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6 minutes ago, JSND said:

the way they currently balance it trainees actually got screwed by their bst grouping

I suppose, but it was interesting seeing that all the kid dragons have higher BST than the adult ones.

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The big problem with trainees is that they're too well-rounded---any set they can do, a more min-maxed unit can probably do it better despite the BST advantage they have. A trainee mage might be amazing since a high BST mage = a mage that's bulky and blows shit up with -blade, but even then, it'll take a lot to unseat Reinhardt.

The trainee dragons suffer from the fact that being a dragon is suffering on top of their average to below average speed----there's no difference between 'below average' and 'dumpster tier' speed most of the time, except you waste more BST on it for the former, which negates a lot of a trainee's BST advantage.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

I suppose, but it was interesting seeing that all the kid dragons have higher BST than the adult ones.

Trainees have 8 fewer stat points at level 1, but 30% higher growths. Those growths are just distributed in basically the least min-maxed way possible.

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I wonder if the remaining echoes villagers will be put in their "canon" classes or if they'll just do whatever like with faye. mage knight gray. throwing weapon atlas. bandit kliff. 

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Bleh, I'm kinda bored of hoarding and want to pull, but New Mystery banner will probably give me no red orbs to choose from. FE12 in general doesn't get me excited either, since the only character I could ask for from that game was Legion, and he's already here (yesyesyes!). Tempest banner units are great, but again, probably won't hand me very many reds and blues to choose. I guess I'll wait for June 30th.

If only we could designate a unit to be a focus character in any banner we pull from. A personal focus.

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1 hour ago, r_n said:

I wonder if the remaining echoes villagers will be put in their "canon" classes or if they'll just do whatever like with faye. mage knight gray. throwing weapon atlas. bandit kliff. 

Healer Atlas. IS would be a fool not to do it.

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1 hour ago, Gustavos said:

Bleh, I'm kinda bored of hoarding and want to pull, but New Mystery banner will probably give me no red orbs to choose from. FE12 in general doesn't get me excited either, since the only character I could ask for from that game was Legion, and he's already here (yesyesyes!). Tempest banner units are great, but again, probably won't hand me very many reds and blues to choose. I guess I'll wait for June 30th.

For the Tempest Trial banner, red is the most common color at 30.8%. Blue and colorless are nearly even at 25.3% and 25.4%, respectively. Green is 18.5%.

The Echoes of Mystery banner has a 31.5% chance of an orb being red and a 10.3% chance of a red summon being 5-star rarity.

"Will probably give me no orbs to choose from" is least applicable to red, so I have no idea what you are talking about. The probability that a set of 5 summons has no red to choose from is 15.1%.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

For the Tempest Trial banner, red is the most common color at 30.8%. Blue and colorless are nearly even at 25.3% and 25.4%, respectively. Green is 18.5%.

The Echoes of Mystery banner has a 31.5% chance of an orb being red and a 10.3% chance of a red summon being 5-star rarity.

"Will probably give me no orbs to choose from" is least applicable to red, so I have no idea what you are talking about. The probability that a set of 5 summons has no red to choose from is 15.1%.

The game chooses units first rather than choosing a color first...Surely you'd forgive me for not being aware of this when it's neither a testable theory nor stated anywhere in game?

Regardless of details, it doesn't matter which color is most common - it's still RNG. The game could still grant me no reds or just one red, which would be frustrating. Thanks for the info, but my opinion that these focus units don't interest me remains just the same.

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33 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

Regardless of details, it doesn't matter which color is most common - it's still RNG. The game could still grant me no reds or just one red, which would be frustrating.

Your complaint was

2 hours ago, Gustavos said:

but New Mystery banner will probably give me no red orbs to choose from.

and no matter how the fuck you look at it, that statement is blatantly false.


33 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

Surely you'd forgive me for not being aware of this when it's neither a testable theory nor stated anywhere in game?

It's fully testable. There's a whole branch of math called "statistics" that handles this.


