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@Anacybele If it means anything, I'm actually sorting it all out in a spreadsheet. I literally have never made a spreadsheet before, and this is baffling why I'm going so far, also I will have to make one for my own unit roster once I'm done with yours.

I also don't mind having 100+ units at 5* since I usually tend to like the units I give all the power to (except Reinhardt), but I still feel bad that of all the units I own, I only ever use about a fifth of them.

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25 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Because F!Robin has by default Gronnwolf, so you would need to spend 20000 feathers in giving her gronnraven+, and M!Robin has blarraven+ by default

Oh, okay.

23 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

@Anacybele If it means anything, I'm actually sorting it all out in a spreadsheet. I literally have never made a spreadsheet before, and this is baffling why I'm going so far, also I will have to make one for my own unit roster once I'm done with yours.

I also don't mind having 100+ units at 5* since I usually tend to like the units I give all the power to (except Reinhardt), but I still feel bad that of all the units I own, I only ever use about a fifth of them.

Oh, that's an idea. I could've just done that myself, you know, but since you're already in the middle of it, well, okay. xP

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I just quickly skimmed your list, @Anacybele, but if you're still searching for help, I could detail my strategy to beat this GHB on Infernal.
I used a red distant counter unit to tank the green mage and the red cav (both the Black Knight and L!Ike should work), a dancer (ideally with an attack boost), someone who could quickly kill Saias (in my case Klein, but any brave unit with similar offenses should work) and anybody with enough HP to panic ploy the mage (needs 50/48/45 HP depending on your upgrade level of Panic Ploy). If a setup like this sound like something you'd be willing to use, I can go on.

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2 minutes ago, Sias said:

I just quickly skimmed your list, @Anacybele, but if you're still searching for help, I could detail my strategy to beat this GHB on Infernal.
I used a red distant counter unit to tank the green mage and the red cav (both the Black Knight and L!Ike should work), a dancer (ideally with an attack boost), someone who could quickly kill Saias (in my case Klein, but any brave unit with similar offenses should work) and anybody with enough HP to panic ploy the mage (needs 50/48/45 HP depending on your upgrade level of Panic Ploy). If a setup like this sound like something you'd be willing to use, I can go on.

I guess. I actually did clear it on lunatic, just not infernal (though I haven't tried infernal yet). I'm taking a break for now, but I'll see later.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I guess. I actually did clear it on lunatic, just not infernal (though I haven't tried infernal yet). I'm taking a break for now, but I'll see later.

Congrats! Persistence can go a long way.

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3 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

@Anacybele Well I hope it makes sense why some names are darker/lighter shades of their respective color.

Here's the spreadsheet.

I'm guessing to divide the units between physical, mage, dragon, bow, healer, and dagger. Since that's what it looks like.

3 minutes ago, Othin said:

Congrats! Persistence can go a long way.

Yeah, sure can.

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5 minutes ago, Sias said:

I just quickly skimmed your list, @Anacybele, but if you're still searching for help, I could detail my strategy to beat this GHB on Infernal.
I used a red distant counter unit to tank the green mage and the red cav (both the Black Knight and L!Ike should work), a dancer (ideally with an attack boost), someone who could quickly kill Saias (in my case Klein, but any brave unit with similar offenses should work) and anybody with enough HP to panic ploy the mage (needs 50/48/45 HP depending on your upgrade level of Panic Ploy). If a setup like this sound like something you'd be willing to use, I can go on.

I think I read somewhere @Anacybele‘s Frederick had 60 HP so he can use the level 1 Panic Ploy skill.

also neutral Fjorm with a vanilla skill set survives Infernal saias with 2 HP and also leaves Saias with red health. Perfect for Frederick to finish off with his native Wings of Mercy.

or if you give Fjorm Quick Riposte seal that works too.

but yeah Klein or a Brave Bow archer works well especially to delete the annoying guidance flier.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

I think I read somewhere @Anacybele‘s Frederick had 60 HP so he can use the level 1 Panic Ploy skill.

also neutral Fjorm with a vanilla skill set survives Infernal saias with 2 HP and also leaves Saias with red health. Perfect for Frederick to finish off with his native Wings of Mercy.

or if you give Fjorm Quick Riposte seal that works too.

but yeah Klein or a Brave Bow archer works well especially to delete the annoying guidance flier.

He has 60 when I use him with horse Ephraim due to fire blessing. Otherwise, he has 57. But yeah. My Frederick doesn't use WoM though, he uses QR.

