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Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion: Official Site updated to include every new 'mon

The DanMan

Sun and Moon Poll 2.0  

147 members have voted

  1. 1. Which starter is your favorite?

    • Rowlet -> Dartrix ->Decidueye
    • Litten -> Torracat ->Incineroar
    • Popplio -> Brionne ->Primarina
    • Still can't decide -> unsure ->make up your mind
  2. 2. Sun or Moon

    • Sun
    • Moon
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Who's your favorite Island Gaurdian?

    • Tapu Koko (Electric/Fairy)
    • Tapu Lele (Psychic/Fairy)
    • Tapu Bulu (Grass/Fairy)
    • Tapu Fini (Water/Fairy)

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Jumping Jahosafat, the people of Alola love giving random eleven-year-old trail-goers large sums of money when they complete menial tasks for them!

i like it though give me all your damn money so i can spend it on clothes and doing my hair

There's a lady on the 3rd island that gives you 15k for finding 6 Stufful on the route. I was actually surprised to get that much.

I bought lots of new clothes with it.

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Hooo boy

My thoughts on the game so far in the spoiler



Just got started on the 4th island and hoooooly am I loving this game.

All the characters are super neat

Hau is just adorable

Lillie is pretty cool (and her new outfit is pretty too)

I had no read on Gladion until the Aether event but I like him

Team Skull is probably my favorite villain team

Your Boy Guzma is legit as fuck

I risk comparing this game to Reborn, but the trial leaders are all awesome. I compare to Reborn in the sense that I assume now all types have a 'leader', but unlike Reborn which shoves them all down our throat, the trial leaders all exist and have enough quirk to make me enjoy them.

It's good in moderation.

I'm loving all the new Pokemon designs they're all real nice

In terms of the story it's a reeeeeeeal big step up from X/Y even though I could tell Aether was behind something from when we first met

Still, summoning those Ultra Beasts was craaaazy and looked awesome

In terms of the team I have:

Varus the Decuideye

VoltStrike the Charjabug

Ichiro the Lurantis

Skeeter the Araquanid

Alexandra the Salazzle

and Yuno the Mimikyu

damn I am enjoying this game

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There's a lady on the 3rd island that gives you 15k for finding 6 Stufful on the route. I was actually surprised to get that much.

I bought lots of new clothes with it.

That's the lady I was talking about. And, some guy that pays me to chuck Pyukumuku back into the sea.

A name for Snow Warning male A-Vulpix . . . ? The only names that come to my mind would be Alp (as in the Alps) and Snow Patrol (after some song I heard in SSX3).

On a side note, Senya the Oricorio just purged herself of Poison so I wouldn't worry about her. I legit teared up a little bit.

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For my play-through of the game, I decided to give all my Pokémon Robin Hood nicknames. Here are the ones I have so far:

Rowlet: Robin Hoot

Munchlax: Friar Luck

Lycanroc (female): Nymarian (a combination of Maid Marian and Arya's Dire Wolf Nymeria from Game of Thrones)

Wishiwashi: Wittle Johni (Little John)

I have Pokémon Sun so I have been considering nicknaming Solgaleo Lionheart (after King Richard the Lionheart).

I'm planning on getting a Mimikyu but I cannot think of a fitting Robin Hood nickname for Mimikyu (neither Will Scarlet nor Allan a-Dayle really work, and at this point I've exhausted all the Merry Men names I know).

Edited by vanguard333
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I just finished the Nugget Bridge challenge that shows up in Malie Garden after you do the Electric Trial, and I have to admit that it was a nice little callback to Red and Blue.

Otherwise, at current I'm just doing some leveling, getting everyone up to 36 before I go off to the Ghost Trial (and Mimikyu~).

Edited by AzureSen
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Battle Royal grinding for BP is probably the most annoying thing Game Freak has ever done. Holy shit, three random, unpredictable AI's which often gang up on you or set up for each other is insanely frustrating. Every time you lose, you only get one or two BP depending on how you ranked, and it takes such a long time to boot up another game. Holy crap I'm so frustrated.

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I guess I might as well talk about my playthrough so far.

I just beat the 6th trial, and they've really been giving me trouble lately. My team is a bit underpowered AND underleveled, which is not a good combo.

The current team is Incineroar (Gotten after the trial, unfortunatley), Snorlax, Misdreavus, Ribombee, and Mareanie. I had Rufflet as well, but I forgot it evolved so late and after trial 6 I replaced it with...

Zygarde 10%. May or may not change.

Everyone is in around 30-32, with Incineroar being the obvious exception since it evolved.

There's a lady on the 3rd island that gives you 15k for finding 6 Stufful on the route. I was actually surprised to get that much.

I bought lots of new clothes with it.

It's 8 Stufful, but yeah.

Also 20k daily from Pyukumuku tossing.

[spoiler=post game]

apparently you also get 1mil from Looker in the aftergame.

Edited by Emerson
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Battle Royal grinding for BP is probably the most annoying thing Game Freak has ever done. Holy shit, three random, unpredictable AI's which often gang up on you or set up for each other is insanely frustrating. Every time you lose, you only get one or two BP depending on how you ranked, and it takes such a long time to boot up another game. Holy crap I'm so frustrated.