17 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Ice Dragon How useful is Legion's Axe on Sheena?

On an armor team, Sheena really doesn't want to leave things alive because player phase should be spent using Swap to rearrange your positioning instead of cleaning up things that didn't die. And she really wants her one-round Bonfire to make sure things die.

Off of an armor team, I'm not sure she survives the things she wants to Panic by a large enough margin unless there are fortification tiles. Sheena on a fortification tile probably works.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Your complaint was

and no matter how the fuck you look at it, that statement is blatantly false.




It's only false when you consider details unbeknownst to both me and 99% of players when I said it. Is the heat getting to you or something?


It's fully testable. There's a whole branch of math called "statistics" that handles this.

I see. Could you propose a method? Perhaps, 100 summons, document the results. That could work, but it also 500 more orbs then I care to spend in order to learn this piece of trivia. Which is 0 orbs. A summon calculator? Good thinking, but knowing how fringe of a detail this is, as well as others with regards to summoning statistics, how do I know just any summon calculator was built to be so perfect with every detail? They usually don't come with an exhaustive FAQ.

Why are you so infuriated that I didn't know, anyway? I even thanked you for the info. And I'd even hazard a guess that it was clear I was complaining about my luck and not actual probabilities. Even if you misunderstood my complaining, this is a pretty harsh response. If you've got nothing nice to say, then I'm gonna have to ask you to step off, kid.

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34 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

On an armor team, Sheena really doesn't want to leave things alive because player phase should be spent using Swap to rearrange your positioning instead of cleaning up things that didn't die. And she really wants her one-round Bonfire to make sure things die.

Off of an armor team, I'm not sure she survives the things she wants to Panic by a large enough margin unless there are fortification tiles. Sheena on a fortification tile probably works.

Hmm, so what could I even do with a Legion's Axe? A Windsweep build works but is pointless.

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9 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

Why are you so infuriated that I didn't know, anyway? I even thanked you for the info. And I'd even hazard a guess that it was clear I was complaining about my luck and not actual probabilities. Even if you misunderstood my complaining, this is a pretty harsh response. If you've got nothing nice to say, then I'm gonna have to ask you to step off, kid.

It annoys me when people use hyperbole where it isn't appropriate to do so, and it annoys me when people don't spend the time to choose their words to say what they mean and mean what they say in a medium where you literally have all the time in the world to edit what you've written before people can read it.

That's basically it.


4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Hmm, so what could I even do with a Legion's Axe? A Windsweep build works but is pointless.

I honestly have no idea. Wait for an axe armor with massive Atk that can make use of Wary Fighter? Wait for axe Selena on a horse? Wait for another Legion to make a team of 4 Legions with different skills?

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:


The Echoes of Mystery banner has a 31.5% chance of an orb being red and a 10.3% chance of a red summon being 5-star rarity.


mind doing math on the 10%?

I don't get how the chances would be higher than 6%

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6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I honestly have no idea. Wait for an axe armor with massive Atk that can make use of Wary Fighter? Wait for axe Selena on a horse? Wait for another Legion to make a team of 4 Legions with different skills?

Oswin can't come soon enough

Pls no Rex Hasta

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6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I honestly have no idea. Wait for an axe armor with massive Atk that can make use of Wary Fighter? Wait for axe Selena on a horse? Wait for another Legion to make a team of 4 Legions with different skills?

Oswin can't come soon enough

Pls no Rex Hasta

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Just now, Lemmy said:

mind doing math on the 10%?

I don't get how the chances would be higher than 6%

What the game does is divide each tier of characters evenly across characters in that tier. So each focus character is 3% / 4 = 0.75%. Each normal pool 5-star character is 3% / 66 = 0.0455%. Each 4-star character is 36% / 89 = 0.404%. Each 3-star character is 58% / 49 = 1.18%.

