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12 minutes ago, XRay said:

Does anyone keep an emergency stockpile of Feathers or do they spend it as soon as it hits 20,000? I keep 60,000 Hero Feathers minimum on me at all times unless I know I am going to do more summons and send stuff home.

i have 105k right now because i suffer from severe indecision and wanting a good nature to upgrade

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9 minutes ago, XRay said:

Does anyone keep an emergency stockpile of Feathers or do they spend it as soon as it hits 20,000? I keep 60,000 Hero Feathers minimum on me at all times unless I know I am going to do more summons and send stuff home.

I spend them as they come. My largest stockpile was 60k...but then I promoted 3 Erika and merged them together because I could. I get a steady enough flow of feathers that I don't feel the need to stockpile anymore. It's to a point where I will promote units to 5* for skill fodder.

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21 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I'm terrible at saving my feathers, so I almost always spend them on something as soon as I hit 20,000. If I'm trying to save up for something specific at 20,000 though, then it's easier for me to resist spending 2,000 on getting someone else to 4-star.

I see. I have hard time to justifying promoting anyone to 5* (unless I am sacrificing them for skills) now since my Arena team is pretty much set, and I do not feel like there is anyone I want to promote for Arena Assault.

21 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Before the summer I always would have 20k like reserve/backup. But now that feathers come in faster, I don't keep that anymore. If some new unit needs a promotion and some skills, it can wait a week or two. 

20 minutes ago, Kiran said:

I spend them as they come. My largest stockpile was 60k...but then I promoted 3 Erika and merged them together because I could. I get a steady enough flow of feathers that I don't feel the need to stockpile anymore. It's to a point where I will promote units to 5* for skill fodder.

Yeah, it must have been my conditioning before the summer when Feathers were scarce. I guess I am still a little paranoid about trying to get my Arena score up even though I can comfortably stay in Tier 20 now.

20 minutes ago, r_n said:

i have 105k right now because i suffer from severe indecision and wanting a good nature to upgrade

What about for skills and merges? I have sacrificed at least six or seven Hanas with bad natures now. I also promoted several Reinhardt for merges. I think the only 5* promotions I kept as units were Effie and Grand Hero Battle units and Lucina!Marth.

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Just now, XRay said:

I see. I have hard time to justifying promoting anyone to 5* (unless I am sacrificing them for skills) now since my Arena team is pretty much set, and I do not feel like there is anyone I want to promote for Arena Assault.

Yeah, it must have been my conditioning before the summer when Feathers were scarce. I guess I am still a little paranoid about trying to get my Arena score up even though I can comfortably stay in Tier 20 now.

What about for skills and merges? I have sacrificed at least six or seven Hanas with bad natures now. I also promoted several Reinhardt for merges. I think the only 5* promotions I kept as units were Effie and Grand Hero Battle units.

My long long term goal is to get everyone to 5 stars. I also have a ton of units who are pretty self sustaining so I'm in no hurry to, for instance, 5* my 3 spare nowis so my dragons can all do distant counters, or to 5* people to sacrifice Life & Death 3 or Death Blow 3 or Brave Lance+ what have you.

Also not in the mood for merges sine again, i dont really need them at this juncture and am not going for top tier arena runs

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

I see. I have hard time to justifying promoting anyone to 5* (unless I am sacrificing them for skills) now since my Arena team is pretty much set, and I do not feel like there is anyone I want to promote for Arena Assault.

Yeah, it must have been my conditioning before the summer when Feathers were scarce. I guess I am still a little paranoid about trying to get my Arena score up even though I can comfortably stay in Tier 20 now.

What about for skills and merges? I have sacrificed at least six or seven Hanas with bad natures now. I also promoted several Reinhardt for merges. I think the only 5* promotions I kept as units were Effie and Grand Hero Battle units and Lucina!Marth.