I always thought grinding for BP in general was annoying as all hell, to be honest. I hated every single moment I needed a choice item, a toxic/flame orb or a focus sash but never had enough BP, forcing me to partake in the battles at the Shit Maison.

Also, why can't I just rummage in the random trashcans to get Leftovers, Game Freak!? Please! Me and The Linoone Squad are tired of picking up Sun Stones and Repels all the damn time!

Edited by saisymbolic
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A name for Snow Warning male A-Vulpix . . . ? The only names that come to my mind would be Alp (as in the Alps) and Snow Patrol (after some song I heard in SSX3).

I nominate Shave Ice.


So, I finally beat the game.

- Cheesed the everliving crap out of Lurantis by using Fletchinder (4x resistance to EVERYTHING). Which wound up being a permanent addition to my team once my dear little owl stopped flying.

- Tried catching Bruxish, but it turned out to be more physical than special, so it was dropped in favor of Finneon.

- Said Finneon is now the strongest member of my party, thanks to being tanky enough to take hits (despite being Naive), and strong enough to dish out damage. If it's ever raining, it outspeeds everything.

- Toucan was dropped because I didn't like how the final evolution looked.

- The stupid crab boxer thingy wound up staying in my party. Probably the weakest of the bunch, because it dies in two hits, and isn't as consistent of a OHKOer as Talonflame (the other member of my team that dies to a stiff breeze).

- The owl is still a special tank. Like, "if it's not a STAB weakness, it'll live" kind of tank.

- Turned the mule into a physical tank who really hates Fairies. I have a new appreciation for Heavy Slam.

- Donald Trump tends to kill things that are either weak to Crunch, or don't resist Hyper Fang. Super Fang is in case neither work (Ghosts are handled with Crunch, especially Sableye).

- The phrase "uku billion" was used, thus restoring my faith in the localizers.

- And for the story. . .

Lusamine should've stayed psychotic for the entire game. Yes, it makes Lillie look even more pathetic, but I think it would've been stronger writing. Also, I would've loved a postgame side story where the player can help reclaim Po Town for the better.

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Fuck Guzma and his Fell Stinging, Shadow Sneaking, Sucker Punching Attack boosting Ariados. Asshole bug just wiped out half of my team.

On a side note, Senya the Oricorio loves Mommy and Mommy loves her very much. My sweet hula dancing bird hung onto dear life two turns in a row, first from a critical Fell Sting and next from a super effective Shadow Sneak. She still lost, but she did her job well.

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Fuck Guzma and his Fell Stinging, Shadow Sneaking, Sucker Punching Attack boosting Ariados. Asshole bug just wiped out half of my team.

On a side note, Senya the Oricorio loves Mommy and Mommy loves her very much. My sweet hula dancing bird hung onto dear life two turns in a row, first from a critical Fell Sting and next from a super effective Shadow Sneak. She still lost, but she did her job well.

My answer to that Ariados was a well-placed Talonflame with Acrobatics at full. That Golisopod, on the other hand. . .

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My answer to that Ariados was a well-placed Talonflame with Acrobatics at full. That Golisopod, on the other hand. . .

Golispeed ejected out of battle before I could kill it. Ariados comes out, one shots my Tsareena with Fell Stinger, gets that Attack boost and proceeds to wreck house over my team. Never before have I ever feared an Ariados more than I have Guzma's; it was a bigger threat than that other thing.

It also makes me realize how big of a Bug weakness I have on my team.

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My strategy was Super Fang -> mongoose faints -> switch in Talonflame -> Acrobatics. Guaranteed 2HKO. Even if the 'pod is ejected, he'll swap in Masquerain instead, since Talonflame's weak to that.

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I'm going to hit Guzma myself soon (unless you're talking about a later fight with him not on Ula'ula). Thankfully, half my team resists Bug either 1/2 (Gyarados) or 1/4 (Mimikyu, Crowbat), and the rest are neutral (Incineroar, Pikachu, Lycanroc).

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Anyone interested in setting up a friend code depository?

Also, how do you get people into Festival Plaza?

I think you have to just connect to the internet... Although visitors seem to stay for a day or so >_>

Edit: What is a good pokemon to round out my team right now? Im on the third island, finished the ghost trial.

I have sun and my team is






I would prefer a sp. attk but not sure which one to get. I thought maybe ribombee since I just got a timid natured one but idk, what do you guys think?

Edited by SlayerX
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I think you have to just connect to the internet... Although visitors seem to stay for a day or so >_>

Edit: What is a good pokemon to round out my team right now? Im on the third island, finished the ghost trial.

I have sun and my team is






I would prefer a sp. attk but not sure which one to get. I thought maybe ribombee since I just got a timid natured one but idk, what do you guys think?

Ribombee might be a good idea actually.

It's stats are pretty good, and it's only flaw is the fact that it can only learn Moonblast by breeding.

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People have already finished the game ? And some people say I'm fast. x)

I never catched on, but Incineroar is somewhat similar to Red Garland from 7th stand user, makes me wonder. It even have a badass Lariat move. and seems to be similar stat wise.

Now where's the skill that can turn even Kars into puddle ?

Still prefer Takumi-reincarnated-into-an-owl though.

Edited by B.Leu
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