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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Vague snippets of memories from our house in Saudi, from when I was around 2 or so. There are some of climbing the stairs, dancing around, being around my uncle, of our maid at the time, the foods I ate, etc. etc.

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It's a bit hazy, but my earliest memories would be my mom waking me up every afternoon(?) on a daily basis so we could go watch Winnie the Pooh together.

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when i was one or two, i went to a daycare; i remember the lady who took care of me having one index finger on her right hand, and when i asked her what happened, she told me that my dad had once crashed his truck into the daycare and ran over her fingers

which i only learned was total bullshit like ten years later

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I recall my obsession with toy cars when I was 2 or 3 years old. I always hid an ambulance car under my pillow cause I didn't want anybody to hear the sound and lights go off just like a real ambulance would. Also with call to mind, I remember when an artist came to my pre-kindergarten school and drew a selected few of kid's faces, she drew them perfectly and I still have the drawing to this day.

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Memories of me being dumb in pre-school and getting bullied / in trouble as a result.

They don't have to be happy memories, do they?

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My first memory is of being chased down the stairs by two dogs and then falling backwards down said stairs. I also vaguely remember staring up at my mom and her friend after finally coming to a rest.

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Me beating up the 5th grader who had been relentlessly bullying me in the most one-sided "fight" imaginable (Fight is in air quotes because he never actually fought back while I was beating him up. Apparently he was all talk and no substance).

I was 4 years old at the time.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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I have a faint memory of being held by my grandmother and washed in a metal sink. I was young/small enough to be dipped in water held in a metal sink, so no older than 2, I guess.

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i brood

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVEN: Do you practice any meditation or breathing exercises?

Meditation, yes. I do it often.


QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT: How did you last manage to hurt yourself?

The other day. I stubbed my toe so bad on my chair, its still hella bruised. Im a pretty gangly sort and tend to run into stuff a lot.

this tbf

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE: What are your earliest memories of?

Hmm... Id say playing with a full length mirror. More like playing with my reflection and how it appeared i was on an incline in the mirror. I believe i was about 2 years old. My mum confirms this. I remember other things from that era. Being with my older siblings, waiting on the corner for the ice cream man. Hearing Stairway to Heaven for the first time (its the earliest song i can recall hearing). Watching Night of the Living Dead with my parents in their bedroom and worrying about zombies, but dad said they werent real. And the back yard of the house we lived in, being really unfinished with its landscaping because the subdivision was so new. I remember the dirt and mess of it kinda freaking me out...

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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walking out of my daycare and trying to look at the Sun despite being told to stop looking at the Sun

then being given shades

never buy the Sun

Anyway, my first memories... there's two, idk the specific order, but both when I was roughly four. One's from the odd culinary decision of adding tomato sauce to instant noodles for dinner in a pretty apt summary of the amount of money my parents didn't have back then. Another is from school. I hit some kid and he started crying, so out of a strong sense of justice (possibly also a desire to not get in trouble with the teachers??) I started shouting at him to hit me back. His crying intensified.

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Another is from school. I hit some kid and he started crying, so out of a strong sense of justice (possibly also a desire to not get in trouble with the teachers??) I started shouting at him to hit me back. His crying intensified.

I find this incredibly adorable

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Sometime in primary school, one of my parents were called over to school and I was taken out of class. Made me feel so ashamed and even worse of myself.

If positive memory, probably the day I became a citizen though I was 14 so that's not really an "earliest memory."

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this really fucking huge (for a three year old) set of stairs near pearlridge, i think, that was utterly terrifying


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