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Same-Sex Marriage Confirmed


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I thought A+ was basically going to be the implied gay couple pairings, the "gal pal" support level if you will. And there's far more than 2 A+ pairings, from the looks of things.

So what will the mechanical difference be with same-sex S supports, when neither result in children? It's curious, but both features go beyond what my expectations were for Nintendo. So yay.

Apparently the two same sex S supports you can do with Kamui will result in adoption, but as far as we know, A+ pairings don't have any children at all.

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Huh, Zero and Shara? Never thought I'd marry a one-eyed guy. Hahahaha.

I am so happy now. This is so redeeming for this game! *squees*

I'm happy for you and everything, but at the same time, I don't think you should judge this as something that could potentially redeem the game for you - I mean, there's still all that other stuff you supposedly dislike?

And while it's a nice include I'm not really sure when relationships became the staple point of the series.

Edited by Tryhard
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First off, hi, I'm new here. Secondly, I just checked the character spoiler thread. Zero doesn't have a kid. So, yeah. Definite gay option.

I thought he did? Still, adoption's an option.

And while it's a nice include I'm not really sure when relationships became the staple point of the series.

I blame FE4, as usual

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First off, hi, I'm new here. Secondly, I just checked the character spoiler thread. Zero doesn't have a kid. So, yeah. Definite gay option.

Actually he does. For the character spoiler thread

Eponne エポニーヌ

Zeros daughter. Though she is cool and collected with a good intellect, she also has dubious delusions.


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I'm happy for you and everything, but at the same time, I don't think you should judge this as something that could potentially redeem the game for you - I mean, there's still all that other stuff you supposedly dislike?

And while it's a nice include I'm not really sure when relationships became the staple point of the series.

Yeah yeah, I know. TRUST ME. I have very high expectations for the story and gameplay. After that Iwata Asks interview, I saw that the writer said "he wanted to make people cry." That's awesome, but he better not screw it up.

If Awakening had a LGBT character, I would still dislike it for it's horrendous story. Heck, that interview explicitly talked about how Awakening's story was a mess.

EDIT: Wow, spoiler alert thanks. Well she's a cutie and a very pretty 'potential' daughter haha.

I wonder if the whole adoption thing still passes down skills and growths to the kid? It would make sense if the parents trained their child in combat, so genetics don't have to come into play.

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Yeah yeah, I know. TRUST ME. I have very high expectations for the story and gameplay. After that Iwata Asks interview, I saw that the writer said "he wanted to make people cry." That's awesome, but he better not screw it up.

If Awakening had a LGBT character, I would still dislike it for it's horrendous story. Heck, that interview explicitly talked about how Awakening's story was a mess.

No worries then, I'll try to give the game a fair shake as well.

Huh. Didn't see that. Then again, I was just skimming. So, adoption?

Yes, the same-sex marriage ending lines from the text dump talk about adoption.

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Well, not the characters I would have picked, but i'm okay with this.

Also, this confirms that in the third path at least some characters from the different sides join together, since Zero is Nohr exklusive and Shara is the child of Hoshido exklusive Tsukuyomi.

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I am exceedingly excited over this!!!! I wasn't really considering Zero as a marriage candidate before now, but after this, I'm going to be making an extra playthrough just for him :D And maybe one for Shara, too, if I like her personality! I didn't think I would like Tharja in FEA but ended up loving her, so I'm quite excited to get to know Shara now!

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No worries then, I'll try to give the game a fair shake as well.

Yes, the same-sex marriage ending lines from the text dump talk about adoption.

Ah, can you direct me to that text dump? It was in neither of the ones I have. : )

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Ah, can you direct me to that text dump? It was in neither of the ones I have. : )


The thing I'm speaking about is in the endings.txt file, but the supports are in their own files in the main directory as well, having both the characters names on them. I couldn't find anything on A+ supports, as well.

Once again thanks for all your work.

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It is fantastic that these are included, and it is a great step in the right direction.

