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2 hours ago, KongDude said:

If you DO do Laslow, I'd recommend trying this build.

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Spd+, Def+/Res-, HP-

Weapon: Wo Dao+

Assist: Reposition

Special: Moonbow, Ignis

A: Atk/Def Bond, Steady Breath

B: Quick Riposte

C: Flexible

S: Heavy Blade 3, Close Def 3

With this, I've been able to 1RKO Effies, Lancinas, Ikes, and whatever else on enemy phase. It's so much fun. If not, Atk+ Brave is pretty cool.

Sadly, I have neither Steady Breath nor Atk/def bond fodder available. Might go +atk brave sword. Only problem is that Laslow would add to my already high number of 5 star swordies

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17 hours ago, mampfoid said:

No its the best part of the update. I already used a Flier team to solve the new story maps, almost forgot how cool Elincia and Tana are. 

Oh, I love the raised HM cap functionally. I can use Clarisse again without feeling like I'm wasting HM for someone else! I can use all four of my previously-maxed dancers, plus my new NY Azura! It's just that the maxed units all looked so nice... Plus, I foddered off my only Takumi as soon as he reached 3,000 HM, which I now kinda regret. At least he didn't have a very good boon/bane (+Res/-Def, I think), and I don't care too much about him as a character.

Edit: ...Oh yeah, and I did the same with my only Elise. Ah well. I guess this'll be good for scaring me away from foddering anyone I don't have extra copies of... unless I really, really don't care about them.

Edited by DefaultBeep
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3 hours ago, Poimagic said:

I think the saddest part is that everyone here seems to have a +10 unit of one the love, and yet I have nothing like that. It’s sad, as I don’t know what to build

My highest 5* merge at this point is just +2 (Brave Lucina and "Marth"), with nineteen others being at +1. However, I am now looking to build Cordelia up to +10 and give her Firesweep Lance+ but currently she's one of the aforementioned nineteen +1s. I'd try to do the same for Leo, but that wouldn't be nearly as practical for me given that he's a 5* exclusive. And in case you're wondering no, Leo isn't even one of the +1 5*s. However, Summer Leo is.

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No +10s for me as well. I mean sure I like characters but not enough to want to spend all the feathers to +10 them. I like variety in 5 stars so i guess that's my collector side showing up.

Don't really care to much about the stat bonuses.

realistically if i ever get one it will be because i have 9 other bad boon/banes of the unit and they don't have any good skill inheritance

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+10 units...The only one I have is a 4*+10 Sophia, a 4*+9 Cecilia and a 4*+8 Clair. In terms of 5*+10 I'm planning on maxing Eirika for obvious reasons but right now she's a 5*+5 followed by my Airzura at 5*+2, after I max my Eirika I might start merging Hana considering I have 9 Hanas not counting a +Spd one which I'll keep just in case.

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I have very few 5* merges as well, and they were all down to circumstance rather than intent. "Marth" and Reinhardt at +2, Eirika, Adult Tiki, Lilina, Linde and Bridelia at +1, that's all. In each case it's either due to a random additional pull with minimal inheritance value, or upgrading to a better IV. I've never pulled or spent feathers for the intention of merely adding a merge level, because seeing two numbers go up by one after spending 20k feathers does not feel satisfying in the least.

I even have a few 5* units pointlessly idle because I can't decide whether to merge or fodder them (two Ikes and Spring Xander) or because I'm reluctant to merge dancers "just in case" (Ninian, Inigo).


It does make me wonder sometimes about what I want to get out of this game at this point in its life. It's not really to get a more powerful roster - in both quality and quantity I have enough units to do the content I'm interested in. It's not about favouritism because I've played relatively few mainline FE games and don't feel particularly strongly about individual characters. It's not really about collecting either because I have no intention of 5-starring many of the roster. It might just be (a loose interpretation of) the sunken cost fallacy at work: I've invested so much time and a little money into the game that it'd feel wasteful to abandon it and let myself fall behind.

