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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Don't promote Ursula to 5 stats. Blarwolf just sucks for her. Blarblade is way better with a cavalry team. If you need a blue mage, go F corrin. But I'd also like to know what else you are missing 

Promote Ursula and give her Blarblade+ is the solution!

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5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Don't promote Ursula to 5 stats. Blarwolf just sucks for her. Blarblade is way better with a cavalry team. If you need a blue mage, go F corrin. But I'd also like to know what else you are missing 

Oh wow, really? I figured her bulids would play to this niche, horse killers are pretty rare & having one ON a horse is nice and she's saved my hide a few times. Course this is kind of moot since I don't have Odin. Not even a three star, the jerk, lord knows I'd like one of him than a dozen florinas.

7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

What's Nino's Boon/Bane? Her offensive stats are Linde level BEFORE buffs. (And after buffs her coverage is Lucina tier.)

+Attack/-Speed which seems a little unlucky.

3 minutes ago, Ether said:

Ursula is alright, but you'll likely want to replace Blarwolf with Blarblade or Blarraven. Even if it's a non+ version and thus drops a point of Mt or 3 compared to Blarwolf+, the added utility is generally worth it. But really, she works best on a cavalry team with Blarblade.

Of your listed 4* units, you have a few good options. Nino and Kagero are powerful nukes if their natures are good, Marth gives you a solid red and falchion access. Corrin F is a solid all around tank unit and is a res-hitter which can be useful.

Again with the blarblade suggestion, I had no idea this was the weapon to have. I figured cavalry killers were more important, but I guess the bonus stat damage outranks it? I hadn't really done the math.

Kagero is +Attack/-Resistance

I have 3 dang 4 star corrins so I may as well try to figure out their stuff in a bit. I should also mention I have a 5 star ninian, though she obviously plays a different role.

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The -Blade tomes are ridiculously powerful (read: broken). I don't think there's many cases where the effectiveness against cavalry beats out the sheer power of Hone + Fortify Cavalry Blaarblade. With Growing Thunder.

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5 minutes ago, r_n said:

horse killers are pretty rare

Which is why they should (re)introduce longswords, halberds/poleaxes, and horseslayers/ridersbanes.
Those will be cool against the arising Horse Emblem meta (there is one, right?).

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1 minute ago, r_n said:

Oh wow, really? I figured her bulids would play to this niche, horse killers are pretty rare & having one ON a horse is nice and she's saved my hide a few times. Course this is kind of moot since I don't have Odin. Not even a three star, the jerk, lord knows I'd like one of him than a dozen florinas.

+Attack/-Speed Nino which seems a little unlucky.

Again with the blarblade suggestion, I had no idea this was the weapon to have. I figured cavalry killers were more important, but I guess the bonus stat damage outranks it? I hadn't really done the math.

Kagero is +Attack/-Resistance

Cavalry are pretty rare in arena in general, since their rating tends to be lower on average compared to other units. Blárwolf also has rather low Mt which offsets the effective damage bonus (Poison Dagger suffers from this too somewhat, but infantry are significantly more common and Kagero has much more Atk to work with anyway).

Blárblade is just that good.

Your Kagero has a great stat spread, but sadly your Nino does not. Even a -Atk Nino is workable to some degree since you can stack buffs to compensate, while Spd is much harder to account for. With an Atk buff, +Atk Kagero can actually OHKO a huge chunk of the infantry meta, which is great.

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30 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

@r_n If you don't have Blarblade, it's between Marth, Nino, F corrin, and maybe Kagero. But that is a big maybe on Kagero 

Since you asked before, some notable stuff i have/don't have


Swords: I have 5 star Eldigan and 5 star Cain but he's sort of been retired. I don't really have a solid (4 star) infantry; Marth, Fir (eeh), Selena (ehhhhh), Lon'qu, Navarre. Honestly all my sword infantry just seems really mediocre, but most of htem aren't fully trained. Except Selena, she is a disappointment. I also have Olivia, but I already have 5 star Azura & Ninian so she's not a priority. Flying sword all i have is Caeda and I would...rather not, she did not impress me at ALL so she's either bad or needs severe skill spport i wouldn't be able to commit to. I also have Draug, but I'd rather wait for Zephial than upgrade him at this point.