The game then randomly picks 5 characters (with replacement) based on these frequencies, drops them on your summoning board, and puts an umbrella over them of the matching color. (At least, this is the simplest way to explain, but regardless of if the pull is decided beforehand or decided after the fact, the probability is the same.)

Therefore, there are 3 red focus characters at 0.75% each, 18 red 5-star characters at 0.0455% each, 26 red 4-star characters at 0.404% each, and 15 red 3-star characters at 1.18% each, for a total of 31.52% chance a given umbrella is red.

Conditional probability says that the chance of pulling an individual red focus character given you're pulling red is

P(red focus | red) = P(red focus and red) / P(red)

Since every red focus character is, by definition, red, P(red focus and red) = P(red focus), and

P(red focus | red) = P(red focus) / P(red) = 0.75% / 31.52% = 2.38%

Do the same with individual red 5-star characters for

P(red 5-star | red) = P(red 5-star and red) / P(red) = P(red 5-star) / P(red) = 0.0455% / 31.52% = 0.144%

Now, add up all of those for a

3 × 2.38% + 18 × 0.144% = 10.31%

chance of a red umbrella having a 5-star character under it.

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Is the Healer Gauntlet supposed to start soon?  It's getting towards the end of the month, unless the Tempest took its spot and we're only going to have one or the other every month.

Also, do we know which Healers will be in said Healer Gauntlet?

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8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Is the Healer Gauntlet supposed to start soon?  It's getting towards the end of the month, unless the Tempest took its spot and we're only going to have one or the other every month.

Also, do we know which Healers will be in said Healer Gauntlet?

We still haven't heard anything about the healer gauntlet as far as I'm aware, both when it is supposed to start and which characters will be involved.  Honestly, it's beginning to seem more likely that it'll start in the first or second week of July, but that's just what I think. It could also very well start shortly after version 1.5 launches for all I know. We just have to keep waiting, for better or worse.

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OMG. Selena with a Ruby Sword+ and L&D3 is like the dumbest thing and I kind of want to do it. The best part? +Def Selena would still have decent enough defense for Bonfire, but Luna and Moonbow might better. Death to all greens! xD

Also, this would be a somewhat, secondary safe way for me to deal with Veronica should she ever return with similar stats in a future trial or something because heck if I'll ever get a different red mage before a GHB one shows up. She'd take less damage than Lucina because of Ruby Sword to counter L&D3 giving her 30 base attack and 40 base speed at the cost of having 27 defense and 23 resistance. Apparently, she can't ORKO Lunatic Veronica regardless if Bonfire or Luna activates if Veronica is at full HP without an attack buff, but dancers exist, so... Meanwhile, +Atk Selena with Hone Attack 3 does 34x2 to Veronica.

Question now is whether I would give her Guard or Renewal for her B-slot.

It's stupidly expensive, but also stupidly hilarious. There are other units who might be better anti-greens or would be better users of Ruby Sword+ and L&D3, but it's just kind of funny that giving her L&D3 can basically make her Athena. Actually, yeah, she'd be Athena. If you took from Selena, 2 points of defense dropping it to 30 and 4 points of resistance dropping it to 24 and added it to attack, she'd have Athena's 31 attack and 24 resistance, and then took 3 points from her now remaining 30 defense dropping and added it to speed, she'd have Athena's 38 speed and 27 defense. The only difference is that Athena has 1 less HP. Huh, apparently Athena has 156 BST. She is the second melee infantry to have 156 BST since Bartre.

Hmm, well, I guess giving Athena T-Adept 3 would make her this build of Selena, but with access to an amazing sword. Or giving her a Ruby Sword+ which might not be as great since Wo Dao+ would just be there... unused.

Edited by Kaden
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5 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Michalis is 4* in the Story map version of himself---so chill, so casual, so free orb/Michalis.

My Alfie was in the middle of being raised after a promotion. He's level 31 now, but I think I'll gun for those rewards once Alfie has enough SP for Death Blow 3.

This is an intentionally vague goal.

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