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12 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Frederick has his Hammer and base 39 Def; I don't think Hector is an issue. Between the two though, Ana would drop Marth long before she would consider doing anything to Fred.

My Freddy has Axebreaker too, so he'll eat Hectors up all day.

But without Marth, I have trouble against dragons because of their high def. I did have Klein inherit Swap, but he doesn't have enough SP for it yet, I think. Male Robin has Draw Back and female Robin has Reposition. Marth has PIvot. Is Pivot any good?

32 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Since you can't really fit in a Dancer, how about you give your units some movement Assists like Draw Back, Swap and Reposition? In certain cases, they can be functionally the same as a Dancer. For example, if you manage to bait out a unit that Klein can ORKO, but something that can kill Klein is also in range, you could pull him away with Draw Back or Reposition, or slot in someone else to take the hit with Swap. Back when I didn't have a Dancer, this was the next best thing, and helped me win way more battles, because I could kill things on Player Phase and get away with it.

See above.

13 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

@Anacybele I have not changed my original opinion that even your 3* -Spd Olivia is a far better option than any of the 4*s of 5*s you have, but I won't continue pushing you to use her.

So aside from Olivia and keeping in mind you want to use Frederick no matter what, I would go with a team of Frederick, Marth, Sharena, and Klein (though I'm not sure what you're currently using. It may be the same team). On the off-chance you're willing to replace Frederick, I'd throw Robin in (either M!Robin or F!Robin works depending on what types of units you want to deal with). 

I think the main problem right now is that you have problems with positioning. After all, Klein's squishiness is largely irrelevant since if you position well he should never be getting hit. Same with Olivia. It seems to consistently be a problem with you, but I need you to understand that it is not "impossible" to keep dancers and archers entirely out of harm's way. Many other players, including myself, can consistently do that over hundreds of matches. Once you realize it's not impossible and start thinking harder about ways to make it possible, you'll improve as a player. 

Dancers are an easy way to help with positioning, but failing that, movement assist skills like Reposition, Draw Back, and Swap are also fantastic and are greatly underrated. I can personally say they've saved my life more times than I can count. 

In any case, I think your team is fine. The problem isn't your team but rather your positioning. If you don't improve that first, then it doesn't matter what team people suggest. But on the flipside of that, if you do improve your positioning, you'll do much better no matter what team you use (which will also help you in future GHBs where you won't necessarily be able to use your main 5* units). 

I know it may seem daunting, and constantly failing is certainly going to be discouraging. But you can't give up! It's okay if improvement is slow as long as you get there eventually, and I know you will. 

Yeah, but I can't seem to find ways to position Klein or Olivia without them getting hit. My Olivia is 4 star, btw. She was my very first pull in the game.

If I replace Frederick, I have no Hector counter. Klein doesn't quadruple armors in the arena like he does in the tower, so that's not an option either.

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4 minutes ago, JSND said:

If you think your unit pool is unsufficient, theres really no other better unit than Olivia. She's by far the best unit in the game

No way, Ninian is objectively the best! It's a fact.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I did have Klein inherit Swap, but he doesn't have enough SP for it yet, I think. Male Robin has Draw Back and female Robin has Reposition. Marth has PIvot. Is Pivot any good?

Eh. Swap should definitely be put on bulky units or ones that could survive at least a round most of the time. Putting it on a slow and frail 2 range unit won't exactly be too useful, doubly so since Klein is player phase. I'd recommend changing that one.

Pivot is alright, but it's only the best for Armors imo. If used for protection it throws you too far ahead.

If you find Klein and Olivia to be in the line of fire after their actions, that definitely means you went in too deep. No need for that.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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@Anacybele I don't expect you'll run into many Hectors at your score range, but also the team I suggested (the one without Olivia) has Marth there as a Hector counter.

I understand you're having difficulties with positioning, but it's difficult for me to offer more help without literally walking you through battles (since every individual battle will require different positioning, of course). 

I can try giving you some pointers though. Common strategies include having Klein get in range of an enemy to snipe them and then get pulled out of range with Reposition. Draw Back is also another option. 

If you have a melee unit with Swap, like Frederick or Sharena or Marth, you could have Klein delete a mage then have your melee unit Swap with Klein to protect him from whatever melee enemy would attack him next turn.

Giving Klein Pivot is another option to have him quickly escape out of harm's way.

In general, you want to stay just barely out of enemy range and then attack them on your turn, but I'm sure you know that. The key is thinking ahead to what to do once they're all in range, which some of the above may help with. 


With Olivia, you can also pull off a variety of strategies.

