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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Do you speak any Welsh?

What made you like Raven so much?

Sadly no. We did learn it in school, just the bare basics, up to the age of 14.

Here's some things I do remember (but not sure of the spelling):

pel droed - football

nofio - swimming

prynhawn da - good morning/afternoon (can't remember)

nos da - good night

Penblwydd Hapus i ti - Happy Birthday to you

rwgbi - rugby

rydw i'n hoffi coffi - I like coffee (cheers Bryn)

Cymru - Wales

da iawn - well done/very good

diolch yn fawr - thank you very much

saesneg - english language

bryn - hill

Thoughts on Scottish/Welsh independence?

I don't mind what Scotland does, but if Wales became independent, we'd end up poorer than Poland because of our shitty high-paying job opportunities and high quantity of base wage jobs. So yeah, I'm personally against a Welsh independence.

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Do you have a favourite swear world ? Why ?

You mean swear word? I'd say fuck is my favorite. It's a fitting word to use whenever I feel frustrated or just want to let off some steam.

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i don't think SF is going downhill or whatever, but the recent fad is wholly uninteresting to me. You'd think a forum full of people who identify themselves as Introverted wouldn't be so eager to get a bunch of internet strangers to ask them random questions, but maybe I'm missing the point here.

Edited by Refa
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i don't think SF is going downhill or whatever, but the recent fad is wholly uninteresting to me. You'd think a forum full of people who identify themselves as Introverted wouldn't be so eager to get a bunch of internet strangers to ask them random questions, but maybe I'm missing the point here.

I don't identify myself as introverted. I was the second person to make an ask me anything topic after the original was made by Parrhesia; I did it because I was bored yesterday (and still am today, so get there and ask me shit) and found it interesting. I didn't know it would become a thing.

Edited by Raven
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Things like "A forum's going downhill" are normal stuff imo for a forum and 'ask me thread spams' are normal for the off-topic section.

So I dun see any prob but tryhard can still do what he wants it'd be amazing.

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I don't identify myself as introverted. I was the second person to make an ask me anything topic after the original was made by Parrhesia; I did it because I was bored yesterday (and still am today, so get there and ask me shit) and found it interesting. I didn't know it would become a thing.

Then what I said doesn't apply to you haha; my issue is more of a lack of interest in my part than with the people making the threads.

Also will do.

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Since you have your anime list in your signature, I'll skip the obvious question (favorite anime lol) here and go for something else; what are your favorite anime characters? Why do you like them so much?

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you say that like it's a controversial opinion

everybody says sf goes downhill and nobody has any idea what they're saying lol

I exaggerate

no-one should care enough about a bunch of nerds to individually ask them questions anyway

you guys should hang out in the GAY THREAD while the storm passes

i'm not gay doe, feels intimidating

Edited by Tryhard
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Where's Dove?

Next to the holodeck you're living at.

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Since you have your anime list in your signature, I'll skip the obvious question (favorite anime lol) here and go for something else; what are your favorite anime characters? Why do you like them so much?

I think I'll do this in picture format, because why not. In no particular order:

[spoiler=Guts - EN/JP: Berserk]33030.jpg

Aside from being a truly immense individual, I like his character and how he develops in the anime. I haven't read the Berserk manga, but maybe I should since I see no signs of a Berserk season 2 anytime soon.

[spoiler=Mikasa Ackerman - EN: Attack On Titan (JP: Shingeki no Kyojin)]215563.jpg

I love this girl - she is generally very popular amongst fans of the anime though, so it's no real surprise she's here as part of my own favourites. Strong and reliable like Guts but without the bulging muscles. Also I like her hair, and she's nice to look at.

[spoiler=Metabee - EN: Medabots (JP: Medarot)]103181.jpg

I don't know how many of you watched Medabots on Fox Kids back in the day, but it was pretty sweet to see three-foot self-aware robots with interchangeable body parts fucking each other up. This guy was the highlight of the whole thing. Dude, he rocks.

[spoiler=Elie - EN: Rave Master (JP: Groove Adventure Rave)]218549.jpg

An in-your-face lively girl, and also cute. Lucy Heartfilia's character in Fairy Tail is based off her. When I found out they cancelled the anime, I was gutted. But back to this character - her past is a mystery, and she is simply a very likeable individual who isn't strong like the main character, but can still hold her own with her tonfa guns.

[spoiler=Gohan - EN/JP: Dragon Ball Z]65060.jpg

This fucker needs no explanation. Single-handedly (pun may or may not be intentional, hue) took down Cell. best character in the series.

Is 5 enough?

