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More Unpopular Fire Emblem Opinions


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My personal opinion is that Lyn married Kent and that Rutger is their kid because it make sense stat and class wise. Yes when I first played 7 I shipped Lyn and Rath but after playing 6 this has become my personal cannon.

Mixing gameplay and story is a bad idea.

Though I can say that compared to the 90% of posts in this thread, this is actually unpopular and not just "people think it's unpopular".

Reminds me of Tibarn x Elincia.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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- I give Xander a lot of flag for his cowardice and stupidity, but Ryoma isn't much better. Blackmailing Corrin to come back to Hoshido or let his foster sister die is just plain cruel.

This again?!

Tell me, give me one good reason as for why Ryoma should have helped Elise. Remember, Elise is a princess of a nation that is currently attacking Ryoma's own nation and whose king showns no sign of wanting to negotiate.

This is just like when people complain about Takumi shooting Elise in Conquest Chapter 13. He had no reason to not shoot Elise.

Edited by Water Mage
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This again?!

Tell me, give me one good reason as for why Ryoma should have helped Elise. Remember, Elise is a princess of a nation that is currently attacking Ryoma's own nation and whose king showns no sign of wanting to negotiate.

This is just like when people complain about Takumi shooting Elise in Conquest Chapter 13. He had no reason to not shoot Elise.

It's not about Ryoma not helping Elise, it's more about the blackmail being stupid in itself.

Even Ryoma should know that by this point, there was no way Corrin would return to Hoshido and even if he did, no one in Hoshido would accept him/her (he already fought Takumi and Hinoka after all).

I don't have any gripes about the act of letting Elise die by itself (I mean, wiping out the enemy rulers is war tactics 101), neither do I hold it against Takumi for shooting her (even though he could have just as easily shot Camilla or Corrin). It's just that the blackmail in itself is nonsensical, since if the lobster had half a brain, he'd known from the start that that wouldn't work.

I really didn't mean to start a flame war. I'm sorry.

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It's not about Ryoma not helping Elise, it's more about the blackmail being stupid in itself.

Even Ryoma should know that by this point, there was no way Corrin would return to Hoshido and even if he did, no one in Hoshido would accept him/her (he already fought Takumi and Hinoka after all).

I don't have any gripes about the act of letting Elise die by itself (I mean, wiping out the enemy rulers is war tactics 101), neither do I hold it against Takumi for shooting her (even though he could have just as easily shot Camilla or Corrin). It's just that the blackmail in itself is nonsensical, since if the lobster had half a brain, he'd known from the start that that wouldn't work.

I really didn't mean to start a flame war. I'm sorry.

I don't buy it.

Ryouma had an opportunity and he took it. Corrin not coming along is going against the personality established in the prologue, where they defied even Garon for the sake of two strangers. Them going back to Hoshido pales in comparison to that, yet they start fighting (something they hate) which delays Elise's medication in spite of her grave condition.

There's also the fact that Ryouma thought Corrin might be brainwashed to consider, and judging by their actions in Conquest, that would explain a hell of a lot.

As for people not accepting Corrin, well, Hinoka thinks everyone will after they have invaded the entire freaking country, so yeah.

I'm not saying you're not entitled to your opinion, obviously, but I don't see where you're coming from.

- I hate, hate, HATE philanderer archetype characters. Sain, Inigo/Laslow, Virion, Soleil, it doesn't matter. Hate 'em all.

I agree with not likting the archetype, but there's infinitely more to Virion than someone like Soleil. Virion's a skilled tactician, dancer and duelist, he knows a lot about culture and history thanks to his upbringing and you get to see quite a bit about his thoughts and feelings on both being a nobleman and having escaped from Rosanne. His morals and values are expanded upon in the DLC conversations (much like Inigo's personality), so I'd say he's a very intriguing character, just with an annoying quirk.

Edited by Thane
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Probably because I am writing Radiant Dawn Fanfic & I'm playing Path of Radiance, so I'm in a Tellius-mood at the moment, but:

The Dawn Brigade could have been good characters. I say could have (I acknowledge that the game doesn't treat them very well), but in the game themselves are pretty bland. Say, for example, Meg. Meg in game is obsessed with Zihark (making her a Proto-Tharja?) and that's... Basically it.

But think about it: Meg is a pretty brave young woman who heads off into a country that she's probably never been to to find a man who she's never met, and even if Zihark defects to the Laguz Alliance during Part 3, she decides to stick by Daein. Could that be because she wants to help Daein after Crimea abandoned the country? Is it because she likes living in Daein? How did she react to the rebellion in her home country during Part 2? Was she scared for her father? Worried? Did she think about going back home? If so, why did she decide to stay in Daein?

