, to defeat Ashera. At the least this puts it on-par with the original myth and, in such a circumstance, letting Ike hold on to it would NOT be an invalid choice.

Alondite does not boast the same lineage. It was wielded by an enemy of Begnion and noted criminal before he was slain at which point, while wielded by someone who aided in the defeat of Ashera, was not as important or central as Ike. It's the difference between Hiroshima and Nagasaki basically. Both were horrible events but one is far more noted than the other despite being of near-equal magnitude.

There is a valid reason for Sanaki to at least wait for Ike to return the blade and a potentially valid reason why she might let his lover hold on to it when he went missing. He's very important after all. Alondite does not hold that same value in the public eye.

Why do you think Priam doesn't have Aether then? Because he never learned in the first place. It takes more than having both Luna and Sol to know Aether, unless you are seriously claiming that Flavia and Basilio are also Ike's descendants. This concept is not so difficult to grasp, is it?

I think the whole reason why he doesn't know Aether was because they wanted the skill confined to Chrom's line. Possibly out of fear of potential gamebreakage (good job there with Galeforce) or possibly out of a desire to simply keep it unique.

Because not using Mia makes you an idiot? Mist is just as feasible an option to pass down the sword to any descendant, especially if Ike leaves the continent, since she is exceptionally skilled in the ways of the sword, just as her father and brother were.

Mist also dabbles in healing arts (less time focusing on swordplay), has no indication of having sparred frequently with Ike, switched to horseback combat (which is a lot different), and honestly never showed any desire to train instead of relying on natural talent. Which is more likely? That Mia, who trained constantly against the one person who knew the skill, figured out at least the base components, or that Mist, who may not even train in swordsmanship frequently, somehow found the time while focusing on learning healing magic as well to figure it out despite also needing to learn horse-back fighting?

Even if Priam really is Mist's kid, Mia is simply the one person most likely to figure out the technique. You can say Mist asked Mia to teach the kid and that would be fine; but I doubt Mist figured it out on her own. MAYBE one of the other swordmasters figured it out, but there is no real indication or hint that they would have had the chance.

The Ragnell was not his father's sword, it was and always will be Altina's. Urvan is his father's axe, and Ike most likely kept it. Of course, that just raises the question of why Priam doesn't own the Urvan, since it really is a family heirloom?

Honestly what happened to Urvan is a complete mystery no matter what you think about Priam, Ragnell, or portals. He might have brought it, he might have left it with Boyd to protect his sister with, he might have buried it at his fathers grave, all seem valid and no clue is really given towards any of them. I suspect the latter two, but that's more because Ragnell is Ike's iconic weapon and not Urvan so it seems more likely IS would have kept it with him, story justification or no, than Urvan. Heck, it's entirely possible he brought both. It's just unknown.

Sanaki is the only one with legal rights/access to the blade, this isn't a hard thing to grab. And literally anyone could be the thief, it does not have to be the wife or child at all. It could have even been Priam himself who swiped the blade.

That would mean Priam somehow traveled to Tellus, committed a theft of a weapon that was either heavily guarded or, if forgotten, he probably wouldn't have even know the location of (or what it looked like), before going back through the portal. Yea... Priam didn't steal the blade. If he did there would likely be inter-dimensional trade and the like unless the people of Tellus are really lazy when it comes to scouting.

Also, 'anyone stealing the blade' doesn't help one bit in the slightest towards figuring out anything. The thief could have stole it for greed or been hired and what happened after would be 100% unknown. Better to just ignore the option since it's just as likely it got sold as a tool to gut whales or to some bandits as it found its way to someone who would be crazy enough to think he was Ike.