Axes: Drowning in wyverns. Narcian, Camilla (+Def/-Res), Cherche, Beruka, narcian, Michalis, Hawkeye. I have a 5 star Raven. Arthur who I enjoyed but sounds like he's bad long term. Gunter (+attack/-res) always useful. No Sheena or Hector, sadly.

Lances: So many pegasi! Catria, Est, Cordelia who I dont even remember getting, Shanna. Wendy AND Effie (+speed/-resistence, which seems like the absolute worst effie to have?). Oboro but she's too far from 40 to eyeball. Donnel which, no. Abel. Azura as mentioned earlier.

Tomes: 5 star sanaki (+HP/-Def eeeesh) with no 4 star red mages on deck. Nino as I mentioned earlier, Robin F. Ursula is my only blue mage here; lord knows I tried for Owen, Reinhart & Lucina-S.

Dragons: Corrin  (+attack/-speed, a neutral, and +hp/-speed), Ninian but she's a different niche. Nowi. Fae, but she's to ofar from 40 to determine. No tikis.

Daggers: Kagero, Felicia (Neutral), Jaffar (5 stars), Saizo (too far from 40, i also fed him an extra saizo throwing ot off more).

Bow: I already have Takumi so I'm not in the mood to promote Setsuna.

And I assume its a generally bad idea to have a healer past 4 unless you draw one.


Typing all that out & seeing what you guys are saying, I'm leaning towards Corrin even if the nature isn't optimal. I think I'll sit on the feathers until after my next pull, though, just in case I pull a Lucina or 5 star Kagero or w/e.

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24 minutes ago, r_n said:

Since you asked before, some notable stuff i have/don't have

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Swords: I have 5 star Eldigan and 5 star Cain but he's sort of been retired. I don't really have a solid (4 star) infantry; Marth, Fir (eeh), Selena (ehhhhh), Lon'qu, Navarre. Honestly all my sword infantry just seems really mediocre, but most of htem aren't fully trained. Except Selena, she is a disappointment. I also have Olivia, but I already have 5 star Azura & Ninian so she's not a priority. Flying sword all i have is Caeda and I would...rather not, she did not impress me at ALL so she's either bad or needs severe skill spport i wouldn't be able to commit to. I also have Draug, but I'd rather wait for Zephial than upgrade him at this point.

Axes: Drowning in wyverns. Narcian, Camilla (+Def/-Res), Cherche, Beruka, narcian, Michalis, Hawkeye. I have a 5 star Raven. Arthur who I enjoyed but sounds like he's bad long term. Gunter (+attack/-res) always useful. No Sheena or Hector, sadly.

Lances: So many pegasi! Catria, Est, Cordelia who I dont even remember getting, Shanna. Wendy AND Effie (+speed/-resistence, which seems like the absolute worst effie to have?). Oboro but she's too far from 40 to eyeball. Donnel which, no. Abel. Azura as mentioned earlier.

Tomes: 5 star sanaki (+HP/-Def eeeesh) with no 4 star red mages on deck. Nino as I mentioned earlier, Robin F. Ursula is my only blue mage here; lord knows I tried for Owen, Reinhart & Lucina-S.

Dragons: Corrin  (+attack/-speed, a neutral, and +hp/-speed), Ninian but she's a different niche. Nowi. Fae, but she's to ofar from 40 to determine. No tikis.

Daggers: Kagero, Felicia (Neutral), Jaffar (5 stars), Saizo (too far from 40, i also fed him an extra saizo throwing ot off more).

Bow: I already have Takumi so I'm not in the mood to promote Setsuna.

And I assume its a generally bad idea to have a healer past 4 unless you draw one.


Typing all that out & seeing what you guys are saying, I'm leaning towards Corrin even if the nature isn't optimal. I think I'll sit on the feathers until after my next pull, though, just in case I pull a Lucina or 5 star Kagero or w/e.

If a blue unit is what you mostly need (which, based on all the talk of Ursula and Corrin, sounds about right), then I would actually recommend Nowi over Corrin. 