See, my problem is that I like getting the level 40 5-star conversations for units, especially for those that I like. I've gotten into the habit of leveling any new 5-star I get to level 40 no matter what, even if they'll just be used as fodder. I could always just look them up on a wiki or something, but I enjoy the feeling of earning that conversation through dedication to a unit (which is also why I prefer not to look up supports for the main games unless I already got them myself). And the glowing icon in the Catalog of Heroes is nice.

I actually find it hard to justify promoting units just for merges. The two stats and (admittedly very nice) SP bonus seem not quite worth the 20,000 feather cost compared to giving new skills. Unless the unit has a full kit already, or if the lower rank hero has a better boon/bane, or if it's primarily for arena; then it would feel more helpful. Although I still plan to promote the upcoming Clarisses to 5-star for merges, so I guess I don't really have the right to debate.

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50 minutes ago, r_n said:

My long long term goal is to get everyone to 5 stars. I also have a ton of units who are pretty self sustaining so I'm in no hurry to, for instance, 5* my 3 spare nowis so my dragons can all do distant counters, or to 5* people to sacrifice Life & Death 3 or Death Blow 3 or Brave Lance+ what have you.

Also not in the mood for merges sine again, i dont really need them at this juncture and am not going for top tier arena runs

This is my approach, as well. With feathers coming in as fast as they are nowadays, my number of 5*s is increasing faster than my total number of unique units, so at some point, I should be able to have 5* versions of at least every unit I've pulled so far. It'll take a while, but I don't mind holding off on 5* upgrades for skill/merge fodder until I reach that point.

There's a lot of units I don't have a whole lot of need for, but Arena Assault adds a lot of potential uses for units that wouldn't have much to do otherwise. A unit might be the perfect one for taking on a specific unusual matchup, or they might be the second or third or fourth best if you've already used their better counterparts or want to save them for later. Like, right now my 5* lineup includes two green cavalry and two green fliers, but increasing those numbers to three or even four could be a lot of help in broadening options for when I want to field multiple teams with that movement type on one round of Arena Assault.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Does anyone keep an emergency stockpile of Feathers or do they spend it as soon as it hits 20,000? I keep 60,000 Hero Feathers minimum on me at all times unless I know I am going to do more summons and send stuff home.

I tend to spend mine immediately as I reach 20k.

This is because I have some units with good natures who are waiting to get promoted to 5* status, and if I don't have them, there is always the GHB / TT reward units to promote. Honestly, I do not have the luxury to stockpile on feathers as I am constantly promoting units, so getting access to 5* exclusive skills through promotions is not happening.  If I get any merges, it is because I pulled a 5-star duplicate. (The one exception is Cherche, and that is because I ended up merging two trained Cherches because my +DEF Cherche had a role similar to Michalis, and he does it better. That, and she is my Summoner Support.)

I also have the "grand plan" of eventually promoting almost every unit to 5* status because I like so many characters in Fire Emblem, so that does not help my feather expenditure.

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41 minutes ago, Sire said:

I tend to spend mine immediately as I reach 20k.

This is because I have some units with good natures who are waiting to get promoted to 5* status, and if I don't have them, there is always the GHB / TT reward units to promote. Honestly, I do not have the luxury to stockpile on feathers as I am constantly promoting units, so getting access to 5* exclusive skills through promotions is not happening.  If I get any merges, it is because I pulled a 5-star duplicate. (The one exception is Cherche, and that is because I ended up merging two trained Cherches because my +DEF Cherche had a role similar to Michalis, and he does it better. That, and she is my Summoner Support.)

I also have the "grand plan" of eventually promoting almost every unit to 5* status because I like so many characters in Fire Emblem, so that does not help my feather expenditure.

I see. I am content with just having a copy of them so I do not feel the need to 5* them.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Does anyone keep an emergency stockpile of Feathers or do they spend it as soon as it hits 20,000? I keep 60,000 Hero Feathers minimum on me at all times unless I know I am going to do more summons and send stuff home.

