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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

FlorinaxHector is bad taste, but SerraxHector is good taste. And it lets you do LynxEliwood which is very good taste. 

Hector×Florina is bad taste indeed, but good taste is Hector×Farina, Eliwood×Ninian, and Lyn/Florina.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Hector×Florina is bad taste indeed, but good taste is Hector×Farina, Eliwood×Ninian, and Lyn/Florina.

Nope, it's Lyn or its no one for Eliwood. Fiona is like talking to a wall. Ninian is the silver medal, I guess I just don't like Ninian that much. 

As for Lyn, just not Rath, I'd rather Kent than Mr. Stoic. Even Wil over Rath.

Also, RebeccaxWil over RebeccaxLowen, or RebeccaxRaven is more familial than romantic to me, but I love it.

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I prefer Lyn/Rath.

Also, I want Rath in this game. He's my second favorite character in all of FE, and if he's added into the game at any rarity and I can get him then who needs Brave Lyn? Certainly not me, lol.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nope, it's Lyn or its no one for Eliwood. Fiona is like talking to a wall. Ninian is the silver medal, I guess I just don't like Ninian that much. 

As for Lyn, just not Rath, I'd rather Kent than Mr. Stoic. Even Wil over Rath.

Also, RebeccaxWil over RebeccaxLowen, or RebeccaxRaven is more familial than romantic to me, but I love it.


Kent is for Fiora. They make so much sense together.

Rath is with Sacae.

Rebecca×Wil all the way.

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RebbecaxWil is legit. LynxHector is good but LynxRath makes sense too, I don't really see it with Kent. Fiona is better even if I don't care for her. EliwoodxNinian is fine even if EliwoodxHector is legit.

People are going to look at me crazy but I  am actually a fan of SainxPriscilla. He was a womanizer but her feelings made him double take and she seemed pretty into him despite obvious incestual suggestiveness with Raven. FlorinaxHector is alright but Lyn's better for him. SerraxMatthew doesn't work because they feel like best friends more than anything. SerraxErk is great just for the sheer unlikeliness and irony of it.

Look at me talking about pairings. Maybe it'll snow tomorrow.

Edited by Zeo
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A while back, I confused Hauteclere with Helswath when talking about Cherche and how cool it would be if she had it or could inherit it, but now that I think about it, I have no idea why Cherche is commonly drawn with Helswath other than it's a cool axe. Personally, I prefer the Awakening version of it where it doesn't have the gem which on its head, but that's just me preferring simpler looking weapons over ornate ones. Speaking of a gem, Narcian's axe in his Heroes artwork kind of resembles the original design for Helswath. Anyway, I digress.

Cherche with Helswath is probably just a cool weapon for cool art thing. At least Hauteclere could be even more reference to Minerva where Cherche not only named her wyvern after the Red Dragoon, but she also somehow managed to obtain her weapon.

Helswath as a weapon seems tame since it could be an axe Binding Blade or it could be an axe Geirskogul minus the additional effect. In that case, Cherche having it wouldn't be that bad. With the skills that were introduced, it could also have built-in Close Def 2 or Steady Stance 2. Or if they wanted to be absurd: built-in Steady Breath. With built-in Steady Breath, it would likely only happen for Brian, Danann if they give him Helswath, and Lombard where they could have made two versions of Helswath: a weakened, Awakening version for Cherche or the Cherche of a parallel universe who placed first or second in the CYL voting and its Holy War version for Brian, Danann, and Lombard.

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I'm excited for the Feh Channel and whatnot...but I'm also saddened by no character trailer. To be fair, I wasn't getting my hopes TOO high. ...I hope the fact that the Feh Channel is on Wednesday doesn't mean we have to wait until Wednesday to get the next banner... I highly doubt we'll get a trailer on Saturday... But maybe getting one on Sunday is plausible since that's when the VG ends...

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If I'm going to be completely honest, I mostly like Lyn/Rath because I feel she works best with him than her other options and because Rath is my second favorite FE character and I don't want him to return to Sacae alone. However, I certainly don't dislike the pairing ... just, it lacks the charm of something like Takumi/Oboro for me.

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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

So absolutely stupid idea...

what if the character who WINS  the entire voting gauntlet were handed out as a free neutral 5* unit?

...3* maybe?

I think it'd be better if they added a slightly increased rate on the character who's team your on.

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Is it still possible for a new banner to be announced today? I mean, Arena season is ending soon, but the FEH special will be only on Tuesday/Wednesday. Does that mean the Arena bonus units next week will be the Halloween ones again?

Edited by Water Mage
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25 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

Is it still possible for a new banner to be announced today? I mean, Arena season is ending soon, but the FEH special will be only on Tuesday/Wednesday. Does that mean the Arena bonus units next week will be the Halloween ones again?

They might do a video on Sunday/Monday? I think the Sacred Stones banner was pretty late in terms of announcement videos.

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8 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

They might do a video on Sunday/Monday? I think the Sacred Stones banner was pretty late in terms of announcement videos.