Corrin is a lot more support-oriented while Nowi is a lot more damage-oriented, with the bonus of being able to attack from short and long range. Her biggest weaknesses pre-skill inheritance were Falchion units, Julia, and mediocre speed. 

Now that skill inheritance is a thing, Nowi benefits greatly from it. Triangle Adept helps her take little damage from Falchion users, even OHKOing them if she's +Atk (neutral Nowi can still OHKO neutral Lucina with Triangle Adept 3, I believe), and Swordbreaker/R or B Tomebreaker/Quick Riposte make up for her low speed, allowing her to double anyways. Sure she gets destroyed by Julia, but she never stood a chance to begin with.

Nowi with skill inheritance is honestly an amazing unit and considered one of the best blues in the game right now. I would highly recommend promoting her over Corrin or Ursula. 

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32 minutes ago, r_n said:

Since you asked before, some notable stuff i have/don't have

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Swords: I have 5 star Eldigan and 5 star Cain but he's sort of been retired. I don't really have a solid (4 star) infantry; Marth, Fir (eeh), Selena (ehhhhh), Lon'qu, Navarre. Honestly all my sword infantry just seems really mediocre, but most of htem aren't fully trained. Except Selena, she is a disappointment. I also have Olivia, but I already have 5 star Azura & Ninian so she's not a priority. Flying sword all i have is Caeda and I would...rather not, she did not impress me at ALL so she's either bad or needs severe skill spport i wouldn't be able to commit to. I also have Draug, but I'd rather wait for Zephial than upgrade him at this point.

Axes: Drowning in wyverns. Narcian, Camilla (+Def/-Res), Cherche, Beruka, narcian, Michalis, Hawkeye. I have a 5 star Raven. Arthur who I enjoyed but sounds like he's bad long term. Gunter (+attack/-res) always useful. No Sheena or Hector, sadly.

Lances: So many pegasi! Catria, Est, Cordelia who I dont even remember getting, Shanna. Wendy AND Effie (+speed/-resistence, which seems like the absolute worst effie to have?). Oboro but she's too far from 40 to eyeball. Donnel which, no. Abel. Azura as mentioned earlier.

Tomes: 5 star sanaki (+HP/-Def eeeesh) with no 4 star red mages on deck. Nino as I mentioned earlier, Robin F. Ursula is my only blue mage here; lord knows I tried for Owen, Reinhart & Lucina-S.

Dragons: Corrin  (+attack/-speed, a neutral, and +hp/-speed), Ninian but she's a different niche. Nowi. Fae, but she's to ofar from 40 to determine. No tikis.

Daggers: Kagero, Felicia (Neutral), Jaffar (5 stars), Saizo (too far from 40, i also fed him an extra saizo throwing ot off more).

Bow: I already have Takumi so I'm not in the mood to promote Setsuna.

And I assume its a generally bad idea to have a healer past 4 unless you draw one.


Typing all that out & seeing what you guys are saying, I'm leaning towards Corrin even if the nature isn't optimal. I think I'll sit on the feathers until after my next pull, though, just in case I pull a Lucina or 5 star Kagero or w/e.

Bro you have a Nowi -_-

R u kidding me dud.

Get that girl her stars, right nao!

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Mannnn I hate Nowi. Why does she have to be good. This is the worst scenario for me! What are some natures to avoid with her, I need to get her closer to 40 to determine what her deal is.

55 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Cavalry are pretty rare in arena in general, since their rating tends to be lower on average compared to other units. 


Also missed this earlier. I guess this explains why my recent runs where i brought some cavalry along would be matched up with either some severely underleveled units or other cavalry, yeah? I knew cavalry got lower stats over all (aside from like...Gunter, Jeigan, which is hilarious to me) but I forgot the arena does in fact have some actual match making.

Should also mention I usually don't dip into advanced that often, especially after skill inheritance hasn't been balanced in the arena yet.

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7 minutes ago, r_n said:

Mannnn I hate Nowi. Why does she have to be good. This is the worst scenario for me! What are some natures to avoid with her, I need to get her closer to 40 to determine what her deal is.

