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Who is your least favorite character in the Tellius games?

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I had to replay RD to reply to this.

Skrimir's dialogue does not do him any favours here...and anyway, I wasn't trying to say the entire army would be full of Donnels. The point is that it's basically guaranteed that you have people who have no real quarrel with anyone being involved in some manner, that is the nature of war. This is why Fire Emblem defaults to "Evil Empire invades" so much because the ramifications and justifications neccessary to make a War a reasonable option (and a last resort I might add) are absurdly high. The circumstances in Radiant Dawn "justifying" the actions of the Laguz Alliance are complete piffle and a contrivance that are a result of IS needing to recreate a scenario for the Medallion to activate. Brightbow has previously outlined this before, but I'm in complete agreement with him that essentially, Radiant Dawn Part-4 or something to that effect should have happened at the end of Path of Radiance. Getting the entire continent into a war again, one that involves the Laguz who are very aware of the Medallion and refuse to get into conflicts as a result needs a really big catalyst, and FE9 had one. To achieve the situation again in FE10, they turned the Laguz into warmongerers and their commanding officer is an oaf who wants to kill as many humans as possible.

There is no way that the Ike from Path of Radiance would have accepted a massive full scale conflict of this sort. Getting bogged into details about "well Ike kind of implies some concern here" or whatnot is largely irrelevant to the fact he gave the campaign his blessing by signing on and never personally voices complaints against it. Ike was a hero who fought AGAINST the status quo of the world in FE9, in FE10 he endorses it.

What differs this from Ike's decision to lead the Begnion Army? Are the implications of war not the same?

Skrimir does not seem like the type to care very much about whether or not some young conscript pissing himself in fear is his opponent or not, all he wants to do is kill people. That's abhorrent period. They're already killing innocents just by campaigning because there are going to be plenty of blameless soldiers in the Begnion Army, and their forces have not actively aggressed against nations in decades. You can't just say that everyone who signed up deserves to die, some probably had no choice. As for the "strike against the Laguz", no it's a strike against both Ike AND the Laguz, see previous point.

What differs this from the war with Daein? This is entirely conjecture. Is PoR Ike a bad person because there may or may not have been conscripts in the Daein army? Also, Skrimir hates cowardly battles. He's made that clear repeatedly. What fall under that category is up in the air, but since this is a guy that's excited to fight Zelgius I would imagine him the type to not even both with someone who is clearly scared shitless. His dialogue vs Numida is different because Numida is a Begnion senator.

You don't need a Jarod around for an invasion of territory that involves displacing innocent civilians not to be morally wrong.

Fair point, but how does this differ from Crimea/Begnion's occupation of Daein terrirories?

Ike is hardly remorseful at all in any of these, and shows very little conviction towards people whom he once fought beside and trusted. He basically just says "oh well, too bad" and gets on with hitting people with his oversized sword. Everyone he fights against actually expresses regret against their situation and even questions themselves in their other conversations. All these indicate is that Ike doesn't give a damn in this game and apparently everyone's on board with that, which is just in contradiction of what FE9 Ike's personality was.

Are you literally ignoring the one with Jill where he said "I'm sorry it came to this"?

The others CAN all back down though. Ike doesn't even get close to showing a bit of actual regret, all he seems to care about is finishing his job, even if it involves killing his friends. I actually do geninuely believe that if Ike in RD actually behaved like PoR Ike, he would have CONVINCED his former allies from Daein to stand down, beause there are plenty in his army who can do it and don't have nearly as much charismatic potential as he did in FE9.

Complete conjecture. There was never a situation where Ike had to fight a former ally in PoR. Actually, there was. Shinon in C18. Ike fought him, bottom line. This wasn't even a recruitable character either. This is literally one of the Greil Mercenaries.

They can't really be "in the way" unless they want to go to Begnion through Daein. All Daein did was launch some paltry guerilla warfare as a distraction. I'm not advocating "ignoring" them, I'm saying there's precedent for not acting as aggressors and simply functioning on the defence against them.

