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Just now, JSND said:


Parking her above the mount tile on the bottom left instant wins the map lol

If I remember right, she killed 3 of the enemies for me, the exceptions being the axe flier (killed by Klein) and Lloyd (Killed by one of Leo or Shanna, I think).

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14 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

I showed my discontent in other thread about your attitude Ana. Whenever I see bunch of pages added to a thread I suspect you posted and replied everywhere, and most of the time it's true.

How this is rude, I'll never know. If anything, while my wall of text was blunt, I'd say this was more reflective of the truth in a more "sugarcoated manner".

Ana, you need to stop taking anything anyone says about you as personal attacks.

Your complaints always consist of "I don't like character X" and everyone has to know about it.

If you can try to BS it, you call them a bad unit.

If you can't (in Nino's case) you try to voice how ABSOLUTELY AWFUL that they're good.

You need to suck it up separate meta and your likes.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

EDIT: @Quintessence ...Wow, you're going to treat me like a bitch too? How low and hurtful do people get in here? But screw this, I don't need bullshit. If nobody wants me to post here anymore, fine, good bye then. Saves me a lot of trouble and I don't have to deal with rude people.

Ana we're not meaning to hurt you or mistreat you. What we find is that you haven't grown a bit in your attitude for months and even years given how a bunch of people here have lend you a hand and sound advice, both for the game and for you, personally. It's fine to complain, express your opinion and whatnot, but most times you do it with no reason behind, like the "glitches" you almost always face, which are fruit of unawareness. When people have a word with you, you just reply reply reply until you either win or get a draw on the argument even if you lost by the beginning of the discussion, as if imposing yourself over others. You just need to listen, tone down how you word and phrase things and be willing to improve, both in the game and personally.

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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

How this is rude, I'll never know. If anything, while my wall of text was blunt, I'd say this was more reflective of the truth in a more "sugarcoated manner".

Ana, you need to stop taking anything anyone says about you as personal attacks.

Your complaints always consist of "I don't like character X" and everyone had to know about it.

If you can try to BS it, you call them a bad unit.

If you can't (in Nino's case) you try to voice how ABSOLUTELY AWFUL that they're good.

:facepalm: That wasn't the part I found rude, it was him saying "why do people follow Ana's posts if they know how they'll go?" THAT is rude.

You need to stop taking every single thing I say out of context. People say they like or don't like characters all the time!

I never meant that "why does she have to be good" as literally as you're taking it. It was more of a fucking joke. She's a good unit, yay for her. I just don't like her lines or voice, why is that such a crime?

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1 minute ago, Quintessence said:

When people have a word with you, you just reply reply reply until you either win or get a draw on the argument even if you lost by the beginning of the discussion, as if imposing yourself over others. You just need to listen, tone down how you word and phrase things and be willing to improve, both in the game and personally.

Literally can be described as "cluttering up the thread".

Quintessence, you are a more calm and can sugarcoat things better than I ever could.

Moving on:

So from what I gather, Rein counters are as follows:

1. Generic counter being positioning/repositioning/dancer rushdown

This being the least safest option being that you are using up multiple resources to take down the Rein unless your team is rushdown just like a Rein team would be.

2. Julia

3. Female Reflet with Red buffs/Adept if Hone Cavalry Rein

Green Mage counters would be unable to bait unless a red is near or they're willing to tank a hit.

Cavalry Swordies are able to rush in on first or second player phase. While infantry need to wait for death to come unreasonably close. Armors just need to throw in the towel unless Hector or Sheema/Sheena with Distant Counter.

Anyone have any calcs for Sheema with distant counter? I remember her having ridiculous res when I faced her. Even red mages had trouble one shoting her.

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12 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Moving on:

So from what I gather, Rein counters are as follows:

1. Generic counter being positioning/repositioning/dancer rushdown

This being the least safest option being that you are using up multiple resources to take down the Rein unless your team is rushdown just like a Rein team would be.

2. Julia

3. Female Reflet with Red buffs/Adept if Hone Cavalry Rein

Green Mage counters would be unable to bait unless a red is near or they're willing to tank a hit.