Now I hates you too, get over it 

She has to be good because she knew you didn't like her. She wants to convince you of her power, by showing off her epic skills and not very stylish clothes

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Now I hates you too, get over it 

She has to be good because she knew you didn't like her. She wants to convince you of her power, by showing off her epic skills and not very stylish clothes

im so upset

on the brightside i have like 4 extra selenas so i have triangle adepts for days

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I'd like to put Lancebreaker and Def+3 on Freddy to give him some more power! Def+3 will make him more of a massive wall than he already is and Lancebreaker will let him double something for a change. I'm not too worried about having to replace Wings of Mercy, as Freddy can't make much use of it when he already has good movement.

I don't know how a good idea it could be, but, have you considered to give him Defiant Def? It increase Deffense +7 if the unite receive too much damage

Of course I don't know if is a good idea, but it just ocurred to me

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8 hours ago, SniperGYS said:

I don't know how a good idea it could be, but, have you considered to give him Defiant Def? It increase Deffense +7 if the unite receive too much damage

Of course I don't know if is a good idea, but it just ocurred to me

I had considered that, but then I thought, since Freddy has such good def already being +def, how often would his HP really drop that low? I know sometimes he'll take a big hit from a mage, but I don't intend for that to be often at all for obvious reasons.

1 hour ago, Ledrert said:

Too... Many... Reds...

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I know, man, I swear the tower mostly picks enemies that are strong against the one(s) you're trying to train.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

I had considered that, but then I thought, since Freddy has such good def already being +def, how often would his HP really drop that low? I know sometimes he'll take a bit hit from a mage, but I don't intend for that to be often at all for obvious reasons.

I know, man, I swear the tower mostly picks enemies that are strong against the one(s) you're trying to train.

Easily explained by a combination of confirmation bias and desire sensor.

There's so many combinations for how the stratums can roll that at some point you're bound to encounter the really fringe sets.

Source: Rerolling 20+ times per armor quest attempt on 10th stratum.

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I thought dragons had low res? Why did this Tiki not take much damage from my male Robin when she's both red AND a dragon? And why didn't Swordbreaker let him double her? I thought it worked for all red units, not just swords.

I definitely need to just avoid advanced arena battles though... Sigh... I can only do beginner ones and that's with a healer on my team. How fucking pathetic.

1,368 is better than what I've been doing lately, but not where I want to be.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I thought dragons had low res? Why did this Tiki not take much damage from my male Robin when she's both red AND a dragon? And why didn't Swordbreaker let him double her? I thought it worked for all red units, not just swords.

I definitely need to just avoid advanced arena battles though... Sigh... I can only do beginner ones and that's with a healer on my team. How fucking pathetic.

1,368 is better than what I've been doing lately, but not where I want to be.

Drop the healer for a dancer if you don't have one already. Honestly healers are useless. Dragons are pretty 50/50 on if they have high def or res. Swordbreaker only works on swords just like R tomebreaker only works on red mages.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I thought dragons had low res? Why did this Tiki not take much damage from my male Robin when she's both red AND a dragon? And why didn't Swordbreaker let him double her? I thought it worked for all red units, not just swords.

I definitely need to just avoid advanced arena battles though... Sigh... I can only do beginner ones and that's with a healer on my team. How fucking pathetic.

1,368 is better than what I've been doing lately, but not where I want to be.

Neutral Tiki has 29 Res at max level, although you're the only one who can tell the exact Res of the particular Tiki you were fighting.

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8 minutes ago, Othin said:

Neutral Tiki has 29 Res at max level, although you're the only one who can tell the exact Res of the particular Tiki you were fighting.

Well, I guess there's no easy way to take her out unless you can double her... Defenses are too good. I'll have to remember that.

So yeah, doing more beginner battles and also an intermediate got me a score above 2000 now and I'm not even up to a seven win streak yet. I guess I'm satisfied with that for the time being, though I'd like to eventually be able to get to 3500-4000.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well, I guess there's no easy way to take her out unless you can double her... Defenses are too good. I'll have to remember that.

So yeah, doing more beginner battles and also an intermediate got me a score above 2000 now and I'm not even up to a seven win streak yet. I guess I'm satisfied with that for the time being, though I'd like to eventually be able to get to 3500-4000.

Marth gets Falchion at 5*, which does effective damage against dragons (even better than weapon triangle), so he's one of the best at dealing with Tiki.

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