>Ike is never seen in Tellius again
>By anyone
>The Ragnell is not his, and isn't even featured in the last image of the game. Instead, his Ettard is.
>Ike has no interest in women, let alone romance
>The Ragnell that Priam carries is far too deteriorated for a blade twice blessed by goddesses for me to even belive that it is the real deal, especially since every other weapon of it's calibur are in absolutely pristine condition. So much for that whole "taking care of Ragnell theory"
> He didn't leave until after stability returned. And this doesn't negate him starting a family after traveling through the portal. No lore conflict.
> By anyone on Tellus. No lore conflict. Besides, if he was never seen again how did his story travel through the gate in such detail that someone could recreate the blade? Was Oliver video-taping the whole thing, focusing on Ike especially, then just tossed the tape through the gate for ****s and giggles?
> Then he left it with his wife. No lore conflict. Or he had more than one sword with him. No lore conflict.
> He had no interest in women that we saw when he left. Nothing is said about later and a kegger can still result in a child he would take care of. Not to mention adoption. No lore conflict.
> Almost all weapons deteriorate and it IS unbreakable when you first fight him IIRC. Not to mention we have no clue what being in an entirely different world does to a goddess blessing. Not to mention the oh-so-many years in which things could have changed people like bringing up. No lore conflict.
So no lore conflict, no lore conflict, no lore conflict, no lore conflict, and something that could only be a teeny lore conflict that sort of self-negates your point about it not being the real Ragnell (because it can be the real blade with the blessing weakened/gone due to being in a different world, which would negate it being a copy for obvious reasons).
Why are those theories crazy? You ask us for proof, and yet provide none of your own. Why is that?

I DID provide proof! You just decided to toss it out because it didn't agree with you! There is no 'concrete' proof towards any one thing except that, somehow, the story of Ike got out of Tellus. Maybe Ike went through the gate and started a family, maybe he didn't, maybe his kid went through the gate, maybe he didn't, maybe Priam is crazy, maybe he isn't. The BEST bit of proof you have is that Ragnell can be broken yet you can't grasp that there are alternatives while you gladly breate me for not considering that Ragnell might have been stolen from Sanaki while, in the same post, arguing that Ragnell couldn't have gone through the gate because Sanaki had it!

Mia is the best support for Ike in-game. Mia is the best choice for Alondite in-game. Mia has a cut support in-game. Mia has different lines when supporting Ike in-game. Mia is the most likely person in-game to figure out Aether on her own. Mia is the non-Mist girl who probably spent the most time with Ike in-game. Mia is actually stated to have gone wandering after the end of the game. Heck, it's entirely possible that SHE discovered the portal, told Ike, then after the realm was stabilized Ike went through with Ranulf and Soren to kiss in the inter-dimensional closet and see the new world. Of course you don't consider that or care because the only explanation that makes sense or that you want to consider is that Priam is crazy.
So yes, there is evidence that Mia is Priam's ancestor, and it's more grounded than 'Priam is crazy' to boot since it actually has some in-game evidence that the possibility was at least considered.
Please explain why exactly it does not make sense, and use genuine proof instead of constantly repeating yourself, m'kay?
The point of Priam was to be an onerly watered down Ike cameo to make some fans squee themselves. Priam himself is pointless really :>

Why make him an Ike cameo and lie about it? The whole point was to make fans squee after all. If it isn't true, no squeeing.

Again, the possibility of Priam being full of shit makes far more since when you consider all the bullshit that has to occur to make all of this magically happen

Things needed for Priam to be Ike's ancestor: Ike goes through the gate, has a kegger, sticks around to raise the kid. Since you like claiming Ragnell isn't real, he asks the village Blacksmith to make a replica.

Things needed for Priam to be crazy: Priam wakes up one day deluded into thinking he's descended from a hero from long ago who may not have even existed yet doesn't get called out on it before learning two skills to mimic another skill only known by nobles that he somehow knows Ike knew as well before going out to find a replica of a blade that shouldn't exist because Ike either never brought it through or may not have even come through at all yet doesn't get called out on it at any point since his delusions began.

Yea... I'll go with Priam being Ike's descendent. If he's being crazy he's basically running around claiming he's the descendent of King Arthur while waving a cosplay Excalibur around.

If Priam is truly Ike's descendant, why does he lack Aether when Awakening!Ike has it?

Awakening Ike is also a DLC character. The DLC is kind of whacky like that since it also lets the player download Elincia, Micaiah, and Lyn.

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Saying that a series of circumstances that require more luck than getting a 777 three times in a row on different machines is crazy.

How do you quantify that?

So you'd rather believe

Wrong again. I'm saying it's a possibility.

Awakening Ike is also a DLC character. The DLC is kind of whacky like that since it also lets the player download Elincia, Micaiah, and Lyn.


Ike Hero 20 76 41 16 38 37 30 33+5 18 6 weapon-rank-sword.png A weapon-rank-axe.png B Ragnell Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker, Aether

The site says Priam is a Spotpass character as well.

