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Favourite OST? Also comparison to Awakening


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Fates' OST is perhaps the one of the only parts of the game that is universally acclaimed...unfortunately. Which tracks in the OST do you like the most? My favourites are probably Alight (Storm), Road Taken (Roar), and, for some reason, Woleb Tasp (Flow). End of All is good too, but it kind of took a bit of a hit because it didn't come in as epicly as Id~Purpose did in my opinion.

Also, which game's OST did you like better, Awakening's or Fates'? You can compare 'similar' tracks too, like Road Taken vs Conquest. The battle preparation themes and recruitment themes (lol) are definitely better than Awakening's, but overall it's kinda hard to pick for me.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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Fates feels stronger. Awakening had gems it did, such as Conquest, many of the variants of Id (Purpose and Hope especially), and that one song that played the chapter after Emmeryn dies. But Fates has so much more. Quiet Burn, all versions of the Preparations and Job change themes, New Power, Destiny by Blood, Condemnation, Misery in Hand, You of the Dark/Light, Reiniscence, End of All, Reminiscence of Bubbles battle theme, Shigures End of All...

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Lots of the tracks are good.

For End of All (I don't particularly remember the english names, just shows how much I really paid attention to), I find it better than (Insert FE13 Endgame track), because, while it might not be as "epic", for one, it has clear lyrics ("almost" perfectly clear anyway), and I also find it to be more, delicate, so to speak.

One other factor I find is that, being "epic" can be a negative trait sometimes as it means it's unsuitable for other occasions, so to speak. (It's subjective though)

A matter of versatility, kind of...kind of. But you never know.

Comparatively speaking, I think

Awakening Map Theme < Awakening Map Theme Ablaze, but

Fates Map Theme > Fates Map Theme Ablaze.

The boss battles themes are quite good, specific mention to [Hoshidan Siblings theme], Though it's debatable....

The map preparations music, it's kind of better I guess?

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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fates' soundtrack is better than awakening in literally every way

every song I have heard from fates is like, 20x more memorable than any song from awakening

i guess if i have to choose something specifically, I like that song that plays in most of the conquest chapters that I remember playing

i think it's called "dark wastes" or something

i don't know if it's my favorite fire emblem soundtrack but it's a damn good one

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Road Taken is by far my favorite track in the game, both Light and Roar.

The only song I remember loving in Awakening was Id: Purpose. There were others that were decent, but nothing besides that that stood out. Fates has a much better OST.

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Fate's OST is much better by far. I love the map themes of both versions: Dusk Falls, Dark Wastes, Justice RIP, No Justice, Allight and Dark Fall. The main song is also beautiful, I like to play it quite often.

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Fates is much better than Awakening for me. Awakening is one of those kind of OST that sounds "wow" but felt fairly repetitive and stuff after a while. I think i can only remember like 2 themes from Awakening(the finale and ayy boi don't talk dirty bout my sister)

I just really love the OST during Hoshido chapters.

Edited by JSND
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That one song that plays during Endgame, basically it's a remix of Azura's song, but idk its name.

Also Egdelwonk.

Between Awakening and Fates though, Awakening had the majority of more memorable songs.

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I would say Fates has one of the best, if not the best soundtracks in the whole series. All the music really sets the mood for the map and what is going on, or the situation at hand. The boss theme, End of All has a way of being both Subtle, and Epic all at the same time. There isnt a single track in Fates I thought was bad. There were a few that werent as good as others, but its one of the best soundtracks I have heard for a game since Final Fantasy when Nobuo Uematsu was doing there music.

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While Awakening had its great music, Fates had the music go right in theme during the storyline and some of the music in Fates really drove the theme of the game.

Some of the regular OST that I enjoyed were:

*A Dark Fall (both Map and Fire): Conquest really drove the atmosphere and mood of the chapters this played in and in Revelations, it showed the urgency of getting to Valla before time is up.

*Dusk Falls (both normal and Fire): While mostly played in Conquest, it plays before the path split and in some children paralogues that are shared. Very awesome and has the theme of 'The Journey has just begun!'

*Dark Wastes (both normal and Fire): While it plays on one of the most frustrating chapters in Conquest (the infamous Chapter 10), it certainly is wonderful if it doesn't make you go insane from the horrible memories of the game. Also plays in some of the Paralogues that the Conquest Children show up in.

*Rush (Light/Dark) and the Promote/Reclass music that plays before: Very catchy even when the path you took is gloomy.

*New Power: Amiibo and Witch/Ballistician Reclass OST only. Very awe-inspiring and it is really so when you reclass into an Amiibo class due to the legendary beings who first had those classes.

