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Dot.hack//The World:R1 Mafia(Game thread)


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Also, Rapier was on earlier, but I don't know whether or not he's one of the two anons in this topic right now. If he's not, then my opinion will go from "maybe he's busy" to "prime lynch candidate".

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Yeah well your lucky kirsche you get a day roll while I'm smeared with vanilla ice cream

wait this was a vanilla claim? I thought Marth was talking about food sigh

why did you even claim?

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Ugh that post took 3 hours to write then my internet died and isn't coming back on fuq this mafia sucks I'm running a fever I'll post in the morning UGH.

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Looking at the timing of Weapons' first stich to Blitz. was slight town reading Blitz and suspicious of me, then suddenly he was "poly's right, SWING VOTE". It did end up swinging the wagon, but it's possible it was a weak case not meant to do that? It was just before the SB wagon died and kirsche preferred the Blitz wagon over me.

I will think more about whether I like how his rapier read has developed, and wait for him to answer my question.

@Eclipse; if he is anon and doesn't speak up that'd be even worse imo.

@BIzz; can you tldr it?

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Also, Rapier was on earlier, but I don't know whether or not he's one of the two anons in this topic right now.

as before, I'm one of the anons

From what I can tell nothing's changed wrt Rapier and he hasn't posted so

##Vote: Rapier

If anyone has questions for me and/or would like me to send them mail, let me know. I'll hopefully have time to work on a content post later tonight

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I claimed because:

A) I was advocating d1 massclaim

B) I wanted to use it as a reaction test except this one is a legit claim

C) vt is a dumb role anyway so openly claiming and being loud And noisy with my reads puts the Mafia on the back foot.

D) minor point but I never did this before so I think its cool and funny.

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I also read Super 9++ and Rapier seemed quietly confident there. Don't know how useful it is because it's 2 years old and the whole game had less posts than D1 here.

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He's still online, though.

Actually, ignoring the game thread is in bad taste - no matter what his alignment is, he's hurting them. Unless he wants to wrap up everything else first, but he could at least attempt to read why he's being elected president. . .meh, I don't have time to wait for him.

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Yeah there's no point in hanging back as VT unless you're trying to WIFOM mafia into thinking you're a PR. Or something.

@Mods; I have a friend who might be interested in subbing in, but he wants to know what slot it's for?

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I'm not really surprised Rapier flaked; this thread had like the largest D1 ever, and his last post was over 20 pages ago now. He's flaked far less active games. I don't think it's indicative of alignment.

@Baldrick- That's like exactly why you don't claim vanilla just for kicks though? The mafia now know who not to kill and who not to target with their investigation role, and their chances of hitting an important role increase. Maybe if you were faking vanilla as a PR but eh.

D1 massclaim is also dumb; the mafia almost always has some sort of strongman or ninja or whatever to circumvent protection on power roles. Not to mention that the mafia knowing the identity of investigative/killing roles allows them to screw them over much more easily even if they can't kill them- see SF3 where we framed the cop's biggest suspect for a mislynch and hijacked the vig for an extra kill. It's also been standard practice for years now for scum to receive fakeclaims that they can prove.

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I said that via was more likely to be town for accepting they had a weak ld1 didn't I? If not I fucked up

fun fact I was writing a post earlier, fell asleep midway, woke up, tried to just type nap at the end before submitting it and was so tired I somehow shut off my computer instead

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One of these days, Alice, I'll write a guide on how to stop your posts from going Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!

Right after my guide on how to give scum proper and useful fakes.

Yeah, I didn't expect Rapier to do anything either. But if he asked for a sub it may be him trying to buy his slot time. IIRC he just let himself be lynched in Duelist Kingdom.

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