MEG COULD HAVE BEEN A REALLY COMPLEX AND INTERESTING CHARACTER, IF THE GAME HAD BEEN MORE WILLING TO DEVELOP HER (either through support conversations or giving the Dawn Brigade more screen time)

And it's not just Meg either. We have Aran. A Daein man who is in the Begnion Occupational Alliance who defects to the Dawn Brigade. What horrors has he seen whilst working for the Occupational Army? Has he been scarred by these events? How does he view himself, and does that affect the relationship he has with his childhood friend Laura? Or we could discuss Laura. Why did she decide to stick with the Dawn Brigade after Daein is liberated? How does the events of Part Four affect her belief in Ashera?


I could go on, but I won't.

In a nutshell, whilst I do recognise the Dawn Brigade is not that fleshed out in game, I think that they could have been really interesting characters (maybe even more interesting than the Griel Mercanries) if they had support conversations and more screen time.

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...that's a pretty common opinion of the Dawn Brigade, actually.

... Oh. I watched an LP of Radiant Dawn, and a lot of the comments kinda hated on the Dawn Brigade so I thought it was uncool and unpopular to like them. The other thing that made me think that they were unpopular was that Tvtropes called them Scrappies?

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YouTube comments are very vocal of their dislikes.

The Dawn Brigade had so much wasted potential. You can see people here saying that and showing they could have been something more than the game had them as.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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... Oh. I watched an LP of Radiant Dawn, and a lot of the comments kinda hated on the Dawn Brigade so I thought it was uncool and unpopular to like them. The other thing that made me think that they were unpopular was that Tvtropes called them Scrappies?

I think I've found the source of your confusion.

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... Oh. I watched an LP of Radiant Dawn, and a lot of the comments kinda hated on the Dawn Brigade so I thought it was uncool and unpopular to like them. The other thing that made me think that they were unpopular was that Tvtropes called them Scrappies?

Tv Tropes is a bad source for Fire Emblem opinions, as when Fates came out, there was alot of noticeable bias towards Nohrian characters in comparison to their Hoshidan counterparts, if I recall I remember them saying Ryoma did things he actually didn't do in Conquest that were really horrible and out of character.

The Dawn Brigade is a love/hate bunch, Micaiah used to be one of the more disliked main characters, but that changed over time thanks to Kris, Robin & Corrin among other factors, Nolan is generally liked, Edward is hit&miss, I see the opinion more that, they needed character development more than anything else honestly.

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... Oh. I watched an LP of Radiant Dawn, and a lot of the comments kinda hated on the Dawn Brigade so I thought it was uncool and unpopular to like them. The other thing that made me think that they were unpopular was that Tvtropes called them Scrappies?

I wouldn't take comments on a LP/TVtropes as any sort of gospel. MAYBE wander the various FE forums?

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Speaking of Meg, I do believe she has conversations with Brom, Jill and Zihark if they are on opposing sides. They will never attack her though. She won't attack them either.

Also, interesting fact: Meg and Nephenee won't attack each other if they are on opposing sides, but they don't have a conversation either.

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This is just like when people complain about Takumi shooting Elise in Conquest Chapter 13. He had no reason to not shoot Elise.

He didn't shoot Elise because it was a tactical decision, he shot her because he was being angsty. You can argue that it makes sense for his character to do so but it's still worth calling him out on. Regardless of what side you're on, shooting someone because they made you mad is irresponsible at best.

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I don't see the 'development' Severa has gone through in Fates. If anything, she is signifcantly more b*tchy and selfish here (see her My Room quotes if you're married to her vs. her married convo with Robin in Hot Spring Scramble).

Well, in Awakening Severa was knee deep into the whole bitchy Tsundere routine. She had everyone jump through hoops before acting civil, yelling at people(till the result was tears in Owain's case), insulting people and only after that apologizing and being civil. And a lot of the people she treats like that aren't strangers but her comrades from the future.

That Selena doesn't subject Camilla and Beruka through that same treatments shows that she has softened. She is now able to be unconditionally nice to people without any Tsundere strings attached to that kindness. That's not always the case but if it was she wouldn't be that type of Tsundere anymore.

Perhaps you're right on the my room quotes but those are a little less obvious than her supports with Camilla and Beruka. Most people will have seen those but the ones marrying Selena must be in the minority.

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Awakening Counter was a good idea, and it should not have been changed in the way that it was for Fates.

...Now hear me out...

The problem wasn't the skill, the problem was Awakening's map design, Lunatic+'s unstructured use of it, and the decision to use those ridiculous ambush spawns. Fates, particularly Conquest, has none of these problems. So what do we have left? A skill that will destroy you if you try to enemy-phase tank the enemy and which necessitates that the enemy be killed on player phase. That is an extremely cool asset to have when designing levels and would have made various parts of Conquest far far more difficult to simply cheese. Creating groups of enemies that have to be taken out on the player phase and must not be engaged on their turns would have been a very interesting obstacle to overcome with Conquest's design philosophy.

