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6 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Anna says "You might catch a glimpse of me in this episode!"

New Askr trio weapon upgrades? Or some way to finally promote them?

Or maybe an alternate Anna is the next Legendary hero??

This would be wonderful. I barely use the Askr trio nowadays, Anna being the least used.

= EDIT =

Something I've noticed recently with L'Arachel and Ivaldi is that upon triggering Astra, Ivaldi's first light (the one that appears at the upper part of the screen) isn't displayed. Is this a glitch or does this happen with tomes with similar visuals?

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12 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Anna says "You might catch a glimpse of me in this episode!"

New Askr trio weapon upgrades? Or some way to finally promote them?

Or maybe an alternate Anna is the next Legendary hero??

It could also be something as simple as anna is being used in a battle or just as a cute side banner with the other askrs.

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Haven't seen a patch update yet, so I guess they don't want dataminers to spoil the FEH Channel this time.  I'm glad it's not too late tonight.  It will be a bummer once daylight savings time begins again, and everything is an hour later.

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meh. they didn't fix the the summoning pool. orbs are generous though. tap battle looks interesting. GHB revivals daily is an improvement. Training maps is useful. Voting for RD Ike.

Warding Breath. Huh... seal skill on Ike? def tactics. Radiant Aether is a 4 turn cooldown Aether

Edited by silveraura25
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Don't care about RD Ike that much, but I'm okay with him being in the game since he's a legendary hero and didn't cheat somebody out of a spot on a banner.

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5 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Don't care about RD Ike that much, but I'm okay with him being in the game since he's a legendary hero and didn't cheat somebody out of a spot on a banner.

An actual character.

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They can see Raigh, Matthew and Virion being sent home quite often so I'm expecting unique weapons for them.

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I'm half disappointed and half happy about the news. I like that there's nothing super big going on so I can focus on Eirikalter without worries but the other part of me wanted a summoning pool shuffle which didn't happen...Honestly duds like Karel, Mist, Rhajat, etc. don't deserve to be 5* exclusive and I also hate the 4/5 star pool, make those 4* exclusive instead!

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Welp, that FEH Channel was underwhelming. The start felt like a waste of time, with them showing artwork and I started worrying further about the amount of content after they showed they only had 3 'subject orbs" instead of the usual 5. 

As for the announced content :

  • Double SP/EXP event : nice, but underwhelming
  • 50 orbs + 50 more from daily maps : it's nice I guess I'd probably be more hyped about it if something else had been announced (I'll come back to that)
  • Developer challenges : again, nice, but not spectacular
  • Daily GHBs : yet gain, nice, but not amazing since it's just recycled content for the exception of Infernal Xander
  • Training Maps : Sounds nice, but it's probably time limited and I don't have all that many heroes to train currently.
  • Hero Fest : All the units are good, but I'm probably not gonna pull all that much from if at all.
  • Tap Battle Illusory Dungeon : My full opinion is going to depends on what the rewards actually are, but I'd prefer a gamemode that depends on strategy rather than rhythm because this is a FE game after all.
  • Legendary Banner : I might spend some orbs on it since I could make use of all the heroes featured on it, but banners aren't all that great to me right now.
  • A Hero Rises event : Underwhelming. Other gachas have events where they let you choose which unit you want to summon. In our case, we'll be forced to get whatever the majority chooses. I guess a free hero will be fine if it's a 5* exclusive with good skills for SI.

So overall, really not hyped by what was shown in the video. I had some issues with the game that I hoped would be addressed in the anniversary update and none were mentioned. The 3-4* pool remains unchanged, 4-5* units haven't been turned into 4* exclusives and the 5* pool stays the most populated pool, which means that pulling is still going to be a non-stop flow of units I have 20 copies of or me getting my pity rate broken by a 4*-5* unit I don't care about. Which is why I'm really not hyped by all the banners and the free orbs they've announced. 

And while I did wish for a new mode where I could use any unit I want, I would have liked something that was more in line with the spirit of Fire Emblem's gameplay instead of a rhythm game. Hopefully the rewards are nice.

I'm still hoping they might reveal that some of this will come in the next update that features the Falchion upgrades, but at this point I'm not holding my breath. 

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7 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

So overall, really not hyped by what was shown in the video. I had some issues with the game that I hoped would be addressed in the anniversary update and none were mentioned. The 3-4* pool remains unchanged, 4-5* units haven't been turned into 4* exclusives and the 5* pool stays the most populated pool, which means that pulling is still going to be a non-stop flow of units I have 20 copies of or me getting my pity rate broken by a 4*-5* unit I don't care about. Which is why I'm really not hyped by all the banners and the free orbs they've announced. 

We'll be going into the second year of FEH with the same 3* pool we had at launch.  I was honestly expecting some to be added by around the third month or so, and it seems now, it's never going to happen.  Even 4*s come in at a snail's pace, since they only drop one unit instead of two, like they used to, and half the banners are seasonals.

While I would like brand new units as 3*s, they don't even need to do that, if it's too much work on development's end.  Just make all the 4-5* units 3-4*s and that would solve the 5* bloat a bit as well.

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11 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Update is out. Now to wait for the datamine 

Datamine datamine datamine! :D:

....Like I have any reason to care? I love the gossip, if not the game (I'm waiiiiiitttting! For it to approach my impeccable standards). Seriously, I really do love all the chatter, but only here on SF. So fun.


Well to be hopelessly optimistic, perhaps they intentionally wanted to do little for the 1st anniversary Channel so when they later make a big announcement, it'll drive home the point FEH is unpredictable in whats happening and thus keep everyone in the dark and uncertain so they'll never quite leave.

Or the cynic says they're just plain incompetent or catering only to PTP by keeping the 5 Stars so heavy. 

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Just now, Rezzy said:

We'll be going into the second year of FEH with the same 3* pool we had at launch.  I was honestly expecting some to be added by around the third month or so, and it seems now, it's never going to happen.  Even 4*s come in at a snail's pace, since they only drop one unit instead of two, like they used to, and half the banners are seasonals.

While I would like brand new units as 3*s, they don't even need to do that, if it's too much work on development's end.  Just make all the 4-5* units 3-4*s and that would solve the 5* bloat a bit as well.

I legitimately think I might lose interest in the game if nothing is done about the summoning pool. Building new units is one of the more fun part of this game, but it's difficult to do that while all the new units and skills are locked to units you have a snowball's chance in hell of pulling (if they're even in the summoning pool at all. I'm talking about you, seasonal units and legendary heroes).

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2 minutes ago, Korath88 said:
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Earth blessing gives HP+3 and Atk+2

Ike's stats are 41/36/30/35/21



Meh. Not worth pulling for and Red infantry is the most competitive slot in the game.


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He's likely going to inflate the arena scores on Earth weeks more than Gunnthra does on Wind weeks. Not as much as Fjorm due to her universal availability, but I might need one just to keep up with the rest of us in T19.5.

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