Also I missed Wist's second question. I like Raven because he is a reliable unit (it helps that he's Mercenary/Hero, a favourite class of mine), and I find his relationships/support conversations with other units to be entertaining and interesting.

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Aren't you one of those superheroes?

Nah, I ain't Hawkeye. But I'm an acquaintance with him. If you ever meet him, tell him Hawk said hi.

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I guess cursing in titles still isn't allowed~ I couldn't remember if they still upheld/enforced that rule or not


So I guess that means I didn't actually misread the title, just the edit didn't show

So my post I edited earlier still applies~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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1. Do you believe in gender equality? If so, do you think both men and women are now currently "equal"? And in your own words, how do you define gender equality? 2. What's the difference between needs and wants? Why do you think that?

1. I do believe in equality, God did create us equal after all. But unfortunately in the world today there are differences. Depending on the country and place. Women are discriminated against, but that isn't also to say Men aren't, media just tends to portray women as the only victims because it gets more press. But I truly do believe in equality. Its just really hard for a good chunk of the world to grasp.

2.Needs are what you need to survive. Wants are comforts that can be put off for needs.

What personality traits do you value most? Which SF member would you most want to game it out with at their house? (disregard travel distance and things like that for this question) Excluding Mario RPG characters, who are your top 5 favourite Mario characters? What were some of your favourite TV shows as a kid? In Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, what was your favourite civilization to play as? Also did you have any sort of tier list for the 8 civilizations? (Mine is from top to bottom: Royal Naboo, Republic, Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, Wookiees, Gungans, Trade Federation, Confederacy. I put a lot of priority on Jedi and Air since Jedi/Sith Masters are OP with their durability and less than half of the creatable units can attack/hit air units)

1. I value honesty, integrity, kindness above all

2. Refa , Integ, Specta or Vashiane. Actually a good number of people I could name. They all know who they are too.

3. Mario, Rosalina, Toad, Luigi, Peach

4. Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Samurai Jack, Dragonball/Z, Sailor Moon, Teen Titans, Batman the animated series. To name a few

5. I played mostly as the Rebel Alliance. I never really tiered the civilizations, they are all fun to play as IMO

Edited by Jedisupersorry
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1. Roy, or Eliwood... Whatever name he goes by. Let's stick with Roy.

2. When people say "I'm sorry to hear that", when people say you're wrong but they have no idea what their talking about, when people have an argument but have nothing to back up their statement, people poking me, repeating myself, when people get mad at me, people giving me math questions to answer on the spot, people using horrible grammar and lack of punctuation, people asking me questions out of no where. The ones that bug me most are people asking me questions out of no where, and people poking me.

3. I try to spend it on things I would need, but I end up spending a lot on useless stuff.

4. Meet new people, I guess. The people in this community seemed interesting, and I was right about that.

5. I like dogs. But cats are really cute too. It's a hard decision.

6. Never thought about it, Hatsune Miku?

7. No, but I remember some of the songs from it. What an interesting game it is.

8. My first movie was The Little Rascals, it's an amazing movie. I cried to The Notebook.

9. I like English class. I enjoy being able to write about... Stuff.

10. Without looking it up, I think a little over a million.

11. Slow vehicles, don't even me started.

12. I don't have a favorite dish.

13. I don't know.

14. I like Symphonia the most. If you count the side games Radiant Mythology 3 comes second.

15. Yes.

16. I guess so.

17. No, most likely not.

18. I never drank iced tea before.

19. 8 hours.

20. No, I think people should be allowed to have cigarettes. I myself do not smoke, and I don't like the smell of it, but I think people should be able to smoke. If you don't smoke good for you, if you do well, okay... Why do people choose to smoke, knowing that they're shortening their lifespan?

21. I don't know. Nothing is too interesting here. Soo..

22. I blanked out and forgot what a state was. >_>

You earn all my respect! You're the only ONE, who answered all my questions! :rolleyes:

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Hmm... I suppose i'll start small, what consoles do you own?

In my life, I've owned (in order as best as I can remember):

Nintendo Entertainment System

Sega Master System

Sega Mega Drive

Sony PlayStation

Nintendo Game Boy Color

Nintendo Game Boy Advance

Sony PlayStation 2

Nintendo GameCube

Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP

Nintendo Game Boy Advance Micro

Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS Lite

Nintendo Wii

Microsoft XBox 360

Nintendo 3DS

Sony PlayStation 3

I think that's everything.

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Do you remember the other silly SF fads, like the "judgement" one?

I've seen a few fads in my SF lifetime.

But back in the day where we would get 10 or more unique topics in FftF a day (circa 2008/2009), we didn't even need fad topics to keep this place interesting.

I do remember one fad in particular: SF member/friends tier lists.

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