*A Thorn in Your Side (both normal and Fire): Perhaps one of OSTs that can make you cry when you first play the chapter that you can hear it in. I can't think straight when I hear this so I'm not going to explain why I mentioned it.

*Lilith (can't remember what the EN Translation for the music is): You hear it in every path when you visit Lilith's Shrine (aka your 'true' sister) but if you just so happened to pick Birthright and/or Conquest after Chapter 24 of the former or Chapter 21 of the latter, this particular piece will make you sad whenever you visit her Shrine whenever after those chapters or even listen to this song.

Boss Battle:

*You of the Light/Dark: Outside of your battles against Ryoma and Xander which are two of the saddest battles to which both OSTs play, it gives off the vibe that your siblings aren't going to easily step down and let you harm their respective kingdom and that they expect you to hold nothing back. Reminds me of when Camilla used that Dragon Vein near her in BR Chapter 13 during my Lunatic/Classic run and zapped most of my strongest units to 1 HP in one hit... Also plays when you face Avatars who are playing either Birthright (You of the Light) or Conquest (You of the Dark)

*Condemnation: Minor-Nohr Boss Theme. When you first face Flora/Silas in Birthright/Conquest/Revelations, this plays. Although the former turns out sad as she dies in BR. Sounds like rock mixed with country music...

*Far Away (both normal and Deeds): Only plays during two chapters, one from Birthright (Chapter 27) and one from Revelations (Chapter 26). The Deeds version plays when you face King Garon (not Blight Dragon Garon) and Possessed! Gunter. The former gave me vibes of 'Oh Crap!' when I realized that I only had three characters who could do much to the boss and that he could easily 2-4 HKO said characters with ease.

*Destiny by Blood: Vallite General Boss Theme (Arete, Sumeragi and Mikoto) as well as the Boss Theme for Revelations Avatars. It does a good job hinting in the unknown history of some of the parents of the main characters and the mystery for why their actions which weren't revealed in BR/CQ.


*END OF ALL: Only plays during the final chapter of the story for each path and the OST changes tune and pitch depending on the path taken. Nothing couldn't be better for the final boss fight. Being a remix of the whole song that Azura sings is just beautiful.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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I would say Fates has one of the best, if not the best soundtracks in the whole series. All the music really sets the mood for the map and what is going on, or the situation at hand. The boss theme, End of All has a way of being both Subtle, and Epic all at the same time. There isnt a single track in Fates I thought was bad. There were a few that werent as good as others, but its one of the best soundtracks I have heard for a game since Final Fantasy when Nobuo Uematsu was doing there music.

Ive been listening to the other FE games osts lately but Alight (storm) from Fates is by far the best soundtrack i have ever heard from the franchise.

No way fates has the best ost from the series. FE4, 7 and 10 are superior by far, specially Genealogy.
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This is the only game where I actually paid attention to the preparation theme, Resolve (Dark) is so good. Condemnation, Misery in Hand, Dark Fall, You of the Dark/Light, Dusk Falls, and plenty of others. I don't really like most of the map themes from Revelations or the boss music.

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I like End of All a lot, it sent chills down my spine the first time I heard it. But the way Id Purpose came in in Awakening (right after Id Return) was just perfect.

Every time I listen to Misery in Hand, I get reminded of how hyped I was for this game, and how much more this game could have been. I sometimes feel like Fates doesn't deserve its OST, because of the problems with the story...

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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I honestly disliked Awakening OST, they were nothing but a ridiculous headache after a while (Ugh, especially the Ids, and that damned generic map music.). Oh, I'm not going to lie, the final battle theme was awesome, but it was the only one that I could call good, even though it was clearly inferior compared to past FE's, or Fates for that matter imo.

Fire Emblem Fates OST... what's to not like in it, seriously ? Everything is wonderful. Even the Lost in Though all alone remixes were awesome.

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My only real problem with Fates' OST (albeit a somewhat sizable one) is the over-reliance on Lost in Thoughts as a leitmotif. It would've been vastly preferable if, for instance, each kingdom had it's own leitmotif that could've been worked into their themes instead of Lost in Thoughts.

As-is, though, it's still vastly better than Awakening.

With Awakening, I only actually liked four songs: Id:Purpose, Don't Speak Her Name, Mastermind, and Conquest (which I actually prefer the normal version, due to the more dreamy feel it gives off).

With Fates, I like most of the map themes (the second Hoshidan one and the third Nohrian one aren't that great in their normal form, but the ablaze versions are pretty decent). The boss themes are also pretty good (special mention goes to the Nohrian non-sibling character theme). Really, it's a massive step up over Awakening, which had a lot of orchestral fluff in it's soundtrack.

