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Polygon confirms: bathhouses, swim suits are still in.


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I HAVE SO MUCH IZANA HYPE RIGHT NOW! HE IS THE BEST THING EVER! I love this. I love this character. I really wanted an Erudite Goofball type character and expected them to do it with Asama in localization for some reason. (his appearance i think) But i get it from this really pretty dude. I L O V E I T.

[spoiler=And!! mild spoila]


I Z A N A <3

Wait you can get him in Conquest? How do you do that?

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Wait you can get him in Conquest? How do you do that?

Same way as in Birthright I believe. Just need to either get the hot springs or upgrade them to level 3.

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Same way as in Birthright I believe. Just need to either get the hot springs or upgrade them to level 3.

Well he may very well earn his spot on my team. Unlike Awakening, this game has so many characters I like its going to be hard to choose who stays on the team and who doesn't.

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I didn't call you an idiot, I was accusing you of choosing the least likely interpretation in order to defend the localization choice. You're not really considered an adult until you're 18 in America (and you still can't drink lol) and 20 in Japan. "Technically" an adult is older than 15-16 in both the creators' culture and one of their largest western audience's culture (since we're talking about NoA). Citing examples of select cultures who have a much lower understanding of adulthood is meaningless. If they want tell us that Elise is acting immature for her age, they could have chosen more natural sounding dialogue but they wanted to specifically mark her as "technically an adult". Even if the line was to inform about Nohr's culture or just innocent banter (as you seem to believe), it would still be a hilariously awkward line. I hope we can agree on this at least.

I predicted they would age her up, but I didn't say I'd approve of it as a justification for sexy times. You can call Elise a pint-sized 18 year old but I'll call you a liar. The greater sin is still on Japan for making it an option in the first place but NoA is handling it poorly with blatant lies. That's why I snark on things like this.

Not in modern America and Japan, but modern American and Japanese cultural laws/standards aren't all that important when talking about the culture of an obviously medieval-based society. Hell, my 73 year old Grandmother mentioned some of her friends getting married at the age of 16, marriages that would've taken place around 1958 so it's not as if it's an ancient and barbaric tradition. Historical accuracy is the reason why Incest and other such things made it into FE games in the first place according to Kaga.


So I fail to see why modern laws/age requirements/definitions of adulthood matter in such a setting. If 15-16 is when one is considered an adult in that period of time, that's when I'm going to assume it starts in Nohr/Hoshido until proven otherwise.

The line of dialogue is hilariously awkward for sure, and they probably could've found a better way to phrase it, but I think it was for the best for NoA to just come out and say it rather than trying to be coy. The only supports where her age can be estimated are in her support with Azura and in Azura's support with Harold, and considering that some people still think that the NoA took out dual audio because fuck North America after several people brought up licensing issues, so it's better to just let people know what they're dealing with. Besides, the only other way to get around the issue would've been to remove the ability to S-Rank under-aged characters, which in addition to gameplay issues (i.e. being literally impossible to get all the children in a single run), would result in us getting treated to yet another thread in which everyone who disagrees with the decision is a weeaboo/otaku/pedo who only wants the game to pet waifus and under-aged characters who owns at least a dozen different anime body pillows and everyone who supports the decision is a SJW Fates apologist who thinks that an Orwellian Government is a pretty good idea in theory.

Edited by Phillius
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It'd also be nice if they weren't Kamuisexuals. I weep for my non-existent JakobxFlora and RyomaxCrimson pairings.

Yeah. It's a real shame that Flora and Jakob can't support and neither can Ryoma and Scarlet.

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The line of dialogue is hilariously awkward for sure, and they probably could've found a better way to phrase it, but I think it was for the best for NoA to just come out and say it rather than trying to be coy. The only supports where her age can be estimated are in her support with Azura and in Azura's support with Harold, and considering that some people still think that the NoA took out dual audio because fuck North America after several people brought up licensing issues, so it's better to just let people know what they're dealing with. Besides, the only other way to get around the issue would've been to remove the ability to S-Rank under-aged characters, which in addition to gameplay issues (i.e. being literally impossible to get all the children in a single run), would result in us getting treated to yet another thread in which everyone who disagrees with the decision is a weeaboo/otaku/pedo who only wants the game to pet waifus and under-aged characters who owns at least a dozen different anime body pillows and everyone who supports the decision is a SJW Fates apologist who thinks that an Orwellian Government is a pretty good idea in theory.

Wait, that's not an accurate portrayal of both sides of the argument? An Orwellian government might be nice.

Personally, I wouldn't concern myself with 'things that might cause drama in the fandom' (ie everything). People had their wars over skinship, but I think the new implementation of skinship/Live2D is better for the game so it was all worth it.

