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Eh I knew I shouldn't because of upcoming FEH channel announcements and the legendary banner but I got slightly baited and spent 4 orbs even though my plan was only to do a free summon. Even though 2 of the 3 focus units were in the last Hero Fest. (More B!Ikes are always welcome and I never had Nephenee)

got Frederick at least who is useful fodder. And Bonfire fodder.

Let's hope we get free orbs announcements

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Eh I knew I shouldn't because of upcoming FEH channel announcements and the legendary banner but I got slightly baited and spent 4 orbs even though my plan was only to do a free summon. Even though 2 of the 3 focus units were in the last Hero Fest. (More B!Ikes are always welcome and I never had Nephenee)

My set was extremely tempting with four greens and one blue. I could always use more Steady Breath, and Wrath is very strong as well. It took some willpower for me to stop with the free three-star Frederick.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My set was extremely tempting with four greens and one blue. I could always use more Steady Breath, and Wrath is very strong as well. It took some willpower for me to stop with the free three-star Frederick.

Wow. Good on you for resisting!

Let's hope you are rewarded with Thracia characters!

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wow. Good on you for resisting!

Let's hope you are rewarded with Thracia characters!

Sometimes I almost wish to know what was hidden in the stones you skipped.

Let’s hope everyone gets what they want. And let’s hope we’ll get new additions to the three-four-star pool.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Sometimes I almost wish to know what was hidden in the stones you skipped.

Let’s hope everyone gets what they want. And let’s hope we’ll get new additions to the three-four-star pool.

Yeah even if I did miss out at least getting closure would be nice.

Maybe you can turn it on or off in settings or something

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Sometimes I almost wish to know what was hidden in the stones you skipped.

Let’s hope everyone gets what they want. And let’s hope we’ll get new additions to the three-four-star pool.

The game could troll you by showing a 5 star focus unit in one of your unopened stones. It will probably do it once it thinks you are snipping.

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I'm set with steady breaths, have no use for flashing blade and still not quite sure how to fully abuse wrath outside of regnal astra (and I don't have Ayra)or combining it with desperation on OG Lyn, so I won't bother trying to roll on this banner.

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I just realized we surpassed Fates' forum in terms of posts not too long ago. Heroes got 191,134 posts and Fates got 189,619 posts.

Assuming a game's sales roughly correlates to the amount of posts a forum has, Heroes grossed $300 million as of February, 2018 (Forbes). Fates sold 1.97 million copies (VGChartz), and assuming every copy that was bought also lead to the player buying the other routes and all DLC ($105.95=39.99+19.99+19.99+17.99+7.99), Fates ideally grossed about $208,721,500.00 (1.97m*$105.95), but is probably much lower. That means the Heroes forum would not be slowing down until at least around 300,000 posts were made, easily overtaking the General forum in size, at least until Heroes dies and the General forum can slowly catch up.

If the assumption of correlation between sales and forum posts is correct, it will be cool to be able to estimate how much money the game developers make if we calculate the increase in forum posts between the start of the announcement trailer for a focus (Or should we only count posts when the focus starts?) and when the focus ends.

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17 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Welp, now I’m hopelessly hyped.

Now I’m really looking forward to that 3–4★ injection I myself have imagined. Don’t raise your expectations, me! This is stupid! It will only lead to disappointment!

I feel you. I let myself get this much expectation for the anniversary, so I'm making myself expect it not to happen so I can't be as disappointed as I was back then >.<

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I've been wondering about this and someone probably asked about this before, but could Jedah work as an armor mage in Heroes? It would mainly be so that we could have someone fill in as another armor mage other than part two FE4 Arvis and seasonal, CYL, legendary heroes, Heroes originals, etc. units. The other thing is that cantors don't move much or at all from what I remember playing SoV, so Jedah being an armor mage, a unit with 1 movement, could reference cantors not being mobile or actively mobile.

Otherwise, Jedah would probably end up being another slow, bulky red infantry mage like Henry, Lyon, and Sophia. Granted, winter Tharja is also a slow, bulky mage, but she would not have access to a legendary/personal tome Jedah could have and there would be a bit more room for Jedah to have a more different stat spread than if he were an infantry mage since Henry covers high defense and HP at the cost of low attack, Lyon leans more towards resistance for what's that's worth when you consider Sophia's stat spread, and Sophia has mixed defenses. I guess he could be the Boey of the group where he has high defense like Henry, but more average to high attack than him and possibly lower resistance which isn't that compelling.


Edited by Kaden
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Took a shot at hopefully grabbing Kagero so I don't have to worry about getting her later (since I've given up on S!Camilla at this point.) No luck.

In other news, I have enough Serras to +9 her now.