For example, if the enemy has a ranged unit in front of a melee unit, you can shoot the ranged with Klein, then use dance to move him out of the melee unit's way.

If the enemy has a melee unit in front of a ranged unit, you can shoot the melee unit with Klein, dance, then kill the ranged with Klein. If Klein isn't strong enough to OHKO the melee unit, what you can do instead is shoot the ranged unit with Klein, dance a melee unit with Swap, and move them to where Klein is to Swap with him. 

If you manage to do calcs and know Olivia would barely survive the melee, you could also shoot the ranged to kill it with Klein, dance Klein, have Klein Swap with Olivia, let Olivia take the hit, then finish the melee unit off with Klein the next turn (and if necessary, dance with Olivia to let him shoot again to secure the kill).

These are just a few examples of things you can do, but there's an infinite number of possibilities. 

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

But without Marth, I have trouble against dragons because of their high def.

This is why you use Olivia. With a Hone Atk buff, Triangle Adept Robin as a 4* can 2HKO Tiki (Young), who tickles him for single-digit damage back. Marth can't even OHKO Tiki so he takes a chunk of damage on the counter. Klein handles Tiki just fine as well.

5 minutes ago, immatx said:

No way, Ninian is objectively the best! It's a fact.

I concur

And no my perception isn't colored just because I have her myself.

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

If you manage to do calcs and know Olivia would barely survive the melee, you could also shoot the ranged to kill it with Klein, dance Klein, have Klein Swap with Olivia, let Olivia take the hit, then finish the melee unit off with Klein the next turn (and if necessary, dance with Olivia to let him shoot again to secure the kill).

Mooching off your example to say this is why Reposition/Draw Back is better for units like Klein; this risk won't even exist.

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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Mooching off your example to say this is why Reposition/Draw Back is better for units like Klein; this risk won't even exist.

I agree, but she may not have Reposition/Draw Back fodder whereas I know for a fact she has an Olivia.

2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

This is why you use Olivia. With a Hone Atk buff, Triangle Adept Robin as a 4* can 2HKO Tiki (Young), who tickles him for single-digit damage back. Marth can't even OHKO Tiki so he takes a chunk of damage on the counter. Klein handles Tiki just fine as well.

@Anacybele This too. Klein with Olivia dancing him easily OHKOs every dragon in the game. Marth isn't necessary when you have Klein and a dancer. In fact, Klein with a dancer can take care of literally everything in the game except a handful of armors, which you have Frederick for, even if he isn't +Atk. 

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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

@Anacybele I don't expect you'll run into many Hectors at your score range, but also the team I suggested (the one without Olivia) has Marth there as a Hector counter.

I understand you're having difficulties with positioning, but it's difficult for me to offer more help without literally walking you through battles (since every individual battle will require different positioning, of course). 

I can try giving you some pointers though. Common strategies include having Klein get in range of an enemy to snipe them and then get pulled out of range with Reposition. Draw Back is also another option. 

If you have a melee unit with Swap, like Frederick or Sharena or Marth, you could have Klein delete a mage then have your melee unit Swap with Klein to protect him from whatever melee enemy would attack him next turn.

Giving Klein Pivot is another option to have him quickly escape out of harm's way.

In general, you want to stay just barely out of enemy range and then attack them on your turn, but I'm sure you know that. The key is thinking ahead to what to do once they're all in range, which some of the above may help with. 


With Olivia, you can also pull off a variety of strategies.

For example, if the enemy has a ranged unit in front of a melee unit, you can shoot the ranged with Klein, then use dance to move him out of the melee unit's way.

If the enemy has a melee unit in front of a ranged unit, you can shoot the melee unit with Klein, dance, then kill the ranged with Klein. If Klein isn't strong enough to OHKO the melee unit, what you can do instead is shoot the ranged unit with Klein, dance a melee unit with Swap, and move them to where Klein is to Swap with him. 

If you manage to do calcs and know Olivia would barely survive the melee, you could also shoot the ranged to kill it with Klein, dance Klein, have Klein Swap with Olivia, let Olivia take the hit, then finish the melee unit off with Klein the next turn (and if necessary, dance with Olivia to let him shoot again to secure the kill).

These are just a few examples of things you can do, but there's an infinite number of possibilities. 

I don't have anyone with Pivot except Marth though. Klein will get Swap though. My Frederick's assist skill is already Harsh Command to counter debuffs.

I don't have anyone with Reposition except female Robin either...

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I concur

And no my perception isn't colored just because I have her myself.

