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Famitsu 4th June Leak


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traditional? The mainly female shifters didn't really happen till fe 6 i think.

In fe 1/3 we had tiki and bantu, actually if you count Xane we had 2-1 for the males. Fa makes 2-2 or 1-2 for the females. 7 didnt have any but it even out if you added ninian and nils. 8 had myrth (but the only other manakete was male) so 2-3 2-4 for the females. Really only game it was really in was awakening. Really it is kinda overblown.

I think they meant traditional to Japanese mythology, where the Kitsune/fox spirits are usually women. Could be wrong though.

Also, I wonder if these characters will appear on the official website tomorrow when they officially appear in Famitsu too?

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Being at full hp is hardly conditional, especially if you have good dodge avoid. And we still can't say for Kazahana. It may hardly be conditional in the end. Though 20% of the target's hp(that's how it works right?)really won't be that much until endgame.

One thing that I could see being really annoying about his conditional is him being at full HP, getting enough EXP to level up and suddenly losing his bonus because he procced HP. >.>

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I transcribed Vincent's translations (with some corrections/compacting) onto the low quality scans. The higher ones will be up tomorrow, but just for those who are curious, see them below.

Blog post here.



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I'm surprised they made Luna one of the royal servants. That kind of suggests she's a native of Nohr, rather than coming there by other means...

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I'm surprised they made Luna one of the royal servants. That kind of suggests she's a native of Nohr, rather than coming there by other means...

Zeke served Rudolf in Fire Emblem Gaiden...

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I'm surprised they made Luna one of the royal servants. That kind of suggests she's a native of Nohr, rather than coming there by other means...

Maybe Camilla's the type who value someone's skill over their background?

Either way... the plot thickens.

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I'm surprised they made Luna one of the royal servants. That kind of suggests she's a native of Nohr, rather than coming there by other means...

1 it just means she is integrated into their society, Zeke/Camus for example was in the army in Gadien. (Ninjas)

2 calling them servants seems to be a bit demeaning to them. But this isn't just you or course.

Edited by goodperson707
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I think Luna is just a new character who "happens" to bear an uncanny resemblance to Severa rather than actually being Severa, since this game takes place in a new setting. I doubt they would have any Outrealm shenanigans with a character so close to one of the siblings, and it's not hinted at in her bio at all.

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Maybe Camilla's the type who value someone's skill over their background?

Either way... the plot thickens.

I wonder if Hoshido will get an equivalent of a clone/look alike/same person from Awakening treatment.

Owain had sort of Hoshido clothes already... Say'ri is an obvious choice but I'm assuming they'd send the kids and such. xD

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2 calling them servants seems to be a bit demeaning to them. But this isn't just you or course.

Sure. I guess we don't know how their role will be translated. Maybe retainers or guards.

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I think Luna is just a new character who "happens" to bear an uncanny resemblance to Severa rather than actually being Severa, since this game takes place in a new setting. I doubt they would have any Outrealm shenanigans with a character so close to one of the siblings, and it's not hinted at in her bio at all.

Well, strong resemblance aside, she shares her VA, class and such.

It's a bit interesting.

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Hehe, maybe they wanted to give the Awakening children characters story relevance, instead of being shoved in the sidequests?

There's also the potential Inigo look-a-like from the eShop product information.

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Thing is it looks like Not!Inigo is Nohr too, and the potential Not!Owain that is Odin is also Nohr. It just seems strange to me to give 2-3 of them to Nohr and none to Hoshido when Hoshido is supposed to be the one to appeal to awakening fans.

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Thing is it looks like Not!Inigo is Nohr too, and the potential Not!Owain that is Odin is also Nohr. It just seems strange to me to give 2-3 of them to Nohr and none to Hoshido when Hoshido is supposed to be the one to appeal to awakening fans.

Have to make them play the Nohr version somehow.

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Hehe, maybe they wanted to give the Awakening children characters story relevance, instead of being shoved in the sidequests?

There's also the potential Inigo look-a-like from the eShop product information.

Not disputing this but, how does being in a side-quest lower a character's story relevance if anything it can in some cases increase it as you could have a chapter about you.
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Not disputing this but, how does being in a side-quest lower a character's story relevance if anything it can in some cases increase it as you could have a chapter about you.

If someone gets relegated to a gaiden chapter instead of a main chapter (like all the children characters except for Lucina were) and it's done badly story-wise (as it was), the sidequest feels very out of place in the narrative. Furthermore, since the children were missable, the they were not brought up later in Awakening's story in any significant way; this minimizes the amount of work needed to write the script, since they're not doing anything like

if Inigo.recruited() = true:

print message

It can be done well, but IS has a recent history of not-so-good examples.

Edited by Aethin
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So? a good amount characters in nearly every FE get no lines after you recruit them anyway. Outside of a line or two in the endgame and the occasional, disk-one climax that is. Permadeath is a thing they normally only put checking for deaths in a couple places, such as the disk one climax, and finales/endings. And a couple or just the one supports.

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If it a wolf and a dude, his name should be Remus. Fits Roman stuff to a t

Or we can just go with Romulus.

I would go with Talbot, since that's the name of the Wolfman, or if you want a intra Nintendo reference O'Donnell

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Interesting. I believe that it's safe to assume that S-supports are coming back now, especially since we've seen in the "My castle video" and the 'Nyx-Elise' screenshot. The 'face-blushing' effect was primarily used in Awakening for S-support dialogue.

I still could be wrong though; it could only be used for the hot-springs segment.

I would, however, bet money that S-supports are going to be a thing in this game, considering how the masses enjoyed it in Awakening.

Edited by Leif
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I at least hope the characters that aren't Kamui have a limited amount of possible mates instead of everyone of the opposite sex again. And that Hoshido siblings are off limits or just get Companion'd.

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