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Corrin/Kamui in Smash


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Ah, forgot Rosalina and that other Doctor I guess, duh

Still mate, that's almost as much and should not be the case.

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Man, this is ridiculous.

As a huge fan of FE, I find it VERY unjustified and way much earlier than it should have been.

If you would tell me "Corrin for Sma5h !" I would be ok of course, since it would be the most recent Fire Emblem "Lord".

But for Sm4sh ? Dudes ! The game isn't even already out in Europe and America ! That's completely preposterous !

This is just to fulfill an awful marketing goal and by the same way, it will really discredit more, AGAIN, the Fire Emblem fanbase regarding Smash, because even if Corrin would be the world's most original character, he still uses a sword, and that confirms the stupid stereotype about Fire Emblem characters. God damn it, WE SHOULD HAVE Fire Embem characters wielding other weapons instead of this !

This is completely ridiculous, we got more characters than the Zelda series in Smash AND EVEN MARIO ! Even if you consider Yoshi being a part of it, that's still equal ! It's insane in terms of series importance in video-games universe guys !

How could we come to such an end...

Mario has 7 if you don't count Yoshi. Calm down, like some of what you're saying is ok, but others like the whole sword thing, did you watch the trailer? Corrin focuses on Dragonic attacks, not really on using the blade, so its something very different in general.

Edit: whoops I was ninja'd

Edited by Jedi
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For example, who knew who was Shulk before smash4? I didn't for sure (same for Bayonetta right now).

I knew who Shulk was in July 2012 thanks to Xenoblade mafia, played here on SF. (And got a SPOILER character as my role, at that. Curse you, Paperblade!)

At this point, I've actually HEARD of a lot of characters in Smash, even if I haven't played their games.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Of course I watched the trailer ! Even third times !

Really dragon based attacks were an awesome idea (and dude his Side B looks so op, the number of options it allows is insane O_o) but, what I want to point out is the fact they still got him a sword, so the stereotypes will strike again and that kind of pisses me off... I know I should not pay it much attention since even Corrin's smashs are using his dragon parts if I got the good conclusions, but still, it confirms the thing. That's not really Corrin's fault since he can't wield axes or else but, having 6 FE characters and ONLY swords (thanks Robin and his luminous idea of bringing tomes) and not exclusively axes/spears/bows/magic, I find it really a pity :/

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Mario has 7 if you don't count Yoshi. Calm down, like some of what you're saying is ok, but others like the whole sword thing, did you watch the trailer? Corrin focuses on Dragonic attacks, not really on using the blade, so its something very different in general.

Corrin is undeniably unique, but the problem makes sense: it's still a sword. The weapon triangle is a staple of the series and often cited as one of the defining features, yet we only have one piece of it in Smash among 6 fighters.

Personally, I feel like if Sakurai really wanted a Fates character, he should have gone with Azura. Lance instead of sword and lots of interesting stuff to draw on.

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Corrin is undeniably unique, but the problem makes sense: it's still a sword. The weapon triangle is a staple of the series and often cited as one of the defining features, yet we only have one piece of it in Smash among 6 fighters.

You exactly got my point.

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Yet another black and gold alt. So many characters got that, Sakurai must love black and gold. lol But I'm cool with that, those are the PIttsburgh Steelers colors. ^^ Glad female Corrin got the black and gold palette too, I don't like the way male Corrin looks (though the green one looks like he's ready for Christmas! lol). So I know which palette I'll be using! I also actually like the pink Corrin as well, though, even though I usually don't like pink.

Also, to people complaining about a lot of swords being on Smash's FE characters, keep in mind that most FE main protagonists wield swords. The ones who don't use a sword for a base weapon are Ephraim and Hector and a lot of people would probably be like "who's he?" if one of them were added. And this is coming from someone who'd love to have Ephraim in the game.

Edited by Anacybele
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Why not just enjoy all the love that Fire Emblem is getting right now? Any publicity is good publicity. I hope that Fire Emblem remains in Nintendo's spotlight so the franchise can continue grow in popularity and success.

