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I was going to say this too, thank goodness I'm not the only one who thought of this.

This game is pretty equal to FE13 design-wise for me. They have some good ones and glaringly bad ones.

uh, previous games before FE13 has fully covered Fighters.

^ yeah but i think Nolan is the only one who thought sleeves were a good idea. Well him and Harold. So not that many fully covered ones but still not vaikes either.
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Kozaki released a photo of Hinoka and Camilla on twitter a few hours ago. Thought this would be the thread where to share it:

It looks like Camilla's about to call her a pettanko....

I hope Hinoka doesn't have a cup angst all over again...

EDIT: I realize they probably just hate each other because, but I will rage if that's what some of her supports are about.

"all over again"?

And I don't understand why you consider it worth raging about, although everything we've seen about Hinoka's character indicates that she shouldn't be the type who cares about her breast. If anything, she might consider them a hinderance and be happy with her size. If she wasn't on the opposite side from Charlotte, I could imagine her asking how on earth she fights with such a large chest.

uh, previous games before FE13 has fully covered Fighters.

Yes, but the most recent game, FE13 has fighters with exposed chest. And since this game has a similar design art wise, it makes more sense to expect them to base the first female fighters design off of the FIghters from FE13 than going off of some past, random FE game.

Not to mention it fits her character.

Edited by BlueL
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Charlotte bothered me at first, but as it happened with others, I read her bio and. I love it.

Tbh, Orochi bothers me wayyyyyyyyy more than Charlotte does. Her pants/skirt/whatever she's wearing on wear legs ride really reaaaaaaaaaaaally low. Considering Charlotte's character and class, I can excuse it, but nothing about Orochi's character suggests she would wear something like that.

Now that Benoit's armor pecs have been pointed out, I find it amusing that they seem to have been made in his arms-crossed pose if the breastplate is all one piece (although having to separate pec pieces just so you can hunch comfortably while crossing your arms is also rather amusing. Straighten up Benoit!)

I think Harold's departure from the topless Fighter is because he's supposed to be a parody of Captain America.... I mean, just look at his color scheme!

I'm really liking Nyx, but I think that's more because she reminds me of Caster from Fate/Stay Night.... Not in her appearance but her way of speaking.

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It looks like Camilla's about to call her a pettanko....

"all over again"?

And I don't understand why you consider it worth raging about, although everything we've seen about Hinoka's character indicates that she shouldn't be the type who cares about her breast.

We don't need another redheaded pegasus knight who angsts about not having large titties. It's dumb.

And we've seen very little of Hinoka's character, or any character for that matter. I wouldn't have guessed Cordelia would have had that issue either, really, but she did.

And I can do what I want, man.

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From the leak. . .I approve of everyone's designs (beginning to think that the "boob window" on the male Hoshido outfits is how men dress, kinda like how Camilla/Elise have heels). Even if Severa isn't my favorite character.

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It says something about how completely unattached to the FE13 children I was that I didn't even notice Luna looked like someone. I like both her and Belka's (sp) designs, though, from what we've seen. Cool hair and practical outfits.

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It looks like Camilla's about to call her a pettanko....

ngl now that we know Camilla likes strong women and Hinoka is very warrior-like from character descripts

Maybe Camilla's just checkin' her out

3rd route political marriages where are they

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From the leak. . .I approve of everyone's designs (beginning to think that the "boob window" on the male Hoshido outfits is how men dress, kinda like how Camilla/Elise have heels). Even if Severa isn't my favorite character.

Yeah I agree, all the new designs shown are cool.

Especially Fox Boy, he looks cool.

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Especially Fox Boy, he looks cool.


i want more kitsunes.

am i like the only person who doesn't like hinoka's design?

Edited by Sophie
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am i like the only person who doesn't like hinoka's design?

I haven't seen many other people other then myself who like like it, people are pretty "eh" overall.

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Well I mean, I guess it's okay. It just looks... eh compared to most others.

If it's designs I don't like at all, Orochi fills that nicely.

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We don't need another redheaded pegasus knight who angsts about not having large titties. It's dumb.

And we've seen very little of Hinoka's character, or any character for that matter. I wouldn't have guessed Cordelia would have had that issue either, really, but she did.

And I can do what I want, man.

Would it be ok if she was a purple haired mage?

Good point.

I never said you couldn't, just don't understand the amount of people on here or FE Reddit who literally rage over certain character tropes as if they're an abomination to humanity.

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I thought the blonde girl with the big white bow looked totally cute. But then I saw her boobs. WTF, first Tiki, then Camilla, now this trash. I'm sick of having huge round boobs and deep cleavage thrown in my face.

What's wrong with having big breasts? If you have big breasts, show them off. Are you jealous or something?

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What's wrong with having big breasts? If you have big breasts, show them off. Are you jealous or something?

I'll get right on that next time I've got a big battle coming up.

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I'll get right on that next time I've got a big battle coming up.

Hell yeah. People in a battle can die at any second. I'd like to see a nice pair of breasts before dying at the very least.

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I'd be a little less concerned about what my enemy is ogling and more concerned with my own survival, myself, but each to their own.

I have no problem with boobs myself. I think most people don't. I wouldn't show them in that situation, though.

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Hell yeah. People in a battle can die at any second. I'd like to see a nice pair of breasts before dying at the very least.

Depending on how much of that response is shtick and how much is sincere, I'm either slightly depressed or extremely depressed.

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I'd be a little less concerned about what my enemy is ogling and more concerned with my own survival, myself, but each to their own.

I have no problem with boobs myself. I think most people don't. I wouldn't show them in that situation, though.

It's also confused me why mages never where armor, even light armor, to battle. No one complains about that.

Not saying this is what your doing (I just got reminded is all), but I hate it when people complain about this kind of thing because it's unrealistic. That is a hilariously extreme double standard. Tons of things are unrealistic. You are complaining about this as a gender issue, the least you could do is admit it.

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