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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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A lot when I was younger, then they all kinda dried up. Most recently, FourFourTwo UK, but that lapsed after a years' subscription.

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i got my friend to swear off the economist after showing her that dumbass article from a year ago (author anonymous, of course) about how twelve years a slave was bad because it portrayed slaveowners unfairly

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i got my friend to swear off the economist after showing her that dumbass article from a year ago (author anonymous, of course) about how twelve years a slave was bad because it portrayed slaveowners unfairly

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i still have a subscription to PC GAMER lol

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TEN: Are you a good exam taker? What are your strategies?

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I guess so? For me it might have been a bit more hit or miss depending on the subject.

The way I studied for exams was through reviewing lesson powerpoints and writing notes and highlighting important stuff. Reviewing previous quizzes or homework helped too. I remember stuff better when I write/type it down myself (and quizzes/homework included writing it down myself~)

Which brings me to a realization I'd had recently! It seems that I learn stuff best through visuals like piccy's and graphs and stuff, but the way I retain information best is when I do something myself (like writing stuff down, or just performing an act myself).

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Can't tell. Depends on how I do on the actual exam, and that depends on a lot of other factors too. (If we're talking grade-wise then yes?)

Strategies? Eat well, get a good night's sleep, say no to drugs.

Edited by Tragonight
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I guess so. I tended to do fine on exams in high school and college without studying much or at all. Outside of my major, where I did pretty badly on the exams for the two intermediate courses. I don't really have any specific examples of strategies for answering questions, but when I started going over tests with other radiography students in class (powerpoint slides of the questions courtesy of the teachers) I was sometimes able to deduce the answer without much prior knowledge thanks to the question itself (which is why multiple choice can be kind of dumb IMO).

I'm also usually very fast at taking exams. Finishing sections way before the time ran out (but I don't actually remember specific times ofc).

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I manage to do pretty well in exams. I always spend the first five minutes reading all the questions I have, then select the ones I feel like doing first. I try to work myself in with some of the easier ones and then go for the challenging ones whilst I have some steam. At the end, I count the minimum number marks I think I'm likely to have gotten.

In short, I make myself do more work than I need to, but at least I feel pretty good about it! An early bedtime the night before always helps too!

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I wouldn't say I'm a good test taker but...

What I do is get lots of rest, study, if possible, keep a level head, and just know all your rules for w/e subject you're taking it on~

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Which brings me to a realization I'd had recently! It seems that I learn stuff best through visuals like piccy's and graphs and stuff, but the way I retain information best is when I do something myself (like writing stuff down, or just performing an act myself).

I've found I seem to learn information best by having someone ask me questions about it several times, spaced out over a period of time.
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What's an exam?

Oh, wait, so it's like a test? Ok, I think I'm pretty decent at those. I mostly review whatever necessary a couple days beforehand and then go over it again the evening before. Sometimes I procrastinate, but I usually try my best not to.

Then I make sure to sleep early/eat breakfast and I'm good to go!

Edited by Esme
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What's an exam?

Oh, wait, so it's like a test? Ok, I think I'm pretty decent at those. I mostly review whatever necessary a couple days beforehand and then go over it again the evening before. Sometimes I procrastinate, but I usually try my best not to.

Then I make sure to sleep early/eat breakfast and I'm good to go!

10 points from Gryffindor for admitting you didn't know what an exam was.
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I'm fast, I guess, results may vary

I basically just pick every thing I'm confident on and answer those first, then I go to less-confident-but-still-has-some-clue ones and answer those, then i bullshit the ones I don't know

I'm shit at studying, though, I'm good at knowing my shit (depending on class) but if I don't know my shit hahaha rip

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I tend to do well as long as there is some decent studying done the week prior to the exam. If it's multiple choice I review the material in bits and skim it the night before the test, and if there are written problems I go over various types with my friends. If my friends aren't available I try ones I know I have the solution to.

During the test, I read over it briefly then go in order unless I get stuck for more than a minute. If there is a written problem that I can't answer I try my best to get partial credit.

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Yes. That being said,

I'm shit at studying, though, I'm good at knowing my shit (depending on class) but if I don't know my shit hahaha rip

Strategies are basically if I don't think I can answer something without expending much thought, skip it and come back later, so I can waste as much time as I want on it without needing to worry about having other questions afterwards.

So basically, not much strategy to speak of.

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