I would have preferred Azura too, but I just hope that this will be a means to help Fates get more sales.

I've haven't been following this topic as much, but I think that Corrin looks incredibly fun to use. Bayonetta also looks kickass to use with her combos.

Edited by Leif
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I'm assuming Corrin's in here for promotional purposes? Like Roy in Melee?

That's kind of what I'm getting. I feel it's mostly more for the rest of the world than Japan, though.

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Corrin looks really sweet. Really weird that FE has more reps than Zelda, but I guess that's down to Lucina not being a costume.

I'm assuming Corrin's in here for promotional purposes? Like Roy in Melee?

It feels more phoned in than Roy in Melee. Like it doesn't feel like Corrin should be in SM4SH. I'm not complaining, though. Now I can finally be a pretty pink dope-ass dragon princess.

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My opinion:

I like Corrin and Fates. I think he was a cool pick as well. My problem? I feel that 6 FE characters is over the top. I know I didn't ask for Roy back. Lucina's a glorified costume, so she's fine. If Roy had been Young Link or Squirtle or Wolf, things would be fine.

So yeah, don't blame Corrin, blame vanilla Roy.

Although I will say, I love Elma and Xenoblade more than anything. I would totally trade Corrin for Elma as advertising. That's about it though. Elma be praised.

But as we all know, Bayonetta is the best with Shulk and anyone who opposes her is wrong kthnxbai

EDIT: did I just see someone talk badly about dark pit in this topic because those are fighting words

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Why not just enjoy aquality,love that Fire Emblem is getting right now? Any publicity is good publicity. I hope that Fire Emblem remains in Nintendo's spotlight so the franchise can continue grow in popularity and success.

I would have preferred Azura too, but I just hope that this will be a means to help Fates get more sales.

And here we go. You completely fall in their trap. No questioning, just follow...

Any publicity is good publicity ? Do you really believe that ? How do you think that the Fire Emblem community reacted when they showed Camilla's huge boobs in the first trailers of the game ?

There was of course not a single and only one side saying that this was good, be realistic.

No, there was different opinions about it.

Also, think about that "popularity and success" you're talking about.

What will it mean if Fire Emblem gets enormous popularity because of those marketing plans ? It will of course bring way more people interested in it. And then ?

Will the series's success be only deserved from it own game quality, or just because it will be decided/heavily influenced by that new coming fanbase ?

How do you think we got from such an antipode like Tellius to something over japanized like Fates ? ( Sorry but this is a reality )

Think about it twice, a great popularity does not always mean a great quality, and vice versa.

The same goes for the success.

Also, when you hope for it to be a way to increase Fates's sales, ask yourself : What will this really mean ?

Because surely, considering the dangerous route Fire Emblem is taking, I would not even be surprized if they would do FE15 with way more disturbing and odd atmosphere with features such as (or even worst than) my room for example.

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And here we go. You completely fall in their trap. No questioning, just follow...

Any publicity is good publicity ? Do you really believe that ? How do you think that the Fire Emblem community reacted when they showed Camilla's huge boobs in the first trailers of the game ?

There was of course not a single and only one side saying that this was good, be realistic.

No, there was different opinions about it.

Also, think about that "popularity and success" you're talking about

What will it mean if Fire Emblem gets enormous popularity because of those marketing plans ? It will of course bring way more people interested in it. And then ?

Will the series's success be only from it own game quality, or just because it will be decided/heavily influenced by that new coming fanbase ?

How do you think we got from such an antipode like Tellius to something over japanized like Fates ? ( Sorry but this is a reality )

Think about it twice, a great popularity does not always mean a great quality, and vice versa.

The same goes for the success.

Also, when you hope for it to be a way to increase Fates's sales, ask yourself : What will this really mean ?

Because surely, considering the dangerous route Fire Emblem is taking, I would not even be surprized if they would do FE15 with way more disturbing and odd atmosphere with features such as (or even worst) than my room for example.

