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Kirby's Return to Mafia Land - Game Over


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Sorry Prims, I will just keep that stuff for myself next time. I realize it's not a very nice thing to do.

But I mean, I don't try to outguess the mod, the thoughts just pop in my head. I can't do anything about that other than not mentioning those at all.

I know what you mean but it's weird when it looks like you're pushing it as a serious point
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also the game really was 100% RNG, EXCEPT the characters for the scum were handpicked (Boron was Queen Sectonia, Cam was Taranza and Randa was Paintra) since I didn't factor them in while RNGing alignments. But that didn't matter because no scum ever flipped :^)

Edited by Prims
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also the game really was 100% RNG, EXCEPT the characters for the scum were handpicked (Boron was Queen Sectonia, Cam was Taranza and Randa was Paintra) since I didn't factor them in while RNGing alignments. But that didn't matter because no scum ever flipped :^)

no magolor tho

jk, this was really fun

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Why did the scum team kill clarinets BTW?

I was expecting him to be kept alive and pushed during MYLO.

i probably could have gotten away with shooting like, mitsuki (i figured she was most likely to blow my lid off tbh since nobody else seemed to even consider the possibility that i wasn't as obvtown as everyone thought but then you subbed in and almost did it too), but clarinets had told me that he was scanning boron and i was terrified that i would fuck up a defense of that (my plan was to shoot him and kill marth who was protecting him, then go "LIAR YOU WERE ON MITSUKI") and reveal not only myself, but also boron and leave randa to fend for himself.

tbh i probably could have pulled it off in hindsight but i just didn't want to deal with a potential cop scan lying around at the crucial moment

i never even considered shooting refa because he was like... i remember thinking that refa was probably my biggest ally in this game since he was just barely off the right track which meant i could steer him a little off without much effort and his mayor ultimately could have won us the game if he'd used it haphazardly (alas, he didn't, but it was a chance)

CamCam, senpai praised you!

+1 Cam's skill

\o/ Edited by CT075
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Izhu - There's no point in asking directed questions to you because you don't seem to have anything worth questioning. Don't psych yourself out about "everyone seems to be a good player who won't get caught easily", that's only going to lead you in circles. Put yourself in the mindset of "why would [person] do this if X" or "how does this make sense to say if I were scumbuddies with Y"

Actually, here's one for you: Does it make sense, if you and Mitsuki were both scum, to attempt the kind of play Mitsuki made at the beginning, with the role PM? Secondly, if you were scum and the other person wasn't, would it make sense for you to still attempt that play?

By the way, this is totally legitimate advice (i actually felt really bad about offering this and then pushing to lynch izhu anyway) - for the newer players (in particular Izhu and Freyja, Clarinets did an okay job but this is probably a better example to direct your thinking), whenever something "big" goes down that gets everyone talking, you should ask the same questions (or similar) about that play. And then, once you're comfortable with doing that (i'm not, really), ask that about everything, anyone says. Really, that's the core of the game IMO and where I get most of my reads (if you read like, Kirby 1 you'll see me being pointlessly argumentative to get people to keep talking like this).

In this case, the whole "focus on Mitsuki townslip thing" was kind of a misdirectional play for myself, as I knew that in the grand scheme of things it was irrelevant and that it wouldn't lead you to the real scumteam, but other than that i was genuinely trying to be helpful


also i would put scum mvp on boron for setting up that d2 and d3 which pretty much let me coast on d1 townreads for the rest of the game since i didn't really do much post-that. idk who town mvp would be, i want to say mitsuki for scaring the living daylights out of me for most of the game but maybe i'm biased

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Dude, you were the scum MVP. By the final day, like half of the game was scumreading Boron and Randa.

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I agree that Cam was the scum MVP. There's just no other way around, when you changed your scum play so much and you made the entire game townread you lol

Also Kirsche, I considered that we were frustrated at each other the same way during the game, but even considering that I still thought you were scum. I reevaluated my read several times, and I still came to the same conclusion. And now that the game has ended I'm really confused and looking for the reasons you were town, because I don't want to screw up the same way again. This is something you should consider for future games, too.

Iris joinmygame, signups will open soon

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Shin was the Town MVP TBH.


I agree that Cam was the scum MVP.


Iris joinmygame, signups will open soon

you totally should!

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lol im 19 now guys. 20 in less than a month.

and we all know SF best dating site, 10/10

I will join Mitsgame if Iris joins

but I will ragesub if Iris afks

i was rereading all these mafia games from 2012 (damn that was 4 years ago, we are old).

i'll join a game provided we have a cool host & a bunch of people who were rad in 2012 (and still are) come and play too---that includes you, eclipse~

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lol im 19 now guys. 20 in less than a month.

and we all know SF best dating site, 10/10

i was rereading all these mafia games from 2012 (damn that was 4 years ago, we are old).

i'll join a game provided we have a cool host & a bunch of people who were rad in 2012 (and still are) come and play too---that includes you, eclipse~

My back's healed up to the point where I can wallpost again. Challenge accepted~!

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