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49 minutes ago, Kaden said:

I've been wondering about this and someone probably asked about this before, but could Jedah work as an armor mage in Heroes? It would mainly be so that we could have someone fill in as another armor mage other than part two FE4 Arvis and seasonal, CYL, legendary heroes, Heroes originals, etc. units. The other thing is that cantors don't move much or at all from what I remember playing SoV, so Jedah being an armor mage, a unit with 1 movement, could reference cantors not being mobile or actively mobile.


There are a couple Cantors that move, but you are correct that the majority don't. His official artwork doesn't show him as being particularly armored.



Though he does in the first battle with him have a massively tanky Dracoshield (which is best obtained via Celica Ragnarok crit).

Jedah would need Duma's Gift as his Special, a personal one that negates all damage dealt by a hit with a cooldown of 3. The cooldown cannot be accelerated by any means whatsoever.

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Anyone try Water Sanctuary yet?

Holy fuck that Legion is insane. Apparently the boosts add up to +27 merge equivalent. What the actual fuck.

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1 minute ago, Dayni said:

Anyone try Water Sanctuary yet?

Holy fuck that Legion is insane. Apparently the boosts add up to +27 merge equivalent. What the actual fuck.

It took my Marth, Micaiah, and Faye focus-firing at him to bring him down. 

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Been doing chain challenges. Got about 12 orbs. With the new banner chapter orbs (15 + 5 from quests) I'm guaranteed to reach 500 orbs

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38 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Anyone try Water Sanctuary yet?

Holy fuck that Legion is insane. Apparently the boosts add up to +27 merge equivalent. What the actual fuck.

Glass cannon but the glass is actually diamond.

Danced Bridelia got rid of him, but geez, wonder how far they'll go considering this is meant to be an ongoing mode. Granted, this is the first Infernal difficulty one, but I can't remember if the three Lunatic ones got progressively harder or whether they were all the same. At the rate of one a month though, by the end of the year we'll have nine Infernal difficulty maps for each element ...if they don't ramp it up even further.

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"Brain damage" difficulty when?

Took me 5 tries. After the third I realized you could use Fjorm

Edited by silveraura25
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That water sanctuary battle ended up being a little tricky. My normal water team is just Fjorm, Raigh, Nino, and Jaffar. But I ended up switching out Fjorm for Nephenee because I needed someone bulkier to handle Athena. 

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I've been levelling up my Mia. Her voice is giving me brain damage. Had to turn off the sound, which I also did for Tailtiu. So far the two voices I flat out don't want to listen to.

Also found out I've been levelling my +HP -Def Roy instead of my +Atk -Def one, so the brain damage probably already happened. Fortunately only up to level 28 so far and it was mainly just an excuse to do the VG flag quests anyway but still. (I'm levelling one so I have one ready to promote if the Binding Blade refine is any good)

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It took me blessing several different units. In the end, I used axebreaker Sanaki to get rid of Legion, repositioned her with Henry, since Lyon and M!Robin have received other blessings, he took down Clarisse with help from Sanaki's attack boost, then I used a combo of Shiro and Innes to take down Katrina, and finally let Athena suicide herself on Shiro. Took several attempts to get it right. My mistake was trying to use someone physical against Legion.

Edited by Cute Chao
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8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

"Brain damage" difficulty when?

Took me 5 tries. After the third I realized you could use Fjorm

I used Fjorm to catapult Faye into the range of both Clarisse and Katarina. She crippled Clarisse and defeated Katarina. Then Marth, Micaiah, and Faye teamed up to subdue Legion. Then Fjorm did her best against Clarisse. Then Micaiah softed up Athena for Fjorm. Teamwork! ?

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58 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Anyone try Water Sanctuary yet?

Holy fuck that Legion is insane. Apparently the boosts add up to +27 merge equivalent. What the actual fuck.

I remember I hated this map back doing CCs. Now, I just had fliers(Cordelia and Camilla) ambush over the mountains and Ayra safely dealt with Legion after the others were taken out. Fjorm watched from the corner.

I might not fair as well for the other elements if they get too much harder than a map like this, since while I have a good collection of units, I'm not sure I can keep each element covered for everything if stats bloat a lot. Water has the benefit of my merged arena units, so it's the safest.

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Worth noting that the enemies approach you on this map and don't need to be baited.

My team was Olivia, Fjorm, Nino, Bridelia. Just passed the first turn, Bridelia blasted down Legion with dance then got repositioned out north, Olivia pulled back south. Fjorm tanks Clarisse no problem (could have gotten the kill if I remembered to equip her customary QR seal). Then just execute everyone else with OP Brave Bow as per usual.

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