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*sigh* Why am I not surprised? You only care about promoting your little theory and can't be bothered to consider for one second something outside of it or why yours might be wrong while I'm stuck pointing out your hypothetical plotholes. There is a VERY valid reason for Ragnell to not be returned while Alondite would be. Ragnell was originally used by Ike's father, was passed down to his son (albet in a manner that probably wouldn't be recognized in a court of law), before being used by the Hero of Tellus, arguably the single most important person at the time, to defeat Ashera. At the least this puts it on-par with the original myth and, in such a circumstance, letting Ike hold on to it would NOT be an invalid choice.

What theory? That both swords belong to Sanaki? That isn't a theory, that's the truth. Ragnell belonged to Altina long before it was ever in Greil or Ike's hands. Ike is not going to want to keep a giant Golden sword when he doesn't want to draw so much attention to himself after he leaves the continent. On top of that, the sword does not belong to him. How many times do I have to say this? Keeping the Ragnell is not a choice Ike would make considering the situation.

Alondite does not boast the same lineage. It was wielded by an enemy of Begnion and noted criminal before he was slain at which point, while wielded by someone who aided in the defeat of Ashera, was not as important or central as Ike. It's the difference between Hiroshima and Nagasaki basically. Both were horrible events but one is far more noted than the other despite being of near-equal magnitude.

Alondite was given to Zelgius, Begnion's most famed general, by Sephiran, the Prime Minister and most important figure in the entire empire below the Empress herself. The blade is still Ragnell's sister, and as there is not about to be another war for a long, long while, why is there a need for anyone to keep either? So someone can win a pissing contest?

There is a valid reason for Sanaki to at least wait for Ike to return the blade and a potentially valid reason why she might let his lover hold on to it when he went missing. He's very important after all. Alondite does not hold that same value in the public eye.

What are these valid reasons? Seriously, it makes no sense to claim things like this if you aren't going to support it with anything other than "It just DOES, okay?"

I think the whole reason why he doesn't know Aether was because they wanted the skill confined to Chrom's line. Possibly out of fear of potential gamebreakage (good job there with Galeforce) or possibly out of a desire to simply keep it unique.

Like Awakening was ever concerned with balance, lololol

]nd again, if all of the Ikes that appear in the game have Aether, than why doesn't Priam?

Mist also dabbles in healing arts (less time focusing on swordplay), has no indication of having sparred frequently with Ike, switched to horseback combat (which is a lot different), and honestly never showed any desire to train instead of relying on natural talent. Which is more likely? That Mia, who trained constantly against the one person who knew the skill, figured out at least the base components, or that Mist, who may not even train in swordsmanship frequently, somehow found the time while focusing on learning healing magic as well to figure it out despite also needing to learn horse-back fighting?

And yet Mist can't SS Staves, only Swords. Mist also has natural access to one of the key components to Aether, Sol, while Mia does not. And considering her proficiency with swords it is more than likely that she received training from Ike. Really, all your proving is that Mist is better than Mia in every way, since she was highly skilled in fighting on foot and horse, healing, and learned Sol on her own, with or without Ike's assistance~

Even if Priam really is Mist's kid, Mia is simply the one person most likely to figure out the technique. You can say Mist asked Mia to teach the kid and that would be fine; but I doubt Mist figured it out on her own. MAYBE one of the other swordmasters figured it out, but there is no real indication or hint that they would have had the chance.


Because Mia can learn Luna and Sol, amirite?

Mist is Ike's brother, and likely picked up some skills from him as well as what he learned from his father.

Please stop with the Mia worship, it's getting embarrassing >_<

Honestly what happened to Urvan is a complete mystery no matter what you think about Priam, Ragnell, or portals. He might have brought it, he might have left it with Boyd to protect his sister with, he might have buried it at his fathers grave, all seem valid and no clue is really given towards any of them. I suspect the latter two, but that's more because Ragnell is Ike's iconic weapon and not Urvan so it seems more likely IS would have kept it with him, story justification or no, than Urvan. Heck, it's entirely possible he brought both. It's just unknown.

But Urvan actually belonged to his father, 100% unlike Ragnell. Ike has no other reason not to take it with him. Why the double standard, Snowy?

That would mean Priam somehow traveled to Tellus, committed a theft of a weapon that was either heavily guarded or, if forgotten, he probably wouldn't have even know the location of (or what it looked like), before going back through the portal. Yea... Priam didn't steal the blade. If he did there would likely be inter-dimensional trade and the like unless the people of Tellus are really lazy when it comes to scouting.