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Awakening's OST was pretty good on its own, but after playing fates for a long time and going back to awakening, its OST feels so lackluster in comparison to Fates counterpart. (one of the few exceptions being "don't speak her name" which is on par with "Thorn in you" imo)

some of my favorite fates OST are Thorn in you, Road Taken, Past Light, End of All (all versions), Past Below, Resolve (dark), Alight, A Dark Fall... yeah, the list is getting too large here...

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Fates OST is fantastic, listening to it now. Much better than Awakening. Can't wait until the CDs come out next week. I like a lot it, but Past Light, Justice RIP and Dusk Falls are probably my favorites.

Edited by kcirrot
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Fates overall but there are some songs from Awakening that I do like, such as Id~Distress, Id~Sorrow and Conquest.

As for Fates, my favorite tracks are A Dark Fall and the boss music that plays during Conquest when fighting a BR enemy.

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I enjoy Fate's soundtrack overall much more than Awakening, mostly because Fates does a much better job with ambient and event music. However, Awakening still has good themes of its own, but suffers because the enemy themes are not that good to my ears, and I didn't care much for the Festival themes either.

Currently I'm debating if I like Radiant Dawn or Fates more...

[spoiler=Click Me!]

Fate's Favorites

-Nohr Dance (I'm unsure if this has a official title, but this is the music that plays during Azura's Nohr Dance sequence. I wish there was a full version of this variant, without Garon's discomfort.)

- Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Come on, its the main theme of Fates. I enjoy the JPN, ENL, and AmaLee's versions.)

- A Dark Fall (Nohr Endgame, folks! Commence the invasion!)

- Abundant Solace (A nice My Castle theme.)

- Alight (Hoshido's "Final Maps" theme.

- As All Stars Fall (A sad piano piece. It's hard to screw up one of these!)

- Condemnation (A boss theme versus a Nohrian NPC.)

- Dance in the Dark (A fun Nohrian event theme.)

- Dusk Falls (A beautiful introductory Nohr song.

- Egdelwonk (Eno sekil siht gnos. gninoisufnoc, on?)

- End of All + Variants (The "Finale" map themes. Azura's are good and I like Below the most, but Shigure knocks it out of the water. Feel the music ripple through you!)

- In the Stars (Lilith's theme! If only she actually did something besides being a throwaway character...)

- Justice RIP (One of the better Hoshidian map themes.)

- No Justice (But Nohr does it better. To quote a youtube comment, "Nohr does what Hoshidon't.")

- Pray to the Dark (It's a calming tune. )

- Premonition (Another sad piano piece. I like these.)

- Resolve (One of the better pre-battle themes in a while. I prefer the Dark variant above the rest.)

- Road Taken (One of the more laid back pieces in Fates. It is an amazing track.)

- The Water Maiden (I think I'm seeing a trend here...)

- Thorn in You (Prepare to Cry - Fire Emblem Edition. I think this song is better than Awakening's Don't Say Her Name.)

- Vanity Judge (Specifically the "Roar" variant, it gives me vibes of Ogre Battle music.)

- Warmth is Gone (*tears*)

- Woleb Tsap (Why do the reverse variants sound better than their actual counterparts? Just me?)

- You of the Dark (Amazing battle theme against the Nohrian royals.)

- Paradise Scramble (A superior DLC "festival" theme. I think it also combines elements of both Nohr and Hoshido.)

Awakening Favorites

- Id + Variants (One of the major themes of Awakening, specifically being that of the Avatar. I dare say I like Id more than Lost in Thought All Alone.)

- ... (...)

- Don't Say Her Name (It is a beautiful piece, what's more to say? Also, Slam.)

- And what if I can't. What if I'm not worthy of her ideals? (Another piano piece)

- Dry your tears, love. This is not good bye (A variant on the above)

- Divine Decree (I enjoy me choirs and chanting, so Divine Decree wins for me.)

- Mastermind (See above. The intro is nice too.)

- You have power... like mine (Tiki's Theme.)

- Chaos (In addition to choirs and chanting, I'm also a fan of dark temples and cultists in video games, and the music that typically accompanies them. Both Chaos variants are good, the normal being more eerie while the Ablaze version meaning that stuff is going down.)

- Run all you like. You can't escape fate! (Here be voices and darkness.)

- The life force here will renew me! (Did I also mention I enjoy organs? I suppose I'm a fan of both holy and unholy music.)

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There are too many good songs in Fates, and I suck at picking favourites, but I'll list a few
Fave map theme: Glory/Ruin

Fave battle theme: Alight (Storm)

Fave boss theme: Condemnation

Fave misc theme: Pray to the Dark

Honourable mention: End of all (Any version)

tbh I don't see the appeal in Awakening's endgame theme at this point, though I suppose constantly hearing it in Smash (where I find it incredibly unfitting) is what killed it for me. I think Don't speak her name was a good one.

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