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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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I personally considered (and in fact, still consider) Shadow Dragon as bad in large part because I felt what it DID do right, for the most part, was eclipsed by the myriad of questionable decisions IS made (the lack of features doesn't help its case). Well, that, and the fact that I'd have expected better from a remake of a game that was almost 20 years old (relative to Shadow Dragon's release).

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Shadow Dragon had an excellent art style

no it didn't

In all seriousness I loved Shadow Dragon. It was a simple fun game that I had fun playing. I was never really frustrated by it and there were no maps that intensely pissed me off like in, say, FE6.

I know it lacks a lot of features other games in the series had, but I don't feel like most of those were really necessary for the game to be good. The maps were fine, I liked the story, the music was great, and while a lot of animations were horribly boring and ugly, I just want to mention that a lot of the magic animations look super cool. Aura, Elfire, Starlight, and more.

So overall, I found it a good game, and I don't really see any reason for it to be considered a bad one.

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so uh

my unpopular correct opinions


FE12 avatar is pretty cool

FE14 honestly looks pretty amazing

going off that, I don't mind the amie stuff in it

FE10 is boring and nowhere near as good as FE9

I despise Lucina, but love Chrom

the gameplay in Awakening is the best in the series

the hit rates in FE6 aren't that bad

the maps in FE4 are amazing

Everything else:

I fucking hate Rosalina, yet she's one of my best characters in smash

Xenoblade Chronicles is a perfect game

I hate pokemon XY

also Black/White were and still are the best pokemon games in the series

Pikachu is boring

I really don't care for Mario and Luigi Partners in Time

I find the Zelda series as a whole kinda boring (except OoT)

Kid Icarus Uprising's controls are not bad at all, and are actually really good

both Rayman Origins and Legends are better platformers than any Mario game

I don't think Geno or Daisy or Paper Mario should be in Smash

actually, I don't think there should be any more Mario characters in Smash

That's all I've got for now

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My gaming opinions, for many of them I'm actually not sure whether they are popular or not...

-Zelda Wind Waker is the best Zelda game, Skyward Sword was the worst and a huge disappointment.

-Mario Kart Double Dash is the best MK ever.

-Pokemon X/Y was actually not worth all the hype, it ended up being pretty boring and a disappointment after BW2. Talking about BW2, the Pokémon World Tournament is the best feature ever in a Pokémon game.

-The Last of Us is one of the best games ever made.

And you might say "too soon" or I'm lacking respect but:

I didn't say "Thank you Iwata" the day I learned that he'd left us because I don't think he was a good CEO. And to be honest I felt like many people were being hypocrites praising Iwata after his death because many people had an opinion similar to mine before that.

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For all intents and purposes the Pokémon remakes are entirely new games, they share almost nothing in common with the original other than the Pokémon used and the map layout. Like in FireRed and LeafGreen, they didn't remake Gen 1 games, they just made Gen 3 games in Kanto. It's about as much of a remake as X-Com Enemy Unknown is to UFO Defense or Punch-out Wii is to the NES version. They're more like movie remakes, everything is completely different that it might as well be a new movie but the familiar characters and story is used to bank on nostalgia from old fans.

Uh, no? Same characters (with added female player option), same story, much of the same dialogue, same location, even same (updated) music, and more. If you're going to sit there and tell me they "share almost nothing in common with the original" I'm just going to assume you didn't play them. They are remakes.

If you're suggesting that a remake shouldn't change how the game is played in any way, we have a separate word for that: remaster. Wind Waker HD is a remaster. Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, HeartGold, SoulSilver, OmegaRuby, and AlphaSapphire are remakes.

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I still don't think Leafgreen changed anything important that was in Blue bar an graphical update and female character option.

Also, when I mentioned Marth, I was referring to his stateside popularity, but I realize I wasn't very clear on that part so I apologize for failing to specify there.

I just want to state I find it funny that I remember seeing an ad for FE RD a few years back, but I never saw one for Awakening, which was supposedly better advertised.

Windwaker HD is referred to as a remake by Nintendo FYI.

