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4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


Orbs....? Can't it be badges? Eternal seals are something that I would really benefit from (especially since I'm growing bored of training 4* F!Corrin).

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1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

Fun fact: When you're on someone's ignore list and you're in so many arguments with other people that you get quoted so often that it doesn't really matter anymore, you're cluttering a thread.

That's the part that really annoys me. I was very quick to put Ana on my ignore list because I can't stand that kind of non stop whining and character bashing. But so very often it spring up for pages and pages of other people quoting her and it makes her useless; and it really shits on the whole atmosphere of the forum.

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30 minutes ago, JSND said:

Ok guys real talk


Teach me how to use Hector and i wish i am joking

13 fights in Arena and Hector literally only faces 1 battle that did not end with him getting shitstomped, and if he is as good as everyone said he is, this is definitely a mistake on my part. Actually share how you guys used Vantage too for good measure lol

My Hector does great because Sol special and he became pretty solid Mage slayer even without Vantage (Lon'qu where are you?!), secret is in using movement skills accurately deliver him in way of harm). He and Olwen doing all heavy lifting in my team.

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53 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If Sheena's already running Distant Counter, surely the player should have at least Quick Riposte 2 lined up for the guaranteed double attack. Bonfire is charged on the first counterattack with a Killer Axe, and on the second counterattack with any other weapon, which guarantees the kill.


I'm actually going to have to agree with @shadowofchaos on this one. It doesn't matter who comes in to argue, from what I've seen there'll be at least 2 or 3 people there adding pages to the thread regardless of who it is.


6-star would do... what in this game? Add another 2 to all stats? Add a fourth tier of skills? Add a new weapon tier?

Honestly, none of these seem particularly appealing and would be trampling on every whale in the game that invested in +10 5-star character unless they also introduce a means to transfer merges on promotion.

I could understand leaving 6-star rarity exclusive to specific characters (like final bosses), but promoting existing 5-star units into 6-star units seems unnecessary and a bad PR move.

1. Riiight. That's the point of distant counter armor teams. I forgot about that.

2. I'm so tired about writing walls of text on the subject I'm not exactly sure about which part you're agreeing with.

3. 6 star exclusives for final bossed as player controlled characters? Or strictly PvE?

But yeah, I'd say you have weight speaking on the subject since you're a whale yourself with 5 star +10 merges.

6 star system on another game I play is pretty much "bleh".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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1 hour ago, JSND said:

Teach me how to use Hector and i wish i am joking

13 fights in Arena and Hector literally only faces 1 battle that did not end with him getting shitstomped, and if he is as good as everyone said he is, this is definitely a mistake on my part. Actually share how you guys used Vantage too for good measure lol

(Re)positioning Skills, and Pivot on the the guy. Admittedly it sometimes does get turned to a ridiculous most-efficient-way-to-move-Hector's-ass-to-a-nice-spot puzzle game. 


@Falcom what is the vortex trial event? I haven't hear about it. It it the one with the pseudo-permadeath?  We're getting a 5*from it? That sounds really awesome *-*

Edited by komasa
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55 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Arcanite's point is that other people won't jump in and add to the problem as much if the two original offenders just go to PM to begin with rather than repeatedly clutter up the thread like SoC and I were.


That does two things, though. One, it requires everyone who has an issue with what you said to take it to PM, which is not something that you can expect to happen. Two, what people typically have issue with on your initial post is something they believe to be wrong, and correcting things one believes to be wrong in the public thread prevents incorrect information from spreading or at least allows for others to support or refute them, and that's an entirely legitimate post.

When you try to rebut the argument presented against you is typically when the shitstorm starts and neither side will lay off the case for a few pages.

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13 minutes ago, komasa said:

@Falcom what is the vortex trial event? I haven't hear about it. It it the one with the pseudo-permadeath?  We're getting a 5*from it? That sounds really awesome *-*

While I can't exactly confirm it. It's hinted to be the permadeath mode teased at the beginning of this month. The reason I say vortex is, actually I don't know why. This reddit thread mentioned it and I assumed it was talking about this thread which features the 'Kozaki' quests. I have no idea why it's called Kozaki though.

But the only thing I can confirm is the 5*. It's briefly shown in the live stream and it looks to be a reward. We don't know who it is though cause they cleverly cut to the next clip right before revealing. Masked Lucina most likely.

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2 minutes ago, Falcom said:

While I can't exactly confirm it. It's hinted to be the permadeath mode teased at the beginning of this month. The reason I say vortex is, actually I don't know why. This reddit thread mentioned it and I assumed it was talking about this thread which features the 'Kozaki' quests. I have no idea why it's called Kozaki though.

But the only thing I can confirm is the 5*. It's briefly shown in the live stream and it looks to be a reward. We don't know who it is though cause they cleverly cut to the next clip right before revealing. Masked Lucina most likely.

Maybe the Kozaki quests have something to do with the CYL event. Rumors spreading around (Reddit Specifically) saying that the winners from said event will be drawn by Yosuke Kozaki.

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@Falcom Just rewatched that live stream, there was this extra frame at 3:33. Does it mean anything to those who can read Japanese? Screenshot under spoilers:



In the background it looks like someone wearing tactician robes. Is it a hint or something? Has anything been mentioned about it?

Masked Lucina would kinda be cool, even though there's so many variations of her, gotta admit her mask is pretty badass. Hope she comes with some nice skills. 

