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Criminal OC Mafia - Game Thread - N5 ends 14/09/2015


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Rules say nothing about Mylo (only Lylo) so if its MYLO which it probably is, then when kirsche gets back he can clarify.

Marth, FK has a Skype. Send a PM FK and ask for it.

Because of Gaius shenanigans, I'm inclined to follow their lead on Marth not being scum because its pretty spec-heavy if he is scum. Middling townie efforts but apparently some actions add up that I wasn't involved in so if all the TLs before me thought he was town in agreement then it's at least worth a follow.

I've got very little on Rein and Junko right now. Probably less on Rein since he is active in the Roleplay forums and was active on Skype yet didn't really do anything the other phase and no mod-warning makes me think its kirsche not wanting to off scum but that's entirely spec. If anyone has Rein/Junko logs, can they share them either in thread or to me?

FK has a role that is more or less proven by several people (alive and dead) so I'm willing to buy it. He is basically in the same boat as Marth. Also it's stupidly powerful for scum given the currently setup

Izhuark is either obviclear or Godfather and the only reason I suspect GF is due to a log which reads as super believable yet evidently fake that I got from BBM, and BBMs death doesn't really make sense given the conversation I have from them both so ugh

FK if you haven't skyped me, Skype me. I'll be online in 15.

Junko, we have a convo to finish

Marth, get back to me

Izhuark...I dunno right now

Rein, do you have anything atm?

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I'm Mike Ehrmantraut, Town Safeguard Cleaner. I prevent info roles from getting faulty results. And safeguard. My targets were as follows:
N1- SB

N2- Gauis

N3- Gauis

N4- Eli(doc item)
N5- Eli(Inventor item)

I couldn't use my night action on the nights when I used an item, btw.

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MYLO Massclaiming should've happened yesterday because yesterday was Monday and Monday MYLO Massclaim sounds cooler

I'm Conrad Stonebacks, Town [Armor Dealer] Blacksmith. I hand out vests that protect from one attempt, and they can't be stacked. UNFORTUNATELY it kicks in after the kill, which I didn't learn until after N1 & N2 when Blitz and then Refa flipped after piecing it all together. Refa and Gaius worked me in when on N1, Refa's vest got hit by what we assumed was a 2nd shot from either mafia or SB!SK (as well as Blitz dying) and that's why I tried to re-vest him. N4, I'm still not sure what happened, but I think it was a Strongkill. Izhuark and Junko should still have their vests. Izhuark has a VariLaser? and I did receive said thingy from Marth


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I'm, Garret the reformed thief

N0-Steal from Junko got nothing

N1-Steal from Faerie Knight was redirected to Paperblade got nothing

N2-Steal from Reinfleche got nothing

N3-Steal from Faerie Kinght was redirected to reinfleche got nothing

N4-Steal from Darrman got Varielaser still have it

N5-Steal from BBM got nothing

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"Haha we know it's you rein. We've done thorough scumhunting and not just left it all to one person who should've died ages ago!" Hook laughed. "Now, prepare to die..." Hook slit Rein's throat, despite his many pleas of innocence.

Hook pulled Rein's role pm from his corpse. "Now let's see what you can do..."

Rein has been lynched. He was:

Dear Reinfleche, you are Danny Ocean, Reformed Goon

You are the head and organizer of a gang of eleven people who planned the robbery of a vault of a Las Vegas Casino. You were implicated in more than a dozen separate counts of conspiracy to commit fraud, but where never charged for it. Indeed, fraud is nowhere near grand enough to match your tastes. You wanted a challenge, and you wanted your wife back after years on parole. So why not get both? After all, when you get the best hand you can get, you go all in and destroy the house.

You have no special ability, but you have your word and your vote. Use them wisely.

You are allied with the Reformed. You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction.

"Oh erm, fu-" Hook's final words were cut off by a gunshot, coming from Elieson's pistol.

He stood there triumphantly. "I'm not going to be given up to the Rightful because of your cowardice. It's a pity Varrick had to die for this, but so be it."

"It's ok! There's 4 of us and 1 of him." Izhuark piped up, before Magnificence Incarnate stepped up behind him and slit his throat from behind.

"Actually there's 2 of us, and we have a gun."