I see.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

He has 60 when I use him with horse Ephraim due to fire blessing. Otherwise, he has 57. But yeah. My Frederick doesn't use WoM though, he uses QR.

I see.

Ah right.

well that means Panic Ploy needs to be upgraded.

i think for this map you can use WoM. Maybe even Hammer for the annoying Wary fighter armour, then just equip it back as a suggestion.

either way good luck and hope you find a solution :)

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@Anacybele the separate colors works for the time being, but I'm also now downloading the icons for each weapon type so I can fix that up later.

It was a quick fix that stopped me from having 4 different sheets for each movement type, I'll fix your spreadsheet later.

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Ah right.

well that means Panic Ploy needs to be upgraded.

i think for this map you can use WoM. Maybe even Hammer for the annoying Wary fighter armour, then just equip it back as a suggestion.

either way good luck and hope you find a solution :)

Okay, though I'm not sure I have enough resources to upgrade it all the way.

Thanks. :)

2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

@Anacybele the separate colors works for the time being, but I'm also now downloading the icons for each weapon type so I can fix that up later.

It was a quick fix that stopped me from having 4 different sheets for each movement type, I'll fix your spreadsheet later.

Wow, thanks. I didn't expect anyone to do something like this for me, but I totally appreciate it.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I guess. I actually did clear it on lunatic, just not infernal (though I haven't tried infernal yet). I'm taking a break for now, but I'll see later.

Okay, so I'm going to describe what I did during my first time clear with the Black Knight (red DC tank), Inigo (dancer), Klein (Saias killer) and Hector (Panic Ploy user). You can replace any of them with someone filling the same role though.

  • On the first turn, position Hector south of the green mage to defuse the Blade tome. Move the Black Knight upwards and into the tree (it also helps with chipping if you equip the QR seal). Klein should move next to Inigo to get the attack buff, and nobody wants to stand directly south of Saias unless you particularly enjoy getting hit by 3 debuffs at once.
  • During enemy phase, the mage offs himself on the Black Knight while the sword cav gets wounded pretty badly.
  • As a result of that you can kill the cav with Klein, then move the Black Knight left and Hector south out of Saias' range.
  • The enemies will just move around a bit, though this part may vary depending on the specific units you use.
  • The goal of the third turn is to kill Saias and ideally the sword wyvern as well (depending on movement). Klein goes two tiles to his right and shoots the wyvern, gets danced and then finishes Saias off. Unless your Klein is +Atk like mine, he shouldn't have enough damage for that normally, but Glacies or whatever you have on him should proc and do the job if he has fought the wyvern beforehand (or just use a +Atk seal, Spur/Drive Atk on your Panic Ployer etc). If your enemies move differently and Saias splits away from the wyvern, target just Saias instead and dance Klein to safety. Also remember to leave noone vulnerable in range of the enemy archer (the Black Knight does just fine though).
  • Anyways, the archer will attack, get wounded and can be killed on your following turn. Afterwards it's just a matter of chipping the knight down with Klein + dance support. The others can possibly help as well.
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2 minutes ago, Sias said:

Okay, so I'm going to describe what I did during my first time clear with the Black Knight (red DC tank), Inigo (dancer), Klein (Saias killer) and Hector (Panic Ploy user). You can replace any of them with someone filling the same role though.

  • On the first turn, position Hector south of the green mage to defuse the Blade tome. Move the Black Knight upwards and into the tree (it also helps with chipping if you equip the QR seal). Klein should move next to Inigo to get the attack buff, and nobody wants to stand directly south of Saias unless you particularly enjoy getting hit by 3 debuffs at once.
  • During enemy phase, the mage offs himself on the Black Knight while the sword cav gets wounded pretty badly.
  • As a result of that you can kill the cav with Klein, then move the Black Knight left and Hector south out of Saias' range.
  • The enemies will just move around a bit, though this part may vary depending on the specific units you use.
  • The goal of the third turn is to kill Saias and ideally the sword wyvern as well (depending on movement). Klein goes two tiles to his right and shoots the wyvern, gets danced and then finishes Saias off. Unless your Klein is +Atk like mine, he shouldn't have enough damage for that normally, but Glacies or whatever you have on him should proc and do the job if he has fought the wyvern beforehand (or just use a +Atk seal, Spur/Drive Atk on your Panic Ployer etc). If your enemies move differently and Saias splits away from the wyvern, target just Saias instead and dance Klein to safety. Also remember to leave noone vulnerable in range of the enemy archer (the Black Knight does just fine though).
  • Anyways, the archer will attack, get wounded and can be killed on your following turn. Afterwards it's just a matter of chipping the knight down with Klein + dance support. The others can possibly help as well.

