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Most overrated Fire Emblem in your opinion


Which FE do you think is the most overrated?  

141 members have voted

  1. 1. Which FE do you think is the most overrated?

    • FE1
    • FE2
    • FE3
    • BSFE
    • FE4
    • FE5
    • FE6
    • FE7
    • FE8
    • FE9
    • FE10
    • FE11
    • FE12
    • FE13
    • FE14 Birthright
    • FE14 Conquest
    • FE14 Revelation
    • None

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First off, I'd like to say, try to keep it civil. Don't go bashing others just because they think your favorite FE is overrated. How overrated something is is for the most part subjective.

Anyway, I'm gonna have to go with FE7. It was huge improvement over FE6 gameplay-wise, but the story was rather flawed and I wasn't a fan of the increased tome weights or the removal of several playable female classes, and I think FE8 was a much bigger improvement over FE7 in almost all aspects, including gameplay, plot, and characters. Yet tons of people hail it as "teh best gaem evar!!!11!"(or at least the best FE), and while it's certainly a great game in my opinion, I don't think it's even the best GBA FE, let alone the best FE in general. I feel like much of its praise is simply due to blind nostalgia, as I know a good portion of the fanbase started with it. I think the only thing SS doesn't do better is that SS lacks an actually difficult difficulty option, but that doesn't affect me since I generally prefer playing on the easier difficulties anyway. Feel free to disagree with me, or even debate with me about, but try to keep it civil, and remember not everyone has the same tastes. I'd rather this not turn into a flame war.

Edited by Matthewtheman
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all of them, but for different reasons in every case

I can get behind this. I can't think of a single FE that doesn't have several flaws holding it back.

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I think Fe3 is the most overrated game in the series. It seems overated only in Japan but because what Japan likes disproportionately affects the rest of the series I still thinks that counts. Its overrated in a way that counts more.

If there is a crossover with Fire emblem in it its going to be Akanean characters, if a continent gets a successor its the Akenian continent and if extra attention is going to be given to any particular Fire emblem games its going to be Awakening/Fates.... and Akenea.

And I have a bit of resentment to that because most other games in the series, especially in terms of characters have already surpassed FE3 yet those games get neglected. That's a particular sore spot for Elibe because that's when the series became global and for half of the fanbase it carries the charm of being the first game that does so well for the Akenea in Japan.

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I can get behind this. I can't think of a single FE that doesn't have several flaws holding it back.

so you agree this is largely a meaningless poll and is likely to only end in people getting passive-aggressive with each other? tbh that's my forecast

EDIT: like your op was like "feel free to debate me" or whatever but there's like nothing to debate

Edited by Integrity
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Honestly, Awakening kinda wins this as an unfortunate side effect of it's success. Since the older games aren't as well known, Awakening often gets credited for introducing a lot of features that already existed in the series, like the World Map or Casual Mode for example.

Edited by BrightBow
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Honestly, Awakening kinda wins this as a side effect of it's success. So the game gets credited for a lot of stuff that has already been done in older games, like the World Map or Casual Mode for example.

Yeah, pretty much. And if anything we have a whole slew of people who'll defend the newest game Fates because either they genuinely liked it or most likely it was their first FE. Kinda like FE 7 and Awakening although it could apply to any game really.

Edited by Raguna
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so you agree this is largely a meaningless poll and is likely to only end in people getting passive-aggressive with each other? tbh that's my forecast

That's my forecast too, but I did put warnings to keep it civil and such in the hopes that it won't end up that way.

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That's my forecast too, but I did put warnings to keep it civil and such in the hopes that it won't end up that way.

Then why to create it, overrated the stupid word that basically means my opinion is different therefore everyone else must not have valid opinion. It's basically shouting you like this too much, stop liking it.

On that note where is the option for None because overrated is a stupid word.

Edited by Locke087
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Then why to create it, overrated the stupid word that basically means my opinion is different therefore everyone else must not have valid opinion. It's basically shouting you like this too much, stop liking it.

On that note where is the option for None because overrated is a stupid word.

On that note, seeing the word "overrated" in the title instantly drained any hope I had for this thread... which is why I'm hesitant to vote. =/

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Then why to create it, overrated the stupid word that basically means my opinion is different therefore everyone else must not have valid opinion.

