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I really dislike the FPtP system... It crazy here how governments here in Canada can get a majority with less than 40% of the vote.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of plurality rule. I recommend people check out the CGP Grey videos about voting systems. They're pretty good.

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The reaction in the media and elsewhere makes this one of the best days this year. 2016 as a whole has been a very exciting news year.


I would support California going away.

I don't see Califexit or Texit or any state ever leaving the union. There's too much cultural similarity between the states to ever really allow for them leaving, plus we already had a war that pretty much settled the issue in the 1860's. It's not like the UK, where each nation has its own identity going back centuries that's united by one overall government.

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Some fascinating poll results, especially the 'most important candidate quality' and the when people decided to vote categories. No real surprises, though.


I was surprised by none of these poll questions. Trump is a microcosm of fear-mongering, and all of the questions related to fear-mongering or anything he has fear-mongered about is overwhelmingly in trump's favor.

"Decided how to vote" part is scary. That should be reason enough to convict Comey, because clearly his "revelations" slanted towards Trump.

Great, California wants to be the next Texas (they threatened to secede once). :/

Neither of those movements gained relatively any traction.

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Some fascinating poll results, especially the 'most important candidate quality' and the when people decided to vote categories. No real surprises, though.


I think I read that Trump outperformed Romney is Latinos and other minority groups which is a bit surprising. One in three going for Trump isn't a huge number by any means, but is a lot higher than you would think.

Great, California wants to be the next Texas (they threatened to secede once). :/

Any state has a lot more to lose than they would gain by seceding. Every election cycle, you get people threatening to move to Canada or secede from the union.

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I think I read that Trump outperformed Romney is Latinos and other minority groups which is a bit surprising. One in three going for Trump isn't a huge number by any means, but is a lot higher than you would think.

I forget where I read this last night, but there are a number of Latinos that personally identify Caucasian - in other words they don't consider themselves in the camp of Mexicans that Trump was referring to.

EDIT: also doesn't help that Romney was flat as cardboard.

Edited by Lord Raven
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I think part of the lesson here might be that establishment candidates (Romney, Hillary) have issues inspiring their potential voters to turn out compared to more dynamic 'change' candidates (Obama, Trump).

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I think part of the lesson here might be that establishment candidates (Romney, Hillary) have issues inspiring their potential voters to turn out compared to more dynamic 'change' candidates (Obama, Trump).

I think a lot of that rings true. Most of the people I saw supporting Hillary were merely saying why Trump should not be president, rather than why she should. It lead to some people, just thinking neither of them should win. Trump, at least, seemed to have a lot of people who genuinely supported him. It's just another reason that the democrats shouldn't have rigged their own election and not let the primary do what it's supposed to.

Back in 2008, all the Obama supporters really supported him, and attacks on McCain were there, but were almost non-existent compared to what Trump got.

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yep, the democrats and their "america is already great" message was tone deaf as fuck. the whole liberal establishment is so incestuous and so self-confident of their views in their own bubble that they had no idea how the rest of the country was actually feeling.

i want to say they did this to themselves, but the reality is that they did this to all of us, and the whole world has to bare the consequences of their colossal fuck up. dark times ahead of us now.

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yep, the democrats and their "america is already great" message was tone deaf as fuck. the whole liberal establishment is so incestuous and so self-confident of their views in their own bubble that they had no idea how the rest of the country was actually feeling.

i want to say they did this to themselves, but the reality is that they did this to all of us, and the whole world has to bare the consequences of their colossal fuck up. dark times ahead of us now.

Yes; and the consensus from the non-white community (especially the black community) was a resounding 'we warned you so'.

And here comes the rise in hate crimes. It's especially concerning how many are happening in schools.

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So I was supposed to vote Trump, based on my religion and that exit poll. I'm a person before I'm a category, but I'm pretty sure I'll be lumped in there regardless. ;/

However, if you hit the "scale by population" button, it shows a hell of a bias in the sample - it's white middle-aged voters with the most representation.

EDIT: It also looks like the majority of voters made up their mind before September, anyway.

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Also I just read that Hillary had more votes in total than Trump.

* tears US election system

Nobody got over 50%. The first past the post system of electing still results in a candidate the majority of people do not want unless someone gets over 50%. CGP Grey on Youtube has a few videos that propose much better systems that better represent what the populace truly wants.

And there's this...

As Nobody said, the Electoral College just districbutes the votes to the states by Representative+Senator population, which gives a slight advantage to smaller states.

One way is to look at the electoral college like a baseball or football season where each state is its own game. Scoring the most runs or points in the season will definitely give you an advantage to winning the season overall, but it's each game that counts. So it's better to win a lot of close games, than to have a few blowout wins, but then lose the close games. Winning by 70% in California would do a lot to help in gaining the popular vote overall, but is no better than winning at 51% for the electoral college.

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Election news I am excited about!

Also, finally getting around to looking at propositions in California and I largely agree with what was approved/not approved.

I don't see Califexit or Texit or any state ever leaving the union. There's too much cultural similarity between the states to ever really allow for them leaving, plus we already had a war that pretty much settled the issue in the 1860's. It's not like the UK, where each nation has its own identity going back centuries that's united by one overall government.

I'm not sure I agree on the cultural similarity; I sometimes think that a shared language and shared media gives that impression, but there's quite a lot of distinctions between states.

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Also I just read that Hillary had more votes in total than Trump.

* tears US election system

That's weird, he was leading with more than 1 million votes all the way till he won, then she started to lead the popular vote.

