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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

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  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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Dunban from Xenoblade Chronicles is just probably the coolest RPG character in more recent years. Hes such a bamf, even with only the use of one arm. He also has a very interesting character arc. You first meet him in the prologue for the game and hes a big hothead. Then he learns he must cool his jets or hes gonna get boned and not in the fun way. Dude is all perseverance incarnate. plus hes hot.

Couldn't have put it better myself

But I also would like to mention Shulk from the same game, for going from a nerdy kid obsessed with research to a full blown badass who rivals even Dunban in sheer awesomeness. He's also a rare example of a protagonist driven by revenge, and it's interesting to see how that turns out in the game. One cutscene that really shows how different he is from the beginning of the game is "Shulk's Return." It's amazing, but DON'T WATCH IT IF YOU CARE ABOUT SPOILERS (and even you don't, save it for when you've played the game, it makes it even more awesome)

Other than those two, no character really comes to mind as my favorite ever. I mean, I like a lot of characters, but those two are the only ones I could talk on and on about how amazing they are

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Favorite gaming characters?

1. Sonic The Hedgehog

2. Zero (Megaman X/Zero)

3. Aeris/Aerith (Final Fantasy)

4. Richter Belmont (Castlevania)

5. Destin (Ogre Battle)

6. Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy)

7. Ike (Fire Emblem)

8. Kratos (Tales of Symphonia)

9. Luke Fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)

10. Meru (Legend of Dragoon)

Edited by Jedi
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Seriously I just really like Kirby. He's a pink blob thing that goes around eating anything and everything in his path. Also he can fly for whatever reason.

Also he can steal powers from things he eats and is kinda cute I guess but my main liking of him just comes from how ridiculous the concept is. Probably my favorite video game character.

Also Zero from Mega Man X and maybe Mega Man Zero but he lost most of his barely present emotions in what I've played of the Zero series.

However, Mega Man Zero does have some of my other favorite characters, those being the four (three? does Phantom count? I'm gonna say he does) Guardians. Well, maybe not the red guy. But Harpuia, Leviathan, and Phantom are all cool. Harpuia has a cool design and is sort of a mysterious type, Leviathan sorta sarcastically flirts/threatens Zero which I find amusing, and Phantom is just a badass. I mean, he's the only enemy in the game that tries to hurt you with his death explosion.

Marth is maybe my favorite Fire Emblem character and definitely one of my favorite characters. He's one of the few main lords in the series to have any real, significant development (For example, I like Sigurd, Lyn, Celice, and Roy, but they don't really change or learn much at all over time.) While a lot of people criticize him for being a flat and undeveloped character, I can barely understand why other than he doesn't have supports. Definitely one of my favorites

knuckles from sonic because the knuckles raps are funny and the way he says "OH NO" is funny and sonic boom knuckles exists i guess.

OH ALSO I FORGOT [you] from Paper Mario 2. He steals your identity, existence, and name. I love it. I love him. By far one of my favorites.

Also since I'm editing this all three major antagonists from Kid Icarus Uprising

Medusa is super menacing and threatening I like her a lot

Hades is a sarcastic jerk who basically enjoys absolutely everything. Especially putting people through pain or watching them get pissed off.

Viridi is an obnoxious little girl who is also an environmentalist. Yes this is a real character

Also they're the god/goddesses of darkness, the underworld, and nature respectively.

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I really like Cormag from FE8 for some reason, actually, I just like the Minerva archetype in general. Most of them tend to be enemies turned friend because they see the damage their rulers have done to their nation or others and want to save it, and I guess I really like that kind of character. Cormag stands out because he has a very tough sort of appearance, but he's really a kind guy and his brother is also, and Cormag sticks to his morals above all else and I find that quite an admirable trait. Jill is also great, she has a much more developing personality, and Haar's also really cool. Plus, all of them ride freaking dragons, that's just badass. That's why I stand by Wyvern Riders as the best class in FE.

I really like Samus in Metroid, though it seems I like the character I imagined her to be more than the one that she ended up being in Other M. Still, fuck canon, Samus is still the #1 badass in video games, even if she sucks in Smash as well.

Glad0s from Portal, anyone who's played either of the games could tell you why, it's impossible not to get a chuckle from her once or twice.

I like Solid Snake more than Naked Snake, even though they are very, very similar. Solid Snake just seems more like the action hero that's more likable. He's got some depth, but he's not too complex that the player can't reflect on him. He's got the occasional awesome one-liner, more so than Big Boss, and even though I think MGS4 is probably the worst in the series, (and MGS3 is the best, go figure) Old Snake was the best part of it, due to his sheer badassness after getting kicked down so many times. Really, both the Snakes are great characters, and Kojima understands something that a lot of writers often don't get. What makes a character badass isn't their ability to sustain tons of pain and injury and shrug it off like nothing, it's the ability to feel the effects of that damage and, despite the pain, pull off some badass feats with those limitations. It's what makes John McClane cooler than Neo, Batman cooler than Superman, and within the MGS franchise itself, Snake cooler than Cyborg Raiden.