Cavalry Swordies are able to rush in on first or second player phase. While infantry need to wait for death to come unreasonably close. Armors just need to throw in the towel unless Hector or Sheema/Sheena with Distant Counter.

Anyone have any calcs for Sheema with distant counter? I remember her having ridiculous res when I faced her. Even red mages had trouble one shoting her.

TA 3 Raven Cecilia (don't know about Gronnblade build but I'm sure it does fine) and Nino (assuming she's not life-and-death) also destroy Reinhardt even on enemy phase while receiving only nominal damage -Res Nino will receive a lot more damage but will still survive I believe but I don't know for a fact I have a +Res Nino. 

Edited by Locke087
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14 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Anyone have any calcs for Sheema with distant counter? I remember her having ridiculous res when I faced her. Even red mages had trouble one shoting her.

Level 40+10 +Atk Honed DeathBlow3 Reinhardt [brave] strikes Level 40+0 -Res Sheena for 18*2 (literally the most damage Rein can do to Sheena, outside of being Spur'd/Goad'd (which ups it to 22 after 1, 26 after 2).

This reinhardt needs full buffs and 2 SpurAtk/Goads in order to ORKO Sheena (26 damage *2), as simply one allows Sheena to live with 1 HP.



Vs Lv40+10

18 damage with a -Res nature and no buffs, once. She's probably not doubling him, and even an Emerald Axe won't KO rein on the counter.

Vs Lv40+0

Sheena will double non-hone'd Reinhardt for an easy KO with any weapon and a -Atk nature. If Rein's honed, then +Atk Sheena can't ORKO him back as she won't be able to double him. +Spd Shenna doubles and defeats any Lv40+0 hone'd Reinhardt (but not if Honed + Goad'd).

Overall, she's dealing 20-25 per hit, 30-35 with Emerald, depending on what Rein's boon is. All above calcs assumed Neutral or -Def.

Edited by Elieson
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15 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Ana we're not meaning to hurt you or mistreat you. What we find is that you haven't grown a bit in your attitude for months and even years given how a bunch of people here have lend you a hand and sound advice, both for the game and for you, personally. It's fine to complain, express your opinion and whatnot, but most times you do it with no reason behind, like the "glitches" you almost always face, which are fruit of unawareness. When people have a word with you, you just reply reply reply until you either win or get a draw on the argument even if you lost by the beginning of the discussion, as if imposing yourself over others. You just need to listen, tone down how you word and phrase things and be willing to improve, both in the game and personally.

Okay, if you don't mean to hurt or mistreat me, that's fine then. I would disagree that I haven't learned anything, but maybe I haven't learned enough, that much I'll concede. It feels like Rey/SoC thinks that even making the tiniest complaint is a felony around here though.

I'm not blaming glitches for anything anymore, I know that was a mistake. Well, unless it really does appear to be a glitch for sure, but I haven't seen that yet. But anyway, my Nino thing had nothing to do with gameplay or anything, I just don't like some of her lines or her voice, that's all. It's not a huge deal or anything.

But seriously, I KNOW I should listen, phrase things differently, be willing to improve, etc. I'm aware. I don't need to be told this all the time. I seriously do try to do those things (why would I not? That really would make me a bitch), but people repeatedly telling me I haven't learned or done these things doesn't help at all. You mean well, I get that, but it's not really helping me anymore. I do the best I can.

Besides, at times I have things that are a lot worse going through my head that I could say, but choose not to because I know they're inappropriate or rude. I'm not going to be someone that just knowingly insults people and doesn't care.

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6 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

TA 3 Raven Cecilia (don't know about Gronnblade build but I'm sure it does fine) and Nino (assuming she's not life-and-death) also destroy Reinhardt even on enemy phase while receiving only nominal damage. 

Ah, right.

Cecilia's raven advantage seems very minimal for me unless Triangle Adept.

(I don't have access to any at the moment)

I can only use her once for tanking Takumi at the moment.



"The tiniest complaint like a felony"

You don't complain with the frequency of the regular heroes poster.

Look at your profile, and reduce the search to the Heroes forum.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

Ah, right.

Cecilia's raven advantage seems very minimal for me unless Triangle Adept.