Do you have proof he didn't? Because unless you do I don't think you can really claim that. ~o3o~

Also, 'anyone stealing the blade' doesn't help one bit in the slightest towards figuring out anything. The thief could have stole it for greed or been hired and what happened after would be 100% unknown. Better to just ignore the option since it's just as likely it got sold as a tool to gut whales or to some bandits as it found its way to someone who would be crazy enough to think he was Ike.

Why? I see no reason not to toss out he theory

> He didn't leave until after stability returned. And this doesn't negate him starting a family after traveling through the portal. No lore conflict.

> By anyone on Tellus. No lore conflict. Besides, if he was never seen again how did his story travel through the gate in such detail that someone could recreate the blade? Was Oliver video-taping the whole thing, focusing on Ike especially, then just tossed the tape through the gate for ****s and giggles?

> Then he left it with his wife. No lore conflict. Or he had more than one sword with him. No lore conflict.

> He had no interest in women that we saw when he left. Nothing is said about later and a kegger can still result in a child he would take care of. Not to mention adoption. No lore conflict.

> Almost all weapons deteriorate and it IS unbreakable when you first fight him IIRC. Not to mention we have no clue what being in an entirely different world does to a goddess blessing. Not to mention the oh-so-many years in which things could have changed people like bringing up. No lore conflict.

>He still left. Doesn't make it any more likely either.

>Word of mouth still travels far. Even then there are some absolute loonies that can recreate just about anything.

>Why would he leave it to his wife when it isn't his to give?

>Adoption is the most likely answer, it's something I've been claiming a lot. Can you not read?

So no lore conflict, no lore conflict, no lore conflict, no lore conflict, and something that could only be a teeny lore conflict that sort of self-negates your point about it not being the real Ragnell (because it can be the real blade with the blessing weakened/gone due to being in a different world, which would negate it being a copy for obvious reasons).

Because I've been arguing only a single possibility this whole time, right? I have formulated multiple theories on the Ragnell and Priam, all of which are reasonable in their own ways. Then explain literally every other legendary weapon. None of them are in as horrid a shape as Priam's Ragnell and most of them were blessed by at least one god. Hell, one of Naga's fangs somehow has far more lasting power than the Ragnell, how does that make sense?

I DID provide proof! You just decided to toss it out because it didn't agree with you! There is no 'concrete' proof towards any one thing except that, somehow, the story of Ike got out of Tellus. Maybe Ike went through the gate and started a family, maybe he didn't, maybe his kid went through the gate, maybe he didn't, maybe Priam is crazy, maybe he isn't. The BEST bit of proof you have is that Ragnell can be broken yet you can't grasp that there are alternatives while you gladly breate me for not considering that Ragnell might have been stolen from Sanaki while, in the same post, arguing that Ragnell couldn't have gone through the gate because Sanaki had it!

What was your proof, exactly? All I saw was you ranting about how leaving the Ragnell only proves Sanaki could be the mother when she isn't or some nonsense like that. I have been presenting nothing but alternatives this entire time. You have flat out rejected every single one of them because I don't shove Mia into everything I possibly can.

Mia is the best support for Ike in-game. Mia is the best choice for Alondite in-game. Mia has a cut support in-game. Mia has different lines when supporting Ike in-game. Mia is the most likely person in-game to figure out Aether on her own. Mia is the non-Mist girl who probably spent the most time with Ike in-game. Mia is actually stated to have gone wandering after the end of the game. Heck, it's entirely possible that SHE discovered the portal, told Ike, then after the realm was stabilized Ike went through with Ranulf and Soren to kiss in the inter-dimensional closet and see the new world. Of course you don't consider that or care because the only explanation that makes sense or that you want to consider is that Priam is crazy.

Uh, what? Earth Supports are the best support for Ike in-game. No one is definitively the best choice for Alondite in-game, unless you're about to go dondon on my poor, uneducated ass. Ike has cut supports with a lot of other female, like Micaiah and Nailah. So does Soren. She can't even Luna. Titania spent more time with Ike than Mia ever did. So is Soren and Ranulf. What does it matter who found the portal anyways? And I have been stating far more than a singular theory, I'm not even the one that said Priam was crazy!

