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Polygon confirms: bathhouses, swim suits are still in.


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well while I agree that localization probably won't mess with it I feel like that's a pretty different case

like with lucius the fact that he looks like a woman is rarely actually brought up, and you only really see how insecure he is about it in his support with priscilla where he says "You…must understand. I am…a man. As a child, I was often teased for my appearance, and I have never once profited from it. Perhaps you meant to imply…otherwise?"

with foleo his support with leo goes a lot more into detail about why he dresses like a woman

there's a lot more put into it which I like

although actually their characters are pretty similar now that I think about it

still though it's hard to explain why but I feel like those two are pretty different

not that it really matters i just felt like talking about it i love both of them

I don't know how much Alison Rapp might have influence on the localization, but she's one of the more outspoken Treehouse members that would try to preserve as much of Foleo's original supports as possible. That being said, she has tweeted that she's trying to avoid Fire Emblem stuff to avoid spoilers for herself.

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Is this a bad time to say that I had a friend do an edited FE:F script with the support generator between Foleo and Lutz quoting a bit of the whole supersuit conversation? Because I kind of did ask a friend to do that. And it was wonderful.

Good lord no with this topic having gone through what it just did it'd welcome it!

I know right? I wonder what Flora sees in him. Maybe she's just into his face and voice or something. He is pretty--but man, he's so mean to her :c

i blame you guys but i really like flora/leo

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well while I agree that localization probably won't mess with it I feel like that's a pretty different case

like with lucius the fact that he looks like a woman is rarely actually brought up, and you only really see how insecure he is about it in his support with priscilla where he says "You…must understand. I am…a man. As a child, I was often teased for my appearance, and I have never once profited from it. Perhaps you meant to imply…otherwise?"

with foleo his support with leo goes a lot more into detail about why he dresses like a woman

there's a lot more put into it which I like

although actually their characters are pretty similar now that I think about it

still though it's hard to explain why but I feel like those two are pretty different

not that it really matters i just felt like talking about it i love both of them

god i don't even know what i just wrote did it make sense sorry if it didn't i need to fucking sleep

Haha yeah I like both of them a lot too but yeah I agree they're different characters

It's just they share that one similarity that's creating all this fuss, so localization won't touch that aspect of foleo

Actual support contents? Maybe, I mean those get changed regardless if there's any perceived problems or not, sometimes even for the worse, I'm not over Chrom/Sumia Eng :c

Good lord no with this topic having gone through what it just did it'd welcome it!

i blame you guys but i really like flora/leo

Hahahaha if it makes you feel better I'm suffering that it doesn't exist, too
Edited by Thor Odinson
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Disclaimer: I didn't make this, but the artist who did is a very good friend of mine. Enjoy, guys! (And sorry for this, I honestly never have uploaded an image to the forums before ever. I have no idea how it works. /facepalm)


Edited by Skywolfe
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Disclaimer: I didn't make this, but the artist who did is a very good friend of mine. Enjoy, guys! (And sorry for this, I honestly never have uploaded an image to the forums before ever. I have no idea how it works. /facepalm)

attachicon.gifFoleo Makes Supersuits.png


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Disclaimer: I didn't make this, but the artist who did is a very good friend of mine. Enjoy, guys! (And sorry for this, I honestly never have uploaded an image to the forums before ever. I have no idea how it works. /facepalm)

attachicon.gifFoleo Makes Supersuits.png


Hahahaha if it makes you feel better I'm suffering that it doesn't exist, too

Foleo would be cute with her hair color too ;w;

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Sadly, that doesn't work (the image is small) so here is a better link.

Link : http://sereneseas.tumblr.com/post/132198691138/meek-little-treasure-heres-the-ninth-bit-of-my

Edit; I'm so sorry if I sounded rude or anything.

Ahhh, I absolutely adore the Corrin's darker hair colors like #20/#21 on Foleo! At least now I know which hair colors to definitely choose on the runs I marry Leo, haha!
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Foleo would be cute with her hair color too ;w;

Ebony, can't you use that support and portrait simulator (or whatever it's called) to make a Flora!Foleo?

Wouldn't Flora!Foleo look like Azura/Belka!Foleo or am I missing something?