I also really like Silver from Pokemon Gold. I know there's barely any canon between Pokemon games, but there's so much mystery around that guy and his backstory that he needs to somehow appear in another Pokemon game with some more fleshing out.

But her character goes a few steps further then others of her kind. Like, for someone like Zuko from Avatar, turning his back on his father is obviously the best decision he could make, so he didn't really leave anything valuable behind. Jill on the other hand loves her father and gets along just fine with her comrades and the people of Talrega. In order to do the good thing, she had to sacrifice everything she had and betray those she loved. She shows what us all the suffering one has to go through in order to do the right thing, so we can see that we ourselves may not have the strength of character to make the same sacrifices... and consequently we learn that we can't automatically condemn people just because they don't jump at the opportunity join up with us, the obvious good guys.

I'd argue the main appeal to Zuko's character is his relationship to his uncle and those developments, but that's a different argument altogether. I still think your reasoning is good though.

Other characters I like, but others have given a good enough explaination: Dunban, Ike, Luigi.

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Okay, here we go:

Zero (Mega Man X and Zero series)

N (Pokemon, 5th generation)

Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)

Dunban (Xenoblade)

Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV)

I was planning to say why I liked this characters, but I'm incapable of summarizing my feelings and thus rambled on for paragraphs.

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I'd like to add Master Chief from Halo to my list of favorites along with Lyn's boy Roy. Fight me, Ninian fans

I guess Solid Snake and Gabe Logan from Syphon Filter can also be added, since I have a bullcrap headcanon that they are all the same dude

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Link and Zelda (Spirit Tracks)-The only real duo in the series. Best OTP and ship in the series. Zelda is the only companion who isn't useless.

Uh, Ezlo isn't useless. Link needs his abilities to help him shrink to Minish size. Midna isn't useless either, she gives Link the ability to warp as well as take out those annoying Twilight beasts with that big attack. Zelda in ST is still useful too though, I won't disagree with that.

Favorite characters? Let's see:

- Sophitia Alexandra (Soul Calibur)

- Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)

- Palutena (Kid Icarus)

- Rosalina (Mario)

- Peach (Mario)

- Camilla (Fire Emblem)

- Lyn (Fire Emblem)

Just out of curiosity, Tsu, don't you like any male characters? I've just never seen you mentioning that you like one. xP

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boopity boop boop

  • Gen 3 in Pokemon is my personal favourite (I looove the Battle Frontier)
  • Gen 4 in Pokemon is really freakin' boring in my opinion. The legendaries for the game were interesting but that's about it. Making poffins was fun though
  • I don't play any of the Mario platform games anymore because it's the constant same formula over and over. Super Mario Maker might change things up though because it does look pretty cool.
  • I like Persona 4 more than Persona 3 just a tad bit more. Persona 3 is a great game but it's just really depressing when you think about it and I like being happy aha.
  • I'm a huge sucker for rhythm games like: Rhythm Heaven, Taiko no Tatsujin, DJ Max Portable, Osu!, DDR, Final Fantasy Theatrhythm, etc.
  • Mother 3 is better than Earthbound.
  • Sonic games make me nauseous
  • Okami is one of the best video games I've ever played
  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games are awesome (except for Gates of Infinity :\)
  • Indie horror games like Ib, Witch's House, Yume Nikki, Aoi Oni, etc are scary and fun
  • I don't play a lot of dating sims, but I really like Hatoful Boyfriend (it's one of those games where you think it's ridiculous at first but it turns out to be really deep in the end)
  • The only LOZ game I've actually played are Minish Cap, Ocarina of Time and Four Swords Adventures (love love love the manga)
  • I think Brawl is better than Melee (story mode was so cooooooooooooool in Brawl damn)
  • People tend to compare Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright for some reason but I always prefer Professor Layton
  • The scariest horror franchise imo is Fatal Frame
  • Yoshi is my all time favourite video game character
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Favourite video game characters? In no particular order:

  • Wolf O'Donnel, from Star Fox. I've only played Assault when it comes to the Star Fox franchise, and I remember thinking Wolf was really cool when I was younger. He was so powerful in the multiplayer, too! His redesign in Super Smash Bros. Brawl made him my most used character. I guess I just like his presence and appearance. I have read up on all the Star Fox games, and I think the background Wolf (and Star Wolf as a whole) has some untapped potential. Quite a mean and ruthless character
  • Junpei Iori, from Persona 3. Junpei is seriously a well done and believable character; his interactions range from: goofy, perverted, serious, and at times courageous and trustworthy. I find him so relatable, and his character development with (spoilers) Chidori and the entirety of The Answer makes him so detailed. I would have included Aigis here, since I like the two equally, but Junpei is objectively the more developed character, so I went with him
  • Zephyr, from Resonance of Fate. Now, I just want to say that I absolutely adore the entire cast from Resonance of Fate, and I love them all equally, so I'm saying Zephyr strictly due to his appearance here. If I had to describe Zephyr in one word, I would either choose "discontent" or "ambivalent". It's pretty hard to give explanations to why he's the way he is without spoiling the game, though. Edgy works, but he has reasons as to why he is who he is

Can't think of any more right now. I'll edit my post if I think of anyone else

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Just out of curiosity, Tsu, don't you like any male characters? I've just never seen you mentioning that you like one. xP

There are a couple that I really like, such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Zero from Mega Man X. (Can't think of too many at the moment)
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There are a couple that I really like, such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Zero from Mega Man X. (Can't think of too many at the moment)

Ah, I see. Then you're sorta the opposite of me. I tend to favor more male characters than female. Daisy, Rosalina, Skyward Sword Zelda, and Elincia are the only three females I can think of that I can say I really really like. lol

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- Peach (Super Mario)

I don't know what exactly makes me love Peach, but I've loved her ever since I played my first Mario game! Mario Party 7 was a blast, and I still enjoy it the most out of all the Mario Party's, mainly because I've only played 7, 8, and 9 lol. In Super Mario 3D World, I loved her hover ability, despite not being able to float as long as she can in Smash. I like Toadette too, but just not as much.

- Severa / Luna (Fire Emblem)

When I first played through Awakening, I never knew the children units existed, because I had skimmed through the text, and didn't read that Lucina had traveled with others in Chapter 13 (I also didn't care for supports). I wasn't as good as I am now, so I didn't even think of support bonuses and them adding to pair up bonuses. Cordelia was my favorite first gen character, and when I finished, I finally found out that I could recruit extra characters, and Severa became my favorite when I saw her! And now in Fates, I instantly loved Luna because she resembled Severa (maybe a bit too much, hehe).

- Silas (Fire Emblem)

He's probably one of the first male Fire Emblem characters I can say is one of my "favorites". Up until Fates, I never really liked many of the male characters. I don't know if it was design, or really why I didn't like them, but none of them had an effect like Silas had. I love absolutely everything about him! Maybe it's the hair? His clothes? He's awesome, I know that!

I also really like Zelda, Zero Suit Samus (Metroid), Hana (Fire Emblem), and another character from Fates (that I can't mention due to spoilers lol), just not as much as the three I mentioned above.

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Gonna keep this to one character per universe:

Jill (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn)

Lucina (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Anna (Fire Emblem: not-Gaiden)

GLaDOS (Portal)

Samus (Metroid)

Rosalina (Super Mario)

Leon Scott Kennedy (Resident Evil)

And I kind of want to put Zelda on here, but the truth is that I like the character I want her to be more than the character she ends up being in canon...

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...Favorite characters, huh? Hmm, let's see...

Well, I absolutely love Melia, Egil, and Riki from Xenoblade Chronicles. Unfortunately I can't really say why without going into spoiler territory~

Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is another favorite character of mine: I actually like her snarky attitude, and even in the beginning her personality wasn't completely rude or awful.

...and, um... that's all that I can think of for right now~

But... although I'm not sure if they're some of my *FAVORITE* characters, I also really enjoyed Zelda and Groose from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

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Gen 4 in Pokemon is really freakin' boring in my opinion. The legendaries for the game were interesting but that's about it. Making poffins was fun though

Really? The legendaries (specifically the ridiculous sheer number of them) were actually one of my myriad problems with Gen IV. Gen I just had a legendary trio, an endgame legendary, and only one mythical. Gen II mostly repeated that formula, except the endgame legendary was made version-specific (and you got the other version's endgame legendary at level 40). It started getting a little out of hand in Gen III with the Regi trio, the weather trio, and two mythicals in addition to the version-specific endgame legendary, but then Gen IV only expanded further on that . . .

I guess this is what I'm trying to say here.

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-Wolt is the best character in Fire Emblem.

-Even though I haven't played it, I hate the Xbox with a passion.

-Banjo-Kazooie needs to stay in its grave.

-Anyone who hates Wind Waker because of sailing needs to go play the HD version.

-I now only started liking the Donkey Kong series because of the memes.

-Ninten needs to be in Smash and so does the Masked Man.

-King K Rool is the dumbest Smash character request I've ever heard of.

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^Well, Roy and Lucina got in, and as much as I like those characters, Roy's game is basically an FE1 map pack, while Lucina is genderbent Marth.

Make no mistake, I like both Lucina and Roy as characters, but its the truth.

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