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1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

My defense team is currently Celica (usually Ryoma, but I switched her out bc she's a bonus unit) (Xander would work even better here though, probably), Julia, Ninian, and Reinhardt, which usually gets me 10 wins per season or so. 


I use a similar team,  actually! It's Nino, Olwen, Olivia, and (currently) Roy.

What are your builds for them? I run Desperation/Fury Nino, and I can't change that. Olivia can Dance like your Ninian. I can try to emulate your Rein build into my Olwen, though. Do you run Death Blow on him? What assists do you run?

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23 minutes ago, komasa said:

@Falcom Just rewatched that live stream, there was this extra frame at 3:33. Does it mean anything to those who can read Japanese? Screenshot under spoilers:

  Reveal hidden contents


In the background it looks like someone wearing tactician robes. Is it a hint or something? Has anything been mentioned about it?

Masked Lucina would kinda be cool, even though there's so many variations of her, gotta admit her mask is pretty badass. Hope she comes with some nice skills. 

Can't read Japanese, but this alone screams "Grima" at me. Maybe this dialogue takes place in the dragon's table map from Awakening. Julia was also there with Veronica as well... this is starting to peace together...

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36 minutes ago, komasa said:

@Falcom Just rewatched that live stream, there was this extra frame at 3:33. Does it mean anything to those who can read Japanese? Screenshot under spoilers:

Loosely, "'Chaos of War' ... I see, so this is the true form of the chaos that swallowed our world."

I believe "Chaos of War" is what's been translated as "battle vortex".

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43 minutes ago, Volo said:


I use a similar team,  actually! It's Nino, Olwen, Olivia, and (currently) Roy.

What are your builds for them? I run Desperation/Fury Nino, and I can't change that. Olivia can Dance like your Ninian. I can try to emulate your Rein build into my Olwen, though. Do you run Death Blow on him? What assists do you run?

I have a list of all of my units and their skills in my sig, so feel free to check that out because I'm too lazy to type out everything

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2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Hector barely inflates score anymore, since Armors get a score reduction.

Wait i dont recall this

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4 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I have a list of all of my units and their skills in my sig, so feel free to check that out because I'm too lazy to type out everything

Thank you. I assume your team was doing even better when Ryoma was on it? Or has it been doing well with Celica too?

I was thinking of putting Fury/Vantage on my Nowi - just like your Ryoma has. It's a really frustrating combo to beat. 

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It was doing better with Ryoma, yeah, but Celica's working fine too. 

I only need one defense win, after all. There's no difference between getting that one win and getting 20 in terms of rewards. 

Vantage Nowi is definitely frustrating on a defense team, but on offense, when you can manipulate the AI and safely bait, I actually find Quick Riposte to work better on Nowi. Either way works though. 

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Oh my fuck. Guys, I literally just woke up and ... all the new pages are exactly what I think they are about??? How about the next time something like this happens, nobody respond at all and just go on with our business? Can we try that?

Also, in more Heroes-related news, do you guys think we'll get any quests or events before the end of May? I'm hoping to get one last full pull on Celica's banner, but at the rate it's going I might only be able to snipe one color (which I really hate doing).

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9 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Wait i dont recall this

It came with the Arena revamp back in like, April. BSTs were more or less equalized to the infantry average for calculation purposes, so units like Reinhardt no longer drag down your score hard. BST still matters, but barely.

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3 hours ago, JSND said:

Ok guys real talk


Teach me how to use Hector and i wish i am joking

13 fights in Arena and Hector literally only faces 1 battle that did not end with him getting shitstomped, and if he is as good as everyone said he is, this is definitely a mistake on my part. Actually share how you guys used Vantage too for good measure lol

Even with more mages, Hector can deal with blue ones well enough. He can survive an attack from Linde and most Reinhards, and kill them on the counter. After that, he just vantage kills any squishy who tries to hurt him.

But yeah, using repositioning skills to get him to the action an luring units to him is the harder part of using him. He deals with blue teams well enough for me though (luckely, most Nowi's I run into use TA ).

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55 minutes ago, a bear said:

Welp, my twin brother made a Xander +1. I'm obligated by blood to make Camus +1 to maintain our Bros. Power.

It's the only possible recourse xD 

...Is that 5* Xander +1, 'cos that's some dedication Oo

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3 hours ago, JSND said:

Ok guys real talk


Teach me how to use Hector and i wish i am joking

13 fights in Arena and Hector literally only faces 1 battle that did not end with him getting shitstomped, and if he is as good as everyone said he is, this is definitely a mistake on my part. Actually share how you guys used Vantage too for good measure lol

My Hector is +DEF -RES, so I tend to keep him away from mages if at all possible. My play style is slowly evolving from "Leroy Jenkinsing" maps to playing cat and mouse until the AI does something stupid...but it will probably have to evolve more because these new Arena maps....*sobs*

 He CAN tank a hit if he needs to, but I don't necessarily want him to. I ended up giving him Wings of Mercy because for me at least, the mobility of armors is what really irks me, especially if I get him backed into a corner which happens a lot. However, this is dependent on his tanking a hit from someone.

I recommend using the defensive tiles to your advantage. Since you're using Vantage, he shouldn't have to tank more than one hit. Just watch out for red mages and anyone with axebreaker. Thankfully, blue and green mages appear to be the most common. Is there any one character that's giving you a lot of trouble?

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