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Ending Kamui's family.


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The two shown paths set Kamui against one royal line. There's also a 3rd path.

How do you see Kamui's parents and siblings kicking the bucket? In battle, or out of it? How many are ended by Kamui himself? How are they ended?

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Man, if we really do have to kill the opposing members of Kamui's family, I'm gonna be kind of sad. Here's to hoping that there is SOME way to recruit all of them -- even if it's a non-canon postgame.

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I really like the characters on both sides, but to be honest I actually hope at least one of the siblings is going to die likely Marx/Ryouma but the problem is really see takumi/leon going a bit crazy/hating and wanting to kill your character for your betrayal, it seems to match their descriptions but then only the girls are alive so then i feel they will add camilla and Hinoka dying, and then its just the little sisters,and in for a penny in for a pound as they say and then i somehow find myself thinking all of the family is going to die. But in all seriousness i think it might be either the middle kids are optional to live or die, marx/Ryouma dies, and the youngest sister lives, or the middle children die and the oldest and youngest kids live. Or they might all die, and i will be really sad but i don't think i would complain that much.

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Assuming they all fight against you, here is how I think it would go:

First you fight Leon/Takumi. I feel that they will be the only ones to fight you in your country, and they will most likely die.

Next, you fight Camilla/Hinoka. Unlike their younger brothers, these two are more reluctant to fight against you. They will most likely die crying while saying that you were no longer the innocent young boy/girl you were while you were younger, with Camilla wishing Kamui luck against Marx and Garon while Hinoka notes that her training wouldn't have protected you.

After a few chapters, you fight Elise/Sakura. They would obviously be the most reluctant to fight you, and I feel it will give you an option to spare their lives. If you choose to kill them, they will die smiling and saying they will always love you. If you choose to spare them, they will either go insane with grief, possibly with an implied suicide, or they will join you late game.

Finally, you fight Marx/Ryouma. They will seem the most betrayed, but they will have differing reactions. Marx will treat you as a hypocritical traitor, saying that you were the one who deserved your so-called "justice." Ryouma will apologize for being forced to fight you, and say that your father would be proud of your strength, but not your morality. I believe that you will be forced to kill them, with Marx saying that you finally bested him and Ryouma will wish that he knew you better.

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i'm not sure how anyone could talk about liking any of these characters yet, unless people really can be so shallow to like based on looks alone before getting to know them.

with that said i'm all for wiping out one side entirely, it'd defeat the point of "what if" if you could recruit them anyways.

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It wouldn't be a surprise if Kamui were to be the one to kill his family of the opposing side, unless Garon or the Hoshidan Ruler were to order an execution of some sorts. It would be nice to see if some of the siblings could have the option of either being killed, recruited, or spared simply just for more options.

Marx and Ryouma will definitely be the major bosses and won't defect to Kamui's side. They are, after all, highly regarded in their respective family and country so they can't turn back on them. It does seem that Ryouma is the one that feels the most resentment for having to fight Kamui.

Camilla and Hinoka are up in the air for me. Based on the brief description of their personality, it seems like it's possible that they can be recruited by Kamui after being defeated.

Leon and Takumi will seem to be the most rigid in terms of personality and seem like they harbor a possible jealousy or hatred for Kamui; or even Marx and Ryouma for that matter. They'll probably be the ones that will be killed regardless of the situation.

Elise and Sakura are the most ambiguous for me because it would be difficult for Kamui to kill siblings that hold him so dear. Sakura may not be as close to Kamui as Elise is, but from what we've seen it seems like Sakura deeply cares for Kamui. Maybe they can be recruited?

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I'm hoping some are recruitable, and some are aggressive optional bosses that chase you around the map and unless you're ok with killing siblings you have to do your best to stay out of their way (maybe even sacrifice a less liked unit to keep them busy)

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I'm all for Kamui killing the older siblings personally after they express their feelings of betrayal, but I'm not sure what would happen with Elise/Sakura. I honestly can't see them wanting to fight Kamui. If I have to kill them I'll feel bad about it, but given how the main theme of If is the consequences of one's choices I think it would be the right move story-wise.

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It's not that I'm all 'one side of the royal familly being killed', no, I just consider this to be the minimum.

Maybe one or two recruitable anyways why not. But really, that would screw up the drama and the impact of the 'choice'.

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Honestly, I'm more concerned about the attitude the characters will have depending on your gender. I can see both Camilla and Elise acting the same towards a male and female Kamui and maybe Sakura, too. Still, all this talk about Takumi and Leon's attitude towards Kamui gives me a bad feeling about their behavior towards a female Kamui.

Wouldn't it be a little out of place to be act so cold and be jealous towards their sister? I can see them acting that way towards their brother, but a girl?

Regardless, I don't really think we'll be able to kill any sibling from each side given that the familial bonds are strong with this one.

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I really hope for some heart wrenching dialogue and interesting character dynamics considering we haven't really seen the personality of any of the royals.

Also, I hope the siblings get boss dialogue as well, just imagine all the possibilities...