Ugh Tellius isn't even that good

fates is a fine direction. Just because people stuck in their ways are griping about Fates doesn't mean any change will happen. Also not seeing how Tellius is an antipode because it was the exact same thing as the games before it for the most part. It's actually cool to see something new happen.

but considering my favorite FEs are 3-5 and 11-14 then judge me with a pinch of salt

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I'm talking about Tellius's character design compared to Fates.

Still, waiting for you arguments, because "Ugh" is not one.

Also, if you don't see Tellius's changes, then what are Fates's ?

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blasphemy imo; female korin's design is way better

except in smash where male korin gets the good alt color aka purple


actually can we talk about alt color schemes because these are actually really nice

OOOO DAT GREENMUI! I was banking on a red Femui to contrast my Green Robin i use, but alas...earwax. I dont really like the pink Femui. The black and gold one is nice, but looks too much like Lucina. So like, i think ill be using Greenmui and default Femui.

Here's a great idea for you: don't buy Corrin. Then Corrin will never be in (your) Smash!

Also I hope you're fluent in Japanese and have played Fates in Japanese because if not then smh.

Hes played the Japanese version. Doesnt make DanMan's comments any less valid tbh.

People around here do handle negativity. People around here each have probably said their fair share of negative things.

It's that the same opinion, being touted by the same person, over and over, can get pretty frustrating; especially when you're trying to have a productive discussion only for it to come up again and de-rail things.

*raises hand*

I actually watched every cutscene in the game via youtube before he was confirmed, in preparation.

I hear this, brah. Especially when theres plenty of us who dont have the same complaints, or made peace with it a long time ago. A lot of us just cant expound that much energy being salty and pissed off about a story in a video game. (at last for that length of time) When the negative opinion is expressed with "STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE" tone, its even worse.

I knew about Shulk pre-Smash because i got Xenoblade on a whim nearly a year prior to Smash's release.

Speak for other often, do ye?

Oh. Yes.

On principle, it should have been Inkling who got in. But i cannot find it within myself to be angry or remotely upset about Kamui.

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I'm talking about Tellius's character design compared to Fates.

Still, waiting for you arguments, because "Ugh" is not one.

Also, if you don't see Tellius's changes, then what are Fates's ?

Tellius was super boring to me. Ashera was the best part, and even then that doesn't mean much.

Now me? I think Fates has wonderful designs. You go from stuff like Rinkah to Xander to Subaki and it's all super fresh.

I think Fates's changes are cool. I don't need to use any fanservice from My Castle and I love all of the gameplay changes, so all that leaves is stuff like Camilla. Which is okay. I mean, Camilla and Charlotte are two characters. Not like you can't look past them.

Call me a casual or whatever. That's fine by me. I do play on Classic only though if that's any consolation /s

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And here we go. You completely fall in their trap. No questioning, just follow...

Any publicity is good publicity ? Do you really believe that ? How do you think that the Fire Emblem community reacted when they showed Camilla's huge boobs in the first trailers of the game ?

There was of course not a single and only one side saying that this was good, be realistic.

No, there was different opinions about it.

Also, think about that "popularity and success" you're talking about.

What will it mean if Fire Emblem gets enormous popularity because of those marketing plans ? It will of course bring way more people interested in it. And then ?

Will the series's success be only deserved from it own game quality, or just because it will be decided/heavily influenced by that new coming fanbase ?

How do you think we got from such an antipode like Tellius to something over japanized like Fates ? ( Sorry but this is a reality )

Think about it twice, a great popularity does not always mean a great quality, and vice versa.

The same goes for the success.

Also, when you hope for it to be a way to increase Fates's sales, ask yourself : What will this really mean ?

Because surely, considering the dangerous route Fire Emblem is taking, I would not even be surprized if they would do FE15 with way more disturbing and odd atmosphere with features such as (or even worst than) my room for example.

Salty much? First of all, should Awakening have failed, we probably wouldn't have ever seen another Fire Emblem game ever again. Look, I understand your frustration with the direction FE is now taking. I wasn't a fan of Awakening as a game, and I would much rather have more games with an aesthetic like Thracia and Tellius. At least Fates's designs are a tad better than Awakenings.

