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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Uhhh. . .


- Falco Amiibo

- Project X Zone 2

- Still hyped for Trails in the Sky SC because I'm not very far into it

- The holiday Vanguard releases

- The holidays in general

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a few things, the nintendo direct got me excited for fates (bought the spec. ed. lol) and smash. mario & luigi, ff explorers, and xenoblade all became much more interesting as well. i think i'm angry at the "pokken" announcement, though. tekken is a good franchise and i feel that pokken is extremely gimmicky.

i have a game on sat. which i'm pretty hyped for. i'm taking some pretty sweet classes next quarter as well. also thanksgiving is coming up, so i get to see my family soon.

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Nothing really since I try not to get hyped, but I am looking forward to seeing my family and cats again this Thanksgiving. And Xenoblade Chronicles X but only if I get my job at home back.

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Xenoblade Chronicles X, Fire Emblem: Fates, Zelda Wii U and Kingdom Hearts 3.

This year was awesome for games. Triple A games like MGS, Witcher and Fallout. But also lots of little unexpected gems came by like Undertale, Ori and The Blind Forest and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime.

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and then there's me, the only one who doesnt ignore star fox .w.

Starfox is one of my most hyped games, But it doesn't come out till March, So I'll be hyped for it then, you know i'm doing a Starfox LP and everything so :P:

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getting my BACHELOR'S OF SCIENCE in about a month

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY: Post a positive fun fact about yourself!

courtesy moira, a ball of sunshine

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Apparently I have a really calming aura

My very presence helps people who are going through anxiety be even calmer and for animals as well (or maybe just dogs \o/)

Like spectegri(teohr?)dog started panicking whenever it rained out and especially when it thundered and he was getting so bad that they were considering putting him down eventually if he didn't improve. Once I moved in and they started leaving him with me (since he loves me) he started getting much much calmer during storms and now he even goes outside when it's raining and isn't even panting at all. He's also had huge issues going to the vet and spectegrimom brought me along this time and while he was still nervous he was pretty quiet, when usually while the vet's seeing to him he's yelping and making a ton of noise. But after seeing the vet's personality and the way she handles him I can see why he is uncomfortable with her~ Apparently he's much improved with me around and they aren't considering putting him down anymore (or at least not yet~)

I never thought that being a quiet person could actually be useful~ I've just been so used to it being burdensome.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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i memorized the square root of 88 when i was 9 because it was my favourite number

it is actually now my phone password because people who want to snoop will quit once i tell them that my password is the square root of 88

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