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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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i tried monmusu part 1 for the monster girls, got unexpected self-aware humor instead

i played monsumu part 2 for the humor, got an unexpectedly epic quest instead

then i played part 3 and couldn't recommend it to anyone

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does that mean you're home yeti did that too with some savescumming actually! it was really fun for about one zone and then got really tediousi do appreciate that it was possibleso i guess d2x had a lot of build possibilities just a lot of them sucked

not when i posted it, but as you could tell by the games of league, i was soon after

there's a particularly hilarious build that I used involving Conversion and the Thorns aura. In which I would convert monsters to my side, stay out of range and have the thorns aura on so enemies that attacked them got damage returned to themit wasn't very effective, but it was fun

diablo iii has the best build, the manajuma build, which turns you into a suicide bomber exploding chicken
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Xenoblade Chronicles X is the most 8/10 game I love to treat like a 2/10. I only played ~30 hours, but I found a lot of things to dislike which is really rare for me. Most are relative to the first Xenoblade, which is why I can call it a GOOD GAME I love to hate. And a lot of it is totally personal! I've talked to some that pretty much state the reasons I hate it as why they love it compared to the first game.

I pretty much love mechs and I gave up on it before you even get the mechs because of a ton of small or personal things that added up to a lousy experience.

A lot of the good things in XCX are either holdovers from the first game, or things they kept and made intentionally worse which really makes me wonder what was up with the dev team. Conveniences like swapping party members through a menu suddenly require you to hunt down the party member you want to add in a giant town hub. Changing the time of day(to do time sensitive quests) isn't in a menu anymore either, you need to track down a bed or something and "sleep" until the right time. Not the most devastating changes, but things you could list as great conveniences going through sidequests or w/e in the first game are like, tedious. cmon mono soft

The story kinda sucks because you're a self-insert whose decisions don't matter and really you're just a peon for the 2 mandatory party members that drag you around the entire game. At least you can customize a lot of your look which is COOL.

Speaking of party members, none of them really hold any candles in personality or development to any character in the first Xenoblade. You could honestly say a bunch of minor bosses got more attention and development in their ~30 mins of screentime than some characters in X get across the entire game.

The story's not that great to me either, it's much more detached and impersonal compared to the first Xenoblade. And it suffers from gameplay story integration imo. You're stuck on an alien planet so yeah you need resources and stuff, but there's a very real chance of you sitting down to play this game in a very story-driven series and making no plot progress at all. Not because you wanted to goof off but because the game requires you slap 3 mining dildos in 3 random locations before it decides "okay, you've explored enough under our guidelines." This would be fine if the heavily plot-based prequel hadn't set a precedent for the story!!

The exploring outside of the "color within our lines" stuff is cool. You can pick any direction and pretty much go off and do whatever. You'll get mauled by super high level stuff which is cool, the environments and creatures are just amazing to look at in general. But they find yet another way to drag that down, because you won't be making much if any progress toward unlocking the small meat and bones of the story, or character-specific sidequests. You can explore as you want, but in ~30 hours I didn't have much to show for it besides what the game wanted me to have.

Also it's 2016, I have an HDTV, and the text is pretty impossible to read at times. boooo

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@ the qotd: i've been thinking about this for a while but the only things that come to mind are disney movies and pokemon black/white 2

i guess im easy to please

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super mario brothers 2 isnt even super mario brothers and can suck my dick

i hate you and hope you step on Legos with bare feet.

Avengers: Age of Ultron was shitty and im still salty about it.

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While it's not the worst thing ever, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is a game that's just gotten worse and worse for me over time. It fails on so many levels that I really just don't know what they were doing. As a sequel it doesn't come close to any of the original three games, as a standalone story it focuses too much on an already established character for new players to get as invested. The only case that manages to rise above decent is the first one, every case after has blatant, gigantic holes that I never would have thought any writer could miss. What sinks this ship though is the main story throughout. First off the story is all about Phoenix, in fact he's basically the actual main character. That dude whose name is in the title has no relevance to what's going on and barely even needs to be there. Most of the main story is in the final, 4th case, and good god I don't even.

In this single case alone we have:

-Phoenix acting annoyingly out of character

-introduced plot threads that never go anywhere

-revelations that are pointless to the story

-A Terrible Person that the game tries to pass as a likable character(or at least a not-unlikable character)


And yeah that last point mostly has to do with that one investigation segment.

The time-travel simulation thing. I don't even have a full grasp of what it is the game explains it so poorly.

What exactly is it? How was it made? How does it work? How is any evidence and information from it admissible in court? At the end all the confusion and annoyance is topped with an anticlimactic final trial and a villain who started strong, but ended up being the most disappointing in the series.

So I ended the game for the first time with an overwhelming sense of, "meh", and dozens of unanswered questions. My opinion of it has not gotten more positive since then.

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I'm disappointed by Golden Sun 4 almost every day :(:

Was actually gonna write something about Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, but then I remembered that I really like that game and my issues with it stem from it not having a sequel, so uh...

I'll just agree with PKLucas: Xenoblade Chronicles X is a good game, but most its best aspects are entirely different than what made Xenoblade Chronicles amazing.

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-A Terrible Person that the game tries to pass as a likable character(or at least a not-unlikable character)

Who in particular?

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Wait a minute.

Real answer: I was very disappointed with Pokemon: Advanced Generation. The Pokemon anime was basically ruined for 9 year old me smh.

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call of duty world at war replaced modern warfare's cool bombasticness with tinny guns, hokey tank mechanics, and a really generic setting and story. i was very upset as a teenage dank mlglord. i even got to talk to the devs about it! i think they increased the bass on a few of the guns.

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE: Do whatever the opposite of that is about a surprisingly improved sequel!

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When Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi came out, it was a very clunky 3D fighter that had some small novelty factor but was mired in problems.

Come Tenkaichi 2, they fixed just about all of those problems and made a very solid 3D 1 v 1 fighter with nice destructible elements, with a pretty good story mode to boot. Including a funky capsule level up system.

Tenkaichi 3 improved on the combat formula even more, but wasn't quite as cool in the story department, Tenkaichi 2 literally did like every DBZ fight including the movies and even the small small tiny fights, we are talking to the point of Yajirobe and Master Roshi vs Mecha Cooler level of "Every fight/minor encounter" and it was fun.

Edited by Jedi
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