Unpopular opinion of mine #I don't care anymore

FE games without skills are usually better than those with skills.

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I still don't think Leafgreen changed anything important that was in Blue bar an graphical update and female character option.

A lot of stuff was changed or added. Abilities, natures, two special stats, running shoes (big one), move tutors, held items, updated movesets, Sevii Islands and national Pokedex...there's probably more I'm not thinking of.

Incidentally, your opinion on this is the exact opposite of Shrouded In Myth's.

Windwaker HD is referred to as a remake by Nintendo FYI.

Well, I don't think "remaster" is very commonly used for video games since so few of them get such treatment. It's generally either a simple port or a full remake. I imagine Nintendo would want to call it a remake so as to avoid possibly confusing any fans.
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-There's nothing wrong with linearity in video games. A game being good or bad has no relation with it being linear or not (probably not really an unpopular opinion in the FE fanbase, but it really is on gaming in general)

-I think Shadow Dragon is not only a good game, but a great one. I love it's map designs, story, fast and fluid gameplay, variety in difficulty levels and simplicity without being boringly easy. I'd take the later over the ridiculous amount of useless stuff they added in games like radiant dawn. Like, what's the point on a magical triangle when you won't use mages to kill other mages anyway? What's the point of having so many overpowered skills when all the enemies they'd be useful against are immune to them, since they have nihil?

I don't really see how to make SD better other than adding support conversations and improving the graphics. Even removing the gaiden requeriments would change it in a way that I can't say if it would be better or worse (more chapters with weaker enemies = more exp = more levels = easier game, unless the entirety of it was rebalanced)

Unpopular opinion of mine #I don't care anymore

FE games without skills are usually better than those with skills.

Totally agree with this! For me, it seems like skills on Fire Emblem game don't really add much, and only make the games more unbalanced (and therefore worse) than they'd be without them.

Edited by Nobody
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-There's nothing wrong with linearity in video games. A game being good or bad has no relation with it being linear or not (probably not really an unpopular opinion in the FE fanbase, but it really is on gaming in general)

Oh man, I totally agree with this. It always annoys me when people complain about, say, Zelda because the game is linear or something. Games like FSA and SS may be linear, but they're by no means bad at all. Still underrated though, imo. Some Zelda games have more exploration than others, and that's fine too, but if it's more linear than open, there's nothing wrong with that either. Imo, a Zelda game can be great either way.

The only complaint about SS that I understand is the game being really hand-holdy. Which it is. But I've been able to ignore that since I like Fi. :P

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There isn't anything wrong with linearity in games whatsoever. In fact, if a game is uncomplicated and still fun, I usually have more fun with the game overall. See Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, my personal favorite game of all time, it's stages are basically what you would get with a 2d Mario level in 3D over a decade before 3D land. It's an amazing game, because if you want linearity, you got it, if you don't, you got it by going for the gems early or tackling a different stage than stage 1 first, tho you can only reach stage 5 without clearing the other stages.

Another opinion/confession, I rarely pay attention to stats in games, and usually just spam raise the best one, HP.

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Super Mario Galaxy was really boring to me. Plus, walking around on the spherical planetoids felt kind of awkward.

I can't stand playing 3D platformer collectathons. The only one that I like is Toejam & Earl III since that game at least breaks up the worlds into smaller levels.

Speaking of Toejam & Earl, I vastly prefer the 3rd one over the 1st. Haven't really played the 2nd one, however.

I didn't like DMC1 mainly due to the awkward camera angles. Haven't played the rest of the series though so I don't know if they fixed that issue.

I liked the modern Resident Evil games (particularly 4 & Revelations) much more than the classic ones. The latter have aged horribly.

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Uh, no? Same characters (with added female player option), same story, much of the same dialogue, same location, even same (updated) music, and more. If you're going to sit there and tell me they "share almost nothing in common with the original" I'm just going to assume you didn't play them. They are remakes.If you're suggesting that a remake shouldn't change how the game is played in any way, we have a separate word for that: remaster. Wind Waker HD is a remaster. Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, HeartGold, SoulSilver, OmegaRuby, and AlphaSapphire are remakes.

