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1 hour ago, DraceEmpressa said:

also, two consecutive colorless flier yet and not even bow and staff flier despite we have that in canon? seriously? 

IS loves alts

Edited by silveraura25
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1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

So Brave Lucina and Brave Lyn are in the Legendary Banner, which means that hopefully Brave Roy and Brave Ike will be in the next Legendary Banner as well. So, time to save orbs until then

Uh, I didn't think of that. If I don't get Robin with the few orbs I'm planning to spend, then I'll have to pull all colors on the following legendary banner. BH!Roy (merges), L!Ephraim (missing), L!Robin (missing?) and the next legendary unit which is perhaps green. 

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10 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Uh, I didn't think of that. If I don't get Robin with the few orbs I'm planning to spend, then I'll have to pull all colors on the following legendary banner. BH!Roy (merges), L!Ephraim (missing), L!Robin (missing?) and the next legendary unit which is perhaps green. 

Next legendary banner might be a good one. Since they skipped Shigure, he could be there, maybe with Inigo as well. And possibly Halloween Henry and Jakob. And then Brave Ike as well. Although maybe that means it's either Inigo OR Halloween Henry.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Next legendary banner might be a good one. Since they skipped Shigure, he could be there, maybe with Inigo as well. And possibly Halloween Henry and Jakob. And then Brave Ike as well. Although maybe that means it's either Inigo OR Halloween Henry.

L!Ephraim, Shigure, *, TD!JAkob, L!Robin, *, L!Ike, BH!Roy, *, BH!Ike, Inigo, * would be a cool legendary banner for me. But I don't know if they will bring L!Ike four times in a row. 

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

L!Ephraim, Shigure, *, TD!JAkob, L!Robin, *, L!Ike, BH!Roy, *, BH!Ike, Inigo, * would be a cool legendary banner for me.

Everyone has already forgotten Linde is a thing, even IS.

Edited by Vaximillian
Forgotted. How the fuck can one be so dumb. Forgotted.
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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Everyone has already forgotten Linde is a thing, even IS.

Heroes with Ardent Sacrifice banner when IS?

@mampfoid Last colourless will probably be Mist then. Just to balance it out. Red still has a few 5 star exclusives to go through to as well....Saber maybe?

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Heroes with Ardent Sacrifice banner when IS?

Better: Heroes with Steady Blow, Heroes with Galeforce and female Heroes with Hammer+.

9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Last colourless will probably be Mist then. Just to balance it out. Red still has a few 5 star exclusives to go through to as well....Saber maybe?

Mist and Saber would be ok, as long as I don't get them more than 1 time. 

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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Better: Heroes with Steady Blow, Heroes with Galeforce and female Heroes with Hammer+.

Mist and Saber would be ok, as long as I don't get them more than 1 time. 

Actually maybe Katarina would have more chance, since there's no red tome in that lineup yet.

Mist can be Slow+ fodder if you get multiple of her at least. Recover+, too.

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9 hours ago, r_n said:

right that's my point. it would be unusual for a month ot have 2 totally normal banners so it not being Tharcia would be weird

Lately, the pattern has been two New Heroes banners between each Special Heroes banner, including both January banners. It's certainly possible that the late April banner will be seasonal, but I think it's more likely that both will be New Heroes, in which case either could be Thracia.

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18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Heroes with Breath of Life.

Heroes with Thoron+.

That last one would be awesome, no focus units for interrupting your pity breakers appearance xD

I'd like a banner of Heroes with Threaten Def with Peri, Ephraim and B!Ike ('cause if Raven is in the banner, he could break my pity rate) so I can snipe green for more Ikes xd

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Thinking forward to the next legendary hero, I think the most plausible possibilities are:

  • Green Water (Atk or Def)
  • Green Fire (Atk)
  • Red Water (Def or Res)
  • Red Wind (Def)
  • Red Fire (Res)

We should be able to eliminate half of these once we know who's returning next month, of course.

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11 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

That last one would be awesome, no focus units for interrupting your pity breakers appearance xD

I'd like a banner of Heroes with Threaten Def with Peri, Ephraim and B!Ike ('cause if Raven is in the banner, he could break my pity rate) so I can snipe green for more Ikes xd

There already was one with Ephraim, Peri and Raven before, pretty much what you said excluding B!Ike. 


Edited by Korath88
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45 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Actually maybe Katarina would have more chance, since there's no red tome in that lineup yet.

Another mage I didn't get so far, I wouldn't complain to see her. 

46 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Mist can be Slow+ fodder if you get multiple of her at least. Recover+, too.

Those skills would be ok for a 4*+10 healer, but still an underwhelming pity breaker. 

50 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Heroes with Thoron+.

Empty banner? What would Thoron+ be like? Candlelight+ effect? 

49 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Or maybe...Heroes with Spd +3. Azura, Linde and Fir banner?

You risk to get a banner with Fir, Lon'qu and Leon. 

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1 hour ago, Korath88 said:

There already was one with Ephraim, Peri and Raven before, pretty much what you said excluding B!Ike. 

Well, heroes with Aether? Since I don't see them repeating a skill banner while so many skills hasn't got one yet and if they added B!Ike, I think is far more probable that the replaced unit would be Peri (since Raven has Basilikos). So an Aether banner with Chrom, Ike and B!Ike?

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16 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Well, there's a month to go :) 

And if that happened, I'd probably die of shock. I don't think I've ever got perfect boons/banes on a 5* I actually wanted xD But who knows, maybe the game will decide to be really nice to the two of us :D

And yes, good luck for your legendary too. It looks likely to be Robin. Trailer should be soon, I think? The days always confuse me on the calendar -.-

YES. IT'S ROBIN. Wow, looks pretty amazing to be honest.

No Legendary Ephraim on the banner... I'm sorry for you... :(... But you could pull in the Thracia banner so :P Good reversal luck anyway :D

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Heroes with Ardent Sacrifice banner when IS?

I actually checked, and this would be an amazing banner if they keep Florina and Rebecca out of it. Imagine Linde, Deirdre, and Elincia all on the same banner! I might even die of happiness.

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39 minutes ago, Nosmur said:

YES. IT'S ROBIN. Wow, looks pretty amazing to be honest.

No Legendary Ephraim on the banner... I'm sorry for you... :(... But you could pull in the Thracia banner so :P Good reversal luck anyway :D

It was already known he won't be here again until April, so I'm okay with that. Besides, I don't really care for the other two he's with. I'm hoping we have better ones next month ^.^

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I am looking forward to next month's legendary banner since I will get another shot at H!Jakob since he refused to come last time.  I am skipping this legendary, but at least I am getting a nice orb stockpile, for Finn and H!Jakob.  It feels good to have orbs saved again.

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Just now, EricaofRenais said:

I am looking forward to next month's legendary banner since I will get another shot at H!Jakob since he refused to come last time.  I am skipping this legendary, but at least I am getting a nice orb stockpile, for Finn and H!Jakob.  It feels good to have orbs saved again.

Wish you luck

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