These theories include Priam lying, being a student of Ike's, being a student of Mist's, being descended from Mist, being adopted by Ike, being descended from Micaiah and Sothe, or being non-canon in the first place~.

So yes, there is evidence that Mia is Priam's ancestor, and it's more grounded than 'Priam is crazy' to boot since it actually has some in-game evidence that the possibility was at least considered.

I've not seen any evidence, only a lot of Mia worshiping :X

Why make him an Ike cameo and lie about it? The whole point was to make fans squee after all. If it isn't true, no squeeing.

They never even bothered to make Awakening even kind of consistent, why would they care about making Priam make sense?

Things needed for Priam to be Ike's ancestor: Ike goes through the gate, has a kegger, sticks around to raise the kid. Since you like claiming Ragnell isn't real, he asks the village Blacksmith to make a replica.

None of this is even needed tho ~o3o~

Things needed for Priam to be crazy: Priam wakes up one day deluded into thinking he's descended from a hero from long ago who may not have even existed yet doesn't get called out on it before learning two skills to mimic another skill only known by nobles that he somehow knows Ike knew as well before going out to find a replica of a blade that shouldn't exist because Ike either never brought it through or may not have even come through at all yet doesn't get called out on it at any point since his delusions began.

Why such strict criteria tho? He could just be a more extreme Owain, where he takes the roleplaying a bit too seriously :>

Yea... I'll go with Priam being Ike's descendent. If he's being crazy he's basically running around claiming he's the descendent of King Arthur while waving a cosplay Excalibur around.

Because that can't possibly be what he's doing for some reason?

Awakening Ike is also a DLC character. The DLC is kind of whacky like that since it also lets the player download Elincia, Micaiah, and Lyn.

The DLC is all also stated, by official sources no less, that all of it comes from the Outrealms. Guess where Priam comes from? The Outrealms~~~~~

You can't accept one and reject the other just for the sake of convenience, it doesn't work that way :>

Edited by Kon
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...Why are people using that last image from RD in ANY arguments? Yes, the sword in it resembles Ettard, but notice the scrawnier Ike and PoR-like clothes. OBVIOUSLY, It's PoR Ike with less ragged clothes, not Ike as he appears at the end of RD.

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What theory? That both swords belong to Sanaki? That isn't a theory, that's the truth. Ragnell belonged to Altina long before it was ever in Greil or Ike's hands. Ike is not going to want to keep a giant Golden sword when he doesn't want to draw so much attention to himself after he leaves the continent. On top of that, the sword does not belong to him. How many times do I have to say this? Keeping the Ragnell is not a choice Ike would make considering the situation.

So... You don't acknowledge that your idea is a theory despite no concrete evidence... Glad to know. I also find it funny that you assume you can read Ike's mind and know he wouldn't have kept it yet can then turn around and say he would have Urvan despite 0 knowledge of what happened to Urvan after RD.

Alondite was given to Zelgius, Begnion's most famed general, by Sephiran, the Prime Minister and most important figure in the entire empire below the Empress herself. The blade is still Ragnell's sister, and as there is not about to be another war for a long, long while, why is there a need for anyone to keep either? So someone can win a pissing contest?

Zelgius also turned traitor. Also, if the SECOND most important person in the Empire is willing to hand out a loner why can't the MOST important person in the empire do the same?

What are these valid reasons? Seriously, it makes no sense to claim things like this if you aren't going to support it with anything other than "It just DOES, okay?"

So it's valid for the Empire's number 2 to hand out relics despite not owning them but not valid that Sanaki might let a wife of the most important person in Tellus keep a memento of her husband? Good logic there.

And yet Mist can't SS Staves, only Swords. Mist also has natural access to one of the key components to Aether, Sol, while Mia does not. And considering her proficiency with swords it is more than likely that she received training from Ike. Really, all your proving is that Mist is better than Mia in every way, since she was highly skilled in fighting on foot and horse, healing, and learned Sol on her own, with or without Ike's assistance~

Yes. She learned Sol on her own. Yet somehow Titania isn't the mother instead? Sounds like you're just proving her as likely and Titania has a RD support. Except wait. Mist fights on HORSEBACK YA DUNCE! Fighting on horseback is entirely different due to the momentum and shift in power. Many of the fighting styles used on foot are completely worthless when mounted because of the change in method. It's like claiming a rifleman would be great at aiming a battleship cannon.

