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What if Serenesforest was split in half into a war similar to Hoshido and Nohr?

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It will probably happen, there will be the if weeb loveplus lewd face rub sim supporters vs the "purist" fe fans

Personally I am glad 3ds needed a vita-tier ecchi game to bury that system for good

Edited by Agile Tit-Tyrant
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Me and aiku would be on different sides all because we wanted both >u>....... or would that put us on both sides?

You would follow Jyosua on both routes no matter what.

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The third faction would be the Folgore Rangers and allies.

don't you have enemies that are actually your friends tho
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Me and aiku would be on different sides all because we wanted both >u>

....... or would that put us on both sides?

Romeo and Juliet

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I'd be the DLC character from a past game with amazingly redrawn artwork and ridiculous stats. Everyone would love me because I have no presence in the story whatsoever and therefore am unaccountable for all of the failings that people will inevitably complain about.

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