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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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what integrity's too hazukashii to mention is that he gets incredibly happy and sappy and romantic when he's drunk

unfortunately I can't say anything for myself because I'm a softy that is way too sensitive for things like alcohol or carbonation, any drink with those is incredibly painful for me to have. So I will probably never find out

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It already happened with Yoohoo.

Declare undying love for Belinda repeatedly, apparently.

I'd hate to see it with actual alcohol.

omg this is the most pure and innocent thing ive read all day wow. Awwww....


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Smoke weed to fix problem.

Probably fall asleep. The most I've drunk was something like 7-9 shots, some of it bourbon and some of it scotch. I didn't get sick but I got tired pretty fast and just got in bed and went to sleep.

If it's only from a few drinks, I'll probably be clumsy for a while and hang out with friends or read.

But I don't drink more than 1 alcoholic beverage every few months right now, I don't see myself ever returning to it.

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Let's form a totally hypothetical list;

  • Forget how to count money
  • Lose the ability to walk straight and command my legs in general
  • Offer to carry luggage nearly a mile and have no recollection the next day
  • Try to discuss the merits of non-armed policing
  • Offer fatherly advice to people roughly my own age
  • Plan poorly in forum based roleplays and cause the demise of NPC's
  • Play F-Zero with surprising aptitude despite being unable to see clearly
  • Eat at Southern restaurants and consider the food passable
  • Insist that my friend teaches me Chinese from reading a menu
  • Respond to almost every twisted Cards against Humanity answer with "Oh my God!"

Disclaimer: Some or even all of these things may have happened at various times.

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I can imagine going to watch questionable anime/youtube vids until night comes, insist on sharing my experience with everyone I know, ruin my neighbor's sleep with my impressive singing skills, make strange calls to everyone in my contacts list, spend money until nothings left, then go in debt, then ask to borrow from friends. Probably.

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    • Respond to almost every twisted Cards against Humanity answer with "Oh my God!"

Disclaimer: Some or even all of these things may have happened at various times.

you did this sober too

coathanger abortions, kid tested, mother approved

Edited by Ciarre
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last time i actually got drunk i played online chess during a group skype call with a very sober, very talented person

i lost, ftr

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