Sol, in of itself, isn't proof of anything. It's the combination of Sol and Luna as well as the capability to reverse-engineer a technique Mist not only didn't know, didn't likely practice against, but that her own combat style actively says she probably couldn't have done even if she somehow did know the skill. If she tried it on horseback she'd just end up with her sword rattling on the ground several yards back at best, assuming she didn't bisect herself or wound her horse.

But Urvan actually belonged to his father, 100% unlike Ragnell. Ike has no other reason not to take it with him. Why the double standard, Snowy?

What double standard? I said I had no clue at all what happened to Urvan and thought it more likely IS would give Ike his iconic weapon regardless of story-plot. That's about as double-standarded as saying 'I like all fish but I like goldfish more than minnows'.

Do you have proof he didn't? Because unless you do I don't think you can really claim that. ~o3o~

Do you have proof Gatrie didn't walk down the aisle with a spruce tree? Because unless you do I don't think you can really claim he wasn't willing to slip it the wood.

Do you have proof Mist is somehow Priam's ancestor? Because unless you do I don't think you can really claim he is.

Do you have proof Vika didn't become Priam's ancestor, then time traveled through the gate to make Meg marry Priam after the end of Awakening, before taking that baby and turning it into Elincia's ancestor via timetravel? Cause unless you do, I don't think you can really claim it didn't happen.

>He still left. Doesn't make it any more likely either.
>Word of mouth still travels far. Even then there are some absolute loonies that can recreate just about anything.
>Why would he leave it to his wife when it isn't his to give?
>Adoption is the most likely answer, it's something I've been claiming a lot. Can you not read?

> ... So you're saying that, because Ike left later-on, it's impossible for him to have had a kid beforehand?

> Yea. BS. Unless someone traveled through the gate with at least an image of Ragnell at some point they can't make a replica because they don't know the story even exists.

> Why would Sephran leave Alondite to a general when it isn't his to give?

> Adoption still makes Priam Ike's descendent, not Mist's, and not crazy. So yea... No.

Besides, the whole point of this was lore-conflict. Unless you can find out some way in which this actively conflicts with the established lore then this bit is resolved. There is nothing in the lore that conflicts with Ike having a child before or after going through the gate.

Because I've been arguing only a single possibility this whole time, right? I have formulated multiple theories on the Ragnell and Priam, all of which are reasonable in their own ways. Then explain literally every other legendary weapon. None of them are in as horrid a shape as Priam's Ragnell and most of them were blessed by at least one god. Hell, one of Naga's fangs somehow has far more lasting power than the Ragnell, how does that make sense?

Easily. On it's own Ragnell isn't that durable. It's thanks to the blessing of the Goddess that it is unbreakable. Since Priam is not in the same world as Ashera anymore, the blessing could no longer sustain itself. Nice, clean, simple, and ruining your argument.

What was your proof, exactly? All I saw was you ranting about how leaving the Ragnell only proves Sanaki could be the mother when she isn't or some nonsense like that. I have been presenting nothing but alternatives this entire time. You have flat out rejected every single one of them because I don't shove Mia into everything I possibly can.

I rejected them because they flat out assume you are unconditionally correct and are willing to make leaps of logic and luck while ignoring far more likely outcomes. You are, literally, more likely to believe that someone traveled through the dimension gate, stole Ragnell, then traveled back through the gate than believe that Sanaki might have had a heart for the wife of the worlds greatest hero. You are more willing to believe that Priam is crazy despite the plethora of problems it brings up than that he had a kid while stabilizing the world or after traveling through.

I do not reject your theories because 'they don't shove Mia into everything possible'. I reject them because they are crazy and make vastly wild assumptions that contradict themselves or require the luck of the gods to be possible. It's infinitely more likely than ANY woman, even Elincia, went looking for Ike because she was his wife and found the gate than that Priam managed to reverse-engineer everything despite not likely having a clue at all as to thinks like what Ike would have looked like or the skills he might have used.

Uh, what? Earth Supports are the best support for Ike in-game. No one is definitively the best choice for Alondite in-game, unless you're about to go dondon on my poor, uneducated ass. Ike has cut supports with a lot of other female, like Micaiah and Nailah. So does Soren. She can't even Luna. Titania spent more time with Ike than Mia ever did. So is Soren and Ranulf. What does it matter who found the portal anyways? And I have been stating far more than a singular theory, I'm not even the one that said Priam was crazy!