I see. I don't have Hector though. He's the only DC axe, so are you sure he can be replaced?

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I love spreadsheets. I'm not very good at them, but listing all my units is so much fun. I have the units IVs, the types of units and their HM amount, to see how much it changes from month to month (the last one was pretty recent). 

It's a good idea to have them all listed if you do keep each unit you pull, or end up with a large amount of 5*'s. 

For Saias, I used a strategy I found online with BK, Fjorm, L!Ike (with QR2) and Wrys. I can try to find it again on YT, if you'd like. Oddly, it only worked if I gave Fjorm Drive Defence 1 instead of 2. 

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I see. I don't have Hector though. He's the only DC axe, so are you sure he can be replaced?

Hector literally saw zero action during that fight. Like I wrote, the only thing mattering about him was that his HP were high enough to use Panic Ploy.

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1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

Vanilla Reinhardt + Vantage

Vanilla Reinhardt already has Vantage.

Did you by chance mean Death Blow?



6 minutes ago, Sias said:

Like I wrote, the only thing mattering about him was that his HP were high enough to use Panic Ploy.

I was reading this and it felt weird, and I don't know if it was intentional, but it just made me realize that "HP" is technically plural in this sentence.

So weird.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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5 minutes ago, Sias said:

Hector literally saw zero action during that fight. Like I wrote, the only thing mattering about him was that his HP were high enough to use Panic Ploy.

Oh, okay then.

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16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Vanilla Reinhardt already has Vantage.

Did you by chance mean Death Blow?



I was reading this and it felt weird, and I don't know if it was intentional, but it just made me realize that "HP" is technically plural in this sentence.

So weird.

I actually wrote "was" at first because it does sound right, but changed it while re-reading the sentence. Grammar is strange like that sometimes.

11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, okay then.

If you still have questions or something doesn't work, just write, I'll be around for a while.

Edited by Sias
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Too lazy to go to the GHB thread so I'll just post my clear here on Saias Infernal.

Team was Sigurd (useless), Reinhardt, Cordelia (Firesweep Lance+) and Airzura.

Turn 1 - Team forms an L left of the forest tile: Rein up, Sigurd down of Rein, Azura south of bush and Cordelia next to Azura.

Turn 2 - Rein deletes the swd cav, Azura dances, Cordelia Repositions her, Rein Draws Cordelia Back and Sigurd Draws Azura Back (to spread buffs: Hone Cav/Flier). Enemies approach by group.

Turn 3 - Cordelia one rounds the green mage and Hit and Runs (landing on the forest), and Rein draws her back again. Next turn the rest of the enemies approach again, knight pivotting left and Saias sticking to him, archer next to saias and wyvern sits next to the pond diagonal of archer.

Turn 4 - Rein deletes knight, is danced and deletes archer right where knight was, Cordelia deletes Saias and retreats. Wyvern moves near cordeZura.

Turn 5 - Cordelia rips wyvern.

It was incredibly easy thanks to Cordelia but I'm positive this can be replicated with Elincia and a 2/3CD special in order to delete Saias with a Hone Flier buff.

Admittedly, Camus Infernal was harder and I managed to clear it with Rhajat and anti cavalry refinement. However, Sigurd had to tank him with double CD.

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Anyone planning on just using Saias for fodder? Normally I’d be intrigued with his unique weapon and such but I already have sooooooooooo many blue mages and Speed Ploy is just so useful and locked to Deirdre who I’d be hesitant to fodder off. It’s kinda a shame because should he have appeared around this time last year I would made him a mainstay in a heartbeat. I was hurting for blue mages back then.

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21 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Anyone planning on just using Saias for fodder? Normally I’d be intrigued with his unique weapon and such but I already have sooooooooooo many blue mages and Speed Ploy is just so useful and locked to Deirdre who I’d be hesitant to fodder off. It’s kinda a shame because should he have appeared around this time last year I would made him a mainstay in a heartbeat. I was hurting for blue mages back then.

I'm going to keep at least one of him around but I did just do this.


The remaining spare will probably be fed to Felicia at some point.

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