I legitimatelly like Hillary, but I think her political career is done. If she decided to run again, which would be dumb and selfish (and she'd be too old), I doubt she'd win a primary.

Who do you guys think could be the democratic nominee in 2020? They really need a new Obama.

Well, you don't waste almost a billion dollars from Wall Street donations and expect to win a presidency on the same lifetime.
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I think what pisses me off the most about the election results is the part of it that makes it anti-science, and the part of it that has caused a divide within the American population. Fuck, science has given us medicine and technology and all sort of other things that have made our lives convenient. You do NOT get to reject widely agreed scientific findings that 97% of scientists (some sources I've heard say 100%, because the other 3% used fraudulent info) agree on because "you don't like it" while using technology. Are we going to lose most of the environmental protection laws that we have in place now? Is the U.S. just going to fuck up the world even harder by not doing its part to curb pollution?

Also, I think there needs to be some change in the American voting system. Many of my friends did not vote, and I actually didn't either. I was strongly considering that I should vote, until I remembered that I live in California which has been going blue since before I was born. And what also put me off was that I'd need to vote for all of California's propositions, too. Fuck, I didn't have time to do research on propositions, and I was working that day, too. I'd rather not vote for something I have no idea what I'm voting on.

I can't control what happens in the other states, so if I'm 100% confident that my state is going in the direction I want it to, it almost feels like there is no need to vote. One day, that's going to bite us in the ass when too many people think that way and no one votes, and it leads to a result no one wanted, but this year was not that year for California at the very least. We went blue, with or without my vote. But maybe if I felt like my vote would actually mean for something, I'd cast a vote!

Definitely think that some people may be overreacting a bit hard, but as long as they're not harming anyone or anything, let them. Last night, I was trying too hard to act like it didn't matter to me, like I wasn't worried about the possible long term effects. That just led to me alternating between a variety of moods all throughout today: apathy, anger, being upset to the point of crying, and hating everyone. And I'm still in the hating everyone mood right now. So as long as you're not doing anything illegal, then vent. Let out your emotions, and just get it all out.

... Right, and once that's out of your system hope that the world is still here in four years.

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That's weird, he was leading with more than 1 million votes all the way till he won, then she started to lead the popular vote.

Well, you don't waste almost a billion dollars from Wall Street donations and expect to win a presidency on the same lifetime.

Not really weird, the blue west coast states (and amongst the most populous states) were last to report in.

Sunwoo, I'm also in California and my family, friends and coworkers were experiencing the same thing. Tears. Panic attacks. But it's also prompting them to get more active!

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Nobody got over 50%. The first past the post system of electing still results in a candidate the majority of people do not want unless someone gets over 50%. CGP Grey on Youtube has a few videos that propose much better systems that better represent what the populace truly wants.

And there's this...

That's exactly why I discredit the presidental elector system.

It doesn't count with how much lead you win a state. You can still lose if you have the actual majority of the total of votes. That's undemocratic!

It has to be abolished to have clearer majorities. It also would save lots of time for the counting.

Each person votes directly the canditate - state independent.

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The only idea in there I can get on board with.

In the subsequent 99 days, Trump has promised to “drain the swamp” — the campaign’s term for rooting out corruption in Washington. A major pledge of his is a “constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.” Representatives and senators may currently serve an unlimited number of two- and six-year terms, respectively.

Depending on what he means by this, I can get with this:

In line with the “law and order candidate” label he assigned himself, Trump said he will increase police training programs and create a task force on violent crime.

Otherwise, fuck him.

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yep, the democrats and their "america is already great" message was tone deaf as fuck. the whole liberal establishment is so incestuous and so self-confident of their views in their own bubble that they had no idea how the rest of the country was actually feeling.

i want to say they did this to themselves, but the reality is that they did this to all of us, and the whole world has to bare the consequences of their colossal fuck up. dark times ahead of us now.

I remember when Obama asked male voters if the reason they weren't supporting Clinton was because they were sexist. Not because of her massive amounts of baggage, not the fact that she was essentially a female Mitt Romney, not the fact that she seemed to completely abandon the white working class, not the fact that their concerns were being completely ignored, but because they were sexist and could handle a woman being in the White House. Now I'm sure that some people were sexist but it's blanket statements like these coming out of the mouth of the President himself that made me realize how disconnected the Democratic Party and liberals on a whole have become from common people and the challenges they faced in the US.

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I remember when Obama asked male voters if the reason they weren't supporting Clinton was because they were sexist. Not because of her massive amounts of baggage, not the fact that she was essentially a female Mitt Romney, not the fact that she seemed to completely abandon the white working class, not the fact that their concerns were being completely ignored, but because they were sexist. It's blanket statements like these coming out of the mouth of the President himself that made me realize how disconnected the Democratic Party and liberals on a whole have become from common people and the challenges they faced in the US.

source? because my bullshit alarm is going off and my soapbox alarm is blaring.

i live in california and worked a full eight hour shift that day and still managed to get out to vote. if we do get rid of the electoral college people better start actually voting and stop with the "well everyone else is going to vote one way so why should I even bother lol" mentality asap. :)

and yes that is a passive-aggressive emoji

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source? because my bullshit alarm is going off and my soapbox alarm is blaring.

i live in california and worked a full eight hour shift that day and still managed to get out to vote. if we do get rid of the electoral college people better start actually voting and stop with the "well everyone else is going to vote one way so why should I even bother lol" mentality asap. :)

and yes that is a passive-aggressive emoji



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