Junko, Faerie Knight and Izhuark have been killed at endgame. They were:

Dear Junko, you are The Crooked Man, Reformed Goon

"There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.

He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.

He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,

And they all lived together in a little crooked house."

Once a resident of Fabletown you fled after narrowly escaping the corrupt detective Bigby Wolf, though you fear he's followed your scent here. As horrific as it sounds, you'd rather take your chances with the Rightful than his claws, so you're working with the Reformed to gather favour.

You have no special ability, but you have your word and your vote. Use them wisely.

You are allied with the Reformed. You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction.

Dear Faerie Knight, you are Gordon Gekko, Reformed Fraudster

Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures, the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind and greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the U.S.A.

Not enough by itself to save you from the Unrepentant and the Rightful though.

Once per night, you may respond to your role pm with "Night X: Framing <user> so others will get off your back." In the hopes of easing tensions and building trust, you have decided that making everyone else look super untrustworthy is the easiest solution. Therefore, at night, you will make a living <user> look suspicious to anyone that visits you, causing them to use all their night actions on <user>. You can only redirect to each person once per game before people catch on, however.

You are allied with the Reformed. You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction.

Dear Izhuark, you are Garrett, Reformed Thief

After exhibiting a surprising degree of perception by noticing one of their agents you were recruited into a secret organization dedicated to observing and maintaining stability in the city, The Keepers. You were given initial training in the arts of stealth and subterfuge practiced by the Keepers, but found that it was much more profitable to make use of these skills as a thief than to continue working for the Keepers as an agent. You just want to be left alone to steal in peace but feel like your time has come with the upcoming arrival of the Rightful and wish to mitigate the damage to you.

Every night you may reply to this role pm with "Night X: Steal from <User>" where <User> is a living player. You will proceed to steal the last received item that user has and claim it for your own use.

You are allied with the Reformed. You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction.

Leaving the Unrepentant, Elieson and Magnificence Incarnate to escape the Rightful without incident. They were:

Dear Strawman, you are Vito Corleone, UnrepentantGodfather

You are the head of the Corleone crime family, the most powerful crime family in all of New York, and you plan to keep it that way. However, the so-called Reformed wants you to give yourself - and your family- in to the Rightful. That won't do at all, and even though you'd like to move your family out of crime, you have no desire for you and your closest friends to rot in prison.

At night, you may respond to this role pm with "Night X: Bring <User> under my protection" where <User> is the name of any living player. <User> will be protected from all non-killing actions that night performed by players that aren't with the Unrepentant. If your target dies, your families' reputation will suffer, and in the next two nights your action will do nothing to deter people whatsoever.

You are allied with the Unrepentant. You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction.

Dear Elieson, you are Walter White, Unrepentant Drug Dealer

You are a former chemistry teacher who decides to use his talent in chemistry to become a major crystal meth drug lord after you are diagnosed with cancer, with the intention that your illegally gained funds will grant your family financial security after the medical bills and the threat of the loss of the family's main source of income. You quickly become ruthless and cold blooded in your efforts, looking for the best deal for you and your partner Jesse. However, this Reformed have got your identity and worse, they want you to give yourself up to the Rightful. You have done nothing but support your family and this is the reward? No, you could not stand for this and joined with the Unrepentant to end these fools before they shoot themselves in their feet and take you down with them.

Once per night you may respond to your role PM with "##Night X: Fool <User> with <Line>: <Result>" where <User> is a living player and <Result> represents any feedback that user may receive, replacing the chosen <Line> of that feedback. The generalised format of results is like so:

1. Your action was successful/blocked.

2. You were redirected to <user> (if applicable)

3. <Info/Role result> (if applicable)

4. You received <item> <description of item> (if applicable)

For example "##Night Y: Fool <Bob> with Line 4: "You received a gun. At night, you may respond to your role pm with "Night X: Shooting <User>" where <User> is a living player. You will shoot <User> with your gun. Ouch. You may not use any role abilities alongside this item."" You may ask for advice on formatting though I reserve the right to decline at my discretion.

You are allied with the Unrepentant. You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction.