Edited by December Knight
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Not sure what happened here, but since people seem to be talking about Foleo, did we get any localization news for him, like a name or any lines??? I'm so proud to be having the lovely lad as my son and I can't wait to see his supports! The default Corrin hair color will look great on him~!

As for Flannel to Keaton....that will take some getting used to, but it could've been much worse. I still lament that they didn't go with something like Fenris; sounds way cooler for a wolf boy.

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Ebony, can't you use that support and portrait simulator (or whatever it's called) to make a Flora!Foleo?

Wouldn't Flora!Foleo look like Azura/Belka!Foleo or am I colorblind?

There's a slight different tint to the blues (I think Belka's is slightly darker). Far away/at a glace they look almost identical but on closer examination they're different. I think Flora's hair is a middle ground between the two (?)

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Ebony, can't you use that support and portrait simulator (or whatever it's called) to make a Flora!Foleo?

Wouldn't Flora!Foleo look like Azura/Belka!Foleo or am I missing something?


It's only a few shades different then Azura's, but I liked Azura's hair color on Foleo in the first place so. -shrugs-

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This is great! (you gotta drop the cape, Lutz)

Okay, so now we need a picture of angry Foleo going: NO CAPES.

... And the sooner we get someone doing an exchange between Basilio and an offscreen Flavia involving the words, "WHERE'S MY SUPER SUIT?!" the better.

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Oh, you didn't sound rude, thanks for finding another link! I was so sure you could view the image full sized too, but oh well.

Yeah, you have to be careful when linking images from the wiki since whatever reason the image will be smaller when you link it.

Oh good, I didn't think I was rude but I have to be careful since I'm a awful with wording some things.

It's only a few shades different then Azura's, but I liked Azura's hair color on Foleo in the first place so. -shrugs-

There's a slight different tint to the blues (I think Belka's is slightly darker). Far away/at a glace they look almost identical but on closer examination they're different. I think Flora's hair is a middle ground between the two (?)

There's some subtle differences. Belka's hair is closer to teal. Azura's is pretty close to Flora's, but it's still not quite the same shade of blue.

Ahh okay, sorry about my mistake then! I must admit, my eye site is not the best so I was having a hard time with seeing the differences.

Edited by December Knight
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Well, I'm glad to see that bathhouses are still in. I would have been sad if they weren't.

Well this devolved into a shitstorm.

On topic though, I'm happy that I can dress my units in clothes thoroughly unsuited for battle.

I'd be sad too if they were cut out :/

Yeah, I'm not surprised lol (topics like these are bound to be messy somewhere along the line)..... I can't wait to dress them up too :^_^:

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Ahh okay, sorry about my mistake then! I must admit, my eye site is not the best so I was having a hard time with seeing the differences.

It's fine. It's damn near impossible to tell shading difference imo.


In order: Flora, Azura, Belka

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People are taking this Elise adult thing far too serious. She may look young, but that doesn't mean she's not an adult. I'm 25yrs old but if I shave, I look 15.

Hell, Nowi from Awakening looks like she's 10 but is in reality thousands of years old and ya'll love her so damn much. -.-

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I just want to say here that you guys are all absolutely amazing. I know it's stupid, but I'm actually relieved over how well the debate with Foleo ended up being. I actually typed up a whole angry response but then I went back and read it and I was happily surprised that we didn't manage to give birth to another Soleil 2.0.

Foleo means a lot to me- beyond the whole 'he's cute' thing. It breaks my heart about the double standard between girls wearing 'boy' clothes and boys wearing 'girl' clothes. I love designing male characters who wear feminine clothing but aren't flamboyant or gay (nothing wrong with that, it's just easy to pair up the two) but I constantly get criticism from people when I draw it or people that act like it's some kind of taboo, like they *have* to be gay or they *have* to act this way etc, and I wish it wouldn't be that way, especially since I've known some people who have suffered a lot from that double standard. People I care about and identify with a lot.

But I digress.

IMO Foleo looks best with blond hair but I'm probably just biased because I always go for blonds nowadays. He could probably look really good with darker hair as well, but I'm not sure which shade yet. Pink would be too repetitive. I'm interested in red, though, does anyone else have an opinion on red for him?

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