That’s a good point. It’s just that they been recently so punctual with the banner announcements, but I suppose the FEH channel changed things up.

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1 minute ago, Water Mage said:

That’s a good point. It’s just that they been recently so punctual with the banner announcements, but I suppose the FEH channel changed things up.

I think it's because if it's a special banner, they hype it up with the tweet of silhouettes.

Genealogy was strange in the video was what, on Thursday? While the actual banner was on Monday if I recall correctly.

Obviously they want to direct the hype towards the FEH Channel though. Too bad it's a long wait...

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23 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I think it's because if it's a special banner, they hype it up with the tweet of silhouettes.

Genealogy was strange in the video was what, on Thursday? While the actual banner was on Monday if I recall correctly.

Obviously they want to direct the hype towards the FEH Channel though. Too bad it's a long wait...

Can't be worse than the last bit of news you get one week before the game releases is what one pokemons Z-move looks like, and it turns out to be implied hardcore action under the sheets.


...what? Don't you have hardcore punch-outs underneath sheets?

But really, it'll probably be something about an upcoming Tempest Trial featuring one of two themes:

  • Genealogy of the Holy War gen 2, or Thracia 776
  • Binding Blade, aka part 2 of the mini-TT from before.

And because of that, more units who we can all rage about before we remember that Infantry Swords really aren't that powerful.

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24 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Genealogy was strange in the video was what, on Thursday? While the actual banner was on Monday if I recall correctly.

The video was expected to come on Thursday, like the Crimean video did. It came on Friday instead.

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Finally some content in sight, I just finished SP-Grinding to let groom!Nowi learn the remaining skills and updated my project-post (project "Four Seasons of Doom") accordingly. She also arrived at S-Support with Corrin, now only Camilla needs to arrive at S with Hinoka, but both have maxed HM.

Sorry to repeat myself, but the warriors maps where really great to Level up and to grind SP. In training tower, I have to roll now for 5 enemy maps on 8th stratum. The enemy types didn't matter much this time, because buffed Nowi can kill everything (at least in the training tower). 

There is not much left to do, except to level up some 4* units (Caeda, Seth, Eirika) and +SPD/-ATK Delthea. Too bad all valor skills (except sword valor) are exclusive to seasonal units (which I don't own). Live for Bounty and Live for Honor don't really make up for this. 

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I missed the Lyn pairing talk earlier, but I'll add my two pence here. To me, only Kent or Rath make sense for Lyn. I don't think she'd be happy as a nobleman's wife, personally, whereas those two allow her to go back to Sacae ^.^

That's my own take on it :)

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10 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Kent is for Fiora. They make so much sense together.

Rath is with Sacae.

KentxFiora is good as well I agree.

And how does Rath marry Sacae? Does he just get in tune with nature?

At last, after years of wandering alone, Rath was at last able to return home to his native Sacae, for so the dream he dreamt upon return from the Dread Isle told him. One night, shortly after he began the long ride in search of his Tribe, he unpacked and laid up the bare green earth with the sky above. He was as usual alone, with no one within sight, save for the company of his horse.

His body stretched out upon the ground, he tried to sleep, but found he just couldn't. Something was nagging at him. He felt the Sacaen breeze, and then felt the dirt below. He sensed the smells of the plains, and then sensed the stars above on this cloudless clear night, shining as they were, the equals to the waxing half moon. So filled with sensation, in his mind countless images of his homeland, including expanses he had never seen ever in his short life, passed through his mind as if he was there at that very moment, so intricate were the details he could see. Saturated with the spirit of Sacae itself, Rath ceased to be in the particular, united with his universe. Breathless by this all, nature worked its ways on him, and a gust carried his seed away. Exhausted, Rath at last fell into a deep, fulfilled sleep.

Awakening the next day, Rath, with a thin smile of the lingering awe from the night past, began his journey homeward again. Around midday, a tree appeared in his distant sight. It was strange, a lone tree, with absolutely nothing else nearby. No river, no animals, no field of flowers, no rocky outcrop, nothing. It appeared as though it was placed directly in his path. In need of a break for his friend and himself, he guided his horse to the tree, and sat in the shade of the boughs. But his horse soon after sitting became restive, and so too did he, something moved him to stand up again. On pure instinct, he went around to the other side of the tree, and found a sleeping baby girl in a bed of tall verdant blades. She was but a newborn, dressed in an interplay of shadows and light filtering through the swaying branches above and a little blown topsoil. Of hair as dark as the richest spring grass.

How odd was this find of a infant without the slightest trace of human visitation around her. Rath could not understand why this was. But nonetheless, he was compelled to take this innocent with him, for alone she would die. He wrapped her in some spare cloth he had on hand, and held her firmly as he climbed upon his mare again. They began their journey once more, with this little miracle warmly in tow. As they moved away from the tree of rest and renewal, Rath turned his back to observe it one last time. But there was nothing in sight.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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