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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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warn them i have no fuckin idea when it comes to dancing

if they're down with that then buddy i'm ready to get my groove on

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I'd probably already be used to it unless my restrictions were caused by martial law or something only a few months back when I knew I actually had freedoms that were going to be restricted later.

If I had to stay, the best way would be reforming the system from the inside because God knows how badly military intervention tends to go. If someone promised me a better life with them outside the country then sign me up.

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Break those restrictions. How can one live as free as the wind if under the restrictions of a dictatorship?

Amusingly, I couldn't think of how to word that, but damn, the Sonic hype has me cheerful and creative again. It's a nice change of pace...

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These SJWs are already trying making it illegal to just flirt

Good point. Can we ever truly be free to express ourselves?

Edited by Raguna
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Now is a good time to bring up this little article


TL;DR a comedian has to pay 42,000 in damages because his jokes were offending some disabled guy in the audience.

rip comedy

Yes, our freedom of expression is slowly fading away

Edited by Captain Karnage
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lol that's so mean, especially saying something like that to a 13 year old. super fucked up. don't think it's worth a $42k lawsuit though.

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Now is a good time to bring up this little article


TL;DR a comedian has to pay 42,000 in damages because his jokes were offending some disabled guy in the audience.

rip comedy

Yes, our freedom of expression is slowly fading away

lol that's so mean, especially saying something like that to a 13 year old. super fucked up. don't think it's worth a $42k lawsuit though.

I don't agree at all with the Quebec's Human Rights Tribunal decision, it's kind of scary. (I don't like Mike Ward's shows, but he shouldn't have been fined)

When speech is being sanitized by a court like this... (And creates a precedent)

Edited by Naughx
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man I love running into SJW's in a third world country with a heavily Catholic culture.

They can't do shit to me aside from rant on tumblr and twitter but noone gives a fuck there hahaha.

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well sjws are just the left-wing extension version of "more prevalent in the 90s" right-wing moralising preaching fundamentalists. They don't really have any power, but some people in power may bend to their views

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lol at people who believe in the sjw boogeyman

"SJWs" are people who want their just and equal rights. i thought we learned not to generalize groups based on a select few people.

also that comedian totally deserved to be punished for those jokes, especially since the subject of the jokes was a minor and was suffering from a disability. some comedians need to learn that this behavior is unacceptable

Edited by Enigmar
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lol at people who believe in the sjw boogeyman

"SJWs" are people who want their just and equal rights. i thought we learned not to generalize groups based on a select few people.

also that comedian totally deserved to be punished for those jokes, especially since the subject of the jokes was a minor and was suffering from a disability. some comedians need to learn that this behavior is unacceptable

no, sjws are not people who want just and equal rights. that's being for social justice. people assume because they see "social justice warrior" that it is a good thing - it is an implication that they care more about personal validation and gain rather than any strong convictions of helping others. though I do kinda dislike the term myself because people do immediately get the wrong impression from it, which can often just be boiled down to 'extremist'.

calling yourself a social justice warrior is kind of like calling yourself a bible basher - a fundamentalist wanting to push their views on other people. granted, people have a tendency to categorize anyone that they see as sensitive as a social justice warrior, or seem to think that they have more power than they actually do (most of them just whine online and engage in armchair activism) and that's just not true either.

who or what defines what is arbitrarily 'unacceptable', especially when it comes to comedy and jokes, a lot of which take their basis and genesis from human suffering? I just can't really see any case for wanting someone to be punished legally, even if they made some jokes that made others uncomfortable.

edit: to be honest though I think there's bigger problems than "sjws" when it comes to limiting freedoms and people rant about them too much or wrongly attribute unrelated things to them.

as for the question, it would depend in what ways expression was being restricted. if it was engrossing on things I might actually say, then I would probably be leaving.

Edited by Tryhard
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