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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I tend to say of course, yeah, or yep fairly equally in both text and vocal.

But my preferred is actually a nod if applicable. If that doesn't count, then 'yeah' is the preferred.

Edited by Soledai
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I usually say 'yeah.'

In Dutch I usually use 'klopt.' 'Kloppen' is a verb that means 'be correct,' so it literally translates to 'is correct.'

In German I tend to use 'genau,' which means 'exactly.'

I tend to use 'mmm-hmm' a lot too (and in all languages), but more in voice than in text.

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oh yeah so I misread the second part of the question but I'd say it's still aye, whether in text or voice because I just really like "aye" ;u; (I thought he was asking if the amount you liked the word was any different between it being said in text and in voice ^o^) Edited by Freohr Datia
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Huh, I never really thought much about it... hm...

I think it's usually yes for voice and... I think the same for text too. Sometimes I use other words, but I think it's usually just "yes."

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