On that note where is the option for None because overrated is a stupid word.

I find that generally overrated means one thinks something gets more praise than it deserves. In my case, I think FE7 is a good game, but overrated because much of the fanbase overexaggerates how good it is and ignores its flaws. I certainly don't think if one has a different opinion on this, that theirs isn't valid. I mainly created this poll because I was curious what others thought. Good point about a none option though, I think I'll add it.

Too bad the poll isn't multiple choice :/

Good suggestion. I've added a None option and allowed multiple choice now.
Edited by Matthewtheman
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Awakening is a overrated content orgy mashup.

'Nuff said.

I hate how big the maps in FE 4 are, I feel like it takes WAAYY to long to play

How does that have to do in any way with overration?

Edited by Jose_Darkeye
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The only games that I struggle to comprehend how people could enjoy are Shadow Dragon and the Jugdral saga.

I hate how big the maps in FE 4 are, I feel like it takes WAAYY to long to play


Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I don't really see how Awakening is overrated. Sure it's very popular and its sales were phenomenal for a FE, but I don't see people pretending that it's perfect or ignoring its flaws, even if it's their favorite, unlike some FEs such as FE4, FE7, or the Tellius games. In fact, I see people bashing it more often than I do singing its praises, though I'm aware the bashers are a vocal minority. But maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places. If you people can provide me evidence of someone overexaggerating how good it is, please do so. I can provide an example of someone exaggerating the quality of FE7:


They literally call it a masterpiece.

Edited by Matthewtheman
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I consider FE13 overrated, largely because it did well compared to the rest of the series at the time. I can understand the appeal of it in some ways, but I feel like it's given too much credit sometimes.

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FE 4 always seems to be heralded as the best FE and what all FE should aspire to be, and I really disagree.

The story is OK, but the maps are waayyy to long. Of the entire series, it is the only game I will NEVER play again. Don't get me wrong, 4 is a great game, but it's a giant slog. It's hard to get attached to gen 1 at all. When I had the time out of High School then man, I'd love to sit down and spend a day on FE 4 but with a job and responsibilities it's just a no go.

Great game, but it's not the best in the series.

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I don't really see how Awakening is overrated. Sure it's very popular and its sales were phenomenal for a FE, but I don't see people pretending that it's perfect or ignoring its flaws, even if it's their favorite, unlike some FEs such as FE4, FE7, or the Tellius games. In fact, I see people bashing it more often than I do singing its praises, though I'm aware the bashers are a vocal minority. But maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.

It might be the case that since you spend time in Serenes Forest and maybe some other sites, you tend to mingle more with the core fanbase of Fire Emblem that discusses things more in-depth than other casual fans do. Awakening is a decent game but it brought a swath of new people that would never dare touch the older ones due to difficulty or lack of interest or because it doesn't have the marriage system (except Genealogy but that has the issues of possible emulation which is hard for people). These new people usually don't tend to be the people that stay in this forum for long so Awakening is overrated due to a case of being the first FE for a lot of people since sales don't lie on the number of people it brought in and not dipping their hands elsewhere except possibly on Fates.

That's how I see it anyways.

Edited by Raguna
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I think the big maps are part of FE4's charm, though I know they aren't for everyone, and some of them could definitely stand to be condensed.

It might be the case that since you spend time in Serenes Forest and maybe some other sites, you tend to mingle more with the core fanbase of Fire Emblem that discusses things more in-depth than other casual fans do. Awakening is a decent game but it brought a swath of new people that would never dare touch the older ones due to difficulty or lack of interest or because it doesn't have the marriage system (except Genealogy but that has the issues of possible emulation which is hard for people). These new people usually don't tend to be the people that stay in this forum for long so Awakening is overrated due to a case of being the first FE for a lot of people since sales don't lie on the number of people it brought in and not dipping their hands elsewhere except possibly on Fates.

That's how I see it anyways.

Makes sense. However, I also visit GameFAQs and it's the same there, so...

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I hate how big the maps in FE 4 are, I feel like it takes WAAYY to long to play

I actually don't mind it. It makes it feel like a major conflict rather than some small skirmish.

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