I'd rather go Dondon on your ass and find some evidence in-game as to why any girl might be the mother than postulate a wild theory that doesn't make sense. And yes, Ike has cut supports, but his cut support with Mia was actually written out to at least the C level. That's, like, a whole different league than just 'planned'. Also Titania DID spend more time with Ike... but it's unlikely she's the mother as Ike's relationship to her is closer to mother/son than anything, unless you're willing to also claim Mist is the mother via Ike (which makes the most sense if we throw away the incest squick). I also don't see why you're willing to suggest another Sol-user when your argument that Mist is the mother is that she has Sol. Mine for Mia is that she's the person most likely to reverse-engineer the skill due to sword-skill, time seeing it in action, and having trained with Ike a lot. Yours is that Mist is the ancestor because she knows Sol after all.

I've not seen any evidence, only a lot of Mia worshiping :X

So this:

  • Mia: Gee? I didn't think looking for my white robe archrival would that difficult. Well I guess should relax... wait you there in the white, come back.
  • Ike: Huh? Uh, oh hello Mia what can I do for you?
  • Mia: Oh hey Boss... wait a second. Its you! Its You! Finally Ive waited long for this moment, prepare your wepon, its time for our Showdown!
  • Ike: Showdown, what showdown. Im not going to fight you, and what do you mean its me?
  • Mia: Your my Archrival in a white robes my fortune teller had once warned me about, an you we trying to hide it.
  • Ike: Uh look Mia, but Im sorry you've got the wrong guy.
  • Mia: Don't tell me that I know its you.
  • Ike: Mia I just wear this cloak whenever I go to sleep, I was a gift from my mother.
  • Mia: But you must you it to fight sometimes right?
  • Ike: Nope, never had, never will, Just sleep.
  • Mia: No its you Boss, I know so.
  • Ike: Snap! I just forgot I had to see Soren, gotta run, sorry, keep looking for this person, good luck!
  • Mia: No Boss its you... Its him Im sure of it. Ill make him fight in that robe if have to.

holds no weight at all despite being in the coded data? Not even the slightest bit of evidence Mia might be the ancestor?

They never even bothered to make Awakening even kind of consistent, why would they care about making Priam make sense?

The only reason for Priam to exist is if he's Ike's descendent in some form or another. If he's not then, from both a game-aspect and a lore-aspect, there is no reason to include him at all. Especially since there is no hint that he might be crazy beyond the theory that he might not have the real Ragnell.

Why such strict criteria tho? He could just be a more extreme Owain, where he takes the roleplaying a bit too seriously :>

He needs to be deluded or else there is no reason for him to think he's Ike. Ike needs to have existed or his story needs to have gotten through or else he may as well have been claiming he was a peanut. Even then if there isn't concrete proof Ike existed his claim is meaningless. He needs to have been taught Aether, seen it in action, or at least know what the technique consists of or else, for all he knows, Aether was a series of multiple rapid strikes followed up by a magical blast that bypassed armor while absorbing health and, as a result, sought out a Nosferatu tome and tried to mix it with his blade for all he knows. Ragnell needs to exist in some form or another or else no one can make a replica of it. And if he's not called out on it at any point there is no reason to believe that Robin or Morgan would call him out on it or at least deliver a valid questioning.

That isn't even complicated stuff. That's just the bare basics of him being able to think he was descended from Ike when he's not, know Aether or that Aether consists of Sol/Luna despite it being a noble-only skill, and to have at least a replica of Ragnell. If any one of those criteria isn't fulfilled the only way for him to have ended up like he is is pure dumb luck.

The DLC is all also stated, by official sources no less, that all of it comes from the Outrealms. Guess where Priam comes from? The Outrealms~~~~~
You can't accept one and reject the other just for the sake of convenience, it doesn't work that way :>

Actually Priam is a spotpass character who can support others in-game. Yet you'll notice that Female Robin can't exactly woo Marth, or anyone support him, while she can with Priam. As well as have little Morgan with him. So, yea, Priam's clearly different than Awakening!Ike.

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Also, if the SECOND most important person in the Empire is willing to hand out a loner why can't the MOST important person in the empire do the same?

So it's valid for the Empire's number 2 to hand out relics despite not owning them but not valid that Sanaki might let a wife of the most important person in Tellus keep a memento of her husband? Good logic there.