I tend to hoard resources but I'm surprisingly lenient in spending my feathers to promote units to 4★ for skills. But if I were use them to promote someone to 5★, I like to have around 10K feathers left so I won't be stuck in a situation where I am forced to send home units because my box is full from summoning.

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I spend my feathers as they come in, though the most I've saved up was 30k or so. Most of my recent promotions have been for skill fodder, and I'll be doing the same with my next batch, dumping a Lightningbreath+ on my Fae for use as a Reinhardt counter.

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5 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

With 12 orbs and 3 days left on the Brave Heroes banner, should I continue to invest in this banner? I pulled a BH!Roy today so my rates are back to 3%

Which characters do you have?

I've gotten Lyn, Roy, and Ike, the ones I really wanted, but I'm still pulling blue for Lucina because she's pretty neat even though I don't really have a use in mind for her.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

Does anyone keep an emergency stockpile of Feathers or do they spend it as soon as it hits 20,000? I keep 60,000 Hero Feathers minimum on me at all times unless I know I am going to do more summons and send stuff home.

I got to the point where I told myself I wouldn't promote any characters until I finished training/building the ones I have. Well, I managed to kind of do that, and by time I was finished, I had like 140k feathers. So now I've decided just to keep a stockpile of 100k just in case. It's mostly nice actually being able to dip into feathers to promote my many Hinatas for Fury 3 or Shannas for Desperation 3. I usually promote characters when I reach 120k. And sometimes I'll wait until 140k if I want to give them someone's weapon as well. But between all the Arena and AA feathers we get, it usually doesn't take that long.

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32 minutes ago, Othin said:

Which characters do you have?

I've gotten Lyn, Roy, and Ike, the ones I really wanted, but I'm still pulling blue for Lucina because she's pretty neat even though I don't really have a use in mind for her.

I chose Lyn as my free summon and I've only pulled Roy. I would like to get Lucina but I doubt I'll get her with the amount of orbs that I have. While I'm not that hype for Ike, I have been pulling green in an attempt to get more green mages. 

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3 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

I chose Lyn as my free summon and I've only pulled Roy. I would like to get Lucina but I doubt I'll get her with the amount of orbs that I have. While I'm not that hype for Ike, I have been pulling green in an attempt to get more green mages. 

If you want Lucina and aren't that concerned about Ike, my suggestion is to keep going but pull just blue for the remainder of this banner, only pulling green if you get a session with no blue orbs since you're forced to make a pull before exiting. You'll have plenty of chances to get off-banner green units on future banners that also have green banner units you want.

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46 minutes ago, Othin said:

If you want Lucina and aren't that concerned about Ike, my suggestion is to keep going but pull just blue for the remainder of this banner, only pulling green if you get a session with no blue orbs since you're forced to make a pull before exiting. You'll have plenty of chances to get off-banner green units on future banners that also have green banner units you want.

This seems like a nice middle ground play. I'm also semi pulling colorless looking for Klein for DB3 and a +Speed Clarine so I can always fall back on that if I don't get any green or blue orbs. Thanks.

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Can we talk about how they just dropped the stick with Killer weapons? The only real reason I have of using Killer Lance is because Slayer Lance isn't out yet. That's it.

It's not even as if the weapons weren't good in their own right. For example, Silver's +4 Mt  ends up losing to the potential extra damage of, say, Turn 1 Moonbow. If they were to give them the same Mt as other weapons, they may as well be the next big hit right after Braves.

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5 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Can they add some type of artist sorting option? I'd really like that.

Besides sorting units by specific skills (which is now an option), this is definitely my most wanted sorting option.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

And sorting by name, please.

Oh goddess, yes. Please. Right now, I'm using 'Origin' because that's probably the most reliable in terms of knowing what position a specific hero should be relatively.

On another note, I have chosen my next promotion... Henry. I have not one, but two +Atk -Spd Sophias, and I think a red raven mage would be a nice addition to complement the Robins and Boey.

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