I have played them, and I'm aware of those others things that are the same, but didn't mention them. I apologize for that, not mentioning them was misleading misinformation.

I guess this will be an issue with semantics but I don't think a game where everything about the gameplay is changed is a remake. Games are about their gameplay, so change it drastically you can't really say it's the same game even if everything else is the same.

I feel that Wind Waker HD would be a "proper" remake while the Pokémon remakes are... I really don't know. Reimaginings? Reboots? Point is they're more of new games inspired by the originals rather than being updated versions of the originals. Playing the remakes can't be a replacement for playing the originals, on the other hand this was the goal of Wind Waker HD, but that didn't really happen, but that design philosophy is the whole reason we have remakes in the first place.

Edited by Shrouded In Myth
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Oh look, a new poll! And I have lurked on but haven't commented on this thread for a while so.... I should probably post something

I actually don't mind it if a game is linear or not, heck, some of my favorite games ARE linear, but I can't help but enjoy some non-linearity these days because it allows me to go around at my own pace and do what I want. Even though it's really not, allowing me to do whatever in whatever order I want makes me feel like I'm going on my own adventure and not simply following the trail that I know dozens of people took before me and the path that the developers wanted us to take. Also, sometimes non-linearity can add some extra replability to a game by adding other ways to approach and different orders to take, making you face different challenges because you faced different things ahead of time. It just makes multiple playthroughs feel a little more different and unique to me, which is what I like.

I'm not going to say that linearity is dumb and stupid, because it isn't. But of everything I can think of right now, I don't recall a non-linear game I've played that I haven't absolutely loved, so a vote to non-linearity it is!

Also because this thread was about unpopular opinions to begin with, I might as well post one I forgot to post before:

- I'm meh about FE7's story that much purely because I think Nergal is possibly one of the dumbest villains I've ever seen. I put him alongside Grima and Validar in terms of incompetence.

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As you can tell from my profile pic my favorite series is Mother. Animal Crossing is after that and then the Zelda series.

The Mother series has to have the best four songs in video games (8 Melodies, Smiles and Tears, Love Theme, Pollyanna), the sad thing is I haven't play many games outside of Nintendo, but I'm okey with that.

I decided to change this thread's title to be more of a place where you can say any sort of thoughts you have on games. There are no limits anymore, everything is OKEY.

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My favorite series in gaming period are the Paradox games, divided into the sub series of Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Victoria, and Hearts of Iron. They allow you to play through all of human history from the fall of Rome to the nuclear age, and you can start in Crusader Kings and finish in Hearts of Iron with a vastly different world. It also reveals interesting things about our history, for example the Byzantine Empire rarely falls and Iberia usually remains Muslim, showing that these outcomes historically were rather unlikely.

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My favorite series other than Fire Emblem, I SUPPOSE is Metal Gear. Not Rising though, and I could care less about Portable Ops.

...Eh, I really only REALLY like most of the games starring Big Boss though, I think he's a much deeper character than Solid Snake.

I'm not doing a good job of making it seem like I like Metal Gear, at all, but it really is probably what comes next in line of my favorite series, I just enjoy the convoluted story, and I can't wait for The Phantom Pain.

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I'm not really sure what my favorite game series is actually

I guess it'd just be a series I played a most of the games in and liked almost all of them... so I'm just gonna say Kirby because that's pretty much the only game series that fits that description for me. I've played a pretty good amount of Kirby games and I liked every single one of them except Dream Land 3 and Squeak Squad.

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Linear is perfectly fine as long as the game doesnt coddle and hold your hand.

My favorite game series:

Legend of Zelda

FE (hurr)


Animal Crossing

Paper Mario

Breath of Fire


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Favorite series not named Fire Emblem

1. Legend of Zelda

2. Metroid

3. F-Zero

4. Starfox

5. Castlevania

6. Street Fighter and Smash (I put them both here because they're my favorite fighters)

Can't really think of any others at the moment but I'm sure they'll come as people post.

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