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Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final


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BGM#1 is amazing. BGM#2 isn't that great. However, should this be like SMTIV, there will be more than one boss battle theme. I'm looking forward to this game!!!

The mermaid render is amazing. I wonder why she has those flaming skulls around her?

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BGM#1 is amazing. BGM#2 isn't that great. However, should this be like SMTIV, there will be more than one boss battle theme. I'm looking forward to this game!!!

The mermaid render is amazing. I wonder why she has those flaming skulls around her?

Souls of her victims maybe.

Or shes a fan of Zelda and Castlevania :P:

Edited by Jedi
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Aw, but Mermaid look so sad ! Well, sad or not, she is demon, so, she's most likely out for your skin.
Hm, Lucifer still have his arm, well, it make sense... he shouldn't put his legs like that, he's ridiculous. :p

BGM1 is good. For BGM2, I agree with Jedi, hopefully, it's not the Boss Theme, it doesn't compare to SMTIV's. I imagine it to be a stage BGM, and not a fight BGM.

Edited by B.Leu
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Thanks for the video ! My, Medusa's very pretty !

I've replayed SMTIV recently, and holy crap, I couldn't stop myself from yawning all the while. Why am I talking about this ? Because I really hope Final won't be the same, ie 'Very long walk as a very lost puppy in a huge ass boring map' simulator. Tokyo is just draining my life away.

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Thanks for the video ! My, Medusa's very pretty !

I've replayed SMTIV recently, and holy crap, I couldn't stop myself from yawning all the while. Why am I talking about this ? Because I really hope Final won't be the same, ie 'Very long walk as a very lost puppy in a huge ass boring map' simulator. Tokyo is just draining my life away.

I found that to be a drag as well. Demon Fusion was what kept me on board.

However, I read that Altus looked to correct the flaws in SMTIV for this game. Hopefully they will address some of the issues to create a better game. They already improved the partner system, probably because the battles will be much harder (at least I hope they will be).

SMTIV is a breeze once you pass Medusa and the Minotaur.

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Ahah, so you too want harder battles eh ?

Though spaming weaknesses on Bosses was freaking fun !

SMTIV is a breeze once you pass Medusa and the Minotaur.

Eh, for me, it was the nice part.

Between the the labyrinth Tokyo and the main quests with their 'Go to unpronounceable unfindable place 1', and if they are nice enough, they tell you 'It's near unpronounceable unfindable place 2', but in both case I'm still asking myself 'Where the heck it is ?'
Worst of all, the quest system, you can only have one Challenge quest at a time, but if you go to a Main quest area, the game ask you to either abandon the Challenge Quest, or complete it, instead of just letting you go, unlike say Etrian Odyssey.

Which is a shame, because I really enjoy the quests.

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I wonder if the fiends will return to collect the salt of the players.

Red Rider was a dick when he showed up.

And if they do return, will they retain the SMTIV version of the theme they got in the PS1 I, II and if... versions or a new mix?

I am curious! XD

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I wonder if the fiends will return to collect the salt of the players.

Red Rider was a dick when he showed up.

And if they do return, will they retain the SMTIV version of the theme they got in the PS1 I, II and if... versions or a new mix?

I am curious! XD

I'd think so. They've been in many of the main SMT games so far. I'd imagine that there are going to definitely be secret bosses in this game.

Edited by Leif
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Red Rider was a dick when he showed up.

You mean if he showed up. If fiends come back I want them to get rid of the 1/256 spawn rate. Let me have one guaranteed fight with them. A part of me doesn't believe Chemtrail exist.

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Every single time I see Dagda's face I keep on thinking he has tusks or something. Also I love Krishna's peacock feather and flute. What are the chances Vishnu/his Vishvarupa will appear at least as a boss?

Edited by Konnor97
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Doi did all new designs and refined the artwork by the guest artists from IV. Kaneko is working on behind the scenes stuff like the story for Final. More than he did for IV where he came up with the Mikado above Tokyo idea.

Edited by JupiterKnight
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Doi in general seems to be Kaneko's logical successor. His art style is close enough to Kaneko's for his designs to mix with the classic SMT demons, but distinct enough to have it's own feel.

Ahh, so it's an entirely new artist. You're right. Dagda's art fooled me into believing that it was Kaneko who designed him. Doi is really good. Krishna looks like he could blend in with SMTIII's art style.

I'm glad that Kaneko is still involved with Shin Megami Tensei.

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The difference is subtle.

Kaneko has a very little blocky style, with a distinctive shaded in upper lip, square jaws, and a distinctive nose. He also draws his characters very pale.

Doi's style is a little more fluid, bridging the gap between anime and Kaneko's more distinct sensibilities. He does a standard anime lip and nose, but his eyes are smaller then Kaneko's. He seems to borrow Persona's more tanned character shading.

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The difference is subtle.

Kaneko has a very little blocky style, with a distinctive shaded in upper lip, square jaws, and a distinctive nose. He also draws his characters very pale.

Doi's style is a little more fluid, bridging the gap between anime and Kaneko's more distinct sensibilities. He does a standard anime lip and nose, but his eyes are smaller then Kaneko's. He seems to borrow Persona's more tanned character shading.

You're right! Looking at Isamu and Chiyaki's art, they indeed look extremely pale.

Now, looking at all of Kaneko's character art, I find that he draws his characters' eyes very similarly. He places emphasis on the bottom eyelashes. Their noses are blocky too, as you said.

Doi's humans look more colorful and "anime-esque," however, they don't deviate too far form reality. I kinda wish that they didn't hire guest artists for SMTIV's demons. It was distracting to see so many clashing art styles at times. =/

Thankfully, Doi is drawing the new demons this time around. This'll be more of a unified game in terms of art style, which makes me happy.

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・「オリジナルテーマ」 …ニンテンドー3DSの「HOMEメニュー」を『真・女神転生IV FINAL』の世界観に着せ替え可能

3DS Home Menu theme

・「アナーキーのピアス」 …ゲーム内アイテム。主人公の属性がすべて「弱点」になる、アナーキーな主人公専用装備

Anarchy piercing, changes all of the MC's attributes to weaknesses. Can only be used by an Anarchy MC.

・「ピースのピアス」 …ゲーム内アイテム。悪魔との交渉時、少しだけ悪魔を仲間にしやすくする、ピースフルな主人公専用装備

Peace Piercing: Makes negotiations easier. Can only be used by a Peaceful MC.

So... i wonder why anyone would choose to go Anarchic from a gameplay standpoint.

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