Instead, we have a pointless skill that is even less useful to the player and now only serves as a "check the skills, moron!" gotcha, or to even further encourage enemy-phase baiting. Frankly I think Fates got it backwards and should have made it so that Counter only worked on the user's phase, not the attacker's. It's a tad extreme, yes, perhaps it should have been half damage or otherwise nerfed, but I feel the spirit of Awakening Counter was something that Fates could have used and was missing, and the "blow" skills don't quite serve that purpose of discouraging enemy-phase tanking.

Edited by Alastor15243
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This again?!

Tell me, give me one good reason as for why Ryoma should have helped Elise. Remember, Elise is a princess of a nation that is currently attacking Ryoma's own nation and whose king showns no sign of wanting to negotiate.

This is just like when people complain about Takumi shooting Elise in Conquest Chapter 13. He had no reason to not shoot Elise.

... Isn't aiming for the medic a coward and immoral tactic on wars?

And by analogy, the problem is not Ryoma not helping Elise, but acting in a way that puts the medic's life in danger.

Unless you're being like the pro character builders and reclassed Elise many times and made her a Valkyrie/Maid by chapter 11. Still, isn't reclassing a story and gameplay segregation mechanic? I don't think an uber reclassed/master sealed Elise by chapter 11 ever exists on the story at that point.

Edited by Rapier
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... Isn't aiming for the medic a coward and immoral tactic on wars?

And by analogy, the problem is not Ryoma not helping Elise, but acting in a way that puts the medic's life in danger.

Unless you're being like the pro character builders and reclassed Elise many times and made her a Valkyrie/Maid by chapter 11. Still, isn't reclassing a story and gameplay segregation mechanic? I don't think an uber reclassed/master sealed Elise by chapter 11 ever exists on the story at that point.

Actually in real life I'm pretty sure shooting a medic is a serious war crime.

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The AI (and a lot of players) seem to have different morals then...

Unless you're playing that chapter where Ike and the Greil Mercenaries have to get through many bishops (so, healers in the game) to kill all enemy grunts... If you care about the BEXP, that is.

Actually in real life I'm pretty sure shooting a medic is a serious war crime.

All right

I suppose I formalize my objection to that statement then!

yes I'm feeling particularly derpy today

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Unless you're playing that chapter where Ike and the Greil Mercenaries have to get through many bishops (so, healers in the game) to kill all enemy grunts... If you care about the BEXP, that is.

That's literally the one time the series enforces not shooting medics, and even then, it was more due to the fact the priests were largely innocent bystanders from what I remember. A lot of them didn't even have staves.

Otherwise, it's suggested you go for enemy healers because otherwise they're serious thorns in ones side in terms of gameplay. Just look at FE6 Chapter 7 and you'll see how. Plus they're easy EXP.

Now, this obviously does not apply to real life, since as mentioned above shooting medics is a war crime. But in Fire Emblem, it's pretty frequent and there's rarely any sort of penalty or treating it as underhanded.

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... Isn't aiming for the medic a coward and immoral tactic on wars?

And by analogy, the problem is not Ryoma not helping Elise, but acting in a way that puts the medic's life in danger.

Unless you're being like the pro character builders and reclassed Elise many times and made her a Valkyrie/Maid by chapter 11. Still, isn't reclassing a story and gameplay segregation mechanic? I don't think an uber reclassed/master sealed Elise by chapter 11 ever exists on the story at that point.

I'll agree that hitting the medic is an immoral tactic.

But remember that before Elise is a medic, she is a princess of Nohr. Ryoma is under no obligation to help the princess of an enemy nation, whose leader is not willing to negotiate. So what reason does Ryoma have to help Elise? It can't be becuase she's a healer because she's not the only one. Even if she dies, there's still Felicia/Jakob.

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Actually in real life I'm pretty sure shooting a medic is a serious war crime.

And I'm pretty sure that didn't apply when Japan was fighting against any western threats way back when yumis were considered mainstream ranged weapons.

That's kind of the setting and inspiration of "Fire Emblem If: Anya Oukoku".

Our morals and standards of today kind of clash with war of days of old.

Angsty or not Takumi taking out a princess of the enemy nation is kind of an objective.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Not to mention that medics in the real world do not have access to magic that can make a gravely injured person ready to get back into the field in like 10 seconds. Of course that's trivial anyway since Elise is not some nurse but a member of the Nohrian royal family. And in Fates that has perks beyond the social status, like giving her special powers that allow her to throw the whole battlefield in disarray.

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