I also am not biased in the slightest. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she's the most awesome character to ever grace our presence, and her persona is just so perfect that.....ehem. What I meant was it's entirely based on her usefulness in Heroes, yeah, that's right.

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Theres actually small subtle drawback from using Draw Back (and Reposition to an extent) with Klein if you move exactly one panel after Olivia's Dance and Klein is positioned exactly 2 panel above Olivia lol



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Just now, Anacybele said:

I don't have anyone with Pivot except Marth though. Klein will get Swap though. My Frederick's assist skill is already Harsh Command to counter debuffs.

I don't have anyone with Reposition except female Robin either...

If you have someone with Draw Back, I think Frederick would be better off with that than Harsh Command. 

Harsh Command isn't a bad skill, of course, but I personally think you'll get more mileage ultimately out of a positioning skill than Harsh Command, and Draw Back is one of the best ones (especially on a 3-mov unit like Fred). 

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

If you have someone with Draw Back, I think Frederick would be better off with that than Harsh Command. 

Harsh Command isn't a bad skill, of course, but I personally think you'll get more mileage ultimately out of a positioning skill than Harsh Command, and Draw Back is one of the best ones (especially on a 3-mov unit like Fred). 

Male Robin is my only Draw Back person, sadly.

I just found Barst has Reposition though, and I have him. Didn't someone say that's good on Klein or something?

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Male Robin is my only Draw Back person, sadly.

I just found Barst has Reposition though, and I have him. Didn't someone say that's good on Klein or something?

It depends on how you want to use Reposition. 

  • If you have Reposition on Klein, it lets him give up a turn to position a melee unit in front of him for protection.
  • If you have Reposition on not-Klein, it lets you get in a free hit with Klein then Reposition him out of harm's way.

Both have their uses, but I personally prefer the latter. It's ultimately down to personal preference.

Either way though, Reposition is a fantastic skill. If you don't have Draw Back, I'd consider giving Reposition to Fred. 

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3 minutes ago, JSND said:

Theres actually small subtle drawback from using Draw Back (and Reposition to an extent) with Klein if you move exactly one panel after Olivia's Dance and Klein is positioned exactly 2 panel above Olivia lol



That's why tanks and melee units should get Swap, yeah.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Male Robin is my only Draw Back person, sadly.

I just found Barst has Reposition though, and I have him. Didn't someone say that's good on Klein or something?

Draw Back is good for ranged and mounted units, while Reposition is better for melee units. Tanks like armored units prefer Pivot and Swap to get to the front lines more quickly.

That's about as general as it gets.

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2 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

It depends on how you want to use Reposition. 

If you have Reposition on Klein, it lets him give up a turn to position a melee unit in front of him for protection.

If you have Reposition on not-Klein, it lets you get in a free hit with Klein then Reposition him out of harm's way.

Both have their uses, but I personally prefer the latter. It's ultimately down to personal preference.

Either way though, Reposition is a fantastic skill. If you don't have Draw Back, I'd consider giving Reposition to Fred. 

Mkay then. Frederick has the SP to burn on it anyway, so I guess to him it goes.

EDIT: Wait, but MrSmokeStack says Reposition is better on non-mounted units? Come on, people, I can't have it both ways here...

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I like Reposition on Klein, because:

1) If you bring a Dancer, he can shoot, get Danced, then move back while also Repositioning the Dancer out of harm

2) On turns when he's doing nothing (since he's player phase only, might not always get the chance to shoot), he can fling his friends around to get to the right spots faster than Swap, while also not clogging up spaces (Draw Back).

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Mkay then. Frederick has the SP to burn on it anyway, so I guess to him it goes.

EDIT: Wait, but MrSmokeStack says Reposition is better on non-mounted units? Come on, people, I can't have it both ways here...

I'll be the tiebreaker

Put it on Klein!

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I'll be the tiebreaker

Put it on Klein!

Satsuma just said the same thing, so I guess Klein is where it's going. Too bad the Swap I gave him before is wasted now...

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11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Mkay then. Frederick has the SP to burn on it anyway, so I guess to him it goes.

EDIT: Wait, but MrSmokeStack says Reposition is better on non-mounted units? Come on, people, I can't have it both ways here...

He didn't say that.

He said mounted units are good with Draw Back and that melee units are good with Reposition.

Fred is both, so either one of those would be a good choice on him.

EDIT: I agree with Satsuma that Klein is best with Reposition if you have a dancer, but if you aren't using Olivia then it's better on Frederick.

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

Answer my question from earlier if anyone has time, please :(

Sorry, what was your question?

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