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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I've taken to saying "Yo" and "Hola" in text, in person I just say Hey, or if I'm really familiar just skip the greeting altogether.

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guild wars two: heart of thorns is a very good game and i've spent two days drinking beer and playing it now

i am a cats man slightly more than dogs, but i love dogs

that said

fuck you smokin man, cats are dumb as shit lmao they just look smart

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE: What would your ideal picnic include?

this is a romantic question, you are not going on this picnic alone.

unlike in real life.


On a cliff overlooking the ocean. Lots of avocados and wine are involved. And my best buds! We be there all day and then, we'd go down to the beach after the sun sinks. We then, make a bonfire and the mead comes out!

hey i was there i'm gonna steal it

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO: We've done enough cuddly things: what's your favorite BUG?!


[spoiler=SO NOBLE!]


I loves them so. I play with them in the yard sometimes.

[spoiler=luna moth]kYPz6.png

felt like I should spoiler in case some people do really badly with pictures of buggies >u> though if they do hopefully they know to stay out of here

These are pretty, but i hate their larvae. They are ugly green things that eat my veggies. :U

Certainly not the bugs in my program :')

I feel like we had this question before(though w/o pic) and I think mantis is still going to be my answer here


This is why we are brothers.




my favorite buggy is the italian honey bee

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE: Do you enjoy scavenger hunts?

the thrill of marching out into the unknown (gamefaqs.com) and finding things for the first time (that other people have found first and documented). isn't it a thrill (to be relived)?


I love scavenger hunts. There was a period in about 2004 to 2006, where i would do scavenger hunts with friends in San Francisco. That shit was SO MUCH FUN! I should arrange one with my new group down there.

scavenger hunts rule

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOUR: What is/are your preferred greeting/s? Are they the same in text?

and do they change during the time of day ETC ETC ETC


And yes

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i'm a big fan of yo, personally, but i use heya a lot irl

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE: When do you like to get up in the morning?

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i'm a big fan of yo, personally, but i use heya a lot irl

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE: When do you like to get up in the morning?

I usually get up around 8:30 am or 9am. I like getting up around 10am lel

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I have school and stuff so I always get up at 6 AM. When I don't, I just sleep until I wake up, which usually isn't any later than 10 AM (and that's only if I go insane and knock myself out at 1 while doing homework the day before).

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"hello" works fine, although for some reason I would say "hiya" in the past and I don't like that word nearly as much.


online either I don't greet you or it's all about that hola

but sometimes hola gets old so I'll remix it

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9AM, although I don't really care when I wake up for the most part (unless I have something due that day or have to go somewhere).

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last one: Yo (motherfuckers optional)

this one: like, 1pm, what's a morning (but I could probably get up earlier on days when I have a choice if I didn't sleep like 4-5 hours on half of the weekdays)

(if I feel like I need to work for longer, 11am, if I'm actually going into work then I have to wake up at 9:30 but that's honestly too early for me since I sleep around 4)

Like, yeah sure I get up late but I also sleep ridiculously late so I don't even really sleep in, it's just, uh, shifted over

So work days are when I just shove caffeine into my system

Edited by Thor Odinson
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as if I like to get up in the morning

idk in an ideal world probably 9-10, but currently I would like nothing better than to wake up at like 14:00

this quarter tho, have been getting up between 6:30 and 8 on school days :/

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