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So, jumping on this bandwagon at it's exciting conclusion. Curious to know, why have the majority of the people vote (in this poll which is what I'm going by, course the actual election proves the point just as much) against considering a third party?

I imagine because they perceived the stakes as being too high to vote third party.

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I still see no reason to not be condescending. I'll double down on it in fact.

Saying things like this just marginalizes my struggles. I'll take what Eclipse said and attempt to apply it, but I also deserve the right to defend myself and my kin. Every day in my classes I hear people say things that are homophobic or transphobic and I shouldn't have to take it. I developed a condescention complex just from having to slash away at people who are speaking maliciously of me, even if indirectly because they don't know. That became my method for responding to everything that isn't in agreement with me. I can attempt to be nicer, but we both know that my treatment could easily get worse IRL.

@Eclipse - the treatment of Bi people is terrible, I agree. I dunno what that has to do with you "supporting" us or not, and people like Lady Gaga and Rebecca Sugar are definitely helping on that front.

I've had countless years of shit from people. . .except I never did figure out why it happened. It sucks, and I'm sorry you're going through that.

However, if I can't support the Christians who treat LGBT horribly, then I'd be hypocritical to support LGBT despite their treatment of bisexuals - IMO it's the same contempt, just under a different label. I'll gladly stand up for the equal treatment of everyone. Last I checked, Jesus said to love everyone. He didn't make exceptions based on race/gender/religion/orientation/etc., and I wish the conservative part of Christianity remembered that (ABSTINENCE-ONLY EDUCATION IS BAD, STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT LAW FFS). Spirit of the law versus the word of the law and all!

Still, I don't have high hopes for Congress. I'm pretty sure Hawaii kept its Democratic party, which means that there's some hope there. I hope that the Republican side doesn't try to pass things in the name of religion (and I hope the Democrats put a stop to it).

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Re: Media: I think there was sort of an echo chamber going on that didn't help things, either.

Oh my gosh yes!

Twitter is in shambles right now.

Like come on people, the sun is still going to come up tomorrow. These comparisons to 9/11 are totally hyperbolic and absolutely inappropriate.

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I've had countless years of shit from people. . .except I never did figure out why it happened. It sucks, and I'm sorry you're going through that.

However, if I can't support the Christians who treat LGBT horribly, then I'd be hypocritical to support LGBT despite their treatment of bisexuals - IMO it's the same contempt, just under a different label. I'll gladly stand up for the equal treatment of everyone. Last I checked, Jesus said to love everyone. He didn't make exceptions based on race/gender/religion/orientation/etc., and I wish the conservative part of Christianity remembered that (ABSTINENCE-ONLY EDUCATION IS BAD, STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT LAW FFS). Spirit of the law versus the word of the law and all!

Still, I don't have high hopes for Congress. I'm pretty sure Hawaii kept its Democratic party, which means that there's some hope there. I hope that the Republican side doesn't try to pass things in the name of religion (and I hope the Democrats put a stop to it).

I don't think the democrats are in much position to block things unless it requires a super-majority, seeing that there's a GOP-majority senate and HoR.

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Yikes it seems Trump was right. This really is Brexit 2.0. First going to sleep, confident everything will turn out alright and then waking up to see something went very wrong.

I wish Trump luck and I hope that unlike the Brexiteers he actually knows what to do now that he won.

Good luck to al Americans on here and I hope he doesn't mess up as much as I think he will.

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that's what they get for not giving Bernie Sanders any media attention

and for the DNC election rigging

that's karma

i did say before the democratic party will likely blame sanders and his supporters for being too divisive if hillary loses. wonder when that'll happen (if it hasn't already)

First Brexit and now this, when will people realize that rich white teenage liberals on twitter are not a representation of an entire population?

not really the same IMO. polls shortly before the Brexit vote were more or less the result.
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um, does it matter right now? he's elected. i've used rational arguments against trump up to this point.

also, it isn't a panicked reaction. i very much grasp the role of the presidency, and i very much grasp how catastrophically trump can use his term.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I will concede that point (since you're probably also talking to me). It did fuel Trump supporters, because he really doesn't have much of a stance on everything otherwise (and I will always maintain that he's not out to serve anyone except himself).

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I will concede that point (since you're probably also talking to me). It did fuel Trump supporters, because he really doesn't have much of a stance on everything otherwise (and I will always maintain that he's not out to serve anyone except himself).

um, does it matter right now? he's elected. i've used rational arguments against trump up to this point.

also, it isn't a panicked reaction. i very much grasp the role of the presidency, and i very much grasp how catastrophically trump can use his term.

I also believe that Trump won't make a good president. But his supporters did not care about that.

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I think Trump himself will only go so far, though his ties with Russia are worrying. But that's not what really bugs me. It gives his supporters validation, and there's people in there whose views I think will do great harm. Luckily, white supremacy and Hawaii are antonyms, but I'm concerned for minorities elsewhere.

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I never had a high opinion of Hilary or even an opinion of her to begin with but I kind of pity her. She is a failure in three big ways.

Most obviously she is a presidential failure. She tried twice, she lost twice.

Secondly she failed against Donald Trump, largely through scandals she is to blame for so she is also an inept failure.

And lastly she is going to be a historic failure. She is going to be the woman who failed to stop Donald Trump. Considering its very likely that history is going to have a poor view of President Trump this tarnishes her name in the history books.

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I think Trump himself will only go so far, though his ties with Russia are worrying. But that's not what really bugs me. It gives his supporters validation, and there's people in there whose views I think will do great harm. Luckily, white supremacy and Hawaii are antonyms, but I'm concerned for minorities elsewhere.

This. Also, please stay safe, everyone!

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I wouldn't blame Hilary Clinton solely for this. Clearly, America is not as great as we thought it was, nor is it the bastion of decency or this would've never allowed this to happen in the first place.

We should've just stayed with Britain and gained independence alongside Canada.

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