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SFMafia's Greatest Hits - Signups


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Okay the title is kind of misleading it's more like memorable moments but that's nowhere near as catchy.

Checked by Manix.

0. As the host, I have the right to edit these rules at any time. If this happens, you will be informed.

1. The game is NOC, meaning you don't talk about the game outside of this game thread while it is ongoing.

2. If you're dead, don't talk to anyone who doesn't have access to the graveyard quicktopic. You can ask to be informed, but please don't spoil the rest of the graveyard.

3. Screenshotting and quoting any information given by the host outside of the thread well result in a modkill.

4. Editing posts is banned, although depending on the severity of the edit punishment may be more lax.

5. Should you be modkilled through any fault of your own, you automatically lose. Tactical modkills are even lamer and will be dealt with accordingly.

6. Prods will go out to anyone who doesn't post for 24 hours. If I have to keep prodding players, they will be subbed out or modkilled, depending on the availability of subs.

7. Play to win, but don't spoil the enjoyment of others.

8. The game starts on Day 1.

9. Nights last for 24 hours, days last for 72 hours. You may not talk during the night phase.

10. If your action fails or is redirected, you will be informed as such.

11. A hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the total votes in order to hammer. Failure to achieve a lynch twice will result in universal loss.

12. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential or not will not be announced.

12a. *YLO is defined as when an anti-town faction can win after a no lynch/mislynch. Town may be outnumbered before this warning appears.

13. When players die, they flip in full - role pm and all.

14. There are no Vanilla Townies or Mafia Goons in the game.

15. This is not a Bastard Mod game.

The roles in this game are all based off of memorable moments in previous SFMafia games and things that have happened in the community. While flavour knowledge isn't required to play, references might be lost on you. This game is fairly roleheavy, but theoretically balanced.

1. zerosabers
2. Elieson
3. Prims (after Wednesday)
4. WeaponsofMassConstruction
5. Hannah
6. KingGilgamesh
7. Lord Gaius
8. Omega
9. dandragon
10. Gorf
11. J
12. MancerNecro
13. Bluedoom
14. Randa (after Friday)
15. eclipse

16. Eurykins

17. Shinori

Not accepting IO requests until after the game is underway. If I get over 15 signups, I'll RNG who gets into the game.

Edited by SB.
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In it for the WeakWatcherSurvivor shenanigans.

SB if you didn't include them i'll be very sad

Also welcome to my other neck of the woods, Zero!

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>SF's greatest hits mafia

>"While flavour knowledge isn't required to play, references might be lost on you."

>About half the current signups are new people


(Not signing up because I am excessively busy this summer, will change mind if schedule changes)

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/in after Friday, /sub /io /idgaf before then

Edit: Fuck autoxorrect man.

Also if any of the roles involve me I would like to remind people I was probably drunk.

Edited by Randa
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