Fire Emblem is not taking a dangerous route. Fates has some amazing gameplay, based on Serenes' member's feedback of the game (aside from some of the gimmicky Revelation maps, I think). Gameplay is what makes Fire Emblem tick. Awakening's gameplay was dull due to a lack of unique objectives. Fates rectified that with more unique objectives other than "Rout." Fates also has 3 campaigns, and classes based on two differing countries. That has never been done before and is an awesome addition. I enjoy reading game stories, but if I play though game multiple times, I'll start skipping the cutscenes and focus more on getting through the challenges that each chapter throws at me. I think this is mostly true for other players too. I would be concerned if future Fire Emblems started to look and act more like SMT FE#, which is way too weeaboo and crazy. Fates' aesthetic looks like any other stereotypical high fantasy JRPG. Fire Emblem still has its core mechanics, even some that are even reminiscent of older Fire Emblems (Zero and Orochi's capture command as a nod to Thracia 776 and unbreakable weapons as a nod to Gaiden).

Am I a fan of the human petting simulator in My castle? No. Do I like playing eugenics and getting children? Not entirely.

IS is a business and they are going to do things that they think will best get their sales up. So the features they put in the game that are, in my opinion, a bit insane, were done to attract more players who liked pairing up units in Awakening, Also, putting Corrin in Smash is smart purely from a business standpoint. Ultimately they want to make Fire Emblem appeal to more people, which is why they introduced Phoenix and Casual mode.

I'd take more Fire Emblems than no Fire Emblems. IS does care about the opinions of fans; why else would there have been that Japanese Fates Survey that was issued months ago? I think the future of Fire Emblem looks bright, for now.

tl;dr Corrin in smash is still awesome.

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The italicized "video-games" is because they're games; that was part of my point. It feels like you're taking things way too seriously for a piece of entertainment that isn't trying to make a point or have an ulterior motive.

Also, I actually did once tell you to read a book if you want a good story; you responded with that you were currently reading through the complete works of Sherlock Holmes.

Considering IS seems to have taken a spitballed initial draft and then followed it to the letter, I seriously doubt any one of them knows/cares enough about writing to even bother.

So, here's the point of that post: you're taking things too seriously.

Intentional or not, what matters is the signal this decision sends. Also, I'm pretty sure the ulterior motive is to sell more copies in the West.

I did; I was actually planning on continuing with it tomorrow; I've been hard at work studying abroad for several months now, and just got finished with an autobiography that was a motherflipping 600 pages. I don't know why an exchange student should have to read that book as opposed to some of the shorter ones the people who actually know the language read, but hey, it all went well. If you've got any questions about Spanish actor Fernán Gómez, I'm your man.

Hahaha! I like your honesty. It's true, I take stuff like this too seriously sometimes, but I like to think I'm just passionate. I do want to point out that I mostly joined this thread as a joke though...although a slap to the face with a cactus probably would hurt less than reading the writing of Fates.

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It took me a good freaking time to actually know who the heck was Shulk. Same with ROB.
...What ?

Once again, thigh holes confirmed too lewd for Super Smash Bros.

I liked those thing holes, I honestly believe it added something to FemKamui that made her less boring and more unique than MaKamui design-wise. Same with the lingerie thingy in them. And no, still for no perverse reasons, just design that I like.

On another note, I don't like much their alternate skins, I'll probably use the black one for FemKamui, since I like the darker colors, but even still.

I love that there's a sort of a war going on here, and me ? I talk about design. xD

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It took me a good freaking time to actually know who the heck was Shulk. Same with ROB.

...What ?

I liked those thing holes, I honestly believe it added something to FemKamui that made her less boring and more unique than MaKamui design-wise. Same with the lingerie thingy in them. And no, still for no perverse reasons, just design that I like.

On another note, I don't like much their alternate skins, I'll probably use the black one for FemKamui, since I like the darker colors, but even still.

I love that there's a sort of a war going on here, and me ? I talk about design. xD

two of my favorite characters

them's fightin' words

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