However, it is kinda weird that the two available candidates are a guy who enjoys watching others suffer and a Tharja clone (which speaks for itself). It would've been really cool if they included more options (of course it would be silly if every unit was a candidate), but this is amazing nonetheless.

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The thing I'm speaking about is in the endings.txt file, but the supports are in their own files in the main directory as well, having both the characters names on them. I couldn't find anything on A+ supports, as well.

Once again thanks for all your work.

You're welcome! And thank you for supplying all this information/text. It really helps already having it on hand. : )

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I've actually grown to hope that more characters get to have same-sex marriages. :C I'd be sad if I couldn't marry Leon as Male Kamui, or Camilla as Female Kamui.

I hope the supports in this game are unique and that the supports for F!Kamui x Character Y and M!Kamui x Character Y won't be the same.

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M'okay sure why not. Hopefully, then won't do crap with it, like SOME game that I know.

...the the fanfictions will rain even more huh ?

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Welll... It's a small step for FE, but a big step for Ninitendo.

Not sure about the choices, though ZERO was one of my husbando options.

I guess it makes sense considering he inherited DIO's voice.

All in all, a good new.

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I personally think that, if they only wanted to include one gay option and one lesbian option, they should've been people available on both routes (Silas and Azura seem to be the most popular), but at least they're doing something. Hopefully this means more for FE15 (or the same number, but not splitting the game in two and restricting your game choice if you want a certain type of homosexual pairing).

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I've actually grown to hope that more characters get to have same-sex marriages. :C I'd be sad if I couldn't marry Leon as Male Kamui, or Camilla as Female Kamui.

I hope the supports in this game are unique and that the supports for F!Kamui x Character Y and M!Kamui x Character Y won't be the same.

Based on this: http://tiramochi.tumblr.com/post/122318873729/zero-m-kamui-s-support

I think it would be safe to say they're unique supports? (Not sure exactly what the source of this is, but here's hoping)

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I can only speak on the SharaxKamui relationship, since that's the only one I've read (If the S support translation I've read is inaccurate, the rest of this post is moot, but I honestly doubt it is), but it's saddening that one of Nintendo's first direct forays into such a topic is a hugely insulting one.

The support is horrendous in that reads like it's aimed at the (male) players who say their favorite Fire Emblem character is Tharja (read: the developers at IS), as opposed to being a remotely dignified or nuanced approach to a topic that deserves much better than this. If people like this inclusion solely because their lesbian Tharja fantasies have finally been realized, then more power to you. Let us not pretend its inclusion accomplishes anything more than that.

We should expect better than this; more Arcade Gannons and less of this pandering shit.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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"Zero for male characters"

me: oh great, guys get the short end of the stick. Classic double standard... oh they mean the character Zero!

Looks like the guy who said male Kamui could S support Zero in the hype thread wasn't talking rubbish. And just after I'd accepted there wouldn't be any same sex options and settled on Soleil!

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I can only speak on the SharaxKamui relationship, since that's the only one I've read (If the S support translation I've read is inaccurate, the rest of this post is moot, but I honestly doubt it is), but it's saddening that one of Nintendo's first direct forays into such a topic is a hugely insulting one.

The support is horrendous in that reads like it's aimed at the (male) players who say their favorite Fire Emblem character is Tharja (read: the developers at IS), as opposed to being a remotely dignified or nuanced approach to a topic that deserves much better than this. If people like this inclusion solely because their lesbian Tharja fantasies have finally been realized, then more power to you. Let us not pretend it accomplishes anything more than that.

We should expect better than this; more Arcade Gannons and less of this pandering shit.

Well, marriage is unfortunately pretty much all about what gives the guys at IS a hard one. I mean, the final support right before marriage with the original Tharja implied rape, which is telling about how little we were expecting to see them as human beings and judge them accordingly, instead of a bunch of fetish dolls.

So even if these supports are just as bad, I think the issue a far more fundamental problem about IS approach to love and romance then the fact that the mechanic is extended to same sex couples. So I am still more then willing to write this extension of as a good thing.

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