Replay 3-6/3-7, and 3-11 to 3-13. They were literally in the way. As in on the other side of the swamp while being pursued by the Begnion Central army that was going to kill them in 3-6 and being on the other side of the bridge in 3-11. Also, Daein was a much bigger threat than you're crediting them for. As Sanaki said, they tried reasoning with Daein several times and were answered with violence every single time. At the end of 3-11 Ike said the Daein Army was stronger than before. They actually avoided going through the heart of Daein and traveled along the outskirts to avoid confrontation. Daein answers by damn near killing the Apostle in the 3-12 ambush and actually resulted in considerable losses on Sanaki/Ike's part. Daein lit their troops on fire and had an archer brigade relentless attack the holy guard. You're really gonna tell me that they should just let this shit go?

I didn't realise characters properly expressing themselves in a story constituted as "A waste of time". We're left dredging through hypotheticals from what we knew about a man from a few years ago, operating under the assumption (that is shown to be shaky) that he has the same kind of principles.

Let's not with the sarcasm, man. Ike made his thoughts clear as early as 3-P. I didn't think anymore was necessary.

Being in the right doesn't mean they had a right to start a war, nor was Ike obligated to take part in one.

And invading a country isn't out of line?

I'm gonna have to ask the difference between PoR's case and RD's case again here. Remember, Ike was at the helm of both games.

Begnion showed no intent of negociating but did not actively function as aggressors. The Laguz CHOSE to attack Begnion when they could have not done so. In addition, if there was ANYBODY to work as an intermediary, then paging Elincia and by extension, Ike to attempt to do something more on the diplomatic side would have made far more sense. You're not just choosing to magically kill the people doing "bad things" here, the decision of an invasion has wide reaching consequences.

Shooting the messenger is an act of aggression. You're missing the part where the Laguz sent emissaries to try and peacefully resolve the situation, only to have Begnion say "fuck off" and kill them. This isn't just any old quarrel, either. This is the Serenes Massacre for crying out loud. This led to the slaughtering of literally the most peaceful laguz on the planet, the burning of their home, and the trade auctions of Herons. This also played a part in amplifying the feelings of discrimination in the people of Begnion. This was also connected to the assasination of Sanaki's Grandma. This is a big fucking deal, dude. The Laguz didn't just up and declare war. What would happen if they tried to send Ike there? He would have just gotten flipped off as well. Maybe even captured and jailed the same way they captured and jailed Sephiran and Sanaki. Maybe they would have even tried to kill him! Crimea is specifically stated to be a Suzerain of Begnion. There was jack shit Elincia could do about Begnion's affairs. She couldn't even keep them out of her own land, much less have them answer for the Serenes Massacre.

Cain getting involved is bullshit and also unrepresentative of his attitude in FE9 and just another strike against the game's lack of respect to it's predescessor.

Even Begnion's own empress got on board with it. Heck, even Elincia had to take up arms against Begnion. This was obviously not as easy to just ignore as you're suggesting.

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What differs this from Ike's decision to lead the Begnion Army? Are the implications of war not the same?

Maybe you need to replay PoR as well to not resort to hilarious counterarguments like this.

Daein INVADED CRIMEA, and was on the brink of launching another offensive into Gallia. Regardless of the innocents and loss of life involved in the counteroffensive, Crimea was completely occupied by Daein and it's citizens were being subjugated by Ashnard. The situation would not have defused or gone away by itself, unlike the Laguz campaign where the main justifications are very much history and territories are not being impeached upon by anyone. Gallia refused to provide significant military aid in order to liberate Crimea, so Elincia had to appeal to Begnion for support.

What I will say, is that there is no reason given at any point as to why the Crimean Liberation Army had to neccessarily go through Daein first to liberate Crimea. It is simply never addressed. I assume that it was primarily logistical, in that it would be significantly easier (and likely result in less casualities) to do so from their current position, and that a reasoning was used that Ashnard had to be usurped in order to address the incessant racism spewing forth from Daein. Assuming both choices were equal in terms of a campaign, Crimea should have been the initial focus to liberate first, and repelling Daein to within it's own borders second. The question of whether or not they remained a significant threat to the safety of Crimea could have been accessed afterwards.

In a situation where an entire country's own citizens are having their rights infringed upon in the present, and something can be done about, something should be done about it. I am not a pacifist, but you are being willfully blind to the differences in the scenarios, beacuse in FE10 Begnion had not invaded anyone. Killing messengers was an act of contempt, but the life of one or two Laguz messengers is not valid reasoning to launch an invasion, especially when FE10 came after the Herons forgave Sanaki in FE9, and by extension, Begnion of the Serene's massacre.


