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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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Depends on the situation, but I'd most likely help.

If they're thankful after I help them my brain will look for an excuse to un-dislike them cuz usually the dislike stems from what they've said/how they've treated me in the past.

I'm always looking for ways to un-dislike people.

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#48: What would you do if you or one of your closest friends were a mobbing-victim?

As I said before #50 will be the last question I'm going to ask.

After that either I'll send this thread on hiatus till I've found new ideas for good questions, or other people are going to ask questions. I still could host this thread. I'd update this thread every morning CET. If you have any questions in this style you'd like to ask, send me a PM.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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but would you invest 1 billion into Kanye ideas

i would

imo this thread should be allowed to die after 50, it's a cheap qotd knockoff and, semi-related, i don't understand the current question

how does one guy mob another

Edited by Parrhesia
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"Mobbing" is not exactly common parlance, at least not in my locality nor anywhere on the internet I frequent. I assume it means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobbing but I definitely had to look it up.

I would stand up for them, but I'd try to make sure they're okay with me getting involved unless it's something like, Super Serious. Depending on the context I might get their other friends involved as well.

EDIT: Just noticed the question says "closest friends." I'd totally get involved, as much as I can without physical altercations. If I thought it'd be helpful I'd definitely ask other friends/etc. for help as well, though.

Edited by Euklyd
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The term mob does exist in english! I don't think I've ever seen it used as in bullying though. As far as I know, we usually use mob in terms of like an angry crowd that's trying to protest something, typically violently. But it doesn't necessarily mean beating up or ganging up against a certain person the way bullying does.

But anyway now you know!

(as for my answer to this question I'm not too sure actually, maybe I'll come up with something later)

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well I mean, I probably wouldn't have much time to think about what I am going to do if I was being physically hurt

it's not something you can really have a realistic plan ready for

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oh it's bullying

welp, changing my answer

I would stick up for the person, because someone getting hurt on my watch for no reason usually ends up in the person who's doing the hurting getting hurt themselves

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wat.,, are they gonna call me ugly or something

If yes then I don't care

edit: oh, like being beat up. nothing. im weak

Edited by piichinu
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OKAY SO I have thought of a response

the thing is I get very very angry when I learn somebody else is getting bullied to the point that I shake and feel ready to go attack the bully, but I'm always very hesitant on the action anyway

I don't want to risk doing something wrong and uhhhhh I'm not exactly strong enough to reasonably consider getting into a fight ^o^ I'm lifting though!! But if nobody else is taking action and I think I need to, I would probably try to see if I could get into contact with anybody to try to make sure the bullying doesn't happen again.

If I were the one being bullies... tbh I have no clue. Maybe I would try talk to somebody I know about it?? I don't want to be one of those people who doesn't do anything about it and let it continue to happen, but I haven't really faced this situation before.

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If I were the one being bullies... tbh I have no clue. Maybe I would try talk to somebody I know about it??

"ya so like there's this loser nerd that I beat up every other day with my friends, it's like, a lot of fun. I'm considering branching out into like, taking his lunch money and stuff too, what do you think?"

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