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Least Favorite Unit (Chrom, Lissa, etc) In Terms Of Personality.


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Tharja because obvious reasons. Kellam because they never drop the fact that others can't see him, it was kind of cute at first but then they made it consume his entire identity. Anna because of the lame business puns she shouts in the MIDDLE OF COMBAT. Henry because he's not funny, when he first spoke I literally closed the game and left for a while. Gauis... I don't actually mind him but maybe it's because I don't have him pair up with others enough.

I liked the Avatar's personality but I wish he was a little more realistic.

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So seems I missed some:

Kjelle: feminazi

Emmeryn: Mary Sue

Excellus: Can I puke now?

Lot of hate for Severa I see, at first I didn't like her but her support with her father (I think) made me like her more, she doesn't want to be disappointment to her family, sure the way she acts about it might not be the best, but hey you got to hide it somehow.

Also surprised by the amount of dislike for Vaike, when first seeing him I wasn't too fond of him, I usually dislike dumb and cocky characters, but the quotes made him grow on me quickly, might be because their usually accompanied by him saving the life of a unit I thought was going to die. And some of the supports that gave some backstory on him were nice as they fleshed out his character a bit and gave a reason for why he fights.

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Gerome is more like Batman because of the voice and the "MY PARENTS ARE DEAD" business.

Nightwing's parents are dead too. They and his brother were all killed by Two-Face. Gerome's mask is also more like Nightwing's imo.

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Nightwing's parents are dead too. They and his brother were all killed by Two-Face. Gerome's mask is also more like Nightwing's imo.

But... Were Getting Off Topic!

(Im wasting my time reading the replies and there really all about gerome)

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Gerome is being compared to Batman's general iconography more than Bruce Wayne himself as a character. So I just don't get the point in getting bogged down into "Oh he's more like that one other supporting character that most people don't know about."

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Lot of hate for Severa I see, at first I didn't like her but her support with her father (I think) made me like her more, she doesn't want to be disappointment to her family, sure the way she acts about it might not be the best, but hey you got to hide it somehow.

Yeah I know the rationale behind her behaviour and I can't say I really blame her, it's just still really not the personality for me. I guess I just get affected by negativity real easily and boy she brings a lot of that. It makes it hard on me to read her script.

Though I certainly don't agree with "but hey you got to hide it somehow" as if it's encouraging hiding feelings away to solve problems... though perhaps you weren't suggesting that, I guess it's just what it looked to me when I read it x3 But the thing is, she had problems when she was hiding it, then she lost her problems when she opened up. Opening up is the way to go so it can be talked through. But at least she opened up eventually~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Gerome is being compared to Batman's general iconography more than Bruce Wayne himself as a character. So I just don't get the point in getting bogged down into "Oh he's more like that one other supporting character that most people don't know about."

And he also looks super awesome when wielding Helswath

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I tend not to really dislike any characters in any media, and often cycle through favorites. But Yarne in this game simply gets on my nerves. I understand they were going for a 'Lovable Coward' angle, but they really didn't pull it off very well.

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Severa - Wah, I'm Tsundere and have issues so I abuse everyone around me and manipulate my parents, but I still just want to be looooooved

Nah - I like her mother far more. At least Nowi doesn't force people to marry her by turning into a fucking dragon.

Morgan (both) - Attention whores, though fem!Morgan constantly harasses most of her support options, so she's worse than her male counterpart

Robin (both) - Uuuuuuuugggggghhhhh

Yarne - The coward gimmick wore on my nerves way too quickly.

Emmeryn - She's a horribly executed character and her waifu gimmick is creepy as all fuck. She makes me physically cringe

Frederick is someone I'm trying not to completely dislike, since he at least has one good line, but other than that I just don't care for him. At least he's actually good in his supports with Sumia

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Yeah, I have. Nowi's a loli, but at least she has the sense to not go dragon on some poor dude because she wants to marry him.

It also helps that I have a headcanon that she's a giant troll, which helps ~o3o~

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Nah - I like her mother far more. At least Nowi doesn't force people to marry her by turning into a fucking dragon.

The thing is, Inigo gets shit from almost every girl he talks to anyway. So I dunno why you're targeting Nah in particular. Edited by Rxmonste
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Because Nah is the worst offender among them. She's also a horrid brat that tries to act all high and mighty just because she's not "like her mother". Nowi's childish and a likes to fuck with people, but at least she'll admit it.

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Well, I would have second thoughts towards a guy who stalks women during the night in a forest.

Lazy clipsey is lazy, so which support was this?

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Lazy clipsey is lazy, so which support was this?

It's not a support, it's how he enters the game in chapter 1: Harassing a woman during the night in the middle of a forest while the undead apocalypse is going on.

Edited by BrightBow
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I can see why people would dislike Virion based on his character archetype. Usually I don't like womaniser types either, if that's the bulk of their character. In this case, however, Virion shows surprising amount of depth coming from an FE:A character and is probably the closest thing this game has to an actual character and is honestly pretty interesting, which is why I like him; A character doesn't have to be a saint to be enjoyable, after all, or I wouldn't be a Loki fan.

I wish Rosanne itself is more explored, though, but it's FEA's shitty worldbuilding, what do we gotta do

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Well, I would have second thoughts towards a guy who stalks women during the night in a forest.

Oh, I doubt I would be too fond of him in real life. But he's one of the better developed characters in the cast and only one with colorful hair and that's automatically worth points in my book.

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