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Regarding the awkward attempt to justify banging a little girl, I wonder why the localization team couldn't just have Elise redrawn to look at least 15. Remember Pokemon Gen 5? Or 4? The localization team had no problems altering the graphics and/or character designs for the sake of political correctness there. So, I'm baffled as to why Fates' localization team didn't try a similar approach.

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. . .or how 'bout the explanation that Leo is giving Elise shit because it's his duty as a big brother? It was mentioned somewhat earlier in the thread.

Thats too easy for those with far too much salt, you know. :P

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Thats too easy for those with far too much salt, you know. :P

MUST I remind the salty people how well that turned out when a certain "news" source came out with supposed skinship information?

I can't really confirm or deny that's how siblings act, as I grew up an only child. From what I've heard, the stuff Leo pulled is within the realm of sibling ribbing.

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MUST I remind the salty people how well that turned out when a certain "news" source came out with supposed skinship information?

I can't really confirm or deny that's how siblings act, as I grew up an only child. From what I've heard, the stuff Leo pulled is within the realm of sibling ribbing.

Heh. Obviously you do, because those two back there are still kinda at it. Lmao

As someone who has older siblings, i can confirm that kind of ribbing exists. However, i still think its Treehouse giving the finger to IS for creating that mess in the first place lmao

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Regarding the awkward attempt to justify banging a little girl, I wonder why the localization team couldn't just have Elise redrawn to look at least 15. Remember Pokemon Gen 5? Or 4? The localization team had no problems altering the graphics and/or character designs for the sake of political correctness there. So, I'm baffled as to why Fates' localization team didn't try a similar approach.

They would've had to make a new live2D model, which I would assume would take significant resources.

Edited by Ehrzeth
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MUST I remind the salty people how well that turned out when a certain "news" source came out with supposed skinship information?

I can't really confirm or deny that's how siblings act, as I grew up an only child. From what I've heard, the stuff Leo pulled is within the realm of sibling ribbing.

I'm the youngest of three siblings and can confirm I've had/dished my share of 'grow up's and 'act your age's, but the problem I think many people have with the line is it's just so explicit and poorly worded. I think Thane gave a better alternative a few pages back/ in another thread. Something more subtle like 'Can't you act your age for once?' or 'When are you going to grow up, exactly?' would've done it some good. There's something very awkward about the line 'adult you technically are,' especially when it didn't exist in the original.

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I'm the youngest of three siblings and can confirm I've had/dished my share of 'grow up's and 'act your age's, but the problem I think many people have with the line is it's just so explicit and poorly worded. I think Thane gave a better alternative a few pages back/ in another thread. Something more subtle like 'Can't you act your age for once?' or 'When are you going to grow up, exactly?' would've done it some good. There's something very awkward about the line 'adult you technically are,' especially when it didn't exist in the original.

If it's sibling ribbing, I don't see why Leo couldn't have been a sarcastic bastard about it.

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. . .or how 'bout the explanation that Leo is giving Elise shit because it's his duty as a big brother? It was mentioned somewhat earlier in the thread.

Don't remember which, but I do remember some video somewhere saying that characters were being aged up for localizaton purposes.

Regarding the awkward attempt to justify banging a little girl, I wonder why the localization team couldn't just have Elise redrawn to look at least 15. Remember Pokemon Gen 5? Or 4? The localization team had no problems altering the graphics and/or character designs for the sake of political correctness there. So, I'm baffled as to why Fates' localization team didn't try a similar approach.

That is the difference between changing about 6 sprites, the trainer card sprite, the battle sprite, and 4 sprites for the directions, and a whole new mode with all the animations for it, the support conversation sprites, and the live3d.

Or they could have just not changed the model, and put in a joke about how her horse temporarily shrinks whoever rides on it. There are ways.

... That model and those picture would look young no matter how you tried to swing it.

EDIT: It just sounds awkward. "Why can't you act like an adult?" sounds better, but the way the line is right now, it sounds like "Act like the adult you are, because you are an adult, wink wink, right audience, she's totally an adult because we just said she is."

Edited by AsherCrane
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I said I would laugh like crazy if the Skinship removal turned out to be false, and...

On the Elise age thing, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't moment for NOA. I honestly feel this was their best option.

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If it's sibling ribbing, I don't see why Leo couldn't have been a sarcastic bastard about it.

I'm assuming because he's a very serious business, no sense of humour brother? I've read very few of his supports, but he doesn't seem like the sarcastic type.

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To be honest I really liked how Izana and Zola turned out. Heh, I'm so so soooooo happy that Izana turned out well because he's my f!Corrin marriage candidate in Birthright.

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I said I would laugh like crazy if the Skinship removal turned out to be false, and...

On the Elise age thing, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't moment for NOA. I honestly feel this was their best option.

THIS! NoA wouldn't have won either way. Some people would be upset that you can marry a character that looks so young or you could have what we've been dealing with in this topic. People mocking, complaining, etc. about it.

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