(I don't have access to any at the moment)

I can only use her once for tanking Takumi at the moment.

It's not very useful without triangle adept but with it she can even tank every relevant colorless and kill them back with Hone Calvary  (some variations that are very fast can survive round with her if she's -attack like mine is).  Even Klein only takes her down to half health max if her defense is unbuffed.

Edited by Locke087
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8 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:



"The tiniest complaint like a felony"

You don't complain with the frequency of the regular heroes poster.

Look at your profile, and reduce the search to the Heroes forum.

Even if I complained a bit more often, it doesn't mean we have to blow up the thread if I say something as little as "Nino annoys me."

Look, if you want to talk about this more, let's take it to PM, please. In fact, you should do this if you ever have any issues with me so we don't derail threads anymore. It might do us both a lot of good too.

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@shadowofchaos The funny thing about non-TA Raven Cecilia is that you won't really notice you do get WTA when trying to use her to counter colorless because of her defense


Kinda like how you won't notice Julia is a green when non TA Cordelia punch her in the face. Julia and Cecilia's statsline is actually rather simmilar

Edited by JSND
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Heh, I totally am fond of Julia due to being able to stomp Rein. Fury +res Julia takes like 2x2dmg from rein (unaware if he was boosted or not) and eats him in counter ^^'. Basically, Julia was godsend because she can even counter one shot Lindes, my torment!

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10 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

 -Res Nino will receive a lot more damage but will still survive I believe but I don't know for a fact I have a +Res Nino. 

As I use a -res Nino, I can confirm she survives Reinhard when he's not to buffed. Without any buff  (and assuming +atk Rein) she takes 12x2 damage, 9x2 if she has fury 3 or res+3 equipped. Even with DB3 he still fails to kill her. Hone cav can kill her though.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Even if I complained a bit more often, it doesn't mean we have to blow up the thread if I say something as little as "Nino annoys me."

Look, if you want to talk about this more, let's take it to PM, please. In fact, you should do this if you ever have any issues with me so we don't derail threads anymore. It might do us both a lot of good too.

There is no point taking it to PM. One on one talks never amount to anything with you.

The only times you ever learn about the social aspect of the forum is when others correct you in public. If there is only one person who corrects you, you tune them out and see yourself as a victim. And that's after a mod steps in.

Fun fact: When you're on someone's ignore list and you're in so many arguments with other people that you get quoted so often that it doesn't really matter anymore, you're cluttering a thread.


It's weird how much Triangle adept relies on positioning. Then again it's kinda expected since it's a skill that augments weaknesses and strengths. With any jewel weapon or adept you are literally forfeiting bad matchups to increase effectiveness in good matchups. That goes for niche cases when def res crossover could potentially let a unit with a color disadvantage one round a unit with an advantage with an opposite defensive stat to the attacker.

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9 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

There is no point taking it to PM. One on one talks never amount to anything with you.

The only times you ever learn about the social aspect of the forum is when others correct you in public. If there is only one person who corrects you, you tune them out and see yourself as a victim. And that's after a mod steps in.

Fun fact: When you're on someone's ignore list and you're in so many arguments with other people that you get quoted so often that it doesn't really matter anymore, you're cluttering a thread.

Wow, are you ever wrong. I actually do much better in one on one conversations than in group ones. You can ask Red Fox of Fire, I had a few PM conversations with her a long time ago about my issues and while they started out rather argumentative, they ended up friendly and civil in the end. We were both actually pretty surprised at how peaceful it ended up being. I've also had PM conversations going on for quite some time now with Randoman, Dragoncat, and most recently Arcanite.

And keeping this off topic crap in a thread does nothing but derail it. It doesn't help me or anyone else. Unless you PM me, I will no longer respond to you on this matter.

Edited by Anacybele
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3 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

There is no point taking it to PM. One on one talks never amount to anything with you.

I'm not sure if you realize, but telling her anything here and telling her anything in private makes no difference aside from the fact that WE bystanders or people who actually want to use this thread for more useful things like general opinions, have to watch you and someone else go back and forth about who's being negative or whatever (I wasn't really paying attention). Sure, there are lessons to learn and whatnot but if you have a problem with Ana, why do we have to see it?