> Why would Sephran leave Alondite to a general when it isn't his to give?

Sephiran can hand the two out because Ragnell and Alondite were his wife's swords. He presumably owned the two until he gave them to Zelgius.

Why would Sanaki let Ike's wife have the sword, when there would be plenty of other things she could keep as a memento, while Lehran probably only has those two swords as a memento of Altina?

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I still say that that support doesn't mean anything either. It's a choppy C support that's still nothing but what we always see from Mia: her being interested in nothing but sparring with the person she's talking to. And there isn't even any data for the B and A supports, so we have no idea what IS intended there. Besides, if supports indicate anything, then Rhys x Mia makes more sense because that support actually stuck and Rhys even shows up in the base convo with Ike in RD as well. Which means IS prioritized the Rhys x Mia support over Ike x Mia.

Yes, I'm aware that Rhys starts a school at the end of RD while Mia goes wandering and looking for opponents, but nothing has said that she can't come back to visit him or something, especially if the possibility of Mia just randomly running into Ike is valid. A visit to Rhys or even the other mercs is just much more likely to happen than Mia finding Ike again.

Edited by Anacybele
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If Priam is truly Ike's descendant, why does he lack Aether when Awakening!Ike has it?

Because Awakening!Ike can't marry Robin. Priam can. They wanted to lock Male!Morgan out of getting Aether. If Male!Morgan can't even get it from Chrom himself, why should he be able to get it from Priam?

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In regards to the Ragnell issue, it should be noted that when you fight Priam it's unbreakable just like in the Tellius games. The only reason it has limited uses when you get it is to prevent abuse. Gameplay-story segregation. Therefore it's not a stretch to presume that in-universe it is the real Ragnell.

As for who Ike marries, the only likely candidates I can think of are Mia and Elincia. I like both pairings but I think that the more realistic choice, assuming Ike still left Tellius, is Mia. She's the adventurous type. The completely unromantic nature of the C support doesn't really mean anything about what IS intended for B and A. Plenty of supports start out unromantic then turn around. One example I can think of is Hector and Farina. Heck, their A support barely introduces a hint of romance at the end, then suddenly they get married at the end of the story. Assuming Ike stayed in Tellius, possible given IS's willingness to scrap his general asexual-ness, then I can definitely see him marrying Elincia, but I think Mia is the more likely choice. Unfortunately RD completely trivialized the support system; otherwise we might have a better conclusion for this argument.

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An unnamed female isn't a likely candidate to you? :/

At least you don't think Ike x Elincia is completely absurd though.

Edited by Anacybele
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In regards to the Ragnell issue, it should be noted that when you fight Priam it's unbreakable just like in the Tellius games. The only reason it has limited uses when you get it is to prevent abuse. Gameplay-story segregation. Therefore it's not a stretch to presume that in-universe it is the real Ragnell.

As for who Ike marries, the only likely candidates I can think of are Mia and Elincia. I like both pairings but I think that the more realistic choice, assuming Ike still left Tellius, is Mia. She's the adventurous type. The completely unromantic nature of the C support doesn't really mean anything about what IS intended for B and A. Plenty of supports start out unromantic then turn around. One example I can think of is Hector and Farina. Heck, their A support barely introduces a hint of romance at the end, then suddenly they get married at the end of the story. Assuming Ike stayed in Tellius, possible given IS's willingness to scrap his general asexual-ness, then I can definitely see him marrying Elincia, but I think Mia is the more likely choice. Unfortunately RD completely trivialized the support system; otherwise we might have a better conclusion for this argument.

Ike has like two? conversations with Mia over the course of PoR/RD which are mostly about hitting people with swords. If they wanted to indicate Ike having any sort of romantic interest for Mia (or vice versa), why didn't they? Also, why would Ike stay in Tellius when that directly contradicts his RD ending?

If IS wants to 'overturn' the RD ending in any way, they're going to have to do better than Priam's existence.

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Because Awakening!Ike can't marry Robin. Priam can. They wanted to lock Male!Morgan out of getting Aether. If Male!Morgan can't even get it from Chrom himself, why should he be able to get it from Priam?

Why should Male!Morgan be locked out of Aether? Why not make Priam unable to marry Robin? If they care more about arbitrarily denying one unit a certain skill or allowing you to fuck Ike's descendant more than giving Priam's claim credibility, I can only assume they didn't want to do the latter.

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