Congrats to the Unrepentant for winning Criminal OC Mafia. Postgame coming up shortly. I'll probably answer a lot of your complaints/questions there so hold tight.

Edited by Executive kirsche
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It was all I could do to get town to trust me at all. Refa entrusting Gaius to trust me apparently let me coast with work

Though fwiw I wasn't blacksmith I was just a Info Fabricator but I didn't know what else to do

Also town cop was stupid strong and our item maker was kinda meh. Townsided setup even moreso because OC sux

Edited by Elieson
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Garveyard: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/XDFNMDm525RJ

Game sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_b22HrEFexjVo3hyR5T5eHDnGT1HHWYtLs7GCSmGfP4/edit?usp=sharing

Set-up Explanation:

Doing this first as it's probably the thing most people will want justified.

This setup was supposed to make you doubt your night results. Willow hooking people and Gordon redirecting people was supposed to be a good cover for Walter to "redirect"/"hook" people as well. If Walter changed the redirect line of someone targeting Gordon to "" it would make it seem like they were never redirected and thus framing Gordon, for example.

The possibilities of Walter were almost endless: Walter could have fake persuaded people in lylo to make the scum team win. Indeed, he was the mafia's strongest role, and the mafia revolved around buffing up and protecting said role. That was the point of Varrick and Vito: Vito would protect Walter from investigation and Varrick would motivate Walter every other night to increase his influence. With confusion running amuck in the results the town leader would have to determine what was fake and what was not. Unfortunately, this isn't how it turned out in the end. With Willow being the town leader the role blocks were taken care of and ultimately Walter never messed with investigation roles or FK's redirect mechanics, instead choosing to "play it safe" and committing themselves to his fake claim of Arms Dealer.

This mafia being so strong meant that town needed to be strong too. They had a full alignment cop and an ITP tracker which would feed them results, very powerful and potentially damning results too. They had a full doctor and an amnesiac variant to help salvage something if any of these strong power roles died early. FK and the doctor could even team up and make each other essentially invincible (I accidentally let self-targetting be a thing too), making FK or even the doc himself great Town Leaders if they ever found each other (Note Vito's ability allows them to bypass the redirect though)!

Town also had neat ways they could interact with each other if a circle of trust was ever made. Garrett could steal Willow's lighter and then give the lighter away to a trustworthy vanilla so that Willow could be a flat out roleblocker, with the lighter only being returned at the last second so Willow could keep acting. Additionally, Frank's bodies would be given to these trustworthy vanillas as it wouldn't hook them, thus rewarding them for their good play. As mafia also had vanilla fake claims, this could lead to the mafia getting some of these important items, and forgetting to use/trade them or being roleblocked etc. Unfortunately, this was something that was mostly overlooked.

Lastly, the ITP. It's a shame Charles got caught so early as I really like this role. Because of the lynch tie mechanics, Charles essentially auto wins if he has photos of everyone in the game (he can just make them all self-vote, he has greater priority than Gordon). That said I wanted to give him an incentive to actually use his stuff every once in a while so I added the full cop bit. Really though I should have made him seem innocent if he used one of his photos that evening, making Garrett more like an ITP checker with bonuses as getting Charles' photos would raise a lot of questions. I left the miller fakeclaim open to see if any scum would try to jump on it late but they didn't so lesson learnt there. The only problem with this is that now the cop gets an innocent result on half the scum and gets punished for hitting town which is why I left it out. That's why I didn't give them a miller fakeclaim, even though it was a perfectly safe claim, given the set up. The above change would be less permanent though which is why I feel like it would be more suitable, although it wouldn't have saved Charles here.

Overall I'm still pretty happy with the set up all things considered. It had cool roles and neat little interactions. It relies less on sheer number of kills than it does on working things out. Player analysis is up next, but I'll take a break.

Edit: I feel like the people saying this setup is townsided are really underestimating Walter. His full potential was not nearly reached this game imo and yet still Walter became a super trusted townie on the back of a risky fakeclaim and eventually became town leader.

Edit2: For example, I knew that mafia getting the sheet would be even stronger this game as Walter would know who to screw over. The game was supposed to reward initiative the most: scum would become all powerful if they became town leader, vanillas would get rewarding for good play etc.

Edited by Executive kirsche
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