I'm frankly sick and tired of seeing all of this uselessness cluttering up the thread from BOTH sides of your little debate or whatever you want to call it. Can't we all just shut up and have a good time instead of arguing like a bunch of morons?

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24 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I'm not sure if you realize, but telling her anything here and telling her anything in private makes no difference aside from the fact that WE bystanders or people who actually want to use this thread for more useful things like general opinions, have to watch you and someone else go back and forth about who's being negative or whatever (I wasn't really paying attention). Sure, there are lessons to learn and whatnot but if you have a problem with Ana, why do we have to see it?

I'm frankly sick and tired of seeing all of this uselessness cluttering up the thread from BOTH sides of your little debate or whatever you want to call it. Can't we all just shut up and have a good time instead of arguing like a bunch of morons?


36 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Fun fact: When you're on someone's ignore list and you're in so many arguments with other people that you get quoted so often that it doesn't really matter anymore, you're cluttering a thread.


Just to answer your perspective:

It's pretty much me on the sidelines on days where I lurk here. So me speaking up now is literally the same as what you're doing.

Whenever I lurk after a long day of work to see discussions in this forum I enjoy, why do I have to see Ana's posts complain about something time and again about how she doesn't like X character for X reason multiple times for a petty reason by someone quoting her despite a forum function aiding me in keeping away from the negativity?

She says she doesn't like attention when I told her to make a blog, but from the way she posts so rapidly and how vocal she is about things she DOESN'T like with the game over and over it doesn't really say "I'm enjoying discussing this game". It says "I want all of you to know how much I don't like X thing."

Whenever it gets started, it turns from "General heroes discussion" to "Ana doesn't like something" thread..

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Oh boy what did I walk into?

EDIT: Why don't we talk about the upcoming vortex trial events or whatever? I'm pretty excited for that. (Still curious who that 5* character reward is)

Edited by Falcom
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So I was lurking the Play Store and realized that Phantom of the Kill is celebrating its first anniversary (worldwide? Idk). For those unrelated to PotK, it is a gacha game with FE structure, weapon triangle, grid-based maps, classes, hit/crt, mastery skills, etc. As a gacha, it also features units with star rarities, where 5* was max potential.

Among the new content added to the game due to its first anniversary is the introduction of the 6☆ system, bumping the potential to a higher level. Do you guys think Heroes will increase star rarity anytime soon, or will they wait near the year to implement this augment? If true, how would it be, what bonuses will units have and what resources (and in what quantity) will be required for promotion?

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@Anacybele Do you wanna see what is a personal attack? You, the Ike apologists remind me why I don't like Ike

Just kidding, I just want to bait you hahaha....


I'm still wonder when will get the next Orb event, I need orbs for the Wedding Event...

2 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

So I was lurking the Play Store and realized that Phantom of the Kill is celebrating its first anniversary (worldwide? Idk). For those unrelated to PotK, it is a gacha game with FE structure, weapon triangle, grid-based maps, classes, hit/crt, mastery skills, etc. As a gacha, it also features units with star rarities, where 5* was max potential.

Among the new content added to the game due to its first anniversary is the introduction of the 6☆ system, bumping the potential to a higher level. Do you guys think Heroes will increase star rarity anytime soon, or will they wait near the year to implement this augment? If true, how would it be, what bonuses will units have and what resources (and in what quantity) will be required for promotion?

Probably will wait at least for the second season.

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9 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Why don't we talk about the upcoming vortex trial events or whatever? I'm pretty excited for that. (Still curious who that 5* character reward is)

I hope we get Veronica or Bruno out of that deal. More Veronica.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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8 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Oh boy what did I walk into?

EDIT: Why don't we talk about the upcoming vortex trial events or whatever? I'm pretty excited for that. (Still curious who that 5* character reward is)

Has it been revealed when they're coming? I've admittedly been pretty distracted with BotW and Echoes, so I haven't kept up with Heroes news (or SF in general) as much as I used to. 

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the 5* character reward is the Masked Lucina we saw in the trailer (or at least I hope so. I could really use a Falchion unit)

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