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Soleil/M!Kamui's Supports are almost offensive


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Too late, some retards already sourced this thread for that Nintendo is making lesbian straight thing.https://twitter.com/Doomskander/status/616498460829876224

I wanted to derailed that whole topic here but meh.

Dear god, please no, this can go wrong so fast, it's not even funny, seriously, can't we just ignore that support? Like I said before, it's not worth the trouble it can cause.

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... Pretty sure Kamui only used powder to help her stop fainting around girls she liked..? And not change her sexual orientation etc?

I'm not justifying this; the writing is still awful, but you guys are getting mad for the wrong reasons.


you're not reading most of the replies here, are you? it seems like you just read the article.

the support existing was going to cause problems, tbh.

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The support will probably be changed for the localization, but I'm worried damage will already be done to fates.

Regardless, I'm still getting this game. Its one support convo afterall. And its one that likely has little impact on the story overall.

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I'm gonna say this right now, if NoA/NoE ends up changing some of these supports so that they're culturally acceptable in NA & EU, we are gonna look like idiots for jumping to some of these conclusions that we are seeing. And if these aren't changed, I'm gonna look the biggest god damn idiot that believed in the localization teams. Cause apparently, these guys do not give a damn at all.

I mean it's not unreasonable to think that complaining about things on the internet could have an effect, but even if people weren't making a shitstorm over this I agree, I have faith in the Treehouse team.

also AYYY LMAO we're on destructoid! "Consent and gay conversion issues in Fire Emblem Fates"

EDIT: eclipse can you edit the thread title to something telling destructoid to learn to do actual research

Edited by Euklyd
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Mynintendonews deleted their article good, bad news is that the ibtimes one is now the most trafficked Fates news when googling Fates.

Edit: another new article!? Jesus fucking Christ...

Edited by Awakener_
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We have to make shitposts in the comments section before this crisis spirals out of control!!!

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lmao Edited by Euklyd
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It's almost as if the people writing these articles have BBM-level reading skills. Or are going for sensationalism.

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It's almost as if the people writing these articles have BBM-level reading skills. Or are going for sensationalism.

They're in the comments section as well; I regret posting there.


EDIT: eclipse can you edit the thread title to something telling destructoid to learn to do actual research

EJ107, you could do this as well:


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I mean it's not unreasonable to think that complaining about things on the internet could have an effect, but even if people weren't making a shitstorm over this I agree, I have faith in the Treehouse team.

also AYYY LMAO we're on destructoid! "Consent and gay conversion issues in Fire Emblem Fates"

EDIT: eclipse can you edit the thread title to something telling destructoid to learn to do actual research

tbh that article doesn't seem that bad; the title's just very clickbaity. Like, it acknowledges that it's a case of cultural dissonance.

Edited by Baldrick
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I don't think any of us are trying to use this support as an example of how Fates is terrible and IS should be burned for it. Hell, most of the complainers here love the game or at least think positively of it, but that doesn't mean that when a flaw pops up, they're not going to complain about it. At the end of the day, the support does have the main character, who we're supposed to be projecting on, drug someone without their consent and putting them into a state where they're not in the right mind. That is still questionable behavior and would of course raise red flags for those reading it. We're not trying to "burn Fates to the ground," we're criticizing an element of it that we don't like, and that can happen even with games we like.

Totally agreed. Fates is looking like an extremely promising SRPG game in the Fire Emblem series and it looks like playing its battles is going to be a blast. And the SRPG stuff is the main reason why I play the series in the first place. But this does not make it immune to criticism either. This support does indeed seem problematic for the reason listed above. Its not something that should cause something extreme like "BAN THE GAME!" or any nonsense like that. Rather, this is a place where localization can target a specific issue and fix said issue by rewriting the supports/characters to alter the situation/characters in a way that avoids creating this situation where the red flags go up. And its not like they'd even need to rewrite the entire game either…. its not even something that's part of the main plot/main story anyways. Rather, this is just one set of what I'd guess are on the order of hundreds of sets of side conversations accessed through the support system. Changing a single of these sets that appears problematic should be very easy to do….