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Assuming they all fight against you, here is how I think it would go:

First you fight Leon/Takumi. I feel that they will be the only ones to fight you in your country, and they will most likely die.

Next, you fight Camilla/Hinoka. Unlike their younger brothers, these two are more reluctant to fight against you. They will most likely die crying while saying that you were no longer the innocent young boy/girl you were while you were younger, with Camilla wishing Kamui luck against Marx and Garon while Hinoka notes that her training wouldn't have protected you.

After a few chapters, you fight Elise/Sakura. They would obviously be the most reluctant to fight you, and I feel it will give you an option to spare their lives. If you choose to kill them, they will die smiling and saying they will always love you. If you choose to spare them, they will either go insane with grief, possibly with an implied suicide, or they will join you late game.

Finally, you fight Marx/Ryouma. They will seem the most betrayed, but they will have differing reactions. Marx will treat you as a hypocritical traitor, saying that you were the one who deserved your so-called "justice." Ryouma will apologize for being forced to fight you, and say that your father would be proud of your strength, but not your morality. I believe that you will be forced to kill them, with Marx saying that you finally bested him and Ryouma will wish that he knew you better.

I can see this happening, they`re probably gonna want us to feel as bad as possible about our decisions and about potentially killing the familiy on the other faction. Sakura/Elise would probably be the ones who want to fight you the least, being the youngest and all. I feel that Hinoka and Ryuoma would`ve wanted to know Kamui better, possibly blaming themselves for Kamui getting kidnapped. I can also see Ryuoma not wanting to fight Kamui, but not having a choice, saying something like "Believe me, I don`t want to fight you, but my posistion demands otherwise". Leon/Takumi would be the most likely ones to die, rather than join you.

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I must confess, if I have to kill Camilla, I won't be able to finish the Hoshido/3rd Route.

If someone has to die, I feel like it might be the elder brothers (or maybe both younger and elder brothers).

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I feel that with the exception of Marx and Ryouma, you should have the option of killing them or taking them prisoner. You will NOT, however, have the option to recruit them later.

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I must confess, if I have to kill Camilla, I won't be able to finish the Hoshido/3rd Route.

If someone has to die, I feel like it might be the elder brothers (or maybe both younger and elder brothers).

I actually hope this doesn't happen, I mean, the girls playing this game have to get something! And killing off only the male characters won't be very fair, then which husbandos will we get?

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I actually hope this doesn't happen, I mean, the girls playing this game have to get something! And killing off only the male characters won't be very fair, then which husbandos will we get?

It's not like you can support your enemies anyway. Also, they're your brothers.

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I actually hope this doesn't happen, I mean, the girls playing this game have to get something! And killing off only the male characters won't be very fair, then which husbandos will we get?

The handsome, half-naked, not-yet-shown sexy men.

I We have Camillla, it's only fair, right?

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It's not like you can support your enemies anyway. Also, they're your brothers.

Yeah, I was referring more to Leon and Marx since they're not blood related to you anyways, in Takumi and Ryoma's case the husbando thing does not apply.

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I could imagine that for Elise/Sakura, that someone shoots them with an arrow or something in battle, and Kamui runs to them, where he/she starts crying as they say that they still loved him, even though he/she didn't side with them. It could then either show their last breath or possibly cut to a grave where the other one (of Sakura/Elise) asks if they could help him plant flowers and make a meadow where they died.

Idk why, but I can kind of imagine that, and it would have much feels as well.

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I must confess, if I have to kill Camilla, I won't be able to finish the Hoshido/3rd Route.

Worst case scenario: You ressurect her as your undead slave. Best. Romance. Ever.

Edited by B.Leu
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I`d rather not have to fight the family on the opisite side, but there is that possibility. This game seems to have even more feels than Awakening had, first the decicion and now this (assuming it actually happens for any of the paths). I doubt you`ll be able to recruit any of them, regardless which path you pick (aside from the family on the side you pick, Hoshido/Nohr).

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Sheesh, does everyone think that Takumi and Leon are the most likely to die? They're the two that I find most interesting, I certainly hope they don't kick it (or are the only sibling pair to die).

I really have no idea whether the game is going to force you to kill the siblings on the side you don't choose, or if they're going to find some believable way to not kill them/maybe recruit them. I mean, if the total number of playable units on each side is super low (compared to previous FEs), I'd be more inclined to believe you can nab some of your opposing siblings. If the number of playable characters on both sides is closer to a standard FE game, probably not.

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Well, I don't think that Sakura and Elise will die because they are the youngest, but I can imagine killing Marx or Ryouma because they are leaders of their country's military force.

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They showed some, uh, interesting cutscenes involving Marx and Ryouma that seem to suggest you'll be engaging in some kind of final showdown with them (with Ryouma claiming you've betrayed Hoshido and Marx declaring he's going to serve you justice or something). They also showed glimpses of Takumi and Leon cutscenes, which may suggest they're also boss fights which may come before that final duel.

You may get to kill all the handsome men in the third route! Won't that be fun?

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