Western Bengion is home to a great forest.


As the first snow of the season falls, the newly commissioned General Ike takes control of the Crimean Liberation Army. He leads it toward the knife-edged mountains that mark the border between Begnion and Daein.


At one time these woods were home to the kingdom of Serenes and ruled by the heron clan of the bird tribes.


Following the Serenes Massacre, the forest lost its color and vitality. Some said it was the sorrow of the goddess made real. For twenty long years, the devout citizens of Begnion trembled in shame and loathing over the crime they had committed.


The Bengion Empress, Apostle Sanaki, stepped forward as representative of her countrymen.


Kneeling before the surviving heron prince and princess, she gave voice to the apology of her people.


She spoke not as one nation to another but as neighbors on the same continent. The massacre was unforgivable. However, hatred breeds hatred, and if the cycle of grief and anger is not broken, it will continue for time without end. It was with this in mind that the herons accepted the apostle's apology.


And so it was that Serenes Forest was returned to its former glory.

I italicised the most important part of this. The formal agreement was to put the matter in the past and attempt to move past it. In FE10, this is not the case at all.

Finally, Ike was not an experienced leader, nor had he ever experienced some of the harsh realities of war in FE9. He would have been in many ways ignorant to what exactly he and his army were actually about to do, and in some ways, likely blinded by the nature of the cause he'd already been fighting for in almost half a year. Ike would have also personally felt the impact of Daein's invasion of Crimea, which could have clouded his judgement. This is not all neccessarily excuses, I am simply hypothesising because unfortunately FE9 is not explict enough in it's script for as to why Daein had to be attacked first.

What differs this from the war with Daein? This is entirely conjecture. Is PoR Ike a bad person because there may or may not have been conscripts in the Daein army? Also, Skrimir hates cowardly battles. He's made that clear repeatedly. What fall under that category is up in the air, but since this is a guy that's excited to fight Zelgius I would imagine him the type to not even both with someone who is clearly scared shitless. His dialogue vs Numida is different because Numida is a Begnion senator.

Addressed most of these points in the previous segment.

Skrimir says he hates cowardly battles, but he is also an idiot and thinks that tactical behaviour is cowardly. His definition of cowardly leans more towards "isn't coming at me with his bare hands", and he is such a hothead I have a very difficult time believing that he's actually spending any time whatsoever on a battlefield trying to judge whether an enemy is cowering in fear of him. He has little to no respect for Beorc life, and even though he does change, the start of the campaign did not have a changed Skrimir.

Fair point, but how does this differ from Crimea/Begnion's occupation of Daein terrirories?

Crimea refused to rule Daein, they did not do anything wrong by that mark. As for them passing through, I have once again addressed this previously, but cannot give a concise answer beacuse of the lack of elaboration in the script. Begnion took control afterwards and I agree, were morally wrong to do so. That is why Part-1 involves the Dawn Brigade liberating their country, as they have every right to.

Are you literally ignoring the one with Jill where he said "I'm sorry it came to this"?

Are you ignoring the manner he speaks in the majority of these conversations? This is tokenism.

Complete conjecture. There was never a situation where Ike had to fight a former ally in PoR. Actually, there was. Shinon in C18. Ike fought him, bottom line. This wasn't even a recruitable character either. This is literally one of the Greil Mercenaries.

It's hardly conjecture. Shinon loathed Ike and treated him like dirt for years, and neither of them exactly saw each other as friends. By comparison, Jill highly admires and respects Ike. So does Zihark. These two characters can be convinced to stand down by other people they care and respect, so there is no reason why the man with the charisma to unite Tellius could not have attempted to be less brazen in a situation like this.

Ike: Why would you seek me out? I won’t have any mercy on my enemies. That goes for former allies, too!

The situations are not even remotely comparable. Upon reexamining some of the script though, there ARE some attempts by Ike to appeal to the people he's fighting later on in Part 3, which whilst good, is odd. He doesn't attempt to do so at all the first time the armies clash, but does once they are in Daein. This slightly eases up some of my criticisms against him, but at the same time the contrast is very stark and confusing. If there is a defence for Ike's manner in Radiant Dawn, it is that Radiant Dawn's chaotic and godawful narrative does him (and many others) a great disservice.