Regardless, I'm still very much looking forward to the strategy aspects of the SRPG, as well as the core/main story…. that they messed up one of the optional side-conversations in a version of the game [the Japanese version] that was not intended for English speaking audiences does not concern me, as it will almost certainly get fixed for localization.

Even if it doesn't get fixed in localization [but I hope that it does], I'll still get the English version, as I'm looking forward to the SRPG that much…. I'll just intentionally avoid the Soleil x Corrin support line if that's the case, and thus would never end up seeing such a problematic thing while playing the game itself. I'm not going to let a single rotten apple ruin the game for me when said apple is highly ignorable. Just like in Awakening I avoid the Inigo x Nah support. Besides, I had no interest in pairing Corrin with Soleil anyways.

But, as I already said, they'll almost certainly fix this in localization anyways, so there doesn't seem all that much to worry about for the localized version.

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I think I'm more amused at the fact that the writer cited this thread at the end of the article. Seriously, come on. Something Vincent posts on the main site is a credible source. But a single thread created by a random SF member that consists entirely of not-at-all professional opinions by other random people?

Credibility. Drain.

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They're in the comments section as well; I regret posting there.

also. EJ107, you could do this as well:


I'm a bit shocked by all these articles popping up. I mean the support is pretty bad, but I don't think it warrants all this.

I want to make it clear that I have nothing to do with the translation of the support, since that person on Tumblr seemed to imply I did. I just found it in a reddit thread and wanted to share my thoughts on it here.

Edited by EJ107
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Haha, I am a bit shocked by all these articles popping up. This has really spiraled out of control...

I want to make it clear that I have nothing to do with the translation of the support, since that person on Tumblr seemed to imply I did. I literally just found it in a reddit thread and wanted to share my thoughts on it here.

it's ok, it's not like the destructoid writer read the thread he linked to or anything

That Destructiod article is... rather sensible, all things considered. I'm not sure were it's supposed to be wrong, unless one demands that they completely ignore this translation and make a different one.

I mean, calling it "conversion therapy" is probably a good place to start

also jesus christ 188 user(s) reading this one thread, wtf

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I mean, calling it "conversion therapy" is probably a good place to start

also jesus christ 188 user(s) reading this one thread, wtf

Well, that's kinda what happens. That might not be what Kamui intended, but the writers intended just that.

Edited by BrightBow
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Well, that's kinda what happens. That might not be what Kamui intended, but the writers intended just that.

Soleil is canonically bi in other supports anyways tho

that's not really gay conversion therapy afaik, but then again I am not exactly an expert gay conversion therapist - maybe we should get one of them to help us out on our confusion here

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I'm a bit shocked by all these articles popping up. I mean the support is pretty bad, but I don't think it warrants all this.

I want to make it clear that I have nothing to do with the translation of the support, since that person on Tumblr seemed to imply I did. I just found it in a reddit thread and wanted to share my thoughts on it here.

Make some disclaimer on the first pages or something about this misunderstanding. Edited by Awakener_
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My issue is that the Male Kamui support is dumb and blatantly contradicts Soleil's... every other one, really. Since in all the other ones she has absolutely no trouble flirting with cute girls without fainting, and in fact pretty persistantly hits on them. Hell, in one she brags about the five cute girls she was hanging out with drinking tea. She doesn't have the issue anywhere else.

And someone else nailed it on the head when they mentioned that her entire character is "likes girls" but she can't romance a single one, and the Female Kamui one is basically shut down with Famui stammering that she's not into girls (when she can even be potentially married to one on the other routes). Hell, she has a skill called Loves Girls and the only reason she is interested in Foleo is because she thought he was a girl for a long time.

There's just something about 'has character that is almost entirely 'is into girls' but can only romance men.

EDIT: I mean it's freaking ridiculous that they so proudly show off Zero and that girl as them allowing same-sex marriage but for some reason the one character who'd be a total lock for that thing can only romance men.

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Oh boy, look like I missed something important.

Yea the support convo is bad but it's so bad it's almost... funny?

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