Edited by Humanoid
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I haven't bothered +10ing any units. I don't promote for merges, but I do merge if I get a dupe 5* and they don't have any skills worth foddering. My feathers are instead going towards my ultimate goal of having one of every unit at 5*.

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I would never have imagined I would be +10'ing any units. I prefer growing and expanding my army, but I've gotten to a point where I have enough units to tackle almost anything and I've gone round and round using all sorts of different units. Now I kind of want to build an ultimate team with my favorites. I can't do that with Lyn but I can do that with other favorites.

My highest merge is Matthew who's at +3. I have the feathers to go to +4, but no Matthews so I'm saving the feathers and waiting to pull him again when I snipe colorless (maybe for Sothe but the thought of me using orbs to pull for him and then him demoting to *4 makes me cringe. Still he's the only unit from the banner that would make the drop realistically.). Other units I'm considering going for +10 are Nino, Lukas and Chrom. Maybe further down the line a unit like Raven would be cool since he was one of my favorites. Sothe could be a potential candidate too if he's demoted.

Edited by Zeo
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Hinoka as a bonus unit! How fitting, I just recently finished building my +Atk/-Res one. I can't wait for those tasty, tasty Tempest bonuses to add to her power even further!

Oh yeah, and NY Corrin is the Tempest reward as well as a 40% bonus unit. Considering I didn't even notice him, it's clear where my attention was, haha.

Edited by DefaultBeep
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I'm glad Hinoka is a bonus unit, now she's going to be able to do lots of damage instead of being only a Hone Fliers bot. Still, S!Corrin will stay as the main source of damage although I'm going to enjoy having a 61 Atk/52 Spd Airzura (I might give her Desperation for the TT after all).

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It's not as if it won't sit there in my inventory alongside the two water blessings anyway. :P

At any rate, being able to field a full team of bonus units for once should make this a relative breeze, Hinoka, Airzura, NYCorrin and Sakura. Might take full flier team at times too, but sorry Alfonse, you stay on the bench.


P.S. Going back to the merge discussion, I just promoted a better IV Nowi so that's just my sixth +1 unit. Strongly thought about merging my Elincias (both +HP/-Atk) since I can never use Flier Formation effectively anyway, but remembered she has Death Blow too. Hmm, tricky decision - if only another unit could give Flier Formation 1/2 at 4-star so I could pass both DB and FF to someone like Cordelia or Cherche.

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That Wind blessing vexes me. I don't have Gunnthra, and I'm sure quite a few people don't since she was on a 4 day banner that came out of nowhere with 2 other units you could pull instead at *5.

Irked and annoyed. This is why I was saving orbs so I wouldn't be caught with my pants down again with the next banner... oh well, there's still time to rebuild my stock.

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The Wind Blessing isn't that big of a deal imo, I don't have Gunnthrá but I like having the Blessing because it is a permanent double SP for a unit I choose. I mean, I gave the second Water Blessing to Airzura just to have her combat ready quickly instead of thinking about using her alongside Fjorm and I don't regret it at all.

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Wow at least they threw players a bone by having Corrin as a 40% bonus in case they didn't get a NY unit.

Still, the only bad side about this mini, ironically is how short the time span is because I'll be busy all week next week :(

At least I have most of the bonus units so I'll have to rely on auto-battle

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I'm so happy they've put Kimono Corrin as a bonus unit for 40% and I really hope they do this in the future. It means that if you don't have a 40% unit, all you have to do is grind to 6k points and then you will have at least a 4* one in the future. 

The wind blessings made me laugh. I'm never going to deliberately pull for Gunnthra, so it's going to be useless to me xD 

Or do you still get the double SP even without the legendary hero? Never really looked into them.

Edited by Cute Chao
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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

I'm so happy they've put Kimono Corrin as a bonus unit for 40% and I really hope they do this in the future. It means that if you don't have a 40% unit, all you have to do is grind to 6k points and then you will have at least a 4* one in the future. 

