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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

We aren't quite whales, but still put money into the game to keep it going.

That's what you say to comfort yourself huh?


2 minutes ago, Catria! said:

Just remember that when it's all said and done, the stuff you got for spending money on a mobile game will mean nothing ;) No bragging rights when this game dies

High five Catria! *raises hand*

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Just now, Rezzy said:

That could be said of any material possession.  You can't take it with you when you're dead.

You could have it buried with you in the ground or have it all cremated and put in the same tin as your ashes. Though, doing that with your house and car might be a bit difficult (assuming you've paid off your mortgage and car loan, if applicable). Your dogs and cats might also complain.

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3 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

That's what you say to comfort yourself huh?


High five Catria! *raises hand*

You hate sea mammals as much as this guy.

2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

You could have it buried with you in the ground or have it all cremated and put in the same tin as your ashes. Though, doing that with your house and car might be a bit difficult (assuming you've paid off your mortgage and car loan, if applicable). Your dogs and cats might also complain.

Well, that's just your body, not really you at that point.

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

You're welcome in my little nook of the dolphins.  We aren't quite whales, but still put money into the game to keep it going.

You mean...I helped make Berkut happen? Perhaps then I could find peace...

8 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

I'm free to play and I have an Azura, so you can indeed maintain your F2P status. I also have 2 merged 5 stars.


9 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I got a Ninian before I bought my first set of 23 orbs (out of three or four).


9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then my soul must be pretty far away, because I have both of them... I wasn't even trying to get Ninian either...

oh snrk...I thought the robots thing was a jest. SF really can't respond to jokes using anything other than their data sets.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

You hate sea mammals as much as this guy.


I like sea mammals 

I hate humans who try to be sea mammals

7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

But I don’t even like caviar. Also, everything comes to an end and in the end, everything is meaningless.
Everything is wasted.


I could've used that money to pay my light bill this month!

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, that's just your body, not really you at that point.

Well, I'm taking my body with me when I die. Unless they give you a new one, in which case, I'd probably want a new one than some senile pile of ashes.

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While I wasn't actively going after Ninian when her original banner was running, I did just happen to get her from a pull that I paid for. Does that mean I unintentionally sold my soul to Duma get her then? If so, then maybe if I try pawning it off to someone else like The Flying Dutchman from SpongeBob I will finally be allowed to get Azura!

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Then go and, I dunno, earn it. You lazy soulless traitorous mechanism.

I am definitely not lazy, thank you very much! 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go and spend my money on things that actually do make sense...

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I wouldn't mind spending money on this game if someone got me a gift card, but I can't really think of anything that'd make me want to buy orbs myself. After all, if I make a habit of buying orbs, I wouldn't be able to justify getting my friends and family random things just because I feel like it. Yesterday, I chipped in about 2/3 of the cost for a graduation gift for my friend, and that money is better spent on my friend than buying myself orbs.

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

I chipped in about 2/3 of the cost for a graduation gift for my friend, and that money is better spent on my friend than buying myself orbs.

Ladies and gentlemen, sunwoo^


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That said, I don't mind buying someone else a gift card so they can buy orbs in Heroes XD I just wouldn't spend it on myself!

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6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I wouldn't mind spending money on this game if someone got me a gift card, but I can't really think of anything that'd make me want to buy orbs myself. After all, if I make a habit of buying orbs, I wouldn't be able to justify getting my friends and family random things just because I feel like it. Yesterday, I chipped in about 2/3 of the cost for a graduation gift for my friend, and that money is better spent on my friend than buying myself orbs.

What about buying your friend orbs?

Edited by David Boey
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Just now, Sunwoo said:

That said, I don't mind buying someone else a gift card so they can buy orbs in Heroes XD I just wouldn't spend it on myself!





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Just now, Oboro! said:


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Hey, it's totally justified if that's the only way I can even give them presents! XD Most of my friends are local, or at the very least I have an address to send them stuff, but I can't send material goods to a friend whose address I don't have! :P:

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My opinion on the whole buying orbs thing:

I strongly believe that money spent on something you enjoy is not wasted.  :):

It is often said that buying orbs is like gambling.  The way I see it, most things in life are a gamble anyway.  You gamble when you spend money on a movie you don't know you'll like.  You gamble when you try something new at a restaurant.  You gamble when you spend a small fortune on a wedding for a marriage that may not last.  Just because something is a gamble, doesn't mean it's not worth doing.  Sometimes, things that we gamble on don't give us the result we want.  However, it can be fun to take the risk anyway.

Some people blow $100+ in one night at a bar on drinks.  (Yes, I did this a few times when I was younger.)  All you have to show for it the next day is a hangover and maybe some nice memories.  Fancy restaurants can rack up a big bill too, and all you have after that is a full stomach.  Those are just a couple of examples of spending money and having nothing to show for it. To me, buying orbs is no different. 

I have spent money on the game (I'm a dolphin) and I don't regret it.  I have been playing this game every day since launch, and it has brought me a lot of enjoyment.  When the game dies eventually, the money will not have been a waste for me.  It was fun.  

(Again, that's just my opinion. :^_^:)

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