Replay 3-6/3-7, and 3-11 to 3-13. They were literally in the way. As in on the other side of the swamp while being pursued by the Begnion Central army that was going to kill them in 3-6 and being on the other side of the bridge in 3-11. Also, Daein was a much bigger threat than you're crediting them for. As Sanaki said, they tried reasoning with Daein several times and were answered with violence every single time. At the end of 3-11 Ike said the Daein Army was stronger than before. They actually avoided going through the heart of Daein and traveled along the outskirts to avoid confrontation. Daein answers by damn near killing the Apostle in the 3-12 ambush and actually resulted in considerable losses on Sanaki/Ike's part. Daein lit their troops on fire and had an archer brigade relentless attack the holy guard. You're really gonna tell me that they should just let this shit go?

I am not arguing that in 3-6/7 they should not have fought. I am arguing that after Ike and the Laguz got their asses handed to them and retreated all the way back to Crimea, that there was no pressing need to attack Daein across the Eastern Border of Crimea and Daein, which is what they did. Ike saying the army was stronger was in reference to their blind belief in their saviour in Micaiah, not that their actual total presence was significant. It was very much piffle compared to a united Begnion, Crimean, and Laguz army, and that is why they fell. There are more routes than one in order to progress to Begnion. However I am considering the possibility that, similar to FE9, their approach may have been for logisitical purposes. It could have been deemed easier and safer to pass through Daein than to simply go around to Begnion. I am skeptical of this however, because clearly Daein has been shown to be territorial beforehand, so going south then east makes far more sense than going straight through Daein if you wanted to avoid casualities.

Let's not with the sarcasm, man. Ike made his thoughts clear as early as 3-P. I didn't think anymore was necessary.

He did not "make his thoughts clear" at all. The narrative dropped a line about it, and Ike's actions and behaviour contradict the narrative repeatedly throughout the game. This is a fundamental problem with Ike in FE10, and frankly, much of FE10's cast.

I'm gonna have to ask the difference between PoR's case and RD's case again here. Remember, Ike was at the helm of both games.

Addressed previously.

Shooting the messenger is an act of aggression. You're missing the part where the Laguz sent emissaries to try and peacefully resolve the situation, only to have Begnion say "fuck off" and kill them. This isn't just any old quarrel, either. This is the Serenes Massacre for crying out loud. This led to the slaughtering of literally the most peaceful laguz on the planet, the burning of their home, and the trade auctions of Herons. This also played a part in amplifying the feelings of discrimination in the people of Begnion. This was also connected to the assasination of Sanaki's Grandma. This is a big fucking deal, dude. The Laguz didn't just up and declare war. What would happen if they tried to send Ike there? He would have just gotten flipped off as well. Maybe even captured and jailed the same way they captured and jailed Sephiran and Sanaki. Maybe they would have even tried to kill him! Crimea is specifically stated to be a Suzerain of Begnion. There was jack shit Elincia could do about Begnion's affairs. She couldn't even keep them out of her own land, much less have them answer for the Serenes Massacre.

Addressed previously. Shooting the messenger is not an act of aggression, nor does it justify the invasion of a country. The Serene's Massacre was FORMALLY SETTLED AND FORGIVEN YEARS AGO. The new information is a contrivance, as is the reaction of the Laguz. Seriously, think back to the "Cabinet Meeting" of the Laguz Royals in FE9, where they are extremely hesistant to get involved in straight up conflicts, look at the bonds created and forgiveness and attempts to break a cycle of hatred, and tell me with a straight face that any of this is at all sensible.

If they had sent Ike or Elincia there, then mayhaps they would have been flipped off, but at the same time it's pretty apparent that Ike and crew are pretty capable of taking care of themselves. I cannot hypothesise exactly what would have happened, but it would be far more difficult, if not impossible for Begnion to attack a Royal Entourage of a Queen they helped reinstate and publically consider a Vassal of their own country, and a man who is essentially a former General. If they did in fact pull up the drawbridge and flip Elincia off, then that STILL would not have justified a invasion.

You don't just start a war because of diplomatic relations breaking down, even if a few casualties occur. You act in according to necessity. Was there a necessity for the Laguz to attack Begnion in any way, shape or form? No.