The wind blessings made me laugh. I'm never going to deliberately pull for Gunnthra, so it's going to be useless to me xD 

Or do you still get the double SP even without the legendary hero? Never really looked into them.

You could consider the fact that at the end of each month a legendary hero will make their debut. There are 12 units in each legendary hero banner so i'm guessing up until November we'll be getting a total of 12 legendary heroes. I'm guessing one free legendary hero of each season will be IS's plan.

Edited by silveraura25
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Anyways, a Katarina showed up on my summons on the TT banner and it finally allowed me to start something that I’ve wanting to do since the New Mystery Banner: Lnjnxmt.jpg

Anyways, I’m still wondering how to build Katarina. It’s hard to say how I want build her. I am considering building her with an owl tome build, especially since Weapon refinery is out.

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My highest merges are +2 Masked Marth and Boey, just because the game handed them to me one way or another. Only unit I've ever upgraded for a merge is Reinhardt, and that was to merge my neutral Atk one into a +Atk one. I mostly just merge extra 5*s I happen to get and think they'd be more useful that way than as inheritance.

As someone who does have Gunnthra, I'm quite glad for the expected Wind Blessing, but blessings are useful for everyone. Even if you don't care about the extra SP, the increase in arena score is really nice. That's all I'm using my Water Blessings for, since building a Fjorm team isn't particularly appealing.

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My only merges (at 5*) are Deridre +2 (could be +4, since she appears to me in every banner as much as possible, and 2 of them were foddered to Michalis and Beruka for QR3), Lucina +1, Masked Marth +1 (missed the first TT 5* one), Sheena +1 (before SI) and F!Robin (each 5* F!Robin grinded and learned half of the set and then I merged them together). I have things like 4*+10 Cherche, but I think it doesn't has near as much merit as a 5*+ unit. Since I only have one more project in mind (a 5* Clarisse as the @DefaultBeep's one), I'm going to start using feather for merging the heroes I really like of my army, even if they can't be +10 yet:







And if I run out of copies of them:




Since I don't plan to focus my efforts in making a +10 unit, I'll be merging them just in the order that the copies appear in my barracks.

Also, the top priority would be 5*ing a Reinhardt if he finally decides to appear (I've been playing actively since launch and never got it, even while he was a focus unit)



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4 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Or do you still get the double SP even without the legendary hero? Never really looked into them.

Yes, units with blessings get doubled SP from any battle, regardless of whether there is a legendary hero on the team. Only the stat boost is tied to the Legendary Hero/Season combination.


I finally got around to finishing one of my non-pragmatism-driven ally supports. Ok...it's actually my only non-pragmatism-driven ally support, but only because I don't use the Ally Support system that much outside of my Arena teams.



I let that one sit at A for way too long...

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Cool, perhaps for the first time I don't need to promote anyone for TTs. With Corrin, I'll have 6 out of 8 bonus units (never got Ryoma or any Takumi). Anyway I won't make an all bonus team, it's Flier time: 



Perhaps the perfect moment for me to have a raised HM cap, since Hinoka (and the flying mages) was maxed out and Sakura was near. 

17 hours ago, Poimagic said:

I think the saddest part is that everyone here seems to have a +10 unit of one the love, and yet I have nothing like that. It’s sad, as I don’t know what to build

I started late to do build one, because there are always too many projects which demand feathers. Cordelia is now +5 but I'm out of copies. You don't miss much, since the only difference would be to never stay in Tier 20 for more than one week (costs you 1000 feathers every two weeks, not much in comparison to the cost of 2-3 +10 units). 

17 hours ago, Poimagic said:

I don’t know how.

 I’ve narrowed it down to Effie, Laslow, and Olivia. Might do Effie for arena scoring reasons

Olivia certainly would be the biggest help of these three. She also is a bonus unit every 6th season. 

Any luck in getting Airzura yet? 

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