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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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This one is largely dependent on circumstance.

If it's something that would have disastrous results if left alone, then I'd help. If not, I'll likely refuse on principle.

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In general, I would still help them, but it depends both on the person and the situation.

The reason why I dislike the person in question is important. In most cases, I'd still help them. However, if it's someone I dislike for reasons of justice (for example, they always try to harm me and now they just want to abuse my usual willingness to help out another person), I'll refuse, unless it's an emergency situation.

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Honestly I'd want to refuse regardless of what it is because if I dislike them for something they've done to me I tend hold grudges and even if thats not the case I just don't wanna deal with people I'm not cool with

But going by the times this has actually happened to me I'd probably help anyway depending of what it is because of guilt and feeling bad about turning away most people unless they really, really fucked up big time

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Bad advice if I really heavily dislike them, EDIT: unless it's like them being in danger, then I'd help them regardless

If not, I'd help as long as it makes sense that they ask me

Edited by Gradivus.
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if it wasn't an issue to me, help them

there are factors that could make it a no, though, soooo

i'm bad at these context heavy questions sry

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i wouldn't help them if they were trying to hide a body though

dead people aren't usually very helpful anyways

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I rarely dislike people. However, I appreciate people owing me favors. I'd probably help them at a hefty cost most of the time.

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Laugh at them hard. Then tell them off. Then probably help them. ;)

Wait, dislike... not loathe or hate?

...help them most likely unless it was too much of an issue or too much out of my way.

Edited by ErrantShepherd
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Depends on what it is.

"Hey I'm making a Indie Game!!!!!1111 Make me free art and do my programming too!!!!!!11111" bitch pls I don't even do that for people I like

"Help I'm dying pls dial 911" I'm not gonna leave them there if that's the case

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Depends on what it is.

"Hey I'm making a Indie Game!!!!!1111 Make me free art and do my programming too!!!!!!11111" bitch pls I don't even do that for people I like

"Help I'm dying pls dial 911" I'm not gonna leave them there if that's the case

More or less.

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Depends on what it is.

"Hey I'm making a Indie Game!!!!!1111 Make me free art and do my programming too!!!!!!11111" bitch pls I don't even do that for people I like

why do i feel like this is something that actually happened

but yeah if it's something super important and they're dying or something and for whatever reason I am the only person who can help them then i would

but otherwise probably not

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That really depends if it is an emergency or not so yeah I would help them if said person is seriously injured and/or dying. (And it doesn't put my own life in danger)

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why do i feel like this is something that actually happened

That's because it is and I'm pissed off at the sheer quantity of people who think they have ideas and their ideas and time are worth more than people who actually have the skill and effort to do a thing

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kek reminds of that time Kanye went on twitter to tell Zukerberg to invest a few million into Kanye for "Kanye Ideas"

what if thor odinson is actually mark zuckerberg irl

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