Even Begnion's own empress got on board with it. Heck, even Elincia had to take up arms against Begnion. This was obviously not as easy to just ignore as you're suggesting.

Nobody knew what the heck was going on with Sanaki at that point, and Cain had given the campaign a go ahead well before we knew many of facets of the plot.

Had Sanaki escaped with her Holy Knights and came seeking asylum and aid in order to retaken Begnion, then THIS would have been a good case to put forward to push against Begnion. This would have been far more sensible and justified. I can only imagine the reason this does not occur is because it is far too similar to FE9's original plot.

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Okay, here's my two cents here.

RD, due to it's poor writing and lack of proper supports, had to limit all of it's characters to one definitive personality trait. Examples are Ike being known just for bluntness and Illyana's food fetish being multiplied by 100.

IS didn't know how to avoid making only unlikable characters yet when using this method. Awakening, while it does have flaws, shows that it's possible to make likable characters this way.

That said, this means Ike's personality hasn't changed, just he's limited to bluntness cause the writers are idiots.

The few scenes where Ike shows his other traits show he hasn't changed at all. As for his supposed lack of remorse towards his old friends, A. He still shows remorse too so... and B. having Ike able to recruit all his old army members would truly screw over the DB, so the explanation is gameplay.

I'm aware it's possible to recruit the previous members from who's closest to them, but thats more challenging than Ike rcruits everyone.

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I lost a big post just now. Fuck it. Too much work to re-type. Agree to disagree? At the very least I got you to ease up on him (hopefully).

Oh and it's worth mentioning that I compared the Laguz reaction of Genghis Khan's invasion of Khwarezmia, which is why I didn't think it was so out of line. From the PoV of the Laguz, it might have been seen as an act of war. Given the nature of the senators, they were probably humiliated and torutured as well. To us it may not be something to war about, but all that matters is that they thought it was.

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I lost a big post just now. Fuck it. Too much work to re-type. Agree to disagree? At the very least I got you to ease up on him (hopefully).

I would think we have always agreed to disagree on the subject. I'm not here to convince you, I was here to express my opinion and justifications for it. I don't think I've really eased up on Ike though, because the war is still a huge point of contention that won't go away. Really, the main thing this has done is highlight moreso how inconsistent and frustratingly incoherant Radiant Dawn's script can be.

Oh and it's worth mentioning that I compared the Laguz reaction of Genghis Khan's invasion of Khwarezmia, which is why I didn't think it was so out of line. From the PoV of the Laguz, it might have been seen as an act of war. Given the nature of the senators, they were probably humiliated and torutured as well. To us it may not be something to war about, but all that matters is that they thought it was.

I don't agree with that either, but the historical contexts of that are not really fair to compare. FE9 had an entire arc dedicated towards a redemption of sorts on the subject of the past, and there was a large emphasis on trying to break the cycle of hate. Although as is apparent, it's hardly an uncommon thing for FE10 handwave important developments and plot devices from it's predecessor.

Okay, here's my two cents here.

These are explanations, not justifications.

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I think everyone can agree that Pelleas and Izuka suck, right? But on a more controversial note, I have to say that Micaiah is pretty bad too, both story wise and game play wise. I also don't really care for Reyson. No particular reason, he just annoys me to no end. So does Mist. I really like Ike and Kieran though.

*runs and hides*

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I think everyone can agree that Pelleas and Izuka suck, right? But on a more controversial note, I have to say that Micaiah is pretty bad too, both story wise and game play wise. I also don't really care for Reyson. No particular reason, he just annoys me to no end. So does Mist. I really like Ike and Kieran though.

*runs and hides*

I think Pelleas works well enough, he's similar to Elincia in that he wants to do the right thing but is kinda naive and this leads to issues.

Izuka probably could have been a little less super obviously evil but he works all right as a minor antagonist IMO.

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I can possibly agree that Pelleas works alright. What I don't like about him is his spinelessness. But I do see your point.

Izuka is someone that we're not supposed to like, so I was just stating that the writers did a good job. But it is kind of just jammed down your throat that you're not supposed to like him.

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Pelleas's whole character is just dumb. Everyone rallies around him for Daein's liberation because he's Ashnard's son, even though he's a pathetic leader. Just feels like Daein people were all holding the idiot ball on that one.

I kind of thought Izuka could have worked as this scumbag who had no regard for Laguz life, but still actually meant well for Pelleas and Daein, but that's before I realized he was already established as a villain in PoR. Makes me wonder how Geoffrey and Ranulf remembered him, but Jill/Zihark didn't.

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Everyone rallies around him for Daein's liberation because he's Ashnard's son, even though he's a pathetic leader. Just feels like Daein people were all holding the idiot ball on that one

Call it being idiotic if you want, but it's not an unrealistic scenario at all. You may not believe me, seeing as I doubt you live in a country with Royalty, but even in modern society people within nations with monarchies do have a sense of pride and loyalty to their monarchs. I mean, hell, I do. People wept for Princess Diana. They loved the Queen Mother. They respect Queen Elizabeth II. Maybe I don't feel quite as passionately as they do, but I understand the emotions very well, and they are geninue, and this is all within a country where a monarch hasn't had real governing power for nearly a century.

The anthem isn't sing God Save the Queen for nothing.

Pelleas is a bit incompetant, but the majority of Daein don't know that, and can't see that. To them, he and Micaiah represent freedom from the tyranny of Begnion and hope for the future. People need something to rally around, something to believe in, a cause to fight for.

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Call it being idiotic if you want, but it's not an unrealistic scenario at all. You may not believe me, seeing as I doubt you live in a country with Royalty, but even in modern society people within nations with monarchies do have a sense of pride and loyalty to their monarchs.

Ok, fair enough. But, say Elizabeth II had been a secret and nobody knew that she existed. But then someone was like OH HEY JUST KIDDING. We do have a monarch. Would you all have been on board? That does sound like an unrealistic scenario to me.

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You're not taking into account the context of the situation. There will always be SOMEONE the Crown can be put upon, beacuse the rules of inheritance mean you simply go back up the family tree to find the next closest relative. Really, it didn't have to be Ashnard's secret son. It could have been his distant nephew or anything of the sort, that nobody knew or cared about until the present situation. Daein may not have strictly needed a new monarch in order to rally behind, but it certainly helps a lot in the feudal esque period Fire Emblem is commonly set in.

Pelleas represents the institution of the monarchy of Daein, and as such, he represents the people of Daein. And it was under his banner that Daein was liberated. If you're asking me if I was a citizen of Daein at the time, would I have been supportive of him? Damn straight I would.

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Ya, I guess it just seems to me that the soldiers laughing at him was a much more believable scenario than the BK just planting his sword in the ground and everyone changes their minds. I'm not really trying to say that the character of Pelleas and his story are unbelievable, they make as much sense as anything else. What I am saying though is that I don't like him. He's kind of pathetic. But I do enjoy playing as him, that dark magic though.

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An unrealistic scenario, to be sure. But it's an unrealistic scenario that has proven to be possible just three years ago. If Crimea can have it's fairy tale hero, then why can't Daein? Especially if he is supported by a marketable freedom fighter capable of performing actual miracles?

Edit: Dang it, I was a bit too late with that one.

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Didn't really care for Heather for whatever reason. Sothe gets my vote for worst fashion, though (I don't pair him with Micaiah because she deserves someone who can dress to impress. . .like Pelleas).

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Didn't really care for Heather for whatever reason. Sothe gets my vote for worst fashion, though (I don't pair him with Micaiah because she deserves someone who can dress to impress. . .like Pelleas).

Yeah, I do sort of agree with you on that. Sothe must still be wearing the same shirt he wore in PoR.

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I don't like Micaiah, Sothe, Leonardo, part 1, Jarrod, Elincia, Crimea, Sanaki, Sephiran, Zelgius, Tibarn, Rafiel, The Begnion Senate, FE10 Ike, Skimir, Black Knight, Yune, and Ashera.

I loved Naesala because he cares for his country and will do anything for his people.

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Doesn't all of this also apply to Micaiah, Elincia, and Sanaki at least? Especially to Micaiah.

Not to the same degree. They, ok Elincia was willing to, wouldn't put someone else life in jeopardy. None of those explored the darker aspects of ruling a poor nation and having to resort to crimes and dirty work just to get ahead.

that would require the poster enjoying females.

I think they belong in the kitchen...
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